3:12am Mar 22 2011
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(Is Morty on? >_<")
Isn't this fun?
3:13am Mar 22 2011
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(Ooops. >_<' Sorry...)
Isn't this fun?
3:25am Mar 22 2011
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Jake gave a sigh or releif once Seth was out of room and safely onto the roof. His eyes glanced back at the door watching as flames engulfed int pooling into the room. His eyes grew with fear as he stood on his tip toes grabbing the edges of the skylight with his hands causing him to hiss in pain as glas.s cut into them. He ignored the pain, bringing his foot up to step on teh back of the chair to give himself more leverage. With the inch or two more hight he gripped onto the singles of the roof and pulled himself up despite his now shaking arms. It was one thing to lift a friend out of harms way but when your lifting your own body weight? That was a little difficult, especially since he hadn't worked out in a while. He wasn't as strong as his other clas.smates. Growling slightly, Jakes tail slashed wildly behind him as he pulled his upper body out of the window. Hisses escaped him as the glas.s cut thin liines into his chest before he was able to lace his knee on the edge climbing out of the room fully and onto the roof. "Seth...." he breathed deeply happy to have clean air go into his body for once. "We have to jump" He breathed standing up on the shingles and taking his boyfriends hand. "The room's on fire and if we don't get off this roof we'll be in flames too" He spoke, worry and panic clear in his voice. His tail was already fluffed up and his eyes were about as wide as saucers. He felt the cold air hit something on his chest which alerted him slightly causing his ears to perk forward and look down noticing thin blood streaks snaking down his skin. Well wasn't that just great. The siamese neko forced his gaze up to his boyfriend as he sighed moving him away from the window towards the edge of the roof. His hands stung, his chest now hurt but all he was worried about was fleeing the school building. Burnin alive was not in his big book of pleasant ways to die.

3:38am Mar 22 2011
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Seth held his breath all the while that Jake was lifting himself out of the room. He heard his noises of pain and hissed with him without even realizing he had been doing so. But he finally did pull himself slowly out of the room and onto the roof beside him. Relief flooded over him as he watched the fire come into the room where they had just been. Jake had made it out with no time to spare. He perked when Jake mentioned jumping. Jumping from where? The roof? to the ground? "Jake I can't!" He nearly yelled, his face showed how terrified he was of the idea. And he could see the panic on Jake's face as well but he just couldn't jump off of a building. He couldn't do it, it just wasn't in him. "I can't, I'm... terrified of heights Jake..." He pleaded, he coughed some more. the smoke was still in his lungs and there was some streaing out of the broken sky light window. Their joined hands felt odd, and Seth looked down to see the blood from Jake's hand from where he had cut himself on the glas.s pulling himself up and out of the room a few moments before. "You're hurt.." He stated, eyes wide and wondering if it was serious. They moved closer to the edge and Seth could see students gathered around outside now spotting them and looking and pointing at them on top of the roof. - Andrew looked when someone from somewhere beside him said something about someone being on the roof of the burning school building. His mind was numb as he watched it go. he actually like the school, he'd come here of his own choice to get away from his older one and now it was slowly fading. Did that mean he was going to have to go back to his old school? He spotted two students up on the roof and he nearly fell over. It was Seth and Jake! How the hell had they gotten up there? He thought that Seth wasn't here today! Whyt hadn't he been in clas.s today? he glared at the other figure, Jake.... "Seth!!" He called, putting his hands to his mouth.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:46am Mar 22 2011
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Jake's breathing shallowed as he turned and actually took Seth's chin with his free hand making sure his boyfreind was looking at him. "Seth...We have to jump. I'm right here" He promised tightening his grip on teh boy's hand. "You see this bond? Right here?" he asked ligting up their joined hands to show him. "I'm not letting go. I'll jump next to you, with you" He promised wincing slightly but pushing the pain behind him. "I'm fine babe. Mere scratches" He spoke trying to calm the other down. He didn't need Seth having a panic attack as the roof engufled into flames. He needed his boy to be a little bit calmer and have faith in him or they were never getting off teh burning building's roof. "Look...The fire!" Jake pointed to teh open skylight and the flames snaking and tearing at the edge of teh broken glas.s frame. "That will come out here...spread if we don't get off of here. I promise I won't let go of you" He spoke his ears pinning against his head trying to talk Seth into jumping with him. He was scared, yes, but wasn't about to leave Seth up here all alone to die.

4:28pm Mar 22 2011
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Seth looked back at Jake, his hand on his chin, focusing on his beautiful bi-colored eyes. He could hear the shouts of the people below them, they were calling out to them telling them to jump. And he could hear the roar of the fire and the sound of glas.s shattering from within the building. He gripped Jake hand a little tighter, looking over the edge of the building at the ground so far away. He moved away from the edge quckly, feeling as if he may fall and took a deep and calming breath. "You can't let go..." He stated, knowing that Jake wouldn't but he had to say it anyway. He hesitated a second too long and the fire exploded behind them, becoming a powerful persuation to get Seth to jump. He whimpered, looking at the edge before he backed up, taking Jake with him. They needed to jump off not fall off the edge. He stopped before he got too close to the fire. He didn't allow himself any time to think it over, knowing that he would just change his mind again and put them both into even more danger. He moved toward the edge quickly, Jake moving with him, this gave him a little more courage as he pushed off of the building and there was no longer anything beneath him. (fail)
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:49pm Mar 22 2011
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Jake kept his deal and continued to hold his hand as they both took a running jump off the side of the roof. The only sound that seemed to process through Jake's ears were the sounds of his own heart beat. He was scared to death at the moment. He'd jumped off buildings before, hell it was a daily thing. Although this wasn't just jumping off a bilding. This was jumping off a building that was on fire! It was a totally different thing than his normal activity. Jake watched as the ground neared them. He took a deep breath hitting the ground, actually landing on his feet but Seth's weight pulled him over forwrd and caused him to fall flat on his face. His bloody palm singing into the gras.s and dirt causing seering pain as he tried to catch himself. "Umph" He grumbled. Low groans came from him as his body ached from the impact.
12:24am Mar 23 2011 (last edited on 12:46am Mar 23 2011)
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Seth also watched the ground get closer, and for the loife of him and for being as scared as he was, he couldn't maneuver his arms or close his eyes so he couln't see the ground coming at him. He flailed slightly, his body trying to run through the air. When he finally did hit the ground, he hit it wrong, his ankle folding underneath him painfully until he heard a nery audile 'crack' and his world quickly went from a scary, slow motion movie to very quick paced and painful one. He cried out suddenly when the pain of whatever had just happened his him hit him full on, like he'd just been hit by a car. After the fall and the break he rolled a little, the momentum from jumping off of the building had been pretty impressive. But once he was completely stopped he burst into a writhing, groaning heap of pain. His whole face screwed up and he couldn't see!. wAll he could see was white and black dots everywhere and he couldn't stop making noises for the life of him. If he wasn't in sp much pain he would have been embarras.sed. He whimpered, hearing people around him no ut unable to focus on any of the voices, none of them able to make the pain go away so they didn't interest him in the slightest. He was crying at this point, he had never been good with pain, ever. And breaing a bone was probably one of the single most painful things that could happen to you that wasn't indefinately fatal to your life.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:07am Mar 23 2011
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Jake noticed the absence of his boyfriend's hand and heard what he couldn't comprehend at first. All he could hear was ringing but screams made their way trhough that ringing and Jake's heart dropped immediatly. He knew the voice behind those aweful noises. "Seth?" He asked shaking his head trying to rid of the buzzing. He pushed himself up and turned to see his boyfriend withered up in pain.
"Oh crap" He frowned immediatly getting to his boyfriends side. "Seth! I am soo sorry!" He frowned placing his hands on his shoulder looking down at his leg wincing slightly at the odd angle of his ankle. "Dang it! Dang it! Can we get an abulance?!" He called out looking around but slightly protested as a teacher pulled Jake away from Seth. "Stop!" He protested trying to get back to Seth's side.
1:32am Mar 23 2011
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Seth touched whoever's hand was on his shoulder with his own, digging his nails into whoever it was. he was pretty sure it was Jake. "Jake...." He sobbed quietly, wanting the pain to go away. He coughed some more, having inhaled too much smoke and the movement from coughing only made the pain in his leg that much worse. He held on to Jake's wrist until he was pulled away from him and he returned to holding his leg. this didn't help much at all but he didn't know what else to do but grip at the source of pain in hopes of smothering it away. - Andrew pushed his way through the crowd around Seth. He didn't care about these people anymore, ever since they attacked him when he came back to school earlier this week. So they're cried of protests as the were shoved aside meant nothing to him. And any teacher that stepped into his way was going to get knocked out, he especially didn't want to deal with another teachers . "Seth." he growled, hitting the ground close to his head and placing his hand on either side of Seth's head to keep his slightly still. "Seth." He repeated until Seth opened his green ors and looked up at him, his eyes glazed in pain. "Don't move." he commanded and Seth managed a nod and another small sob. "Theres an ambulance coming. Focus on me." He said, looking intently at the boy in his hands. Seth nodded again, unable to do much more than that. He wanted Jake, wherever he was, but Andrew was a huge comfort too.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:48am Mar 23 2011
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Jake protested in the teacher's arm but seemed to sink when he watched Andrew land beside his boyfriend's head noticing him working on calming the pink neko. He was doing more than he could. His ears drooped forward slighlty as he sort of went limp in the teacher's arms only seeming to piss the teacher off. "Kid!" he snapped seeming to drop Jake to the ground. With this advantage he crawled back and gripped Seth's arm. "Seth....I'm so sorry! They'll take care of you I promise" He frowned wanting to put his hand on Seth's cheek but Andrew was keeping his head still. "Breath Seth and focus on something else...." he took a deep breath not sure how to help his boyfriend. Andrew seemed to know what to do more than he did.
2:19am Mar 23 2011
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Seth held Jake's arm,wanting him to be closer but felt like Andrew knew what he was doing and wasn't making him nervous like Jake was. He didn't know what was wrong with him, his whole process seemed to be mess up. He cried some more, closeing his eyes again and gripped Jake's arm more. Andrew didn't know if Seth had some sort of head injury or what but he didn't want Seth to stop crying as much as that may seem a little off. And he didn't want Jake anywhere near him anymore. He had never liked him from the start, after he pushed Seth down on stage he was put onto Andrew's 'list'. "Make sure he doesn't fall asleep or loose consciousness..." he growled to Jake. He was pretty sure that he could hear the ambulance in the background but that could be his mind playing tricks on him. Hearing what he wanted to hear.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:59am Mar 23 2011
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Jake's ears perked forward listening to Andrew's words before nodding lightly. "O-okay" He spoke focusing on Seth and placing his hand over the boy's that was on his arm. "Hey babe...You know. I think i'll treat you to dinner. What do you say?" He asked smiling lightly trying to distract his boyfriend and get him to talk. "You think you'd want to go out with me?" He asked rubbing Seth's hand. He felt horrible for this but they had lived. The school was burnign down behind them and they were safely on the ground, dispite cuts and broken bones. They were alive and that was all that mattered. "My father owns this place up town. I could take you there. Free of charge and we could get anything we want...." He spoke bringing his hand up to wipe away his boyfriend's tears. "Seth...Please look at me."
3:39am Mar 23 2011
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Andrew sighed inwardly. Listening to these two talking about dates wasn't really what he wanted to know about or was interested in at all. But if it help Seth focus and not pas.s out then it was fine. A random teacher made his way to the front of the crowd around them and tried to take over. "Back off..." Andrew growled, "Where were you two minutes ago?" He asked, he didn't have this teacher so he didn't know the guy's name. "Get lost!" He barked at him. The teacher looked utterly shocked that Andrew had even dared to think to speak to him that way. And he obviously didn't know a response so he moved away from the three teens. Andrew growled and turned his attention to Seth. He had no earthly idea what he was doing or how to do this properly and found himself wishing that Eric was here. He seemed to know what he was doing all the time. He might have called him to ask him what to do but he'd pissed him off so badly this morning he wouldn't be surprised if Eric ignored his call. He rolled his eyes, what was he doing thinking about his literature teacher when Seth was broken? - Seth couldn't help but give a very small chuckle through the pain and the tears. "Yes..." He responded to thinking he would want to go out with Jake. Though he chuckled the response it still sounded painful. He sniffed, but his tears wouldn't go away the pain was so awful. At least he could see now, more than white with black dots. He opened his eyes and gazed down at Jake, Andrew was holding his head to he didn't even try to move it to get a better view. The sight of Jake brought more tears and they rolled down the sides of his face. He didn't know what to say and just looked at Jake like he had asked him to. "You ok.....?" He asked finally.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:04am Mar 23 2011
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Jake's ears flopped forward at Seth's words before smiling lightly. "Hey...a little blood won't kill me. There mere scratches" He shook his head not wanting to alert Seth. In fact there was one wound on his chest that had been bleeding ths whole time but he didn't pay any mind to it. Nor had he remembered he was shirtless until he happened to look down to actually check and see if he was okay. "How about when we do go out. We have ourselves a nice steak and seafood dinner? Just the two of us. I bet father would let me have the place to myself if I just asked him. It may require a little bit of bribing but I think I could do it. Whatya say? That sond good?" He asked wipping away more tears from Seth's cheeks. "What's up with the tears babe?" He asked leaning forward actually kissing Seth's forhead before the loud siren pulled into parking lot and paramedics came out pulling Jake away from Seth and one placing their hand on Andrew's shoulder. "We can take him now" The guy said motioning his hand for the others to bring a streacher to place Seth on seeing he was in no condition to move.

4:17am Mar 23 2011
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Seth watched Jake talk, listened to him the best he could, but mostly watched. He really didn't care whether he was shirtless or not, not right now at least. If he had been in the right mind set he would have been fawning over his bare skin. "It hurts..." He whimpered a response before Jake was taken away, making Seth freak out a little. He heard the ambulance but it didn't quite reach him through the hazy pain filling his brain that they were here for Jake and him. Andrew looked up at the guy that had he hand on his should and flicked his tail. This guy he would let take control over Seth. He was a professional, not an amateur trying to look big in front of his students and co-workers. He let go of Seth's head, "You'll be ok now..." He told Seth before he moved so that they could get Seth onto the ambulance and to the hospital. "I'm going with them." He told one of the ambulance members. He turned to look at the school, what was left of it anyway, and at the fire truck that had arrived at some point and was spraying the building, putting the fire out. He then turned to go to the ambulance truck.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:57am Mar 23 2011
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Jake frowned watching the people move Seth onto a streacher and take him to the back of the ambulance. He looked at the paramedic that had his hands on him before sighing. "Just take me with him!" He spoke pointing to the streacher Seth was on. "Okay...lets get you looked at" The paramedic frowned pulling Jake to the back of the ambulance as well and motioned for him to get in. He did as he was told but kept a watchful eye on Seth. "Hey Seth...I'm not going anywhere" He smiled to his boyfriend reaching over gripping his arm gently. "Though I will need your hand for a moment" The paramedic said causing Jake to frown and look back at him. "It can wait" He spoke allowing the man to begin to wrap his chest with bandages. "These are temporary until we can get you in a not as bumby enviroment" The male spoke before glancing at Andrew. "Get in kid so we can get these two to the hospital" He spoke firmly working on Jake's hand as his other as.sistant tried to do keep Seth's arm still so he could inject a morphine shot to kill the boy's pain long enough for them to figure out what was exactly wrong and calm him down.

4:39pm Mar 23 2011
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Seth had a breathing mask put onto him once he was loaded onto the truck, full of pure oxygen to help his breathing. The air on his nose and lips were cool, but it was easy to breath and made Seth able to relax a little more though it was slightly awkward on his face. And he was soon joined by Jake as he climbed into the ambulance to sit beside him and keep him compan on the scary ride to the hospital. He turned his head to look at Jake, it being free now that Andrew wasn't restircting movement and nodded since he couldn't answer him through his air mask. Andrew growled, laying back his ears at the word 'kid' but climbed in anyway and sat on the other side opposite of Jake. Seth spotted the needle and murmred something inaudible through the mask, not wanting it anywhere near him. He tried to take his arm but the guy had a good grip on him. "Hold still." Andrew told him, "that'll make you stop hurting." seth hated needles, he hated doctors and hospitals, all of it made him nervous but he did as he was told and held still to take the shot. He turned to face Jake but closed his eyes, not wanting to watch.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:51pm Mar 23 2011
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Jake rubbed his arm slighlty before singing and pulling his hand back. He allowed the paramedic to bandage his hands before taking one of them back to gently touch Seth's right cheek with his finger tips. "Hey....Seth. Let me see those pretty eyes" He spoke, his tail curling around him as his ears fell against his head. "You'll be okay. The doctors will take you away breifly to fix you up and fix me up then we'll go out. We both need to be fixed first though. If you want....i'm sure my parent's wouldn't mind you staying over tonight if you want. That way we have a place to crash instead of running around all night" He spoke stroking his cheek gently.
5:08pm Mar 23 2011
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Seth opened his eyes to look at Jake, a frown on his face. He didn't understand why all of this way happening. Earlier had been perfect and he had almost went akk the way with Jake and probably would have if the fire hadn't interrupted them. But now he was sitting in the back if an ambulance truck with a face mask and being stuck with needles. He had not plannd any of this stuff hen he got up this mornin to get ready for school. Andrew laid back his ears listening to Jake. "He's not going to spend the night with you, Jake." he spoke for Seth. "He's in no where near good condition to be doing anything other than resting from now until he's healed." Andrew said stubbornly, sounding like Seth's parent rather than his friend. Since when did the immature, but-head of a teen Andrew turn into everyone's parent? When he didn't even have his own to scold him. First reed calls him Eric's and now he felt like Seth's.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~