10:57pm Nov 4 2010
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Sighing, Miz pulled off the side of the road and drove to the bar. He didn't care what Eric thought nor did he care what would come out of this night. He took a deep breath noticing and shook his head parking. In the quietness of his car he watched people enter the newly opened doors. "Well....time to go" he muttered to himself slipping out of his car and following the crowd into the club. Once inside Miz looked around for the sight of the kid he had breifly observed the other night. "Kid...kid" He muttered to himself going over to the bar waiting and glancing around the club. Couples were already out on the dance floor a few were crowding around the bar to get drinks to start off their night of endless, alcoholic, fun.
11:08pm Nov 4 2010
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Andrew was already mixing up drinks and collecting the pay, stuffing it into the money box that was expertly hidden behind the bar. Since it was closer to the end of the weekend, the tips were starting to get a little bigger and would go back to being normal when the week started over. And in his haste to get the rights drinks for everyone, Andrew didn't recognize the wolf sitting behind the bar table. He was far far too busy keeping everyone's order in mind to pay attention to faces in the crowd. He finally came up to the wolf, "Your order?" He asked, still fixing another drink. The job required multitasking and being polite, but Andrew really wasn't all that polite.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:20pm Nov 4 2010
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Miz's right ear twitched hearing a familar voice as he turned around to focus on the kid's face. He looked so busy but that was besides the fact. "A shot of anything....doesn't really matter" He said resting his elbows on the bar, his deep brown eyes watching Andrew. He calculated in his mind the right time to speak, when to explain to Andrew what Eric was trying to do. "You know....he came here to apologize" he said simply and lowly but enough for Andrew to hear. He wondered if the kid would instantly reconize his words bout doubted it. Not many people were smart when they were busy multitasking. He waited for Andrew to shrug him off figuring that's what he would do. Many did it, why should this kid be an acception. "Mr. Dashaniel wanted nothing more than to help you...." he added, feeling a little weird for using Eric's last name.
11:39pm Nov 4 2010
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Andrew flicked his ears, he'd gotten the order and handed off the drink that he had been working on to the person that had ordered it. He then turned to get Miz's order, pouring it into a shot glas$. His ears pricked to Miz's words and he stopped pouring long enough to look up at the guy in front of him. He sighed and set the drink down it front of him. "He didn't have to do that. It's not like I..." He started to make another drink, "... stay up at night and think about what the guys does or doesn't say to me." He said, handing the drink off. Someone else ordered something and he mixed it while he listened to the rest of what Miz had to say. "Look..." He said finally, putting his hands on the table in front of him. "I don't need any help." He said slowly. "I don't want any help." He added. "I've never had any help and I don't plan on getting any now." He didn't know why Eric wanted to help him anyway, he said that he didn't help any of his other students. Why him? "And if you're going to run back to him and tell him everything I said... make sure he gets this." He paused, making sure that this guy was listening. "I've been alone all my life, my dad was always working and I was always taking are of myself because my mommy is a drunk, druggie that sleeps around whenever she gets the chance." He paused, letting that sink in. "And whenever I did accept help... apparently the offers were only false words and weren't meant to be taken seriously. Or those people went away. And left me there." Andrew told him. "So... I finally gave up... and I really don't need anyone's help anymore." He was suddenly very, very sad. But he didn't show it. "Leave me alone."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:35am Nov 5 2010 (last edited on 5:12pm Nov 5 2010)
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Miz kept quiet listening to Andrew before sighing. He just didn't understand. Hell no one understood. "He doesn't know i'm here" The wolf said flatly taking his shot before setting the empty glas$ back down. "He wanted to appologize for everything....and I beleive he is going to quit interfearing with your f#cked up life" Miz didn't hold anything back. He wasn't the type of guy to sugar coat his words. If they hurt, they hurt and he wasn't going on caring. Especially not to this kid. Why should he when everyone else gets nothing but the truth? "Honestly, Kid. You remind Eric of someone he couldn't help. Someone he loved dearly. He hasn't always been a workoholic" Miz shrugged glancing out at the floor before focusing back on Andrew. "He used to have a kid, like you. Rebelious, wanted to be alone, stuck up...." The wolf seemed to trail off before shaking his head. "Not a blood related kid that is...He worked at a foster home before he was an English teacher. He was there for kids in worse positions than yourself. So don't go around thinking your story is the saddest out there because it's not. Eric's heard them all from parents killing one another to them committing suicide in font of their children. Eric was an out for all these kids....they knew they could go somewhere and be showered with love they never had growing up" Miz growled slightly thinking back to those days. "But that's besides the point. Eric got attatched to a kid, like you. He'd do anything to make him happy to just.....see a smile on his constantly frowning face. Eric gave him a place to live, to eat, he talked with him every night about his hobbies and music he was into. Just...acting like a father to the boy. Until one day the kid got into drugs. He turned to a crowd who said they'd take care of him and would let no one hurt him. He was foolish to beleive them because just the day before Eric and the kid had a fight. It broke the kid's heart but he was too stubborn to let it show. One day the kid was forced to kill someone under his so called friends orders. He couldn't do it so the group beat him sensless. Left him to die while they went to recruit someone else. That kid managed to get to Eric's home and knock on the door for help. Turns out...Eric wasn't there to help him. He came home to the kid's cold, dead body. Imagine how that made him feel. Not being there to help the one person in the world he'd do anything for...." Miz focused his gaze on Andrew before letting out a huff. "So please...if you want to play stuck up and act like a jerk, just remember. Eric's seen worse, he's gotten threw thicker skulls than yours. He truely just wants to help you. There is no alternative motive to his words or work." { I was bored so I made up a story in clas$. Sorry. -_-' }

5:16pm Nov 5 2010
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Andrew listened to the guy talk as he took orders from more people and made the drinks before pas$ing them back. What he had to say about Eric didn't seem to fit the way that he was while he was at school. While he was at school he could be as much of a smart as$ and pain that he could be. But that really didn't interest Andrew all that much, not at all. When he was done there wasn't that many at the bar to hear their conversation, Andrew having served them and they had left to go do whatever they were doing. "Who the hell... Andrew replied, "Do you think you are?" He asked, "To come down here while I'm at work to tell me my life is f*cked up?" He couldn't process this, it simply didn't make any sense. "Thank you... for telling me that. Because if you didn't... Oh! I might still be thinking that I'm on top of the world." He said sarcastically. "I know my life is f*cked up, and I know that I'm not as bad off as others are." he admitted to this stranger. "But I've never... ever... gone crying to anyone about my story. And if I did, I wasn't doing it to get sympathy from anyone." He told him. "You have it wrong and you should get it right before coming to confront me." He said calmly, he couldn't get upset at work and let Alex see his display toward a customer. "I don't know what you want from me. What? You want me to tuck my tail between my legs and go crawling to him? So that he can baby me and clear his guilty conscience?" He asked, "I don't care if he really wants to help me or not. Ok? He can find another charity case. It'll be easy if there are so many thick headed f*cked up nothings out there like me. And if I die because I get sucked into drugs then its my problem." He insisted. "Let me save him from any trouble of having to deal with that kind of thing again." Andrew said, "I don't need another dad. I had one. Thats good enough for me. Now..." He paused, "I have to get back to work. We can either continue this talk after my shirt is over or you can go away and leave me alone." Andrew said, he didn't even know this guy's name.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:56pm Nov 5 2010
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Miz watched Andrew before shrugging. "You're more hard headed than Eric himself" he said standing up and slipping his hand into his pocket. He pulled out his wallet and slipped the money for his shot on the counter before shaking his head. "Your more stupid than Eric, kid" he said simply bitting his bottom lip. He wanted to tell the kid off, to explain to him children like him only end up in jail or killed. That he was better off with a f#cked up past becasue he didn't desurve happiness but he wasn't about to degrade the kid just because he was a smart as$. "He's not using you as a charity case nor is he trying to make up for his past. he's gotten over it, moved on. Why do you think he became a teacher? He doesn't have to get involved in student's lives anymore but honestly. I don't think he'll last long in that profession either" Miz sighed shoving his hands into his pockets. "But what do you care? Hmmm? Your just a stupid kid that hasn't been forced to grow up yet" he shrugged turning his back to Andrew. "I would prefer you don't go crawling to him. He doesn't need a snot nosed brat like you brinigng his life down any more than it already is. Being gay in a place like this....is hell. Next time you see him walk down the hall, watch your other teachers sneer and comment. Watch his neighbors or people on the street. Just open your ears and you might just have a small insight to his life" Miz said walking away leaving Andrew. He didn't want to see or talk to the kid anymore. He didn't even know why Eric was tryin to help Andrew. He didn't desurve it, not one bit. {Fail }

6:30pm Nov 5 2010
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Andrew sighed, lowering his ears, feeling down once again. "Why can't you all just leave me alone...?" Andrew asked, taking the money off of the table and putting it into the money box underneath the table. It never failed, whenever he was in good mood, or had finally stopped thinking about his life someone else would come along and remind him just how useless he was again. He has grown up, he had been forced to grow up a long time ago. "Why do adults think they know everything?" He put the box back underneath the bar and looked around the bar. No one. He figured that he could take a break and did just that. "Alex! I'm taking a break!" He called to Mr. Bossman and made his way through the crowd and went outside. He sighed and leaned against the building, relaxing and breathing in the crisp, cool air. This time thankful he had his jacket with him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:02am Nov 6 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:52am Nov 6 2010
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{ Hmmm. I'm at a loss. what do I do? Say? Who can I bring in? IT's an endless circle of nothingness. >.< }
8:31am Nov 6 2010
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[[ Dx I know, sorry. Uhhmm... o.o I''m at a dead end which is why I made him go outside xD Got any ideas? ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:51am Nov 6 2010
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{ I have no idea's what so ever. There has to be something we can do to make this interesting. Hmmm. Add in friends? Girlfriends? .... I don't know. >.< My brian hurts }
8:57am Nov 6 2010
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[[ Girlfriends? Andrew should have a girlfriend or Eric? xD And... I'll skip to the end of his shift and take him home in a minute :3 But I want Andrew to open up a little, I'm just not all that sure how to get that to happen XD lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:00am Nov 6 2010
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{ lol. I want it to happen too. He's stubborn so he won't really open up. Hmm and I meant Andrew have a girlfriend. Eric's gay. lol. Ooh. Maybe she's a run-away and knows Eric but Andrew won't know that till later. Maybe she was one of his kids but she was really small and she lives in that foster home place but is running away and runs into Andrew? Maybe they hang out for a while? I donno. It was an idea. lol }
9:07am Nov 6 2010
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[[ Le Gasp! :O Thats a good idea :D You wanna play the girl? I'm not good with same charra relationships >_< Fail. I know Eric's gay XD That why I was like: o.o-? ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:21am Nov 6 2010
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{ Of course I want to play the girl. lol. I just need to find a picture of her but of course I would. ^.^ You go ahead and post him getting off work. I'll bring her in afterwards }
9:21am Nov 6 2010
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{ Of course I want to play the girl. lol. I just need to find a picture of her but of course I would. ^.^ You go ahead and post him getting off work. I'll bring her in afterwards }
9:30am Nov 6 2010
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After his break Andrew went back into the warmth of the club and back to the bar for a few more hours. There were more customers and he had a good bit of take home money. But soon his shift was over and his replacement came in. "I'm off." He announced to Alex as he shrugged into his thick jacket. "Kay~" Was the reply from the manager's office and Andrew left his replacement to his work and made his way to the exit once again, making sure to grab his bag from under the bar. It was nearly dark outside when Andrew left and started to walk back toward the school. He sighed, stuffing his hands into his pockets, his tail curling around his waist and his ears laid close to his head.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:20am Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 1,825
A slim figure quickly made it's way threw the darkness. Long black hair swayed behind the figure as it quickly bounded the aide walk as fast as it could. Fearful blue eyes scanned the females surroundings making sure absolutely no one was following her. The females breathing increased as she p*censored*es the school. Small delicate hands reached up and gripped the strap slung acrossed her shoulder. The last thing she needed was to loose her bag while fleeing. One last time she looked behind her to make sure she want being followed. A smirk formed on her lips but quickly lost it as she collided into a figure. The force of the impact caused the female to fall backwards landing on the concrete. "oh my god. I am soo sorry. I didn't see you" she said unxonciously grabbing her bag tightly and brushing her hair back to reveal a gash on her cheek from a few hours earlier. She pinned her ears back and wrapped her tail around her a little scared how the boy would react.
10:46am Nov 6 2010 (last edited on 10:50am Nov 6 2010)
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Andrew, having been looking down in stead of where he was going, didn't expect the girl t run into him and let a surprised hiss escape his lips on impact. His breath came out as a white puff as the breath was knocked out of him and he staggered but managed to keep standing. "The hell?" Andrew asked, looking down at the girl as he tried to get his breath back. His ears pricked forward. Once he was back and breathing normally he responded. "Its fine..." He said slowly, noticing that he looked kinda scared and had a hash on her face. "You ok?" HE asked her, softened quickly. He offered her his hand to help her stand up. [[ ImmortalChild10 has given you a treat! You have received a Xray Socks. :D ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~