1:58pm Sep 19 2010
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NightFeather hopped down and followed after Starscream. "Think Bumblebee's in this form, too?" she asked as she stretched in a failed attempt to transform.
2:01pm Sep 19 2010
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"Most likely not. But I have a plan in mind." He sneered, running out of site.
2:03pm Sep 19 2010
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NightFeather chased after Starscream. "What's your plan, Buddy?" she asked him.
2:20pm Sep 19 2010
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"Well. TC Got a little thing of the Serum that was used on us. Well. We figured out that Bumblebee has a contagious bit in his wiring. So, we inject him with this Serum and voila! He's spread it across the autobot plant. So then I'm reporting back to Megaslag and telling him we 'took down the autobots'. So then he'll come down here, we'll trap him in the autobot plant, turn him human and force him to give us the Serum that turns us back into our Mech and Femme bodice's." He smirked, satisfied with his explanation.
2:30pm Sep 19 2010
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NightFeather nodded with a small smile and a giggle. She then began to kis her had and pretended Bumblebee's mouth was her hand.
2:33pm Sep 19 2010
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Screamer glanced behind him and noticed Night was kissing her hand. "Pfft, Femme's." He said, a small giggle pulling at his voice. "Don't you know where the autobot base is?" He asked, trying to hide the fact that he was.. lost.
2:38pm Sep 19 2010
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NightFeather looked up and sort of blushed. "Maybe," she replied as she looked around at the surroundings and then pointed south.
2:47pm Sep 19 2010
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Starscream nodded, and headed south. Or whatever was south in his opinion. "Too bad we don't have a compas.s" He implied.
2:51pm Sep 19 2010
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NightFeather nodded and then heard voices. She squeeled when she heard the voice of her crush.
3:00pm Sep 19 2010
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Starscream heard the voice too, but it brought not a thought of love but more or less a shot of disgust for the autobot faction. But he dealt with it, and pushed his way into the back of the Plant. Coming upon Bumblebee, he stabbed the Serum in the back of his pede. Screamer rushed off before BB could see him, however.
(( Time to bring in that little Bee. cB ))
6:15pm Sep 19 2010
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NightFeather slowly made her way backwards and then sat to watch what would happen to the Autobots.
5:48am Sep 21 2010 (last edited on 5:49am Sep 21 2010)
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Name: Why, I'm bumblebee! {:D} Age: I'm about seventeen. {>:D Rebelness.} Gender: ..I-I-I'm a guy. {o3o;} Looks: Bumblebee jerked. "Fehh.." He mumbled, quickly coming to terms that he was lying on the ground. "What happened?" He asked himself, as if there was bots around him, even though there where none. At the time before becoming human he was just walking through an outside corridor of the Autobot hideout, flipping through some paper. He sat up looked around, taking a bit of a moment to realize that he had gotten much smaller. Then he looked at his servo's..-- "hands!?" He yelled, making a rather familiarly dressed human step out of the shadows.
"Meh heh, liking that human stench?" Starscream said to bumblebee, a smirk abhorrent on his face. "I'm sure you know who I am, now get up. You are going back with us." He scowled at the boy, who appeared to be not much younger than himself.
6:09am Sep 21 2010
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NightFeather jumped up to Bumblebee and hugged his arm. "Hey," she cooed without care. "You can't drive away this time, and trust me. I've tried to transform."
6:16am Sep 21 2010 (last edited on 6:17am Sep 21 2010)
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/They are at wherever starscream was taking them too/
Bumblebee leaned up against the wall and slightly jumped as femme NF hugged his arm. "That would be weird. A human trying to transform." He mumbled quietly to himself. "Why would I try? There is obviously nowhere to go, and why would I? I'm fine right here~" He said, the left side of his face becoming a tad bit hot. Am I overheating..? He thought to himself.
"Blegh." Starscream said, leaned down over a table. "I'm going to go run some tests. NF, don't interface with him while I'm gone." He said with a sigh, holding a hand to his head as he flipped through several papers.
6:12pm Sep 21 2010
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NightFeather nodded and began to slowly rub her head upon Bumblebee's shoulder. "I really like the name Nails," she mindlessly muttered as she repeatedly rubbed him.
12:41pm Sep 22 2010
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BB uncomfortably moved his leg outwards. The soles of his tennis shoes where slick on the floor, making him fall to a sitting position. Ouch! he thought, as the pain of his aft hitting the floor that hard made his pelvic bones hurt for a brief moment. Looking up at the femme NF who was still standing, he faked a light chuckle and sort of bit his lip at her. Boy if there was any time I wish I could 'transform and roll out' it would be NOW!! He again thought to himself, his eyes still locked in a gaze with hers.
7:40pm Sep 23 2010
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NightFeather chuckled lightly as she stood back up straight and offered Bumblebee a hand. "Here," she shyly squeaked out.
8:13pm Sep 23 2010
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"That's okay--" BB said, almost as shyly as femme NF. He pulled himself up, glancing at the floor. "So.." He said, out of words to say.
3:25pm Sep 24 2010
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NightFeather looked around and then back at Bumblebee before nodding slightly. She then began to rub his hair and chuckle lightly.
12:09am Sep 27 2010
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Bumblebee chuckled and pressed his lips to her forehead. He pulled his face away, eyes locked onto hers.
(( FAIL ))