5:51pm Mar 21 2011
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Jake's tail swayed behind him as he closed his locker spinning around accidently bumping into anouther student. "Watch it!" the other neko snapped glaring at Jake. This didn't please the neko and in fact he growled, eyes narrowing. "Excuse me?" Jake asked with a huff. "I didn't do anything. I was going to apologize but I don't think I am now" he growled shoving the kid back before walking past him. "Hey!" The student snapped grabbing Jake's shoulder spinning him around. The siamese Neko growled loudly before balling his fist and actually punching the other student. "Don't....touch me" he snapped ears pulling against his skull. He watched the student stumble away stunned before disapearing down the hall with his groupies. This caused Jake to huff watching as they disapeared in the onlooking crowd.
5:57pm Mar 21 2011
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Seth saw the last part of the exchange between Jake and the other student who he knew to be called Ryan. He moved forward a little faster now, eyes wide as Ryan stumbled away down the hall and his group of equally stunned friends followed after him in concern for their friend. Seth reached for Jake's hand with both of his, "Jake...? What just happened?" He asked, looking over the other male quickly. He wasn't bleeding... "Are you ok?" He asked, worried. He perkec his ears and curling his tail up behind him as he waited for a reply.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:05pm Mar 21 2011
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Jake's eyes focused on Seth before smliing bringing his free hand up to Seth's cheek. "Hey babe" he smiled like nothing had ever just happened. "Huh? Yeah i'm fine. It was nothing. I bumped into him he wanted to start something and I finished it." Jake shrugged slightly. "But seriously i'm fine and happy now that your here." With that he leaned forward kissing his new found boyfriend for a moment before pulling away. "What do you wanna do? We have a few minutes before clas.ses and quite frankly that's not enough time with him" He smiled bringing his tail up and wrapping it around Seth's leg.
6:19pm Mar 21 2011
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Seth was about to say something else to him, that he could get into trouble for starting fights around here and even if he didnt start it he could get into serious trouble. Expulsion even. Then what would Seth come to school for? To learn? But Jake's lips silenced him before he could get the first word out of his mouth and he just automatically kissed him back. The simple kiss left him breathless and lightheaded, but he managed to stay focused. "I don't want to go to first period..." He admitted with a pout to his boyfriend. There were a few students around them already moving to go to their own first perios clas.ses of the day. Seth wrapped his arms around Jake's middle, locking his fingers together behind Jake's back lightly. "Let's skip." He offered, hopeing that Jake would agree and not get upset that Seth wanted him to skip clas.s with him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:02pm Mar 21 2011
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Jake listned to his boyfriend before chuckling. "So, the over acheiver want's to skip" He asked grinnin before kissing Seth's head. "Sure babe... We can do it. In fact...there's a welding clas.sroom I found the other day that's empty first period" He smiled actually spinning Seth around and pulling away from him.
"Come on..." he grinned grabbing his hand and menuvering through the crowd. "Gotta go early before we are caught" He smiled back at Seth.
( Fail )
9:29pm Mar 21 2011
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Andrew got to school soon after that, only a few minutes before the bell would ring and mark him as tardy, which he didn't want. So he went straight to his first period clas.s and sat down, surprised to find that Seth wasn't in his usual seat beside him. He'd been here everyday since he started coming here... He shrugged and put his bag down, he must be sick today... - Seth smiled up at Jake, excited to be skipping clas.s for the first time because honestly he'd never done it before. He'd always been too afraid of getting caught, but now that Jake was going to be with him it made it even better. He turned and moved through the crowd with the other neko, holding his hand as they went so he wouldn't be lost and so that he could keep up even with his heels. Heels were a bit harder to move around in in the first place, they ere a whole different story when you're running in them. "'Kay!" he responded. (No I Fail xD)
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:46pm Mar 21 2011
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Jake grinned actually moving through the crowd before stopping at a closed door. He sort of spun around pulling Seth into a loving embrace leaning against the door. "We're going to make this look normal and smooth instead of just disapearing inside it" He whispered to his boyfriend wrapping one arm around his waist and using his free hand to pull behind him slipping open the door so there was enough room that both of them cna slip ino it. He leaned forward kissing his boyfriend lovingly letting his tail slip into the room as he slowly pulled Seth through the crack of the door but not breaking the kiss as he backed into the room pulling his boyfriend with him.
10:19pm Mar 21 2011
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Seth smiled up at Jake, his eyes focusing on his bi colored eyes. He chuckled a little, feeling his hands on his waist, "You just want another reason to kiss me..." He teased, knowing that that might have a small part in what they were doing but thet it wasn't the entire purpose. He kissed Jake back, reaching to close the door behind them quietly once the both of them were completely inside. He had no idea which clas.sroom they inside really, he didn't have Welding clas.ses in this school. He didn't even know the were offered, those were usually Collee clas.ses weren't they? He moved farther into the clas.sroom with Jake, connected at the lips, letting Jake lead him where ever he wanted to.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:29pm Mar 21 2011 (last edited on 10:41pm Mar 21 2011)
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Jake continued to pull Seth back until his lower back connected with something hard causing him to mumble within the kiss. "Hmph!" The pain caused Jake to pull away and glance behind him at the desk that was pressing into his back. "Ouch" He chuckled releasing Seth looking around. It was rather dark in there. He glanced around noticing four walls and three skylights which was letting in most of the sun rays that were out. He could only imagine what it would be like in here at summer. Odd, shouldn't school's have windows in every room not sky lights? "So...we're free now what?" He asked actually hopping up to sit on the table behind him. He brought his right hand up stroking Seth's cheek while messing with a few strands of his hair.
11:00pm Mar 21 2011
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Seth looked up when Jake made that noise and pulled away, also looking at the table. At first he was worried that Jake was seriously hurt but smiled when he realized he was fine. "Sorry.." He apologized for him. He also looked around the dim room a little. The lights were off, leaving the room darker than usual but well lit because of the sky lights. It looked a little intimidating actually, all the big machines in here. "I don't know." Seth responded, "I've never skipped before. I was kinda hoping you would have some ideas." he admitted with a smile. he loved the way Jake touched his face, it made him feel like he was the only other person there. Though at this point he was, but still. It made him feel special. He moved closer to him, stepping between his legs and wrapping his tail around one of them.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:16pm Mar 21 2011
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"Oh? I have to come up with the ideas?" He chuckled shaking his head allowing a few strands of hair to fall in his face. "Hmm. Well..." Jake muttered glancing around before smirking. "It's pretty dark in here. No windows, no students, no prying eyes...." He spoke shifting his hand under Seth's chin and lifting it slightly. "So it's just me and you. All alone in a quiet place" He smiled kissing Seth. His eye automatically closed trying to deepen the kiss. He moved his hands down to pull at Seth's shirt a little bit finding that with him on the table and Seth inbetween his legs it was sorta difficult to do what he wanted to. It wasn't easy to strip the boys shirt when there were so many things keeping it on.
11:53pm Mar 21 2011
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Seth perked his ears, figuring that he knew exactly what Jake was getting at. He also glanced around the darkened room even though he knew that what Jake was saying was true. There was no one in this room nor would there before for another hours or so. Depending on what time it was. But he was still anxious, he didn't think he'd be doing this kind of thing in school in an empty clas.sroom. But he trusted Jake and moved forward anyways, also closeing his eyes. He helped Jake by moving so that he could lift the shirt from him easily and he discarded it to the floor beside the table. He then kissed Jake again, having to stop to pull the shirt over his head.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:15am Mar 22 2011
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Jake purred slightly when Seth's shirt was removed but forced himself to pull away. "Hold up" He spoke actually slipping off the table and wrapping his arms around his boyfriends waist. He managed to spin Seth around so he was gently against the table before he began kissing him again. Being on the table was sort of difficult when you were controling the outcome of things. His hands found their way to Seth's smooth, warm skin as he continued to kiss. His right hand slipped over muscles on his stomach. Purr's continued to escape him as his hands explored the other's body taking mental notes and pictures. He wanted to know every part of Seth's body. He wanted to memorize it, study it. He loved to know his boyfriend's aspects and weaknesses. Little known to him, thick grey smoke began slipping under the door. Jake was way to occupied to notice or even smell the smoke as it began to fill the room slowly.
1:09am Mar 22 2011
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A teacher came in through the door, holding it wide open and coughing for a moment, smoke coming in behind him. "Please remain calm but theres a fire here in the school building. Please exit the building in an orderly fashion!" He teacher said quickly and the ran off to another clas.sroom to tell them. Whispers and murmurs traveled around the room like a fire of its own and fear showed on both the students faces and the teachers as everyone stood up and made their way wuickly to the back of the room toward the door and out into the hall so that they could get out of the school. Andrew stood as well but waited for everyone to go ahead of him, he didn't feel like being trampled on the way out ofthe school. He bent and picked up his back pack. You're not supposed to bring anything with you in case of a fire but f*** that, Andrew was bring his things no matter what anyone said. Once the last student was past him and got into the line that was going out of the school and then made his way to the nearest exit in the school. He wondered if anyone had been hurt or hadn't made it out of the school yet. He checked his phone, no messages or anything like that. So he sighed and put it away, he wasn't even sure why he had a phone. - Seth stepped back and let Jake have room to jump down off of the table, disappointed that they had to stop kissing. That thought faded when he was lifted, it surprised him for his feet to leave the ground. His back met the table and he knew what Jake had meant about 'ouch' earlier, the table was sharp and it cut into his back. He made a small noise into the new kiss, not meaning to but really unable to hold it back. He was doing the same thing as Jake, memorizing him, but on a much smaller scale. If he thought that those small kisses he got out in the hall way were wonderful and overwhelming he might just lose his head. He was nervous and excited all at the same time. This would be his first time and he never though that his first time was going to be in a empty welding clas.s because no one was in there for first period. His heart pounded in his chest and in his ears until he was sure that Jake could hear it as well, or at least feel it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:29am Mar 22 2011
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Jake was happy where he was as he extended the kiss. His hands pulling at Seth's pant's slightly before something made him stop and pull away. His lungs began to burn and it wasn't because of Seth. The strong smell of smoke hit him just then as he pulled away alarmed and spun instinctivly towards the door. "Oh no" He spoke, his ears flattening against his head as he rushed to the door. Wthou thinking he placed his hand on the door knob and pulled it open quickly only to choke himself in waves of smoke and bright orange flames. A yelp came from Jake as he pulled his hand away from the metal door knob. Cursing under his breath he kicked the door shut with a slam before turning towards Seth coughing. "Seth...chairs...up" He said in between coughs trying to catch his breath back that was stolen from the smoke. Growling slightly he moved forward quicking and stood under one of the sky lights. Luckily it could be opened and that's exactly what he was going to try to accomplish. There was no way he was going to stay in this room to be roasted with his boyfriend. "We need to get to that" He said pointing to the glas.s on the ceiling. He felt his heart drop slightly as he glanced towards the door watching even mroe smoke slip under the door and over it into their room.

2:05am Mar 22 2011 (last edited on 2:08am Mar 22 2011)
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Andrew had made it out into the hall quickly, whether he was the last one out of his clas.sroom or not, and had traveled all the way down the hall and out into the gras.s outside. Where he was standing he could look up and see into Eric's clas.sroom window. And he could also see the fire as he grew wild and out of control. He watched, wide eyed, ears perked, and amazed as the school slowly went up in flames. every student wished that their school would burst into flames and burn down at some point in their life, Andrew had even wished for this to happen before but actually watching it happen in front of you was a different thing. To hear windows bursting insdie and the raor of the fire where you were standing only minutes before all of this happened. - Seth could smell the smoke now too, so this time he did not protest when Jake ran to the door and away from him. he watched as Jake flung the door open and stard at the fire outside. They were trapped. He gasped silently to himself, his tail curling around his legs and his ears lattening against his head. He bent and picked up his shirt and put it back on quickly. The smoke pooled into the room before Jake could close the door once again and Seth inhaled it all. He coughed violently, backing up a little to try and get away but backed into the table one more. He nodded to Jake, slinging his bag over his shoulder securely off of the floor and out of the way. He coughed some more, he wasn't very good when it came to breathing in smoke. When he was younger he had had asthma, but he hadn't carried an inhaler for years. His eyes tears up and he coughed some more. He looked up at the skylight, they needed to moved the table too. He gripped the edge of the table and pulled hard to move it, it screeched in protest of being moved but it did with much effort put forth by Seth. He wasn't built for heavy lifting either. And then he went for a chair as Jake had instructed. He was scared out of his mind and was having a hard time breathing. Plus the room was getting hot. The fire alarm finally went off and it rang loudly in his ears. He cursed at the thing, it should have gone off earlier and he and Jake would be outside and safe instead of trapped in this room.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:29am Mar 22 2011 (last edited on 2:31am Mar 22 2011)
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Jake watched as Seth pushed the table under the skylight. He actually took the chair out of Seth's hands stacking it on the table before jumping ontop of both table and climbed onto the chair. He pressed his hands against the skylight pushing slightly noticing it locked. Growling slightly he stripped off his shirt and wrapping it waround his wrist. Smoke filled his lungs as it began to pool near the ceiling. He tried to hold his breath as he punched the single pane glas.s watching a very hair fracture crack to form. "Damn it!" The siamese snarled turnig his face away as he punched it again listening to it shatter and peices to fall in his hair and to the table beneith him. "Seth....Come. I can lift you out without hitting the edges" He called down to his boyfriend holding out his hand before discarding his glas.s covered shirt to the side. "Come on Seth!" He snapped beginning to go into a coughing fit. There was no way in hell he'd become a fireman for a job later in life. He coudln't do this on a regular basis although they normally wear masks. Seth nor Jake had masks to protect their lungs from this smoke.

2:51am Mar 22 2011
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Seth let go of the chair, coughing some more and glancing over at the door as Jake climbed up. He could see an obinous glow coming out from underneath it, orange licking underneath it. Soon the door would be up in flames as well and they would have no more protection. That would be it. He looked up at Jake banging on the glas.s in time for him to break it. Seth shielded himself from falling pieces, covered his face and head and looking down as the pieces fell around him and to the floor to shatter. He straightened up, hearing his name. But he wasn't sure he wanted to go through the window, he was afraid of heights, surely there was another way? Come on Seth! He moved and reached up to take Jake's hand and pull himself onto the table and up.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:03am Mar 22 2011
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Jake firmly gripped Seth's hand pulling him up carefully before glancing up at missing window the smoke was pouring out. "I'm going to need you to climb out onto the roof when I lift you up. Avoid the edges please. Do not cut yourself!" He spoke firmly before placing his hands on Seth's hips. "I don't care if you have to step on my head to get out, I want you to do so. Your not going to hurt me" He shook his head taking a deep breath but only seeming to go into anouther coughing fit. He held his breath and actually lifted Seth up through the window. He struggled slightly though not because Seth was heavy but because his lungs burned which only caused him more trouble.
3:10am Mar 22 2011
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Seth frowned, he was leaving Jake here while he escaped. How was he going to be able to get out? Seth knew that he wasn't going to be able to grab him and lift him out of the room like he was sure someone like Andrew could do. He didn't have time to think about this anymore as he started to cough some more and then jake lifted him to push him out of the window. He reached up when he was lifted, jumped off of the table to try and help Jake lift him. His fingers connected with the ceiling and he reach father until he had a really good grip. He used whatever muscle he had to pull himself up. He refused to step on Jake's head to get out and instand he swung his legs a little to give him something to work with to pull himself out. He eventually got it, and was out of the room and in the fresh air on top of the school building. He took deep and greedy breaths of the wonderful air before he turned back to see if he could help Jake out.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~