[Pere] A forced hand will never be loyal. [Wolfie]

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6:33pm Jan 5 2012 (last edited on 7:07pm Jan 6 2012)

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Posts: 2,184
A double pairing Harry Potter romance roleplay featuring Perenelle and WolfieBelle. ;o

Pere - Draco and Ismene
Wolfie - Holly and River

Draco x Holly
River x Ismene

Lurkers will be given cake! ;o In teh face! ;o

No plot. Romance must come from the heart, not the mind.

Year Info
Draco is in 6th Year. The rest are in 5th.

Bio skeleton
((I wrote quite the extensive bio skeleton for an RP site that I own, and since I already have a character there, I decided to use that skeleton, cut down a bit. ^^ You can cut it some more if you don’t feel like answering it all. :D I thought it would be easier for me to write interaction with your characters if I had a lot of information to go with, though.))


Full name:




Age and Hogwarts Year:



Sexual Orientation:




Childhood History:

Teenage History:

Physical Appearance


Hair colour:

Eye colour:

Skin colour:

Distinguishing marks (scars, tattoos, piercings, etc):







Skills and talents:


6:40pm Jan 5 2012 (last edited on 7:26pm Jan 5 2012)

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Posts: 2,184

((I'm not gonna put something up for Draco since we all knowabout him and his 'foul git' attitude. (and also because I'm a lazy butt) xD Although I'll just say that sinceit's his 6th year, he's got the task from the Dark Lord. :D))


Full name: Ismene Hester

Nickname(s):Izzy, Mina

Gender: Female

Birthday: 25th July

Age and Hogwarts year: 15/5th year

Hogwarts house: Slytherin

Wand: Hawthorn,dragon heartstring, 12”

Sexual Orientation: Hetero/Straight


Family: Atticus Hester,Jennifer Hester (nee Jones)

Bloodline: Halfblood

Childhood: From the age offive, Ismene knew somethingwasn’t right in her family. Maybe it was the way herfather held her close, asif to hide her, or the way her mother looked at her,as if she couldn’t wait tobe rid of her. It bothered her, but she didn’t spenda lot of time dwelling onit; being a five year old, she had more importantthings to do, like playing inthe gardens of their large countryside manor. 

Herfather was a pureblood, from theold but relatively unknown line of Hester. Hehad a hefty sum eft to him fromhis father’s illegal potion-making business(and although that was profitable,he closed it after his father died). Afortune, it was, and being an onlychild, it was all for him, as his mother haddied some years previously.As many men do when they have much money to spare,he lived the bachelor’s lifefor five years. This turn of his life, so differentfrom his uptight, stoic childhood,was brought to an end abruptly when he metJennifer Jones. 

 Jenniferwas a Muggle,rnbut a Mugglelike he had never known. The ones he had encounteredbefore werernstupid,giggling girls, and a few drunken, aggressive men. Jenniferwas quiet,rnintelligentand humble. She was from a family of eight, and althoughshe was notrnwealthy,nor particularly beautiful, Atticus took a liking to herimmediately.rnLoveovertook them, and within two years, they had married.

 Theylived for anotherrntwo yearstogether alone, incredibly private and incredibly inlove, until Ismenernwasconceived. The couple was ecstatic, and during thepregnancy, AtticusrnsawJennifer happier and more beautiful than ever.

 Fromthe moment she wasrnborn, Ismene’s parents doted on her. She was given everythingshe could everrnwant.She was incredibly privileged.

 It wasa year laterrnwhen theexcitement of having a child wore off of Jennifer. Ifthere wasrnsomething sheloved more than Atticus, it was a challenge; challengeshad givenrnher the intellectshe proudly possessed in her adulthood. Ismene wasnot arnchallenge. She waspassive; always quiet, never crying. She ate at all therightrntimes, needed achanged nappy at all the right times, fell asleep right onschedule.rnItfrustrated Jennifer. She had thought motherhood would be morethrilling.

 Atticuswas arncompletely differentstory. He positively thrived in fatherhood, andIsmene wasrnhis pride and joy.She was his little girl, his bundle of happiness.They werernalmost inseparable,and whenever Atticus or Jennifer’s friends camewith theirrnown children, he wasfiercely protective of her.

 Jenniferbecame enviousrnof thisadoration and attention Atticus showered Ismene with. Herarely paidrnattentionto her anymore. She was hungry for attention, having beenstarved of itrnin heryounger years when there were five other siblings. Therewas only thernusualpeck on the cheek in the mornings before work and a hug and‘How was work?’rninthe evenings. This envy grew into resentfulness, and Jennifercouldn’trnwaituntil Ismene left for Hogwarts, when Atticus would once again payherrntheattention she deserved.

 Despitethis, Ismenerngrew quitehappily before Hogwarts; her mother was only a shadow inthernbackground. Somedays, she even forgot her mother lived with her, sononexistentrnwas theircontact. On these days, she would wonder what it would be liketo haverna motherwho loved her, for she was sure her mother didn’t love her. Herbelovedrnfatheralways hastened to reassure her whenever she voiced theseconcerns, butrnthedoubt was there in her mind. Whenever her mother and she weresat at thernsametable, fights would break out and they would snap at each other.Itrnwasheartbreaking for Atticus to see his dearly loved wife and adorednine-year-olddaughterrnfight.

 Herchildhood wasrnuneventful asidefrom this little drama. She had friends from theGrant familyrnand the McMullenfamily and she had her cousins from her mother’sside tornentertain her. Theyoften schemed devious, cunning plots to prank theparents,rnand their plansalways went off without a hitch. Her friend Nicholaswas alwaysrnthe inspirationof the operation; she did the strategy and alwaysthought thernplans throughthoroughly, weighing the pros and cons of goingthrough and pickingrnthe nittygritty details. She was usually in charge ofsomehow obtaining thernthings theyneeded, either by sneaking down to ask thehouse-elves to get themrnfor her orby conning an adult playfully.

 Shereceived her letterrnto Hogwartsexcitedly, and although she was upset to leaveher father, she couldrnhardlywait to leave her mother. And so it was on the 1st ofrnSeptember thatshe left King’s Crossstation in a compartment with Nicholas andrnher otherfriends, waving to herfather from the window.

 Consequently,she wasrnsorted intoSlytherin, probably an allusion to her conniving roles inthe prankrnmasterplans. She loved her House, but tried to stay away from thosewho teasedrntheGryffindors, not wanting to get herself involved in Housepolitics thatrnwoulddictate her life later on. Her first and second year weretwo wonderfulrnyearsfor her, and although she sometimes wished it would stopbeing so peacefulrnandbecome more adventurous, she’d never trade places withHarry Potter,rnRonaldWeasley or Hermione Granger, who were in the year aboveher. It was herrnownlittle secret, however, that she admired their brave feats.

 Teenageyears: During holidays,Ismene came homeregularly,rnbut at stressful times, she would stay back, notwanting to add hermother to thernmess of problems burdening her. Her workloadwas consistentlygrowing, the boysrnshe liked never returned her feelings and herbest friend,Nicholas, was goingrnthrough a tough time at home – he was driftingaway fromher. Her dream ofrnbecoming a Potions Mistress was also slowly wearingaway asher marks in thernclass sunk lower, a result of her disliking theProfessor,Snape, so much.

 It wasin Fourth Yearrn that an easily lost temper crept into herbasicpersonality. She tried tornget rid of it, but she suddenly found herselfyellingat everything anyone didrnwrong. She wasn’t sure why this was happeningto her,and she didn’t like it. Itrnseemed like she was becoming the sort ofperson shenever wanted to be – a personrnlike Snape.

Soon,she found herselfrnin anentirely different group of friends. She wasn’t in thegroup who sat nearrntheFirst Years, protecting them when they needed protecting,answeringrntheyquestions when they had them and tutoring them when they neededhelp. No,rnthatwas the group Nicholas was in, and it was obvious after theirhuge fightrnthatthey weren’t friends anymore, despite having grown up together.

She wasnow a part of arnlittleclique of fifth year and sixth year girls who loved togossip, take outrntheirclaws and use make up excessively. The girls involvedwere all nasty girlsrn–Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass, particularly – andthey had made itclearrnthat it was an honour for her to even be associated withthem, becauseshe wasrnhalf-Muggle. She suspected the only reason she had beenlet in wasbecause shernwas rather friendly with Draco Malfoy. AstoriaGreengrass, her bestfriend,rnassured her that it wasn’t like that, but Ismenecould tell that shewasn’trntelling the whole truth.

Now,she hated who shernhad becomeand who she hung out with, but she couldn’t stopit. She didn’t wantrnto be alone.

Physical Appearance

Height: 155cm

Hair(colour/style): Carefully styled,curled black hair. Reaches the mid of her back.

Eye colour:Dark brown.

Skincolour: Peaches and cream

Distinguishing marks(scars, tattoos, piercings, etc): Earpiercings,rnsmall birthmark on the inside of leftwrist

Other: Ismene hasfreckles inherited from herrnred-headed mother that are scattered across her noseand which she hates.rnTheylook quite odd matched with her black hair. Because ofthis, she usesrnexcessiveamounts of makeup to hide them.


General: Ismene isgenerally a serious, hard worker,butrnat times can be mischievous, careless anda little selfish. At the currenttime,rnher easily-triggered temper is a largepart of her personality, and shebecomesrnupset at the pettiest things. However,to counter that unwelcome partof herrncharacter, she tries her hardest to bepositive and to act happy, if notforrnherself than for the benefit of others.Sometimes, she struggles to bematurernabout things, and although tears do notcome quickly, tantrums do. Thesetantrumsrnare often taken out on innocentpasser-bys in the form of bullying,something shernfeels she needs to do to fitin with her group of friends, and toplease Pansyrnand Daphne.

Likes: Ismene lovespractical wandwork subjectsrnandwritten exams. She loves the smell of newparchment and has a constantrncravingfor hot chocolate and chocolate bars. Sheloves to dress up, and shernloves toshop. Shoes are an obsession of her’s.

Dislikes: She hates bad hairdays,funny-but-not-reallyrnjokes, Professor Snape, the smell of burning tyresandphysical activity.

Fears/phobias:She fearsrnloneliness and isolation,losingher father, failing exams and cockroaches. Thernlatter fear stems from anincidentin her childhood when she woke up to find arncockroach lying on herchest andanother on her arm, planted by Nicholas. 

Skills/talents:Excels in Charms,rnTransfiguration and DefenceAgainst the Dark Arts – all wandwork subjects.rnCharms is her specialty,andusually she can perform any charm taught to her inrnthe first try. She canperformthe basest Legilimency, and is also quite skilledrnat Arithmancy.


6:43pm Jan 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,184
Nyeh, I'm sorry about all the rns. D: I copied it from Word, and it wouldn't let me delete them.


6:55pm Jan 5 2012 (last edited on 4:38pm Jan 6 2012)

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Posts: 6,409

((Your bio... Tis crazy with the rnrn's. I'll finish my bio shortly.))


Full name: Holly Rutledge

Nicknames: Fox, Holly, Holy, Halo, Angel, Princess by a selective few boys, and Helly by people who don't like her.

Gender: Female

Birthday: May 9

Age and Hogwarts Year: Fifteen | Fifth Year

House: Slytherin, baby.

Wand: Eleven inch red oak with a pheonix feather core.

Sexual Orientation: Straight.


Family: Aleyna Rutledge (Mother) | Her father's unknown and she's an only child.

Bloodline: Though she looks and acts like a pureblood, there's talk about her being a half-blood due to her father being unknown.

Childhood History: Average, other than lacking a father.

Teenage History: Uneventful. Full of mood swings and hormones.

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'1"

Hair colour/style: Thick wavy crimson-red hair down to her shoulder blades with choppy bangs that often get in her eyes, causing her to push them out of the way.

Eye colour: Ghostly Green-Gray-Blue

Skin colour: Pale as porcelain.

Distinguishing marks (scars, tattoos, piercings, etc): No visible scars, though she has a few on her back. She has the tattoo of a maned wolf on her lower back, a single piercing on each of her ear lobes, and a belly-button piercing.

Other: She looks very doll-like.


General: She has a very fiery personality around her friends, which basically includes the whole slytherin house, but when she's not with her friends she becomes very shy and quiet.

Likes: Chocolate, white roses, music of all kinds except for rap, and animals.

Dislikes: Rap music, popcorn, and people who pick on mud-bloods.

Fears/phobias: She has a fear of darkness. Her fear of thunder is so great that she often locks herself in an enclosed space to hide her weaknesses from others. She hates being portrayed as a weak person.

Skills and talents: She's an unregistered animagus. Her animagus form is a maned wolf.



Full name: River Kindred

Nicknames: Riv, and R.

Gender: Male

Birthday: January 3

Age and Hogwarts Year: Fifteen | Fifth year

House: Ravenclaw

Wand: Thirteen inch cyprus with a dragon's heartstring core.  Best for offensive spells.

Sexual Orientation: Straight


Family: He doesn't speak of his parents or his siblings, so much about his family life is unknown.

Bloodline: Pureblood.

Childhood History: Ridiculously average.

Teenage History: See Childhood History.

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'11"

Hair colour: Straight black hair that's slightly shaggy and flips out on the ends slightly.

Eye colour: A very light brown; almost yellowish gold.

Skin colour: He has a nice tan.

Distinguishing marks (scars, tattoos, piercings, etc): He has a tattoo on the back of his neck of a tiger, his petronus, and a single scar on his hip.

Other: He is describes as very strong-looking and almost intimidating.


General: River is very smart, like most ravenclaws. His over-all personality is strong and very likable. He's a mature guy, and he doesn't joke around as much as most guys his age do.

Likes: Being nice, helping others, gummi-bears, chocolate, and being at the top of his class.

Dislikes: People who are irrational, cruelty, and people who just are flat-out rude.

Fears/phobias: He has a strange fear of spiders, but he hides it well. He is also afraid of heights, often freezing up when he's up high.

Skills and talents: He's great at taking care of magical creatures and he is known for his nice attitude by the professors.

Love is all we need~


4:39pm Jan 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
((Finished my bios. You want to start? Wait- Where will we start? On the train? Arriving at Hogwarts?))

Love is all we need~


7:09pm Jan 6 2012

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Posts: 2,184
((Awesome. :) I don't mind starting, but I think we can start on the train, since most HP RPs start there anyway. How shall we do it? WOuld you like me to do one whole post as one character and just take it in turns with them whenever it's my go to post, or have each post have something from each of them divided by a line?))


6:58pm Jan 7 2012

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Posts: 6,409
((Just post however you like, so long as I know which of your characters is doing what. Oh, and did you approve of my female character, Holly, being an unregistered animagus?))

Love is all we need~


7:33pm Jan 7 2012

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Posts: 2,184
((Alright, I'll just do the posts however they fit in the story. And I did approve.))

15-year-old Ismene Hester sat in a compartment with her little group of friends. The girls were all gossiping about their fantastic summer break, Pansy in particular being very loud about how she had spent the whole time 'at Draco's manor'. Ismene had only managed to spend a half hour in there before she needed to be let out to get some air, and it wasn't just because it was overloaded with perfume. Coughing, she made some excuse about finding a friend, before she made it out of the compartment. Leaning against the door for a minute, she went in search of Draco's compartment.

As she went down the train, looking into certain compartments to see if she could find her other group of friends, her heart almost stopped as she looked into one and saw Nicholas staring back at her. He looked...well, he looked like crap. His eyes were gaunt and he looked much too thin. She almost wanted to barge into there and demand that he tell her everything. That was, until he sent her the fiercest glare she knew he could muster. Even in his fragile-looking state, it was deadly.

Hurrying away, she finally found the compartment that consisted of Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott. They were talking quietly, and looked up when she came in.

"Hi." She shut the door quickly and planted herself beside Theodore.

"You look like you're running away from someone," Blaise commented, amused.

"You don't know the half of it," Ismene muttered in reply. "Can I stay with you guys? I don't feel like hearing about Pansy's break. She's been throwing a whole heap of hints that all point to the fact that she spent the whole holidays snogging you." She inclined her head towards Draco, and laughed when he made a disgusted face.

"She said that? Merlin, she sounds desperate."

"I think she just really, really likes you, Draco," Ismene laughed. "Now, how was your break, boys? Tell me something about Quidditch or dueling or something, please. I love shopping and all, but if I hear the price of another Jimmy Choo shoe, I will seriously hex someone."

"Who's Jimmy Choo?" Blaise questioned, brow furrowed. Ismene shook her head, smiling slightly.

"Muggle thing."

"Ah." His voice didn't betray it, but when she looked up, she saw that all three of the boys looked uncomfortable at the mention of something Muggle. Ismene sighed, pulling on a black curl. 

"Just tell me about your break, guys."

Seemingly glad to break the tension, Blaise (who was the most energetic, loud and enthusiastic of the three boys, Theodore being the least) began recounting his holiday in Australia. She hoped he would take a while, because she didn't really want to go back to the girls.


7:57pm Jan 7 2012 (last edited on 7:57pm Jan 7 2012)

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Posts: 6,409
"Get back here, Helly!" A ravenclaw girl yelled at the redhead, who was easy to pick out in the hall of the train. Holly kept running from the girl, who held a wand pointed at Holly, who was running in front of her.

Though Holly was pretty sure that the girl, who was angry at her for some unknown reason, wouldn't dare cast a spell on her, but she kept her own wand near her hand just in case. She ran into a cart that she had seen Ismene, one of her friends, go into earlier.

Sliding the door shut, she locked it and leaned against it, her luggage dropping to the floor. She slid down to a sitting position, and looked at Blaise, who seemed to be recapping his summer.

Well, she had definitely made a dramatic entrance.


River's golden eyes looked up from the book he was reading just in time to spot Ismene walk calmly past his cart, in which he sat alone, followed by the running redhead Holly who was apparently being chased by one of the girls in his house, ravenclaw.

He sighed at the sight, and went back to reading as if nothing happened. If he thought Holly, or 'Helly', as the ravenclaw girl had called her, was in danger, he would have helped, but he knew that she was more than capable of getting away.

And if she would have gotten injured, she had the whole slytherin house standing behind her to take revenge on whoever hurt her.

Sighing, River soon became engrossed in his book.

Love is all we need~


8:35pm Jan 7 2012

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Posts: 2,184
Blaise stopped his recount abruptly as the door to the compartment slid open, was banged shut and then locked. Standing at the door was Holly Rutledge, one of her friends not from the Slytherin clique.

"Oh, hey Holly," Ismene smiled. Seeing her disheveled appearance and the look on her face, though, her smile dropped. "What's wrong? What's happened?" The other girl slid to a sitting position, and, worried, Ismene stood up and knelt by her. "Did someone say something to you?"

She looked back and saw Draco, Blaise and Theodore watching silently. They were probably worried about Holly too, but they didn't show it, always handing the task of comforting Holly to her.


9:14pm Jan 7 2012 (last edited on 9:14pm Jan 7 2012)

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Posts: 6,409
Holly was silent for a moment before looking up at Ismene and the boys.

"I'm not... that hellish, am I?" The question was her way of asking why people called her Helly. Sure, the girl had a fiery temper and a ridiculous way of angering girls without even noticing that she did it, but she couldn't be that hellish, could she?

Her eyes rested on Draco for a moment before turning to Ismene, awaiting her answer.

((I have no clue what to do with River right now, but he and Ismene will have a bit more interaction later.))

Love is all we need~


9:31pm Jan 7 2012

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Posts: 2,184
((LOL we don't have to rush it. ^^ It happens when it happens, right? Just fit him in when you can.))

"No!" Ismene replied, frowning. "No, you aren't. Not at all. Those girls just can't...handle your personality, that's all. And that's not a bad thing, it's just that...um..."

"Sometimes you unconsciously push the wrong buttons?" Blaise suggested.

"And your temper," Theodore supplied, nodding. "Sometimes you act like a Gryffindor, your temper just flares up. Not that that's a bad thing, either, because it gives you a quick tongue."

"They're just jealous," Draco said, smirking cockily, "because they don't get to hang out with three handsome guys like us. And a decent-looking girl, as well," he added at the look Ismene gave him. She stuck her tongue out at him and turned back to her friend.

"You aren't hellish at all," she murmured. "You're a very nice-"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the compartment door. "Oh, let me get that," Ismene said quickly, pulling Holly up. She slid open the door, and coughed when a huge cloud of perfume wafted into the cart. "Oh, um. Hi Daphne, Pansy."

"Hi Izzy," Pansy smiled, baring her teeth. "You haven't seen Draco around have you?" She craned her neck, and an ex
pression of surprise overcame her face. She had to admit that the girl was a good actress. "Oh! Draco, I didn't see you there. How are you?" Before Draco could reply, she had already begun talking, having seen the other occupants. "Hello Blaise, Theodore...Helly." She giggled, as did Daphne.


1:15pm Jan 8 2012

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Posts: 6,409
Holly listened to Ismene, who basically told her what she wanted to hear, but that was nice. After all, the two were on good terms.

She listened to each of the boys say something, her eyes resting on Draco as he said the last thing. She rolled her eyes at his comment, and let out a light laugh.

"Thanks, guys," she said, a smile appearing on her pale face.

Soon, the door vibrated as someone knocked on it, and Ismene helped her to her feet so that the door could be opened.

When she realized who was at the door, her good mood dropped. Daphne and Pansy.

Pansy had constantly picked on her for all the years she was at Hogwarts, and, quite frankly, she was sick of it. When Pansy called her Helly and Daphne giggled, she had enough of it.

"Get out of here. There's a difference between liking someone and stalking them. And, by golly, you're stalking Draco. He obviously doesn't like you and you're simply annoying him. Just give it up. We all know you never snogged him and that he never snogged you. Just save yourself the embarrassment and leave," she said. And that was how she got on bad terms with people.

Most of the time what she said was entirely true, but, let's face it: the truth hurts. What usually got people mad at Holly was because she was so blunt and honest. There was no holding her back. If she wanted to do something, she would do it, and if you were nice to her, there would be no problems between the two of you.

Love is all we need~


2:26pm Jan 8 2012

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Posts: 2,184
Instead of getting angry and leaving, Pansy just sneered down at the girl, ignoring Ismene's frantic gestures for them to leave. "Ooh, the Hellcat's getting angry, isn't she?"

"I think you should leave," said Draco suddenly, his face completely blank and his voice not betraying any emotion. "Go on, Pansy, Daphne."

"But I don't wanna," Pansy pouted. "You're not gonna make me go, are you, Drakie?" As Draco came to stand in front of her, she reached up a hand to run it through his hair, but was startled when he practically slapped it away, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the compartment. "Ooh, I love it when you get rough, Drakie!"

Draco sent them a look over his shoulder, and saw they all looked grateful for his intervention. He gave them a glare that clearly meant 'you owe me' before he was gone, taking Pansy and Daphne with him.

The compartment was left in silence. "Well," Ismene said evenly, "sometimes I can never figure out why I'm friends with her."

((And I totally stole that line up there from a movie. xD I can't remember which though))


3:45pm Jan 8 2012

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Posts: 6,409
When Draco left with Pansy, Holly felt both thankful and regretful. She was happy that Pansy and Daphne were gone, but she regretted putting the spotlight on Draco. He probably would be mad at her now.

Nevertheless, she wiped the thought from her mind in an attempt to try and lift the mood a bit.

"Um... So what'd you guys do for the summer?" She hoped not to draw attention to herself on the subject, but they all probably knew by now that she didn't go anywhere. She'd been invited to go on summer trips with some of her friends, but she had to refuse due to being grounded for 'disrespecting' her mother's boyfriend.

However, she'd done no disrespect. The man had attempted to hit her dog, which she wasn't allowed to bring to Hogwarts, and when she tried to defend her dog, he hit her instead, so she called him a bastard, which backfired due to him knowing that she had no clue who her father was. And then Holly hit him, which attracted the attention from her mother. And then she got grounded. For the rest of the summer. If she didn't have to go to Hogwarts, she probably would have been grounded for longer than that.

Just thinking about the incident, Holly rubbed the spot on her cheek where the man had hit her, leaving a bruise that was long gone by now. Pushing her hand down, Holly waited for someone to answer her question.

Love is all we need~


5:09pm Jan 8 2012

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Posts: 2,184
"Oh!" Ismene said, smiling. "My daddy took me to Australia too, Blaise! Only for a day, though." She sounded mournful. "He had a business meeting. But it was bloody cold there! They have their seasons upside down!" She grinned. "It didn't snow where I went, either. Can you imagine not having a white Christmas? Christmas during summer?"

Blaise wrinkled his nose. "Ew."

"I didn't do much," came Theodore's smooth, quiet voice. "I was mainly at home by myself. Father was...preoccupied." They all knew what that meant. Ismene squeezed his arm, giving him a smile. She was thankful that her family had never been involved with the Dark Lord.

"What about you, Holly?" Blaise asked, hoping to draw attention away from his friend.


5:28pm Jan 8 2012

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Posts: 6,409
Holly listened as her friends told their tales of how they spend their summer, giving Theodore a sympathetic smile when he implied that his father was tied up with the Dark Lord.

It was both good and bad that her family hadn't been involved with Voldemort. It was good because it meant that nobody had a reason to avoid her or hate her, but they did anyway. It was bad because it made people doubt her lineage even more since the majority of families that were involved with the Dark Lord were pure-bloods.

When the subject was pinned on her due to Blaise trying to draw attention away from Theodore, everything went in slow motion. She could feel her cheek start aching again, but she closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath before breaking the silence.

"Nothing good happened to me over the summer." It was obvious that she was lying, but she hoped that nobody would bother her over that lie.

Love is all we need~


5:37pm Jan 8 2012

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Posts: 2,184
Ismene stared at the girl. It was obvious she was very, very tense. She looked closely at the girl, and her eyes widened when she saw the faintest print on her cheek. It was so unnoticeable - it was only a shade darker than the rest of her skin - but Ismene saw it. "You know what? Let's play a game. Talking about our summer's getting quite boring." She pasted on a fake smile, worried about her friend. She'd ask her about it later. "What say you to a game of truth or dare?"

"Oh, goodie," Blaise grinned, rubbing his hands together, totally oblivious. "You will all reveal your deepest, darkest secrets to me!" He cackled, and Ismene rolled her eyes. "What about you two?" This she directed at Theodore and Holly.

"I have no time for such childish games," Theodore said in the same soft voice, sounding pompous, and if it wasn't for the slight tilt at the corners of his lips, she wouldn't have caught the fact that he was joking. She shook her head.

"Whatever, Theo, go read a book or something." 

He chuckled and did as he was told.

"What about you, Holly?" Ismene asked.


5:48pm Jan 8 2012

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Posts: 6,409
Holly's face remained unchanged when Theodore joked around. She sat down on one of the seats and thought about it for a moment. On one hand, this could be fun. On the other hand, it could be torturous.

She felt her pulse quicken, but if she were to keep up the terrible facade, she would have to play along.

"Sure. I'm game."

Love is all we need~


5:52pm Jan 8 2012

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Posts: 2,184
"Alright!" Ismene flashed a genuine smile at the three who were going to play. "Blaise is first, since he's so eager. Truth or Dare, Blaisykins?"

"Truth, Izzykins."

Ismene pondered on it for a minute, before turning to Holly. "Have any ideas? I've got a few, but...I'm going to save them for later. When Draco gets back." She grinned devilishly.

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