12:52am Oct 22 2010
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[[ That gives my perverted mind the wrong ideas. o_o ]]
8:20pm Oct 22 2010
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11:42pm Oct 22 2010
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[[ FFFF oh primus. o///o ]]
11:47pm Oct 22 2010
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OOC: *Plankton "Daddy, yes!" laughs* So, wanna try it? ;c
12:07am Oct 23 2010
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[[ Fft yes. And if your mentioning plankton from spongebob, all I have to say is Starscream. |D ]]
12:09am Oct 23 2010
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OOC: Yeah. Saw the movie? I'm refering his laugh right after Neptune froze Krabs. XD And you post.
12:24am Oct 23 2010
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[[ Oh yeah, -gigglesnort- XD I watched that movie so long ago. But I did laugh so hard that my trachea hurt afterwards. xD Now brb ]]
8:30pm Oct 26 2010
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[[ I don't really know how to start.. oAo ]]
8:33pm Oct 26 2010
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OOC: Maybe make him awaken from a dream, go wake up f. NF, and talk about future plans. >8o
3:41pm Oct 27 2010
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[[ Ok.. o3o ]]
Bumblebee's optics fluttered to light, deep sapphire static hazing them over as he escaped from his deep recharge. With a disgruntled grunt the yellow autobot sat straight up in his berth, arm joints snapping as he extended them into the human term, 'stretch'. Then he thought back on what he had dreamed about. Well for the most part he was slagging up sir evil Megatronthebuckethead the first, but for the least and last bit he doing things I should not say on here to Femme NF. Optics slowly etching out of the white haze, a half-sparked smirk pulled upon his grey faceplates.
He swung his legs around to the side of the 'bed' in human terms, another stretch possessing his systems. With another light grunt her stumbled to his right footing and moved towards the door. The yellow mech rubbed a servo over his faceplates, shaking off the last bit of tiredness as he did so. Then he thought about femme NF. Walking outside he opened up the comn. link, putting in the code that directed him straight to NF. "Good morning, sunshine." He spoke almost over a whisper into the comn, a snort coming from the autobot's olfactory sensors. "You awake yet?" He cooed into the link, sitting down to make his impatient legs a bit more comfortable.
3:52pm Oct 27 2010
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Female NightFeather's black eyelids flew open at the voice of Bumblebee. "Now I am," she chuckled lightly as she stretched her back. "What's up- had the dream again?" She then swung her legs over the side of her bed and layed her torso down.
12:23am Dec 10 2010
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(( "Dead roleplay omg!" Cried the startled Nova. 8( ))
"No." Bumblebee spoke into the comn, "I dreamt of prowl dancing on a table." He lied to the femme, lame humor beginning to settle on his mind. "Yeah, I had it again." He said with a slight sigh, leaning back against a pole for back support. "Yourself?" He said.
5:47am Dec 10 2010
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Female NightFeather shrugged. "Nails," she muttered with a smile before nodding. "We can name that little sparkling within your dreams Nails." She then gave off a satisfied chuckle before asking, "And why would Prowl dance on a table? Did he drink again? We both know that I'd hurt him if he tried anything with you." Hopping off of her bed, she stood straight and tall at the sight of Megatron. "Father Megatron," she greeted with a curtosy.
11:33pm Dec 11 2010
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"Thats a nice name." Bumblebee spoke to the femme. "Psh, heck no. The only reason he would ever be dancing on a table is if he finally went mental, or I snuck some high grade in his energon." He sniggered at his own comment a devious smirk playing on his features.
"Oh?" He said, "Daddy megatron must be keeping you. I'll let you go then." He closed the link and stood, lazy joints snapping irritably. He shuttered his optics at full height, pushing his arms forward into a stretch before bringing them back online. Looking to his right he could see the distinct frame of a jet crossing the sky, obviously Megatron's screeching second in command. Bumble smirked heavily and stuck his aft in the air, making a startled human sound. "Oh megatron, I hate you so much! I should be the leader! You suck!" He mocked, finally stopping his antics with a childish laugh.
For primus sake, he was always going to be a sparkling at heart.
11:39pm Dec 11 2010
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OOC: Could you explain that second paragraph? o 3o
12:08am Dec 13 2010
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(( Bumblebee acting like a child. Self explanatory. ))
1:26pm Dec 13 2010
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OOC: But what about Megatron and the Seeker? Did Megatron end the conversation between the young bots? o 3o
12:58am Dec 15 2010
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(( o_o durrr. Do not comprehend. -slams CPU on table- ))
7:39pm Dec 15 2010
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OOC: ... o.o What did Megatron and the Seeker do?
8:53pm Dec 16 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Megatron basically started talking to your OC, so BB closed the comn. 'Screamer was just flying. .3. ))