5:35pm Mar 23 2011
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Jake looked up at Andrew before frowning. "I wasn't suggesting anything, Andrew" he seemed to snap. "And personally it's none of your buisness what he and I do but if you must know. Yes he does have to rest but you can't just make him sit on a couch for months until he heals" He sighed his tail now flopping beside him out of annoyance. "If you cared for him would you stick him on a couch and not let him live until he healed?" He asked. His hand dropped from Seth's chee as his full attention was on Andrew. Who did he think he was? He wasn't a fan of this kid ever since he started dating Seth. He'd been ruining everything he was trying to do. Did he honestly think he was going to hurt Seth on purpose?
7:10pm Mar 23 2011 (last edited on 7:31pm Mar 23 2011)
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Andrew glared at the neko across from him, ears perked. "I do care about him." He responded, "And I never said anything about him sitting on a counch until he healed. You did." He responded. "What I'm saying is that he shouldn't be around you until he heals." He returned with a growl, his eyes throwing daggers. He was completely serious, his jaw set and eyes hard as he looked at Seth. "You've been with him three days you've pushed him down, busted his lip, and now he's sitting in the back of an ambulance being rushed to the hospital with an oxygen mask over his face and a broken leg." Andrew sneered angrily. "If you hadn't been with him today he would have gotten out of the school today just fine." "Why do you stop now while he's still breathing?" He asked, "No amount of flowers can bring anyone back. No amount of 'Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill you....' will ever.... ever bring him back." Andrew swallowed, sadness nearly choking him all of a sudden but he quickly killed the emotion and continued. "So don't you dare... talk to me about him as if I'm the one that isn't good for him." His own tail was flicking back and forth behind him. He serioudly hated Jake right now. - Seth hadn't got a chance to answer Jake before Andrew had answered for him. He would have loved to go and meet jake's parents and spend the night with him. He glanced at Andrew's way and then at jake as he took his hand back. The two of them figting above him without him being able to stop them made his feel helpless. The way that Andrew was talking to Jake and looking at him made his scared to be sitting inbetween the, and wondered if Andrew was going to hurt jake. But he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in his chest for Andrew and his lose. He had been so close with Aiden, they were almost attached at the hip and it was as if Aiden had only just died a few moments ago if you heard him speak. He felt the need prick his arm and he squeaked a little. that hurt! And he hadn't even had a warning! He glared down at the person that had given him the shot and then over at Jake again. That shot was working fast and he already few a little bit better and was getting even better as the seconds pas.sed.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:48pm Mar 23 2011
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"Excuse me?" Jake hissed his tail bristling up behind him. "I busted his lip? Who's ball was thrown focefully at my head?!?!" He snapped balling his fist. "You have been a pain in my as.s ever since I started dating him! Your jelous butt needs to get a grip and get laid or something. Your so stuck up and just being a real jerk" He snapped his tail whipping behind him. "I hope you get laid so whoever can pull that bug out of your as.s so you can be more fun to be around. Your just.....Urgh!" He huffed not knowing how to explain the idiot. "You know what...if you want Seth, take him. You date him, you make him feel special. You treat him like a royal but I doubt you even could. I care of for him and I saved both of us today. Yeah if this whole thin was just a fling I would have let him burn to death but I didn't. You should be greatful your ONLY friend in the whole world is sitting right in front of you. Sure he may be broken but he's alive!" he barked only to have the physician sitting next to him place a hand on his chest. Jake glanced down noticing he was on the edge of his seat and simply slid back to press his back against the wall of the truck glaring at Andrew daring him to begin yelling again. "Your doing nothing but harm to Seth if you take him away from me. Just because I love him and your jealous doesn't mean you can jump down my throat. I don't even think you know what love is...yet alone you ever being with anyone. You really should be commited for all your issues" He sighed clenching and unclenching his fist beside him.

8:26pm Mar 23 2011 (last edited on 8:36pm Mar 23 2011)
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Andrew's eyes widened and he perked his ears at Jake, Seth had been all but forgotten between the two of them. He was quiet and drugged up now as they started to check him over for whatever had cause him so much pain when they had arrived at the scene at the school. Andrew smirked, trying to hold it back but couldn't, and finally chuckled softly. "Get laid?" He asked, "If that all you can come up with? How old are you? Sixteen?" He chuckled again. Once he was done, he shook his head at the stupidity that had tumbled from Jake's mouth. "I don't know who you think you are, or what you think you are. But let me tell you this, virgin." He responded, flicked his ear. "One? Getting 'laid'... doesn't make you a better person and it doesn't make you 'more fun'." He stated. "Second? I'm not jealous of what you think you have with Seth. I couldn't care about it any less than I do. You think you love him? Cool. Break a leg..." He paused, letting that one sink in purposefully. He was so pissed at this jerk he could barely stand it. "And third.... *censored* wipe." he growled. "I dont care about love anymore. It's never done anything for me and it never will. I hate the word, almost as much as I hate you." He was mad again, previous laughter gone from his system.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:53pm Mar 23 2011
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Jake's eyes narrowed at Andrew before shrugging. "Fine....have him. He's yours" He spoke simply shrugging. He sighed in releif as the ambulance stopped. They had arrived at the hospital. Finially he could get away from Andrew and away from Seth. If he wanted him, he could have his only friend. Sure it would hurt but he could give Seth and Andrew the tim that they needed or well wanted. He watched the doors open from the back and actually climbed out on his own without a word and glanced at one of the nurses before snapping at her. "Fix me!" he growled following her into the hospital allowing the other group to take care of Seth. All he needed was bandaged or stitched then he'd be out of that hospital and on his way home. Seth needed more attention than he did and he was just happy to see he was getting most of it. He followed the nurse to a random table and sat on it allowing her to take off the bandages and disapeared down the hall to get things needed to fix him up.
9:15pm Mar 23 2011
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Seth's eyes widened at Jake's words and watched him gett up and lave once the ambulance stopped and the doors opened. He didn't want him to leave him! And he couldn't call out to him either because of the stupid mask that was strapped to his face and the drugs in his system that probably wouldn't let his body function right anyway. Seth was pulled out of the back of the ambulance and rolled along on his rolling emergency bed. He didn't see where Jake had gone and he wanted to take the stpid mask off so he could find him. But Andrew was there..... at least he wasn't by himself. He didn't know what happened to you when you were going to get a cast on.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:47pm Mar 23 2011
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Jake sat there stairing down at the ground before noticing the nurse comming back with a needle, what looked like thread and goz packages causing him to freak out slightly. "What are you doing?" He asked curiously. "You need stitches in your chest but luckily your palms arnt' that bad" The nurse spoke wipping away some blood causing him to wince. "Oww" he complained watching her pick up a needle causing him to close his eyes and feeling her insert it into his chest. He made a loud groan before opening his eyes looking down and catching the needle insert into his chest to put the sutures in. Oh god did that hurt. "I hate glas.s" He growled to himself listening to the nurse chuckle. "It's not your fault you were sliced open" the nurse shrugged stitching him up. "Now you know you can't get this wet right? Not for about a week then come back in and i'll put some bandages on them to keep them dry and after about a few more weeks you can come get them out" She smiled continuing to work. "Great...I get battle wounds" he huffed pulling his ears back agains this skull and curling his tail.

10:10pm Mar 23 2011
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Later, after lots of exrays and pain killers, the doctors decided that Aeth had fracktured his fibia in three different areas and his ankle had swollen to three times its natural size. They'd had to put it under ice fore a long time to bring down the swelling so that they could make a mold and all that needs to be done fore a break. seth hadn't feling any pain, luckily, since they had given him the shot back in the ambulence. That pain was the single more horrible thing that he could have ever had through. And now that Seth had his new cast he had time to try and get a little bit of a hang of it before he left the hospital. He'd been given a pair of crutches so that he could walk without putting too much pressure onto it He wasn't suppose. "Damn!" He barked, aggrivated to no end by the crutches and the cast on his foot. "Where are my shoes?" He asked, the cold hard tile floor beneath his feet were cold.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:27pm Mar 23 2011
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Jake growled as the nurse pulled at the skin cutting any access suitures from the end before smiling contently to herself. "Ahhh. There we go" She grinned stepping away from him and noticing his glare. "Opps. Sorry. The shot shoulda kicked in like 10 stitches ago" She frowned only for Jake to jump off the table. "Can I go?" he asked. "Sure sure. Just don't get them wet" She spoke motioning to the door. He sighed and walked out of the room. His ears perked forward hearing a familar voice of Seth call out to a random person where his shoes were. He sighed turning towards the voice noticing Seth come into view as he turned the corner. He was leaning on crutches with a cast on the leg he had been holding back when he jumped. He immediatly felt his heart drop but there was ntohing he really could do to help him. "Seth...." He called out softly not bothering to move forward. He just stood there awaiting his boyfriend to spot or hear him.
12:10am Mar 24 2011
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Seth look up, hearinf his name but unsre if he did or not seeing as it had been so soft. He spotted Jake and perked his ears at him happily, glad to see him. He'd left him back at the ambulance with thise words spoken between him and Andrew as if he hadn't even been sitting there. He hobbled over to Jake awkwardly, nearly falling when he messed up with one of his crutches. "The doctors says that I need crutches for a few days so I dont put too much wait on my leg.." He informed Jake, figuring he'd want to know since he hadn't been there. "But I'll be able to go without crutches soon." He added, hapy about that. He didn't want to carry crutches around everywhere he went. "Are you ok?" He asked, he hadn't heard what the doctors said about Jaake either. "Nothing serious right?" He ased, a little worried.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:59am Mar 24 2011
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"If it were anything worrysome I wouldn't be standing here with you Seth" Jake spoke reaching forward placing his hand on his cheek. "Just a few stitches in my chest and well mummified hands but other than that i'm good" He spoke glancing down at his cast feeling horrible. "We shouldn't have skipped and i'm sorry for putting you in that situation. Andrew though..." Jake's ears fell against his skull as he staired down at the ground. "He hates me and that's clear. I've done nothing but hurt you so maybe you should be with your best friend. He will probably struggle taking care of you but he can do it i'm sure" he sighed dropping his hand from Seth's cheek.
4:20pm Mar 24 2011
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Seth frowned, his ears perking up on the top of his pink head. "Wait, what're you saying?" He asked, not understanding any of this. What was Jake saying to him all of the sudden? Did he want to break up with him? They'd only been going out for a few days! He wasn't that bad of a person to be around was he? "It was my idea," Seth responded, "And you didn't give me this broken leg." He told him, taking a few more steps closer to Jake so that he could touch his chest, the absence of his hand on his cheek hurt. The crutches under his arm made him feel awkward but he didn't care, he wanted to be closer. "Are you... breaking up with me?" He asked sadly, looking up at Jake and laying his ears back sadly.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:47pm Mar 24 2011
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Jake frowned and brought his hand up to place on Seth's that was resting on his chest. "No..." He replied shaking his head. "I'm not breaking up with you" He explained sighing. What was he trying to say here? "I love you Seth, I really do! Although...Andrew. He hates me and that's clear. Obviously i'm a bad influence on you and all I seem to do is hurt you. I want to be with you but if he's going to keep jumping down my throat he's going to make this difficult for me and you" he frowned shaking his head slightly. "I don't want to just walk away and leave you. I love you and I want to be with you but I can't have Andrew screwing up my dates or plans. I didn't plan on taking advantage of you tonight at my place like he thinks. I was seriously goin to take care of you the way you should be when hurt because I do feel bad you were hurt" He frowned dropping his hand from Seths'.
5:17pm Mar 24 2011
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Seth frowned, Jake not wanting to break up with him was a good thing but the fact that he wasn't going to stay here with him was a bad thing. "Then..." He paused, taking his own hand back seeing as he didn't want to hold it anymore. "Take me with you." He asked, not wanting him to leave. "If you really love me then don't leave me..." He stated. He loved Andrew too, but not the way that he loved Jake. And he knew that Andrew was only looking out for him but he could look after himself. He had been doing that for a while now and just because he had a cast on didn't mean he was sudden;y stupid on how to care for himself. "Andrews always like this..." Not this severe. "He's a crabby person..." He tried to explain, wishing that Jake knew what he was going through and wondering if that would help Jake get over the things that Andrew said in the ambulance.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:36pm Mar 24 2011
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Jake's ears perked a litle bit causing him to focus on Seth for a few seconds. "You wanna walk or do you want me to carry you?" He asked curiously his tail curling behind him. He didn't want to leave Seth behind because he did care for him. "My dad's sending our helper over with the car to take me home. You can tag along if you want...That way you'd meet him if he hasn't left and my mom if she's even home" he explained perking his ears slightly glancing over at a random nurse walking away. ( Fail cause I dono what to say. lol )
10:46pm Mar 24 2011
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"You dont have to carry me." Seth responded, happy that jake didn't want to leave him there anymore. "i'd... really like to meet your parents." He told him, "I'd have you meet mine but they're kinda... far away from here." He told him. "I think they'd like you." He added. His parents are completely ok with him being gay. And so openly as well. his father hadn't hugged him and congradulated him for 'coming out' but he didn't cast him away either. They were still very close it was just sometimes awkward. Seth figured that no father really wanted a girl for a son, but they best they could do was accept them an at least try to meet them half way. His father had even bought him a Gucci purse once. It was fake alligator pattern leather, and pink. That was the only time his father had done somthing like that but Seth had been so excited about it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:10pm Mar 24 2011
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"Okay then come on hobble-long" Jake joked his ears perking forward and allowing his tail to sway playfully behind him. "Our helper should be here by now" He smiled beginning to walk towards the door but spun around walking backwards so he could watch Seth follow him towards the door. "My parent's are sorta.....work related. So they are sorta up tight. I'm sure they'll like you too" He smiled warmly tilting his head a little bit. His parents wer ealways the working type. The ones that spend half of their time on their jobs and the other half with eachother but seeming to forget their son. Jake was okay with it most of the time. He had everything he could ever want being alone but was a little worried about this meeting. Him and his father didn't quite see eye to eye and it showed sometimes. He just hoped that he'd be level headed enough to listen this time.
11:52pm Mar 24 2011
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Seth smiled, a bit of a blush on his face as he tried to follow Jake quickly and failed horribly. Crutches looked easy to walk with but they weren't. But Seth has determined, wanting to be able to walk in them on his own without someone trying to help him. Because if he let others help him then he was going to be in troubl when there was no one ot help him the next time. Then what? "Hey, don't go so fast!" He said with a smile though Jake wasn't really going all that fast at all. It was just straining to go any faster than 'hobble' in crutches.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:07am Mar 25 2011
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Jake frowned shaking his head lightly before stopping and turning his back to Seth. "Come on, Climb on. I'll take you outta here" He smiled, his tail floping behind him. "Unless you wanna go bridal style then i'm cool with that" he chuckled as one ear flopped forward slightly. He wanted to have fun and honestly Seth was slow. He was sort of eager to show him hsi house even though he never showed anyone his house. He lived on the up side of town where the hosues were nice and large even if only two people lived within them. He was supposed to go to a prep school but he fresued and wanted to come to a public place so he talked his parents into sending him down here for school
12:07am Mar 25 2011 (last edited on 12:11am Mar 25 2011)
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Double post. >.<