{Loki}Shonen-Ai {Private}Neko{Immortal}Slave

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11:42pm Sep 22 2010

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Posts: 1,825

Ooc:// *curses at computer* I had a brilliant post and then it deleted itself. >.> Sorry if this sucks. I forgot what I put the first time.


Naric's small smirk disapeared when he was pulled further against the white neko's chest. "I-I'm not s-sick" he stuttered a little caught off guard by the sudden question and the fact Miramo had pressed the back of his hand to Naric's cheek. The light pink blush turned red when realizing that he had been caught. Crap. He's very observant.

"I'm just...It's just..." Naric's voice trailed off as he tried to find the words he wanted to say to Miramo. Think!  He was currently trying figure out a way to escape the white neko's grasp without hurting his feelings. It was comfortable yes, but it was also sort of awkward to the black neko. There was no immediate need for Miramo to cling to him like last night. He settled with a sigh and placed his right hand firmly against Miramo's chest as he lightly pushed against it. "May I go to the restroom?" he asked randomly. Yeah that was wonderful. He internally cursed himself for such a lame excuse to flee the other neko's grasp.


11:54pm Sep 22 2010

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Posts: 3,426

((It happens to all of us eventually xD I don't mind, it's annoying as spam when computers do that. >_>)) 

Miramo blinked in surprise when Naric's cheek got even warmer, his brows furrowing in confusion. Obviously something was wrong, but Naric was hiding it from him. Miramo wasn't the type to demand a lot of people, but something was wrong and he'd really like to know what was up. Still, there was nothing he could say or do--well, there was, but he wouldn't--about the black neko hiding something from him.

When Naric tried to push away, it only made things more confusing, but he simply nodded when the question was asked. Somehow, in the mornings he was bright in personality but not in mind, as he didn't even question Naric's request, his own mind jumping to its own conclusions. The way he figured it, the black neko was sick, but didn't want Miramo to know what was wrong yet.

Respecting what he thought was Naric's wishes, the white neko sat up, giving his a soft, caring smile. "Of course," he said simply, flicking his tail to the door that was to the bathroom, even though he knew the black neko already knew that. 

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

12:01am Sep 23 2010

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Posts: 1,771
OoC: I hope you don't mind me, but I just can't help it. I have to say that this is so cute! ::blushes and hides:: I've read everything from the first post, and they are so such adorable characters. It is nice to see literate role players on Res as well. Don't mind me though, it just occured to me that you might not want me to read this. So I was wondering, may I? ~Siri

Just call me Siri.

12:07am Sep 23 2010

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Posts: 3,426

((x3 *squee* I can't believe I've gotten two nice comments on my private Roleplays two days in a row ^///^ I feel like such a dork for being excited over that. *hides* I'm not that good of a Roleplayer!

Personally, I really don't mind, Siri. In fact, it makes me happy that someone else is taking an interest. ^.^ So if it's ok with Immortal, you can go right on ahead and keep reading.))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

12:20am Sep 23 2010 (last edited on 12:23am Sep 23 2010)

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Posts: 1,825

Ooc:// It is annoying. It's like my computer seized or something. Opps. Your fine. You can read all you want to. ^.^ It's perfectly okay with me. I love the company of knowing that someon eles enjoys my work.


Naric blinked noticing that Miramo was confused which only confused him a little as well. Is he that persistent that i'm sick? His ears perked when hearing Miramo's reply about letting him go to the restroom. A warm smile apeared on his face as he nodded lightly. "Thank you" he said softly perking his ears up hating the fact that he could feel the heat of his own cheeks. Why am I so embar*censored*ed?

The black neko sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He stood up and went to walk forward but wobbled a little bit. Gaining his balance he made his way to the bathroom rather quickly and disapeared behind the door. Once the door was closed he pressed his back firmly against the door. What is wrong with me? Seriously! A soft growl escaped his throat as he stood up straight and walked to the sink turning the warm water on. He let it flow for a minute as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. His long black hair was a little messy but that was not what he was focusing on. Just beneath his tattoo there was a bright red blush streaching from one cheek to the other.

A long sigh escaped him as he walked over grabbing a towel and made his way back to the sink, wetting the towel. Once fully wet he wringed it out a little before placing it to his face as he began to wash it as if trying to scrub away his blush. "Go...A-way" he said softly trying to keep his voice low enough so that Miramo couldn't hear him. He lowered the towel looking in the mirror again noticing that his pale color had returned to his cheeks. A smile apeared on his face as he stood up straight turning off the water. Wth a satisfied nod, he placed the wet towel on the nearby rack and made his way to the door to exit the bathroom and return to the white neko. I wonder what today's events will bring. He thought placing his hand on the door knob turning it and stepping out of the bathroom.


7:02pm Sep 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,771
OoC: Thank you! ^.^ ::dances around happily:: In all honesty, I think everyone is good at role playing because they give it a try, but literate role players are the best. The extra detail shows how much they truly enjoy it, and that to me is the greatest. ::fails at typing what she wants to say:: Any who,  I will poof back into lurking mode now that I have permission to stalk. ^3^ Woots~

Just call me Siri.

10:25pm Sep 23 2010

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Posts: 1,825

Ooc:// ^.^

Oh and Loki. Friday I either may or may not be on. I'm taking a small vacation to SC with my family to help my sister out and it takes 3 hours to drive to SC and i'll be without internet. Although I will be on this weekend. ^.^


10:39pm Sep 23 2010

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Posts: 3,426

((Sorry for being so slow. Lotta crap going on and I'm just not sure I'm handling it too well. So sorry that my ooc won't be very upbeat tonight. :< And it's fine, Immortal. The way my sleep schedule is going, I'll probably sleep most of Friday away--other than waking up for the occasional auction--anyways.))


Miramo watched Naric closely as he got up and went into the bathroom. There was really something off about him. It didn't seem normal for someone to get sick after a bit of food and a good night's sleep, but it was possible that Naric's body might be rejecting everything after being so used to harsh treatment. This caused the white neko to frown and stand up, walking over to the closed bathroom door and pressing his ear against it. He heard Naric growl, then turn on the water.

When he heard the black neko say "Go...A-way" Miramo jumped back quickly, wondering how on earth Naric had known he was there. But when the bathroom door didn't open, he went over and pressed his ear against it again, wondering what was going on. Silence. He frowned, pressing himself more against the door as if it that would make him hear better.

As it turned out, that was a big mistake. Miramo hadn't been leaning there for more than a few seconds when the door suddenly opened. Having been leaning so heavily against the door, he easily fell through before he could get his balance back. He stumbled then crashed into Naric with a slight cry of shock. 

((Ugh... -rather braindead at the moment-)) 


HypnoxSpazz 5evr

11:13pm Sep 23 2010

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Posts: 1,825

Ooc:// It's fine. ^.^ I understand.


Naric's eyes widened as he tried to catch the white neko but it was to much of a shock, pus he couldn't really concentrate. The black neko lost his balance and fell backwards at the sudden weight from Miramo. He winced slightly as he hit the bathroom floor. "Miramo...are...what were you doing?" Naric asked pressing his ears back against his skull. The pink returned to his cheeks realizing that the white neko was ontop of him again. Why does it come to this?

"Sorry..I mean...uhh" Naric stumbled not really sure what to say to this. Why was he leaning against the bathroom door spying on him? Did he really think he was going to just run away? Did Miramo really not trust him? The thoughts seemed a little riduculous but then again they would make sense. It's not like he was agaisnt the door trying to listen to him go to the bathroom. That would just be weird and personally disurbing.

"Are you okay?" he asked finally not really moving form his position on the floor a little unsure if he should. He wanted to make sure the white neko was okay first.

(( Sorry it is so short. >.> ))


11:34pm Sep 23 2010

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Posts: 3,426

Miramo groaned, slightly dazed from the fall. Sure, it hadn't been as bad as it could have been. Naric had cushioned his fall slightly, but that only made his head buzz when his mind screamed at him for possibly crushing the poor guy. He propped himself up with his hands, trying to take some of the pressure off the black cat's stomach and chest at least. 

"I'm sorry..." he said, his voice sounding as though he'd just been scolded. "I-I thought you were sick, but I didn't know how bad it was so I thought if you were throwing up..." he frowned and pulled his ears back. "I just wanted to help somehow." he finished softly.

He pushed himself completely off the black neko, leaning back against the bathroom wall and watching Naric with his ears perked forward and his tail wrapped around his waist nervously. He hoped Naric would be able to sit up on his own. Usually, he would have helped him up, but he didn't know if the black neko was angry with him or not, so he didn't want to try and touch him just yet.

Oh, god. I bet he hate's me now. He thought worriedly. He was pretty sure anyone would be ticked if they'd been fallen on, especially since he'd just been caught listening in on him. Not the best way to continue one's morning. 

((Mine are getting shorter too D: )) 

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

11:51pm Sep 23 2010

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Posts: 1,825

Naric looked confused for a moment slightly perking his ears. Sick? Where did he get the idea that he was sick? "Honestly I feel fine. I'm not sick" Naric frowned sitting up and bringing his knee's to his chest. He wrapped is arms loosely around them before placing his chin ontop of his right knee. "What made you think I was sick?" he asked still a little confused on the whole situation.

Naric observed the white neko curled agains the wall. Something seemed wrong with him. "Are you okay?" He asked tilting his head to the side a little bit. "I appricate you looking out for me, but i'm okay. Really" He nodded relaxing a little bit. He lowered his gaze to the floor in front of him, taking a deep breath. He shut his eyes for a moment focusing on his breathing not really sure what else to do. He didn't wnat to push his luck and ask what he was going to do today.

He wasn't even sure if he was allowed to eat breakfast, but then again his body was used to eating only once a day so he didn't really want to push anything. If he wasn't sick now there was no telling he would become sick later in the future. He opened his eyes and focused on Miramo once again. He pressed his hand against the floor and pushed himself up to his feet. His tail flickered behind him as he gave a warm smile and walked over to the white neko. "Here...let me help you up" Naric smiled armly holding out a hand to Miramo to help him.


12:26am Sep 24 2010

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Posts: 3,426

Miramo's ears flattened against his skull. "I just thought... well, because you were so warm when I woke up... and you were kinda acting funny." He sighed and shook his head. It didn't matter. At some point he'd made a mistake in judging Naric's body signs and had mistaken him for being sick. Still, something was nagging him. If the black neko hadn't been sick, then why had his face been all warm and red? His tail twitched but he shook his head to clear his thoughts.

When he looked up again, Miramo realized Naric had asked another question and was now offering his hand to help him up. Miramo's ears twitched. "I'm fine." he said, glancing away for a moment. He actually wasn't "fine." He felt suddenly out of it for no real reason and it was a bit frustrating. It probably had something to do with his concern for Naric, but he'd never actually worried himself to where it became a distraction... how odd. 

The white neko sighed and took the black one's hand, hoping the odd, nearly indescribable feeling would go away soon. When he pulled himself up, he more-so used the wall behind him to get up. He didn't yet trust Naric's strength. It wasn't as if he was calling him weak or anything, but he was still worried about the other neko's wellbeing.

"Do you need anything this morning? Breakfast, maybe?" he asked. Funny. It was like he was the slave and and Naric was the master. Still, he didn't mind. Naric still wasn't fit enough to be worked as a slave--even if the white neko would ever try that on him--yet.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

1:01am Sep 24 2010 (last edited on 1:04am Sep 24 2010)

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Posts: 1,825

Acting funny? Naric gave off a confused look helping Miramo up. He didn't quite understand him just yet. The reason he was acting funny was because it was uncomfortable to be in another's arms, especally since he didn't really know the white neko. He was only bought less than a day ago. Reality seemed to hit Naric just then. I'm still a slave. His gaze lowered to the floor in front of him. It was so easy to get lost with Miramo. He was different and didn't treat him like the other's treated him. He was actually treated like a person not an ob
ject. He was still so unsure though. He wondered if he should get used to this type of treatment or if this was only a one time thing. It was always so hard to tell and judge people when just meeting them.

His ears perked forward hearing miramo's question. "Umm. I guess but I really don't want to push it" he said softly raising his eyes to meet the other nekos'. With a sigh he bit his bottom lip not really sure what to do now. He was scared to move around freely without Miramo not sure if he would get in trouble. He didn't want to push anything not sure what he was capable of or not capable of. Even he was confused on his own body but it couldn't be that bad.

"Is there anything I can do?" Naric asked figuring he might as well ask instead of just wondering about it. "I mean...I'm not a guest here" he said instantly regretting saying that. He didn't want to upset or offend the other neko. Those were not his intentions; he was just curious. He didn't really want to be useless and act like this place wasn't where he lived now because it was, and nothing was going to change that. He was bought by Miramo to be worked and used how ever he pleased, not treated as a guest and be waited on hand and foot. This very thought upset him greatly to think of himself as a slave but he had no other choice. Technically he was a slave and he had been bought, therefore he was obligated to do what ever Miramo asked.

His ears flattened again as the thoughts crossed his mind. He really couldn't let things bother him this much and if he just dwelled on them, the harder they would be to accept. His tail stopped flickering from side to side and lowered waiting for Miramo's answer.


11:49pm Sep 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,426

((I'm sooo sorry for letting this go for so long! I had no intentions of doing so, but I was so braindead I didn't know what to post. Still kinda braindead, but I don't want you to think I ditched D: ))

Miramo's tail, that had been twitching lightly this entire time, suddenly stilled, going limp so the tip almost brushed against the tiled floor. He bit his lip nervously, wondering why in the world Naric had brought that up. He didn't seem like the type to think of himself as a slave.

The white neko sighed and placed his hand on the other's shoulder. "Eat, rest, and regain your strength." he said softly, closing his eyes with his head tilted down-wards. He didn't want to look Naric directly in the eyes at that moment. Something still felt off with his own mind and it was driving him even more crazy that he didn't know what. 

"To me, you are beyond frail and it'd be foolish to put you to work so soon after buying you. You'd exhaust too quickly and would no doubt hurt yourself in no time." He mentally cringed at how cold his voice sounded. It almost had an edge to it, but he couldn't do anything to help it. It was so confusing to be him right now. He barely knew what to do with a slave. After all, his father hadn't taught him much about the trade and Miramo himself had always been too obsessed with the stars to care. Maybe it would be easier if Naric resisted him, forcing him to make the black neko do as he said, but that would probably end up breaking Miramo instead. 

He finally opened his eyes to gaze at Naric. "If you want something, ask now. Otherwise I'm going to go lay down." he said, hating how his voice sounded. He felt almost ill, but it was different. Maybe if he could just sleep, away from everything, he'd wake up feeling better. 

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

5:29pm Sep 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,825

Ooc:// Your fine. I'm at my sister's place, or was, helping her decide a few things for her wedding. I'm maid of honor so I get a lot of responsability. It's a great honor but lord it can be exausting. I'm glad my sister and I have almost the same tastes.


Naric's eyes widened listenin to the white neko explain. His voice came out completly different than he had expected. 'Have I upset him that much? Or did reality hit him aswell?' The black neko's jaw tightened as he shrugged away from Miramo's hand. He didn't want to be touched at the moment. There was no form of comort he could have had to make him feel better about his current situation. It would take a lot for him to get used to these feelings and these restrictions. Hell he didn't even want to accept the fact he was still a slave but deep down he knew that would never change.

"No. I don't need anything. Like I said earlier, I'm not a guest here" he said in an almost matchin tone to Miramos'. Naric cringed slightly at how snappy he had become. He didn't understand the sudden change of his own emotions. Just a few hours ago he had been laughign and smiling but now, all he wanted to do was get away from the white neko. To be alone and not touched. It all didn't make any sense to him.

Naric couldn't help but wonder if Miramo worried about working him this early for his sake or for Naric's own good. 'A sick slave will be no use to him' Naric thought as his eyes narrowed on the floor in front of him. His ears pinned back as he walked past Miramo wanting to get away. He knew better than to leave the room but he just didn't feel like being near him at the moment. 'I have lost myself. This is not me.' The black neko's jaw tightened even more feeling the tension in his jaw from the sudden sensation. It sort of hurt but he didn't care. His goal was to not let the white neko show things bothered him, so if it meant hurting himself out of restraint he wouldn't hesitate to do so.

Showing his emotions was not him. He hid everything inside and he needed to bring that Naric back. Not one who would openly admit all that he was feeling. Last night was a moment of weakness and he was deturmined for that to never happen again.


6:44pm Sep 26 2010

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Posts: 3,426

((That sounds fun. A lot of work, but really fun. ^^))

Miramo bit down on his lip as Naric walked past him, clenching his fists so hard that his nails dug into his palms. How had things gone so wrong so quickly? Only a short while ago, the black neko had woken up in his arms, now  there was enough tension between them to make the white neko's tail bristle.

Warm blood dripped down his fingers and he let out a soft hiss, slamming his fist into the wall. It hurt and would probably bruise later, but he was too frustrated to care. The pain seemed to sober him up a little and he leaned against the bathroom wall with a sigh, rubbing his now-injured hand.

Why was he stressing out so much over this? He barely knew this guy, but everything felt so intense. It was driving him crazy! He glanced at the door, wondering if he should face Naric or just storm past him and sleep for a while, hoping to forget everything. The second idea would certainly be easier, but it might not be the best way to go about things. Either way, things could get worse or better, but only taking about it could make it better, unless Naric was the type to get better over night.

Miramo sighed again, pushing himself off against the wall. 'I might as well get this over with,' he told himself. He glanced at the door for a moment before forcing his legs to take him out into Naric's room.

He stared at the black neko for a moment, his ex
pression darker than he realized. "We need to talk about this," he said, his tail lashing as he leaned against the white wall of Naric's room.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

7:09pm Sep 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,825

Ooc:// I couldn't be happier. I'm so honored she choose me to be her maid of honor. I get to put together the bacholerette party! Although i'm way to young to drink. >.>


Naric spun around at the sound of the hiss and flinched backwards when Miramo slammed his fist into the wall. Something was not right and it sort of scared the black neko. Had his words angered him that much? Hell he didn't even want to find out what would happen if he actually lashed out at the white neko. The black neko felt his heart begin to race as he looked Miramo dead in the eyes, only to turn away from the intensity of the cold gaze. 'Why is he so upset?' He didn't understand but figured he shouldn't have raised his tone. That could have been the subject of the issue.

In his mind he knew the proper response to Miramo's words with them being 'okay' or 'yes sir' but he wasn't about to say either one of those. It didn't fit him in the least. His ears perked just slightly but kept their main position against his head, as he lifted his gaze to meet Mirmo's hard one. "What is there to talk about?" he asked slighlty curling his tail around his own leg.

He was a little hesitant though to be anywhere near Miramo, so he backed up and sat on the edge of the bed. The white neko was still obviously mad and he was not about to be near him just so he could be struck. Naric watched Miramo closely wondering what action the white neko was going to take. There was so many things he could do in Naric's mind and he was prepared for all of them. As his eyes watched the white neko something caught his eye, a small red drop comming from Miramo's palm; blood. It shocked Naric that he had injured himself figuring he would have hated the thought of bringing self inflicted pain.

Naric's gaze shifted down to his own hands remembering he had done the same thing just the other day. He opened his hand and focused on the half cresent shapes on his palm from where his own nails had dug into the skin out of anger. In a way, Miramo and Naric were alike, although Naric sure wouldn't admit this. Just because one did something the same as him when he was angry didn't mean they were alike. In fact Naric beleived Miramo was nothing like him. His mind still couldn't wrap around the fact of another neko buying him. That right there prooved to Naric, Miramo grew up in a completly different world. These thoughts only made Naric ball his fast hidding the cresent shapes on his palms. His eyes raised to the white neko's waiting for his response and his actions.


10:00pm Sep 26 2010

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Posts: 3,426

((Lol, that sounds awesome. What kind of stuff does a bacholerette party include anyways? Oh, and how old are you? Just curious, because my friend's getting married in a few years and my parents already gave me the a-ok to drink even though I'll only be 18 :P)) 

Miramo watched Naric closely. Every little movement and action was observed by his dark amber eyes. He watched as the black neko glanced at his hand then look at his own, the action causing his own bloody hand to twitch slightly. His hands still hurt, but his mind was numb to the pain.

Something was wrong with him, he could tell. He'd never felt such an odd rush before. This was so unlike him. He wasn't one to get so worked up, and it was only natural that Naric would react to him like this, so why was it getting to him so much? He needed to calm down, but he didn't know how. How could he be expected to keep control of Naric if he didn't even feel in control of himself? 

Before he knew what he was doing, the white neko moved over to stand in front of Naric, a pained ex
pression on his face. He took hold of the black neko's shoulders and pushed him down on the bed, placing on of his knees on the bed for balance as he pinned the other neko down with surprising strength.

"Why are you rejecting me like this?!" Miramo demanded, his voice higher than usual. It was pretty obvious he was upset. "I tried to make you feel comfortable here, with me, but I guess I'm just doing everything wrong." He bit his lip, trying to slow his breathing and heartbeat.

He lowered his head so their faces were only inches apart, his whole body trembling. "Naric... I..." He squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a low growl before crushing their lips together.

((Pfft... I totally failed at this D: Sorry.)) 

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

10:44pm Sep 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,825

Ooc:// Your fine it was cute. And i'm 18 and my parents let me drink, Just not in the states. I was allowed to drink when we went out to the bahamas. But the bacholerette party is kind of like going out hanging with the girls. The brides last night as a single chick. Normally you go to a strip club or that's all the one's i've heard of. Bar hopping and just hang out and drink and party. I"m all up for partying and my mom said that i'm allowed to go to the strip club <3 Although I'm not allowed to drink.


Naric thought he had all Miramo's moves planned out in his head for easy avoidance, but this one was NOT one of them. His eyes widened a little scared when the white neko pinned him to the bed. He didn't know what the hell he was planning on doing. 'What the hell! His breathing increased as his heart pounded against his chest. Fear ran through his veins as he kept quiet listening to Miramo not wanting to

 The real suprise was when their lips colided. Immediatly he tried to pull away bringing his hands to Miramo's chest trying to push the white neko off of him. He found out the harder he pushed and tried to get away, the deeper he pushed himself into the bed. Nothing seemed to be working for him. 'Get off! Get off! Naric's mind screamed those words but his breathing slowed and he quit panicing. His body calmed and he gave into the kiss, there was nothing he could do.

For some reason the kiss seemed to calm him and make his body react in a different way than his mind. His hands that were pushing to get him off seemed to cling to Miramo's shirt, tightening around the fabic. His tail wrapped around his own body staying still by his side. He didn't understand why his body was reacting a completly different way than his mind. In his head he screamed and cursed at the white neko currently pinning him to the bed but his body seemed to enjoy the sensation that the kiss had brought.

(( Bleh that sucked. >.> ))


11:20pm Sep 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,426

((For some reason I'm surprised by your age, but at the same time it makes sense xD -fail-

Well, now I'm just insulted by my friend inviting me to her batcholorette party :< )) 

Miramo's mind was pretty much telling him to do the same thing Naric's was. It was shouting, screaming at him to get off the black neko before he ruined everything, still desperate to cling on to what little good was left between the two nekos, but the white neko's body was moving on his own and, when the black neko's body gave in, so did Miramo's mind.

His tail flicked in an odd rhythm as he pulled away for just a second, only to breathe, before giving Naric another kiss with near-bruising force. It was like the white neko was a completely different person now. One of his hands moved down to slide under the black neko's shirt, moving to brush his finger's along Naric's stomach. As he did this, he broke the kiss to tilt his head slightly, biting down slightly on the crook of Naric's neck.

After a moment, he pulled away, licking at the slight mark he'd left, as he slid his hand farther up to the black neko's chest. However, when his fingers brushed against the protruding ribs on Naric's side, Miramo froze, feeling his mind sober up almost instantly as he realized what he was doing. He pulled away quickly, staring down at Naric with wide amber eyes flickering with different emotions. The dieing spark of lust and the growing sadness of regret.

'What was I about to do?' He wondered. Even in his mind he sounded afraid. Had he just been about to... he shook his head, anger flaring up inside him. He'd almost turned into one of those kinds of masters, the very people that he hated. He bit his lip. Self-hatred could wait. Right now he needed to find some way to explain himself to Naric.

"Naric... I..." the white neko stopped himself. He had no words to say. He'd already messed up big time and nothing he said could make up for it. He could only pray that Naric find some way of forgiving him.

((Pfft, got carried away... but that was insanely fun to write xD)) 

HypnoxSpazz 5evr
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