7:12pm Feb 13 2011
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I smiled very softly as the bell sounded, listening as the ring echoed through the empty hallways till swarms of high school teenagers rushed out of their clas.ses. The hallways were not that hard to get through if you were used to it. By this time I knew which was best to turn and go to avoid the traffic and still make it to my destination on time. Standing up quickly, I shoved my books and pencil bag into my chocolate brown backpack and walked out the door, not the last out, but not the first either. I hadn't gotten a chance to reply to the boys comment.... even though I wasn't sure what exactly I would say. What could I say to it without seeming to shy or snobish. I am naturally a quiet person, though I would say shy. I just prefer to observe what is around me more than putting myself out into that world. Walking over to my locker, which was last because of the alphabetical order thing the school did, I twisted the lock. I had gotten so used to that combination that by now my hands could do it without me paying any attention. The locker clicked open and I shoved my History things inside, only to grab my Spanish III book, spiral, and binder. Mrs Lial wasn't one to be happy if you forgot your things. Shutting the door with a flick ok my wrist, I dodged through the crowded mas.s of humans only to slip into the fourth clas.sroom on the right. I took my seat, second behind Kevin, only to tap him on the shoulder and smile. Kevin was actually my cousin and by some chance, both of our parents decided that this school would be the best choice to send us to. So here we were. "What was the homework from last night?" I said softly as the bell rang to signal the start of clas.s
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5:04pm Feb 14 2011
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 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
7:44pm Feb 14 2011
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I pocketed my cell phone with a grunt, going to focus on the "lesson". As I looked up at Kevin, guess who was in this clas.s. Lilian. I chortled softly to myself, then the teacher began calling roll. In Spanish. When she came to my name, she paused, and in English said "I seem to not have a last name for you, Drekin." I smiled widely, and replied, "I noticed the same thing on my birth certificate." Chuckles broke out quietly throughout the room and I leaned back, deciding high school was going to be fun after all. Of course, the teacher was far from amused and said with a tight voice: "¿Cuánto español sabe usted, Sr. Drekin?" I could also tell she expected me to not know much, which gave me the perfect opportunity to prove her wrong. Forgetting my idea to not cause trouble on my first day I said, "Sé la abundancia, la Sra. Lial. ¿De hecho, y ayudo a dar clases hoy?" I kept off the "then maybe your clas.s will learn something part", not knowing Mrs. Lial's limits. To my surprise, she just smiled and chuckled. "This shall be an interesting year, Mr. Drekin." ((Note: I used an online translator, so this might be completely wrong, so forgive me. D: I'll post the translated questions if need calls.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:04pm Feb 14 2011
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I chuckled a little at his words, understanding them completely. Though this teacher was all smile and grins at first, behind the mask she wasn't as patient as she seemed. Poor new kid. He should really learn how to read people better. By the tight pull of Mrs. Lial's smile, and the small twitch at the corner of her eye.... Well lets just say that the teacher wasn't really laughing on the inside. Raising my hand timidly once more, I swallowed quickly and spoke. "Profesora Lial, no tenemos una prueba de hoy? ¿Dónde le gustaría que el nuevo chico .... Quiero decir Drekin ir?" ( Professor Lial, don't we have a quiz today? Where would you like the new kid.... I mean Drekin to go?) The teacher looked over at me, and for some reason, her face went back to normal. Its not like she really liked me... but I think she realized that in her cl*censored*, I meant no harm to her teaching or the rest of the students when I spoke. It wasn't always a good thing, but sometimes it did help me get some of my friends or even..... some kids I didn't know out of trouble. "Irá en el pasillo hasta el resto de la clase ha terminado. O eso, o ir a sentarse en la biblioteca." (He will go sit in the hallway till the rest of the cl*censored* is finished. Either that or go to the library.) Mrs. Lial replied quickly before turning to go grab the quizzes from her desk.
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8:18pm Feb 14 2011
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I listened, and leaned back further. "¿Y en qué podría este concurso estar?" ((and what might this quiz be on)) I asked Mrs. Lial. I'm hoping that I'll be able to take it, and p*censored* with a good score. But you never know, I might not be as brilliant as I'd like to think. I sat up straight and observed the clas.s, but mostly focusing on Kevin. I needed to talk to him soon, so I could get out of here. I mean, it'd be a fun experience and all, but I'd prefer to be elsewhere. I hummed quietly to myself as I waited for a reply from the teacher, hoping she'd do the creppy-tight-smile-laugh thing again, just so I'd have something to chuckle about later. I noted that Lilian clearly wanted to do well in this clas.s, which made me smile, mostly because it made me realize that shifters aren't too different from the humans, though much still seperated them.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:26pm Feb 14 2011
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"Its over the information we read in your book yesterday Mr. Drekin." Mrs. Lial said with annoyance and a hint of a smirk touched her face. The teacher was pretty new to this school, so she still had the fiery temper of a new teacher.... but in a bout a year or so, that would fade away into the dull average teachers. I honestly only know of three of the teachers in Highschool who were able to surp*censored* that almost steadfast rule, and were still fun and incredible teachers. "You weren't here Mr. Drekin, but if you would like to try your hand at randomly guessing the correct answers to a page of information that you haven't ever seen before, be my guess." Wow. She really didn't like this new kid. Most of the cl*censored* was now turned back and was looking at him, some laughing, others had wide eyes, and even a few more where nodding their approval. I on the other hand just ignored them all. I had tried my best to aid the new guy.... but if I spoke now, it was almost *censored*ured that I would get in trouble to. One of the great advantages in life is to know when to hold your tongue.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
8:36pm Feb 14 2011
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I smirked back at her. I stood and walked to the front of the room, deciding to make my grand exit. I grabbed hugged her tightly and cried out, "Oh Mrs. Lial! The way you are so firm when talking about your clas.s!" I pulled away, watching her pale, then turn bright red, her anger boiling. Laughing, I gathered my stuff and headed out the door, turning only to blow a kiss at her, knowing full well I could get suspended, written up, sued, or whatever the heck they did with "naughty" kids these days. Once in the hallway, I walked outside and lounged around, deciding just to chill until school was over, so I could talk to Kevin. I replayed what I just did over in my mind, and chuckled. I really had lost it. And Trech would be pissed. Whatever, I thought, rolling my eyes. I pulled out my cell phone and called Trech. I explained everything that had happened, and his tone was very weary. "God, Drekin. Can't do a simple task, eh?" I grinned and said into the phone, "Missions aren't fun without some drama and a stupid kid acting up."
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:50pm Feb 14 2011
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It didn't take long for Mrs. Lial to go over to the intercom by the door and get the boy transferred into the other Spanish cl*censored*. Somehow though, I knew it could have been worse, much worse. Maybe it was the fact that no one laughed as his joke that really made her lighten up on him. Most teachers hated the comebacks, but it was the laugh of the cla.ss that really put them over the top. Yet this had seemed like a bit to much. Sure, inwardly I was smiling a little, not at the joke itself but at the reaction the teacher gave, but I also hoped that this boy knew the possible consequences of what he did. Imagine getting kicked out on the first day. Ha! Kevin turned back to me as we finished our quiz, giving me a swift grin and a nod of his head. Setting the paper down on my desk so that I could grade it, I looked up at him. We were more than just cousins. We were best friends, together at the hip really. The only thing that kept us appart all day was the cl*censored* schedule and even that had been altered in our favors with only a call from our parents. But as I looked at him, I could see something that hadn't been there before the boy came into the cl*censored*. It was a confused ex pression. One of which meant he was thinking deeply about something.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
8:52pm Feb 14 2011 (last edited on 9:10pm Feb 14 2011)
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From what I heard, Mrs. Lial got pissed, then transferred me. And I heard nobody laughed. Which made my day. You probably think the goal of a joke is to make people laugh. That WAS part of my goal, but mostly to make a name for myself. Now most people will avoid me, so I can focus on dragging Kevin back to the town. I think he sensed me, what I am, I mean. Shifters can do that, but that means he knows what he is. Been knowing. And has denied it. Making me task a bit harder. ~ I heard the final bell ring, and saw kids stream out of the building, chatting and such. I kept my eye on the door, waiting for Kevin to come out. What I didn't expect was to see him with Lilian. Ah well, not that big of a problem. I got up from where I was sitting, and strolled over to where they were walking. "Hey Lilian." I said briefly, then turned to Kevin. "You are...Kevin, right? Mind if I talk to you privately for a bit? I have...a message of sorts for you." I tried to think of a non-freaky way to put it, though he'll still probably be weirded out. Whatever. As long as he listened.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
9:04pm Feb 14 2011
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[Sure but you have to start :3 ]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
9:11pm Feb 14 2011
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((Edited my post. o:))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
9:43pm Feb 14 2011
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[Replying now <3 Had to go do dishes before xD]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
9:52pm Feb 14 2011
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I walked out of Studyhall books in hand, chatting away with my cousin. He had conveyed to me earlier his small concerns about the new boy but they didn't seem to have any firm ground. Nothing was really up with the guy as far as she could see... except maybe a attitude problem and the need for a little deodorant (xD). Shaking my head, I listened to his words quickly. They had turned to the subject of the last Inheritance Cycle book that had yet to be released. The author had still not decided when he would release it and already it had been a year. Plus he had written it already and was just not wanting to publish it. What was up with that? Nodding my accent to Kevin's words, I turned back to my locker but my name was called before I could reach out to open the lock. It was the new kid again. What was with him? Didn't he have some place to go or some place to be afterschool? And why talk to us anyway? Shaking her head, she spoke up for Kevin, as he opened his mouth, winking at her cousin in the process. "Sorry Drekin, we have to hurry to track." I said quickly, and grabbed Kevin's hand, pulling him foreward as soon as she had gotten her books. It ended up as a race through the door and across the campa.ss but in the end, both of them were panting and both surrendered, unable to run the entire way with the weight of their books and backpacks with them.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
8:05pm Feb 15 2011
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((LOL. XD Poor Drekin and his sweaty pits. o;)) Now, I usually try to refrain from losing my temper. But when that chick did that, my anger flared. I watched them run and immediately pulled out my cell phone, quickly dialing numbers. "Trech? Yep. It might have gone better if this girl hadn't interrupted." Trech's voice got pissed. I was fuming too. Trech told me to get rid of the girl. No, I wasn't to kill her, or anything. Not even hurt her. Just get her away from her cousin long enough to talk to him. Trech told me to come visit for more details of the plan. Now I'm headed home for a few days. ~ I pulled my motorcycle up beside the house, nestled between two shady trees. As I got off, Trech was waiting, not pleased whatsoever. I decided just to go with it, and entered the house, only the tiniest bit scared. Trech quickly explained the plan, basically doing major damage control. I sighed. It was going to be a long mission. Afterwords, Trech lightened up, joking about how much trouble I was in after the first day. I laughed too, still a bit scared Trech might snap. I've seen it before. I got what I needed to do damage control, and headed back, now again a highschool student. ~ I drove up to school, early this day, on my bike, parking in the spot. See, yesterday, I was bascially wearing black jeans and a tee. Hair frazzled. Kinda not caring, if you know what I mean. But not now. My hair, freshly washed, was in a pony tail, silky smooth. My tee was replaced with a crisp, clean, light pink button up, tight on my chest. My pants were now black trousers. I hated every minute of it. For now, I was supposed to go to the office, where Trech's contact had pulled soem strings for me. Supposedly, I was an "actor", who was just acting, trying to score points with the agency I worked with. Bunch of bull, but they bought it. I also had to reply in full to Mrs. Lial, which sucked, but I must admit, the plan was smart. Brushing off my new attire, I deposited my helmet and strode into my first period, to be "good" student. (( Yeah, he won't stay like that for long, but I'm makign things more...interesting. lies ontop of lies = drama))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
8:26pm Feb 15 2011
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It was a quick morning, even for me. The alarm clock didn't go of, or if it did, then I either hit the snooze and didn't realize it, or slept through the beeping entirely. The smell of bacon downstairs, that had already been cooked and was now fading way was the first thing I noticed as I returned from the world of the living. At first, my thoughts were jumbled, wondering why the light from my windows was so bright since it was the middle of the night. The thought process returned to me seconds later and my eyes popped open, to glance at the clock. It said it was 10 already. Way oversleepness. School would have already started by now, curse it. Bolting out of bed, I changed into a hoody and cargo pants quickly, shoving my track stuff into my backpack along with the essay in English that was due today, and rushed downstairs. Hurridly I packed my lunch, throwing it into a plastic bag and for a moment there, I almost walked out the door. "What are you doing up so early?" My little sisters voice complained loudly, walking down the stairs in her pajamas. I was known for sleeping in till the last second, so it surprised me that Megan was still in her night clothes. "It wasn't even seven yet." She groaned and turned back towards the stairs, taking them two at a time. I learned later that in my sleep I had hit the hour button a few times, changing the time from six... to ten. My bad. And the bacon smell had been my dad, cooking breakfast for himself. He had to go to work early that morning and he wanted a good breakfast to start the day of right. Or so he says anyway. Sighing, I mentally punished myself for my stupidity but since I was already ready, I just decided to go with it. Maybe go to the school and run a few practice laps before school actually started. Nodding to myself, glad that something good came out of me waking up early, I opened the garage door and the door of my small Tesla Model S Electric Car. It was a gift from my grandparent for my seventeenth birthday. Pulling out of the driveway, I shot towards the school, face calm but probably showing signs of tiredness. The morning was quick, but the day would be long.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
8:53pm Feb 15 2011
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My teacher was shocked. It registered all over his face. Even though we haven't met, he was expecting a delinquent. I smiled, and asked if he had gotten the notice from the office. He only nodded and told me to have a seat. I did, and soon school progressed. Everything went smoothly, I didn't act out, and I was bored out of my mind. Being good failed miserably. ~ Soon, after a long, agonizing day, my favorite period rolled around. History. Oh joy. I made sure I looked amazing. Hair smooth, clothes straight, I smelled good and I was about to p*censored* out from all....ickty-goody-smelly-good-ness. It made me sick. Anyway, I entered the History room, talked to Mr. Meeks, who nodded, said it was fine, and told me to sit. I did so, in the back, and ignored everyone else. It was going to be a long day.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
9:04pm Feb 15 2011
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Time didn't seem to go as slowly as I would have thought, but neither was this day a quick one. Each period, by some hand of fate, we all had a quiz in. Every singal one except Spanish and Studyhall. Well not exactly....in Calculus we had a test. Doesn't that just sound like a wonderful day to you? Yah right. Though I did make A's on all of them, some hundreds and others ninety somethings.... it didn't change the fact that the day was packed. Sixth period rolled around, and so far, I had avoided the new kid. Yesterday he had been wierd, and today... even wierder. Was he bipolar or something with this sudden attitude change? Kevin hadn't shown for school today, which was strange of him. He never skipped or missed when we have meets that day. Of course, I only had him first, third, seventh and either period. Maybe he had come during fourth, fifth or even this period. Who knows. Nodding to myself, I listened to the bell signal the start of cla.ss and Mr. Meek announce what are work was. To read in the book and answer the questions. Typical.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
9:22pm Feb 15 2011
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Mr. Meeks *censored*igned more reading and questions, as he did yesterday. I completed the as.signment and turned in my paper, asking to use the bathroom. He thrust the pas.s at me, not looking up from his screen. As I headed out the door, I glanced at Lilian. She seemed to be avoiding me, thank God, but it also might pose a problem if she was with Kevin. Who, I hadn't seen all day. But it's not as though I know any of his clas.ses. Once in the hallway, I went to the bathroom, washing my hands afterword. I really didn't want to go back and be bored, but thinking about hanging around in a bathroom was kinda gross, so I menadered to clas.s, checking all the clocks I saw. Time ticked, and I was ready for last period. I had chorus for my last period, which was my only, tiny bright spot. I actually enjoyed singing. Shocking. Yanking open the door, and I placed the pas.s on Mr. Meek's desk and sat. I knew of nothing to do, so I thought about Trech's wild plan. Which still pissed me off a bit.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
9:37pm Feb 15 2011
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It was a long period. It ended up turning into a paper ball fight at the back of the cl*censored*, started by two guys named Derek and Joseph. It also turned out that one guy named Chris was drawing in his book and got a detention for it. Maybe it would have been funny, but the way Mr. Meek stared at the kid freaked me out. The teacher went on a rampage about how he should be working and its direct disobediance to not be unless you asked him permission specifically. The worse of it all though was that Chris's words only made the situation worse. "I don't care what you do to me. Its not going to matter anyway." Big time detention for him, I am telling you that. It would have been easy to avoid with the right words. Use the short attention span excuse or something but moking a teacher isn't the best way to go. The bell ringing was like someone tossing me a life saver as I was just about to drift off to see. A relief. Spanish was usually a simple cl*censored* and went by fast enough if no complications occurred, and then she would be home free.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
5:54pm Feb 18 2011
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 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.