1:02am Mar 25 2011
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Seth sighed, not knowing how he was going to do this, but hobbled up to Jake and moved his crutches out of his way so that he could climb onto Jake's back. Of course the two of them attracted some attention but Seth didn't notice, preoccupied with keeping his balance. "You know, I should really b getting used to m crutches instead of being carried around..." he told Jake once he had a secure grip around Jake shoulders, careful not to choke his with his arms. Plus he was afraid of falling again, his leg wasn't hurting now but ould it if he fell again? Probably. And he didn't want to take that chance.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:11am Mar 25 2011
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"I'll make you walk up my stairs and walk around my house. Right now you and I just need to go jump into a car" He chuckled wrapping his arms gently around Seth's legs holding him up before walking towards the door. He didn't care for the stairing people. This was his boyfriend and if they had a problem with it they could go jump off a cliff. "Maybe when we're at my place I'll show you waht the nurses did. My battle wounds" He chuckled softly his ears pulling back as he walked out of the front door to the hospital and glanced around for their red convertable. "Hmmm. I lied. He's not here" he pouted not really wanting to put Seth down so he just held him.
1:21am Mar 25 2011
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"Am I to heavy?" Seth asked, feeling uncomfortable about Jake carrying him if he was too heavy for him. He remembered that Jake was hurt to and stiffened, "What about your hands? Aren't they cut up? He asked. He didn't know what the driver of the car that they were riding in looked like so he couldn't help Jake watch for it so he simply laid his head down on Jake's shoulder. He was tired. Everything that had happened to him today seemed to weigh heavily on his shoulders all of a sudden and those drugs that he had been given were beginning to wear off and were giving him a headache. He sighed quietl and kissede Jake's cheek for no reason. Simply because he could reach it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:31am Mar 25 2011
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"No your not heavy at all, Seth. In fact I think I should treat you to steak becaue you need some meat on yoru bones" He chuckled lightly letting his tail drag the ground glancing around for the car. He sighed in reguards to his hands. "Bleh, they are fine. They'll heal. A little pain wont' keep this kitty from his boyfriend" he smiled warmly closing his eyes breifly for the little peck on the cheek. "That's not fair. I can't kiss you back from this angle" He spoke before noticing the car pull up in front of them. "Ah...he's late" he muttered perking up and carrying Seth to the car before gently setting him down and openin the door for him. "Climb aboard" He grinned kissing him real quickly before he could climb in the car or protest. The driver scoffed a little bit before looking throuth the front seats at Jake. "Who's your....friend?" He asked curiously. "Boyfriend...but the parents don't know so keep quite. We're to meet them today. Are they at home?" Jake asked the driver who nodded. "Mother's takign a spa day in the back of the house and your father is in his office like normal. They arn't too worried about you" The driver spoke causing Jake to growl. "Of course not. Kid goest to get stitches and they dont' come running" He shrugged turning his full attention back to seth.

2:21am Mar 25 2011
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Seth smiled at Jake, eyes lighting up at his small kiss but quickly stopped once he heard the noise that he knew all too well to be one of disapproval. He swallowed and cleared his throat quietly while jake had his small conversation. He usually didn't care if anyone didn't like him for who he was or what he did, but this had to do with Jake. His driver, his parents, his house. If they didn't like him he might not be able to be with Jake confortably, if at all, or Jake could get into trouble he knew. He turned to Jake, "Maybe they didn't know?" He told him, not wanting him to be upset. That could effect how things turned out from this point on. "I'm sure my parents dont know and that why they han't taken the plane down here." He said with a small smile. His parents tended to over react with it came down to their pansy son.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:27am Mar 25 2011
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"Hmm? No they knew. The hospital called them which is why they sent old kurt here to pick me up" Jake explained looking over at his driver once more before sighing. "It's fine. What big deal is 15 stitches?" He asked huffing allowing his ears to drop against his skull. "I know it all to well, Seth so really. It isn't a big deal" he shrugged slipping into the car and patting the seat next to him. "My parent' swill be fine. No worries. I just don't want you gettng too ruffled up if their decision isn't quite as we want it to be" He spoke. He brought his tail up curling it around himself tightly. why did this feel so wrong? Sure his father and him talked about the gay factor but it was mroe of a one sided conversaton and that side was hsi father's. It's turned a few heads but for once maybe his father would listen. Maybe he'd act like a civilized man around their house guest even if he was jakes' boyfriend.
2:57am Mar 25 2011
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Seth frowned sadly at Jake, sorry for him that his parents or parent didn't treat him the way that his own parents treated him. He wanted to tell Jake some excuse for his parents and he hadn't even met them yet. And he knew that Jake knew them far better than he would. He ducked into the dar and pulled the door shut behind him, scooting closer to Jake for both comfort and emotional support before he met his parents. And all he could do was hope that they could tolerate them being together. He put his head against Jake's shoulder again, and curled his tail into his lap. He windered how long this ride would be and he sigheed once more, getting comfortable against his boyfriend.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:09am Mar 25 2011
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Jake smiled warmly laying his own head against Seths and watched as Kurt drove off and away from the hospital. He sighed and closed his eye listening to his own brathing. He was annoyed slightly as the slightest movment sent a small pain shock through his chest. Stupid stitches. It didn't take long for the car to pull into a long drive way leading up to a large home. Jake glanced out at it before actually sitting up straight, curling his arm with Seths'. "We're here" He spoke stairing at the white house that matched similar to the other equaly large homes within the neighborhood. He hated it here but had no choice but to live here. It was his home for now. He listened as the engine tunred off and kurt walked around opening their door for them.
3:33am Mar 25 2011
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Seth looked out of the window as they drove past dozens of big white houses that all looked just a like to one another, hardly a difference there if there was on at all. He sighed, it didn't look anthing like the houses did in Cali, all of them were different and their sizes and colors ranged and contrasted to one another. And they were farther apart. But this place was pretty he had to admit, though it did make him feel a little trapped. Once they pulled up in front pf the white houses and looked up a Jake, a nervous yes determined and excited smile on his face. he perked his ears, he wanted to get this over with qiuickly, drawing this out would only make it harder or they would have to do it over again later. "Ready?" He asked, letting Jake lead him into the house.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:39am Mar 25 2011 (last edited on 3:40am Mar 25 2011)
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"Ready as i'll ever be" Jake noded leading Seth into his home before sighing and slipping off his shoes at the door. A habit he always did whether he knew it or not. He glanced around the hall and glanced at the room off to teh right which was the living room. "Umm. In here" He spoke leading Seth into the living room before motionin to the couch. "There you go, Seth. A comfortable spot to wait" He sighed turnign around and focusing on a door with a light comming out from under it. That was his father's office, and at the moment that was who exactly he needed to talk to. WIth a deep breath Jake released Seth's arm motioning for him to stay and knocked ont ehoffice door hearing a faint call from inside. he took a deep breath opening the door and stepping inside. "I'm home father and I brought a friend" he smiled lightly ony to hear his father grumble slightly. "oh really?" he asked perking his ears. "Yes father...." He replied taking a deep breath. "He's sorta...my boyfriend" Jake spoke watching his father tense up and glare up at him. "Jake! We had a discussion about this. You are not gay. It's a fad your goign through!" He snapped placing his hands on teh desk ready to jump up and strangle him at any moment.

4:10am Mar 25 2011
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Seth looked around a little at what he could as Jake led him through th house. he noticed jake take his shoes off and would have done the same if he had been wearing any. He had a sock on and the other foot was covered in a cast and he suddenly hoped that it wouldn't mess up the flooring in their house. jake led him to the living room and told him to wait here for him to go and tell his parents that he was here. Seth did just that, sitting down slowly with his hands folded delicately in his lap and his tail curling up and over his legs. he looked around a little, at paintins and the wall paper and furntiure. Everything pulled together to create a very appealing look in the room. He jumped when he hear what he could only as.sume would be Jake's father's voice coming from up the stairs. He laid his ears back, hearing what he said. He lost all of his previous confidence and hoped that he wouldn't have to meet that man. He closed his eyes, trying to calm his racing heart.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:53am Mar 25 2011
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Jake sighed and all he could do was shake his head. "Father I was hopping we could have civilized conversation about--" "Civilized? What I'm saying isn't civilized enough for you? Did they have fairies back in the day of kings? No! It's a fad and if you think your going to ruin your mother's chances of grandkids I will murder you!" He growled standing up. "Then murder me! Because i'm not hanging and neither is my boyfriend so just deal with it!" Jake snapped spinning aroung to leave but his father lept up and grabbed his arm. "Jake you listen to me and you listen good. You are not gay...." He spoke looking directly into Jake's eyes who huffed out of anger. "Father, you listen to me. I love Seth. He is my boyfriend and I hope for more one day. You can't change me or heal me like I have some disease" Jake frowned pulling away from his father and making his way out of the man's office. He quickly hurried back to Seth before comming in with a soft smile, all previous signs of anger lost. "Lets go to my room. I don't think my mom is in and my dad's busy with work and what not" He nodded holding out his hand for Seth.

5:45pm Mar 25 2011
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Seth litsened to the arugement, trying not to let it get to him or bother him in any way, shape, or form. Or at least not bother him more than it was already. Jake said that he loved him and only after two days. Seth had never told anyone that he'd loved them before. Except for his parents but that was a different kind of love. He looked up from his thoughts as Jake came back into the living room for him. He lowered his ears, having heard everything that he and his father had quickly argued about. And Seth had to admit... he couldn't gove Jake's mom... or his own mom for that matter, grandchildren. His anatomy wouldn't llow such a thing. He reached and took Jake's hand anyway and took up. "Ok..." He responded, pretending that he hadn't heard a thing. "Maybe later..." He seemed to mumble. He doubted that would happen either but he didn't want Jake to know he'd over hear the arguement. He lt Jake lead, seeing as he knew where his bedroom was.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:28pm Mar 25 2011
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Jake smiled warmly leading Seth to the stairs before glancing up them. He spun around and quickly sweeped Seth of his feet, bridal style, and began going up the stairs towards his room. "Sorry babe. I don't trust stairs yet for you, plus I dont' want to hang out down here with my father hard at work not that far away" He spoke, his ears falling back as he went up. Just before he hit the top of the stairs he glanced over catching the gaze of his father and let out a small huff. He turned away from his father's eyes and walked the rest of the way up teh stairs and disapeared into the side room. He smiled warmly at the welcoming red color painted on his wall and the black base boards making the room feel welcome. The black curtains were pulled to the sight with the window's open letting in a nice cozy breeze. Jake walked through the room and set Seth on his black bed before spinning around walking back to the door. He didn't want to deal with his father or mother at the moment. He wanted peice and quiet with Seth. His eyes traveled to the far book case that held Cd's of all genra's and books that were from both school and mere pleasure reading. "So....What do you wan tto do?"

7:37pm Mar 25 2011
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Seth wrapped his arm around Jake's shoulder, the other rested laily in his lap in frot of him as Jake carried him up the stairs. This time he didn't complain, knowing that it would have been hard going up the stairs, not to mention slow. He luckily didn't notice Jake's father watching them. Jake carried him into a red room and gently plopped him down on the bed and went to close the door. Seth took this time to look around at everything. A person's room was a very good way for figuring out what kind of person someone is and how better to know than your boyfriend? He glanced back at Jake once he had what he wanted to do. "I don't care." He responded, "As long as we're together im fine." He stated happily, ears perking.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:52pm Mar 25 2011
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"Well we will be together because I doubt you'll be seperated from me in this house." Jake walked over to the bed and actually stepped on it standing beside Seth looking around the room before plopping down beside him. "Hmm well we could just talk" he said tilting his head a little bit. "What do you want to do when you get older? After schooling that is" he spoke his ears flopping forward as he shifted so he was facing Seth. "We dont' talk a lot about the future or well anything in that matter. We always seem to get carried away" he chuckled curling his tail around himself.
9:05pm Mar 26 2011
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Seth shifted on the bed so that he was facing Jake as well and pulled his injured leg up onto the bed with him. He tail twitched lazily at his side. "Well," he responded with a smile, knowing that they really didn't know all that much about each other at all and that all they seemed to do was kiss. Not that Seth was complaining about this at all. "I want to become a published author." He admitted to his boyfriend proudly, ears perking when he talking about it. "I've actually entered in a writing contest at school, the deadline is coming up and I've already finished so..." He trailed off, seeing that he was getting a little worked up. "But yeah, thats me." He added finally, "My parents on the other hand dont want me to be serious. I dont think that think I can take being serious about what I want to do. They want me to be a model.... Im ean... modeling is ok but I dont want to do it just because they think I should." He frowned and looked at Jake. "Is that selfish?" He asked. "Not doing something because my parents want me to?"
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:24pm Mar 26 2011
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"Writting is nice. I'd totally buy your books" Jake smiled warmly. His tail curled around him as he shifted slightly thinking. "If you put your mind too it and work hard enough you could easily become a writer." He nodded tilting his head lightly glancing past Seth at the book shelf. His eyes breifly scanned over the books before turning to Seth again. The next statment sorta floored Jake. Seth didn't want to be a model because his parent's wanted him to. That was a perfect idea for Seth. He could pull it off. He had the body and was already excelent on heals. "A Model...well...." Jake spoke his ears perking forward and a smile apearing on his face. "You know...It is selfish to not wanting to be a model because your parents want you too. Hell I want you to! You could pull it off. In fact...." he spoke jumping up to his feet and jumping off the bed going over to the shelf. He shuffled through the books before pulling a card out of a spot that he had marked. With a swift movment he jumped up back on the bed and sat in front of Seth. "I know a photographer that works with models and he picks up new raw talent each year. I could call him and schedual you something if you really wanted to become a model. Your parent's wishes or not....You'd be good at it" He said holding up the car between his index and middle finger.

9:56pm Mar 26 2011
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Seth beamed, the fact that Jake would buy his books made his very happy. And what he had to say about him being able to pull off becoming a writer made his confidence in himself soar. He felt very light at this point. And him mentioning Seth becoming a model didn't bother him like it did when his paretns argued with him about it. even his father wanted him to be one, another pretty face that no one took seriously. Maybe it was because it was Jake? He watched as he got up and went over to his bookshelf and pulled a business card out of one of the many books there and came back over with it in hand. He looked at it as Jake spoke, as if it might come to life and do a trick in front of the both of them. He looked from it to Jake. "you think I would?" He asked. he like modeling well enough, thats not the reason he didn't want to. It just seemed like models didn't mean much to anyone other than... pretty faces. He took the card from inbetween Jake's fingers and looked down at it, at the name of the company and the photograoher himself. "Well... I- I guess I could give it I shot?" He asked, looking back to Jake. If Jake thought that he could do it then.... Seth at least wanted to find out if he could or not.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:08pm Mar 26 2011
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Jake smiled warmly watching before shaking his head. "Of course I think you'd succeed!" He spoke perking his ears forward. "You know...Modeling is an art not just a job. People look up to models. If you have a good enough personality it will show through your pictures. Interivews and what not will get your story out there. Your personality and just your shere talent and beauty will do the rest" He smiled warmly. "only if you want to though....I don't want you doing something your not really into. But that photographer right there will tell you flat out if you have talent or not. I went to him a few years ago. Got to know him well he wanted to do a few shoots and I told him no. Modeling isn't my thing but you'd look amazing doing it. You have the body and you can rock some heals now" He laughed reachin forward placing his hand up on his cheek. "Just do what you want. Writer, model....you'll exceed at anything you put your mind too."