<Private> Souda y Kubbi <Private>

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4:51pm Aug 1 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,133
So uh. Basically the same plotline and such? XD

-throws characters in here why not-


Name: Aiki
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Position: Hunter

Desc: Aiki is tall and of average build, with olive skin and gray-brown eyes. She has few bestial features, the most notable being her long, slender golden tail and sharp, black claws. Her hair is the same shade of yellow as her tail and is cut short, being nearly bald on her left side so that it won't get in the way when she hunts with her spear.

Personality: Aiki is very wary of anything outside of her normal interaction, and is comforted by routine and schedule. However, she does enjoy a good prank now and then, and isn't above sneaking off from her duties to relax at the beach. When she is in her hunting mode, she's a very diligent worker and won't return home until her prey is slung over her shoulder.

Animal: Cheetah


Name: Tobias York
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Position: Regular

Desc: Tobias is very tall and very thin. His short dark hair, highlighted blonde, is usually spiked. One ear is pierced once with a small hoop that matches his light silver eyes. His choice of clothing is not what one would expect of a renowned biologist; dark, muted colors, heavy black boots, tank tops, thick leather wristbands, and eyeliner - essentially he's a punk with a degree. Also a goatee.

Personality: Tobias is quick-witted and calculating, anticipating every possible outcome before he actually does something. While this may leave him undecided on his next course of action, he relies on fast decision making so as to never seen stumped in front of his comrades. He is not a friendly person in the least, and usually only does things for other if he stands to gain something from it. This does not mean that he can't care for someone or something without reward - it's just incredibly rare for him to do so.

Other: He has a hobby of making stuffed animals - granted they'te grotesque and would possibly give children nightmares, but still. He tries.


5:09pm Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 234

Fine by me

Name: Skorj
Gender: Male 
Age: 28

Position: Guard/Hunter

Desc: Skorj is a tall, buff man. His eyes are brown with slender pupils. He is about 6 foot tall, with no hair. at first glance, he seems like a normal person, until people get close. his tongue is forked. His skin is dark and has very faint diamond patterns.He hunts using a bow dipped in his venom, while he guards with a club he made from wood. He has a long tail tipped with rattles.

Personality: Skorj is usually grumpy. Skorj's main two problems is the fact that he is cold-blooded and he cant see in color. He see's in heat and movement. Skorj cannot function in weather below 75 degrees. His temper usually gets the better of him when he senses enemies, leading him to attack first, ask questions later. When he is agitated, his tail will rattle. he does care about other Beasts, as he considers them the family he never had. He is sluggish in the morning, but in the afternoon and night he is fast witted and will think things through. 

Animal: Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake.

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5:30pm Aug 1 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,133
((Sooo... This good or d'you want to do a few more charries each? o:))


5:36pm Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 234
((Im fine with this. I fail at rp'ing more than one charrie at a time.))

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10:54pm Aug 1 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,133
"Land, ho!"

Tobias grimaced at the captain's harsh tone. Woop de doo, they found the island - there was no need to yell at him about it. Grumbling moodily, he went belowdeck to start organizing his things together. They'd reach the beach by nightfall, so they were still a good ways out.

He kept his composed façade, but deep inside Tobias was nearly bursting with excitement. They were at Moreau's island, and if Prendick's journal was correct, then there should be any number of new species in the area. Just the thought made him as happy as a pig in mud.

Going up to the deck, packed bags on hand, he looked around to make sure his team were at least not just standing around like they usually did. Satisfied that each was in their proper place, he allowed himself to relax and watch the island grow steadily closer.



Aiki froze, heart thumping, sweat running down her forehead as she watched the rabbit scent the air. Luckily she was downwind of it - that didn't affect its hearing, however.

After a few tense moments, the lapine resumed it's nibbling. Aiki half-crouched, raising her favorite spear up level with her head. Lean forward a little, and...

"Land, ho!"

The rabbit was startled and bolted, crashing through the sparse undergrowth. Aiki swore and stood up. She turned towards the source of the noise and blinked in surprise. A vessel on the water, one far larger than any she had seen (though that may have to do with distance, she noted), was passing by. She could see the creatures aboard, scurrying like ants.

"Not good," she growled. Her grandparents had told her of a time when humans had caused the people of her island to very nearly lose their sense of the world. For almost a decade there was no spark, no intelligence. Nothing to distinguish them from the prey they hunted.

Thankfully that gene bred out naturally, leaving them with nothing more than a few reminders of their past.

But this - this was new. Humans, this close?

She turned and, with a last glance over her shoulder at the boat, fled towards her village.


11:13pm Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 234

Skorj lay on a rocky outcrop above the ocean. He had just got back from the forest. To make sure he could function at night, he needed to lay in the sun to warm up his blood. As he closed his eyes, he heard a voice.


It was a voice he did not recognize. He lifter his head to try and see where the voice had came from, but all he saw was purple and the red of the sun. Instinctively, his tail began to rattle. He stood, and made his way to the beach. He could smell the scents of the village, so he began to head that way.

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2:24pm Aug 2 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,133
Aiki stumbled in her rush, falling to the forest floor. She was uninjured, but sat there for a moment to catch her breath and think.

Maybe the humans would realize their mistake and turn back. Maybe... Maybe they were just lost? Certainly no one would willingly come to the island. But if they did? Hopefully they would leave her people alone. Or... If worse came to worse, the hunters could always chase them down.

She heard something behind her and turned, half-rising onto the balls of her feet. Suddenly realizing that her spear was nowhere around, she swore again and flexed her claws.

"Who's there?" she hissed, straining to see into the gloom. Why, oh why, had she not inherited her mother's night vision?


2:37pm Aug 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 234

Skorj heard something ahead of him. He immediately froze, looking around. He could make our a red figure, in a crouched position. Then he heard her voice.

"Who's There?" came the agitated voice.

He flicked his tongue out to taste the air for scents. He recognized then scent as one of his own. "Its Skorj." He said,walking toward her figure.  His tail stopped rattling as he neared her.

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9:04pm Aug 2 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,133
Aiki hissed again, softer this time. 

"Skorj? What are you doing, trying to scare me to death?" she muttered grumpily. She stood up to her full height and eyed the snake-man in contempt.

"Anyway, did you see? Out there on the water?"

Tobias sauntered onto the beach, pants legs rolled up to keep them out of the surf. His team, not far behind, gave a small collective gasp.

The island was far more beautiful than imagined. Tiny pink and purple blossoms lined the edge of the sand while long, verdant vines were draped over the ten-story cliffs that bordered the right side of the beach.

"Alright, team. First thing's first - time to set up camp."


9:35pm Aug 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 234

"My apologies."He said, looking at her. "And as far as i could make out, their was a purple ob
ject in the great blue."He said, shaking his head.

"I could hear voices, but i did not catch the scent. Any idea on what it was?" Skorj asked.He heard another voice off in the distance.  His head immediately snapped around. "Did you hear that?" He asked.  

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