8:48pm Sep 28 2010
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NightFeather stood where she was with a baffled yet shy look upon her face. She barely understood his action, but she knew exactly what he meant with that kiss. "How come I felt that?" she squeaked before flopping down to the floor.
9:08pm Sep 28 2010 (last edited on 7:40am Sep 29 2010)
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"I don't know. Perhaps human flesh has a different effect than metal." He said, just above a whisper. Like the tables had turned, he glared down at NF. But his attentions where spiked seeing as she had apparently fainted. He got down on his knee's thinking about what to do. Yes, if he was a robot he would of flailed around and called Ratchet via radio. But being human-- what was he too do? He shook her face, raising a brow slightly. "Wake up!" He yelled, a slight frown in his usually perky attitude.
6:13am Sep 29 2010
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OOC: She pa-ssed out, Lauren. ;3 It might be a good time to bring in her bro now.
7:40am Sep 29 2010
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(( Alright. I edited. C: ))
11:19pm Oct 2 2010
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10:45am Oct 4 2010
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Cybertron just exploded.
12:59pm Oct 4 2010
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OOC: Really? ô 3ô BIC: NightFeather lied still while her brother walked in. (Braindead fail.)
12:07am Oct 9 2010
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Bumblebee jumped back a bit as his eyes glanced over at Mech NF. He scratched the back of his neck nervously, standing up as he looked back down at Femme NF. "She- .. Fainted.." He murmured.
At that moment Stascream came back in, his face buried in the pages of some sort of book. In the corner of his eye he could see Bumblebee, and Femme NF. And.. Her brother? He rolled his eyes red optics landing on Bumblebee. He then shifted them to the fainted Femme NF, his ex pression explaining all. "Mind explaining?" He scowled at the rather frightened looking Autobot.
"Nn.." Bumblebee mumbled, eyes shifting to look at the floor while he tapped his fingers nervously on his leg. "She.. fainted," He started, lightly nudging her leg with his foot.
7:44pm Oct 10 2010
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11:13am Oct 11 2010 (last edited on 3:25pm Oct 11 2010)
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Male NightFeather sat down and shook his head. "Care to explain why?" he asked.
12:13am Oct 13 2010
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Bumblebee felt like his circuits where overheating. His face was only reddening, apparent embaras.sment plastered onto his face. "I - I kissed her," He finally spoke, tearing his eyes from their glare on the floor.
12:17am Oct 13 2010
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Male NightFeather's lonely spark rejected the answer given to the bot. "And where did you kiss her?" he asked before giving off a tiny perverted smirk.
1:07am Oct 13 2010
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Before Bumblebee could answer Starscream slapped his hand to his face panels. "I honestly don't give a flying frag," He said, directing it to the conversation between male NF and bumblebee. "Just like sparklings." He hissed to low for any to hear.
Bumblebee groaned, throwing a piece of paper that happened to be in his pocket at Male NF. "Yuck!" He exclaimed at the smirk, his hand coming to wipe his eyes in a over dramatic act. "I kissed her on the forehead." He spoke, eyes drifting up to the ceiling.
10:09pm Oct 13 2010
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Male NightFeather got hit on the arm by the paper and then grabbed his arm. "Why now?" he acted before pretending to wince. He then chuckled while his sister stirred a bit.
8:15pm Oct 14 2010
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"Psh. I'm not explaining further than that you old perv," Bumblebee said.
9:38pm Oct 14 2010
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Male NightFeather chuckled more. "Back to that conversation? I'm not the only perv, aren't I?" he asked before picking up the paper. "How'd ya get like that, anyway?"
3:46am Oct 15 2010
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Bumblebee rolled his eyes at NF's 'not the only perv statement'. "Talk to Mr. Seeker over there." He said, motioning his head over to Starscream who had apparently went outside.
I wonder if this'll work.. Screamer thought, holding another serum that he had made by combining the stuff while he was absent from the room. In his hand he held a small vile, a needle on the very tip. Pinching his optics- eyes shut, he pushed it into his arm, waiting. He opened his optics, surprised to see that he had increased in his size, about 60x that pathetic human stature. "Primus, YES!" He exclaimed at the sight, a delighted grin taking upon his grey facepanels.
1:30pm Oct 15 2010
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Male NightFeather shrugged. "Eh," he muttered before deciding to walk on out to see Starscream. As he gasped, his sister finaly got her conciousness back.
2:37pm Oct 15 2010
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Starscream grinned, a very smug one indeed. "What? Its not like you've never seen a Seeker." He said, somewhat noticing that Female NF had came to. "Good morning sleeping beauty, you've been out for a few breams." He nonchalantly said, crimson optics rolling.
Bumblebee stared at the exit, eyes widening. "Starscream! You rotten deception. Don't ya think we want to be 'bots too?" He whined at the blue white and red 'Con, blue eyes seeming to flare.
5:00pm Oct 15 2010
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Female NightFeather propped herself up and glared at Starscream, noticing he was a robot again. "Holy f-ing s---," she muttered. "Turn us back into 'bots," she demanded before wiping saliva off of her chin.