11:25am Nov 6 2010
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( I'm on my iPod so my posts may be shot or look funny. And you gave me a jaaku yoyo. :).
The female took a deep breath a little hesitant to grab his hand but did. She pulled herself up an nodded quickly. " I'm fine. Just I..." her voice trailed off as she glanced behind her as if expecting someone to be chasing her. " I sort of ran away and I really didn't see you. I was trying to get as far as possible. I don't know where I'm going. All I know is that I don't want to go back to that place" she frowned looking down at the ground before sighing. " I didn't hurt you did I? She asked now worried about him.
11:32am Nov 6 2010 (last edited on 12:34pm Nov 6 2010)
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Posts: 7,187
Andrew helped her up easily then listened to her explanation quietly. "No, it takes more to hurt me. You just kinda... surprised me." He explained. He then looked over her shoulder as well, looking for something to come out of the darkness at them. What could have scared her enough to make her be running with enough force to knock the breath out of him? Or who could she have been running from. "What're you running from?" He asked when she was done with her explanation, looking at her bag and the wound on her face again. She suddenly reminded him of... himself? A big pruple bruise on is face and a bag over his shoulder. Running away. [[ Thats ok ^_^ ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:43pm Nov 6 2010
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Danielle, the female, listened to Andrew before letting out a deep sigh. "well...its a combination of myself, my home for two years, my officer, and my perminant home" sbe said doubting he understood. "You see. im sort of homeless. i havnt had a decent happy family since i was six. Ever since then ive been moved from home to home y my *censored*ig ed officer. shes nice but lazy so the homes that get me have...issues. i couldnt take any more. i had to get away so i packed and ran. i dont want to go back...i cant go back" she frowned focusing on the ground bneatb her.
5:00pm Nov 6 2010
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Andrew nodded slightly as Danielle explained why she was running away. And to be honest, Andrew had been confused at the beginning and wondered if he should actually help her back to whoever was looking for her. But as she continued the story told itself and he could relate to what she was saying. "Well..." He started, shrugging slightly against the cold. "If you keep going that way you'll come to a bar and then nothing." Andrew told her, "The town end past the bar and then its a long way to the next town."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:12pm Nov 6 2010
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Danielle glanced past Andrewat the direction before sighing. "I...." she went to speak but just shook her head. She really had no where to go. all she knew was that anywhere was better than the home she was forced to live in. "Again im sorry to run into you. Im Danielle" she said with a polite smile holding out her hand for him to shake. "I really dont know where im headed. I just know that any where will be a better place than a group home for abandon teenagers" she shrugged, shivering lightly as the wind caught her hair blowing it past her shoulders.
5:27pm Nov 6 2010
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Andrew shook her hand, "I'm Andrew." He said, then sighed himself. He frowned. "Hey, uh..." He wanted to help her all of a sudden. But he didn't know how. "I know where you're coming from." He admitted, his ears swiveling slightly. "And I've been staying in this house a little ways up there. Maybe you could stay there? Until you figure out where you're going." He offered her.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:09pm Nov 6 2010
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Danielle paused listening to him before taking a deep breath. "Oh....Are you sure? I would hate to intrude on you and all" She said bitting her bottom lip looking at him. She was thankful for him but the last thing she wanted to be was a nusence on some guy she just happen to run into on accedent. {Gah! Sorry it's so short. I HATE ipods and cell phones }
6:15pm Nov 6 2010
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Andrew smiled a crooked smile, "Of course I'm sure. You won't be intruding if I invited you." He as$ured her. Whatever they did, they should do it soon because his was cold from his waist down. His jacket only took care of so much. [[Thats ok :3 Mine is short too >3<]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:25pm Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 1,825
"Thank you so much. I will gladly accept your offer and I promise I wont' be a bother" Danielle said with a rather warm smile. "I guess i'll follow you then" She said stepping out of the way so he could continue on his way. She took a deep breath bringing her hand up and running it threw a few strands of hair feelinga little uneasy but extremly thankful.
6:32pm Nov 6 2010
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Andrew continued, not quite sure why he was being so nice all of a sudden. He wasn't this open with people all the time so this was quite odd for him to do. "I'm just going to say that the house... is kinda.. abandoned." He said, he was glad his back was to her so that he couldn't see her reaction. "I've been having problems at home and finally I just left and this was the best I could find." He admitted to Danielle behind him as he walked through the dark. "So... it doesn't have any furniture or anything so we're gonna be sleeping on the floor until I can buy something more comfortable to sleep on." He told her.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:43pm Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 1,825
Danielle kept quit walking forward listening to Andrew as he spoke. She lightly bit her lip before shrugging, happily swinging her tail behind her. Her ears perked forward as a warm smile fell upon her face. "That's fine. I'm used to sleeping on the floor honestly" she said with a slight prance in her step as she adjusted her bag on her back. "The floor and the cold doesn't bother me" She said simply watching the ground as she followed. "Not many of the homes I've stayed in had a room for me so I slept on the floor a lot. I actually find it sort of comforting. When that's all you know you can't complain can ya?" she seemed to ask although it was more a retorical question. { Awww. I know what Danielle is doing while Andrew is at school tomorrow. ^.^ }
6:50pm Nov 6 2010
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"Yeah." Andrew replied, he didn't have a bed at home either. He couldn't remember if he ever had. It was more like blanket piled up on top of each other for him to sleep on instead of a mattress or something like that. His mom had her own room that she and his father used to sleep in together. They were getting closer to the school as well and Andrew could see it through the darkness as he walked. his cat like eyes wide and his pupils nearly covering his irises. He ears were pricked and his tail and resumed it position of being delicately wrapped around his legs. [[Ohh... What would that be? :D]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:45pm Nov 6 2010
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{ Clean. lol. I'm sure the house is full of dust and dirt. Maybe somehow to make it more....homey...somehow? } Danielle perked her ears listening to Andrew's reply before just going int a quiet state. She focused on the ground watching the cracks pas$ in the concerete as she stepped by them. Without thinking she raised up to her toes and seemed to walk on them as she followed keeping her distance. Her blue eyes seemed to shine threw the darkness as she entertained herself not making a peep to disturb Andrew. { She reminds me of a kid but yet she's a teenager. lol. }
8:11pm Nov 6 2010
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Andrew didn't see Danielle simply because she was behind him and he didn't have eyes back there. But he kept his hands in his pockets and concentrated on getting back to the house before it got too cold out and his tail fell off or something. They slowly past the school and got even closer to the house. "We're nearly there." He said to Danielle [[ hard to concentrate on IM, phone, music, and Res at the same time XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:38pm Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 1,825
{Your fine. I'm trying to hunt down who gives away spider silk yarn. lol. } Danielle's ears perked forward listening to Andrew before skipping to his side and gav a warm smile. She glanced towards the school watching them pas$ it before deciding to speak up. "How exactly....is school?" Danielle asked curiously turning her full attention to Andrew. "I was never allowed go. My foster father thought it was a waist of time. He was old fashioned and bleeived women's jobs were to bare children and take care of teh house and family. He didn't see the need to pay for an education that would get us no where" she said simply shrugging, acting like nothing was wrong with that statment. Her tail flickered behind her as she anxiously awaited to see the house Andrew had invited her to stay in with him.
10:22pm Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 7,187
[[ Aw Im sorry Dx I had an AWESOME reply... but I... exited the page ;~; *sobs* Im retyping now ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:38pm Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 7,187
Andrew looked over at the school too. He couldn't even fathom not going to school. He'd never even heard of not being allowed to go to school. Well, except for in history clas$ where the teachers would tell of how, in earlier days, women weren't allowed to go to school. How was school. How was school? To him, it was just a pain in the azs. "Well... school is..." He started then stopped. "School is... hard? I guess? Well, if you don't want to go and then don't pay attention its hard. You get up early and get out late. There are way too many kids in one place at the same time. The teachers sometimes seem like they don't like you at all." He thought about what he was saying and figured that it wasn't really help at all. How the hell are you supposed to describe school to another person that had never gone before? "You learn how to speak, and write properly. You learn about the past and how everything works. You learn out how to figure numbers." He explained to her. "You can also learn about art, and physical activities like basketball and baseball." He told her her then chuckled. "I'm sure that was probably the worst explanation of school you've ever heard. I don't really know how to explain school." He explained
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:07pm Nov 7 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:25pm Nov 7 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:28pm Nov 7 2010
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{ I'm working on my post.. lol. I just got home. ^.^ }