8:39pm Sep 18 2012
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City boy moves to a small southern town full of old people that don't know when to shut up and young teens that know the backs of each others' hands. The high school has a whopping graduating senior class of around forty students, underclassmen numbers dwindling even more so.
Let's see where this romance will take us.
Name | Kacey "Austin" Richards Nickname | Some people call her Kace or Austin, sometimes Aussie. Age | Seventeen Gender | Female Looks | Kacey's blonde hair spills down her back in gentle waves, the honey tinted locks ending just past her shoulder blades. Blessed with a long face with subtle cheek bones, mossy gray-green eyes, and nicely arranged facial features, she can catch a few looks. A smattering of freckles crosses the bridge of her nose and more of the brown spots will appear when she tans. Clad in cowgirl boots, bell bottom jeans, and a heavy southern accent, one can tell Kace was born and raised in the south. Personality | I'll RP her out, seeing as she's brand new. ;n; Hobbies | Horseback riding, archery. <3
My bios always fail. Sorry. o-o
hello my name is elder price
9:13pm Sep 18 2012
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Posts: 1,459
(I'll post my brat's bio in a minute, doll. )
3:57pm Sep 19 2012
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Ooc; Sorry I left last night, had to get off to bed for school. xD
hello my name is elder price
4:06pm Sep 19 2012 (last edited on 5:12pm Sep 19 2012)
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Posts: 1,459
(It's fine. My internet was just....not cooperating at all last night. I'm just going to use your bio layout. I:
Name | Isaiah W. Rossner Nickname | None currently to date, though he seldom goes by the alias of "Isaiah Infection." Age | Nineteen Gender | Male Looks | Isaiah is of average weight and height, yet he has a slender build. He does have some traces of muscle, but not much. He is fair skinned with pink undertones and narrow shaped, practically piercing, blue eyes (which happen to stand out a lot, making the boy easy to find.) His hair is shoulder length, jet black, and usually styled in a tousled, layered, alternative style with it barely sweeping over his right eye. His clothing consists mainly of neutral colors, and are often tight-fitting. He also has two piercings on the both sides of his upper lip (as known as angel bites), a bridge piercing, and a biohazard sign burned into the underside of his left wrist, marking his allegiance to the street gang he is currently involved in. Personality | Stubborn, egotistical, sadistic, two-faced--some simple words to sum up his personality. He likes things to be his way, if they're not then he'll make them his way. And if there's one thing people who first meet him will walk away knowing, it's that he has an 'act-first-ask-questions-later' attitude. He indulges in sadism--meaning he'll do anything to inflict mental, emotional, and even (and if necessary) physical pain on others. Manipulation is also one of his favorite ways to express this, especially a little thing called 'manipulative flirting'--he'll tell you what you want until he gets exactly what he wants, then write you out of his life. Promiscuity is another one of his favorite things, and though he is dating the internet-famous, alternative Site Model known as Ashley Asphyxiation (or Kingsleigh, rather. "Asphyxiation" is just a ruse), he'll flirt and hook up with practically everything and anything. [I'll roleplay the rest out, if that's okay.] Hobbies | Usual delinquent activities (interpret this as you wish, but just know that he's a regular troublemaker.)

8:00pm Sep 19 2012 (last edited on 8:40pm Oct 17 2012)
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Kacey’s boots were caked with a layer of mud and the finished product of a horse’s last meal. A smidge of dirt touched her cheek from where she’d absentmindedly brushed the back of her hand against her face to move a lock of hair out of her eyes. The two pails she carried sloshed as she walked, some of the clear liquid contents managing to escape. With her back bent as the weight dragged her down, she hobbled over to the horses’ troughs and placed both buckets on the ground.
Tossing the buckets to the side when she was done with them, Kacey jogged past the stables and made her way up her back porch steps. The third and fourth stairs creaked underneath her weight and she wondered for the millionth time when her father ever thought to get new boards. The thought was quickly forgotten, however, as her tummy rumbled.
The crisp smell of bacon made her grin and her mother looked up from behind the kitchen stove. She waved a spatula when Kacey walked in, then pointed sternly at the sink. “You give them horses their water?” her mom said.
“Yeah, Ma. Hey, ain't that new kid movin’ in with the Bakers today?” Kacey asked as she wiped her hands on a clean kitchen towel. Kacey propped her chin up on her shoulder and glanced down at the back of her jeans. She had to move her hips forward a little bit to see the mud that had splattered on the back of her pants. Her mom shooed her away and Kacey stumbled from her lack of balance before catching herself on the edge of a kitchen chair and seating herself at the table.
“Mhm and after you’ve got some food in your stomach, you get yourself changed and bring over that apple pie we made for them, alright?”
“Yeah,” Kacey said through a mouthful of eggs.
hello my name is elder price
10:43pm Sep 19 2012
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Posts: 1,459
It was bright. The light was the first thing he noticed - sure they had light in the city, but it was blinded and hidden by walls and windows, this was a different light--a light that shocked and stung the skin. It made its way through the window, illuminating patches on the boy's face. A vile hiss was heard as his cheek touched the warm glass. The heat and humidity was another thing that bothered him, and it appeared to be much worse out in the countryside.
The road under them went from smooth asphalt to rough gravel. The boy grumbled; the thought of uttering something along the lines of "Are we there yet?" or "How far is this place" slowly came to mind, but he didn't dare enact on it for common knowledge that the people he was traveling with wouldn't even bother to acknowledge him. Why would they care, the kid wasn't even their responsibility, they were just transporting him to his new temporary remedial-home. Yes, remedial-home. It was a "punishment" for insubordination and failure to cooperate with the administration. And so, here he was, sitting balled-up in a compact car traveling to God-knows-where to attend their school system and help out on a farm for a couple months. Or was it years? He wasn't really paying attention during the meeting, he didn't see any reason to (even if the meeting did pertain to him.)
The tiny, black compact car turned down a dirt road, bringing a sign into view. "Where the hell am I?" His voice came out as a mumble as to not upset the others, cursing wasn't really something they were fond of, and in return, long, interminable car rides certainly weren't something he was fond of, especially to places he didn't recognize, or even care to recognize.
As another sign, this one much bigger, came to view details started to pile in: the blinding sun, the stifling heat, the small, family-owned businesses, clean fields, the tiny school, the farms--man were there farms, the "streets" were nearly lined with them. One farm in particular drew closer. It was generously sized, possibly family-owned (as with most rural businesses) and abundant with horses.
"This must be where I'm staying....."
As if answering "Yes, it is," the car pulled into a driveway across from the house, slowly coming to a stop. The driver mumbled something along the lines of "Get out" and was generous enough to help the boy with his bags, but that was about all. The rest was his to take care of. His "family" was apparently waiting inside but he didn't care; the only thing he had on his mind was getting out of the accursed compact-car and lighting up a cigarette.

3:45pm Sep 20 2012
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Hope it's alright if I stated a bit about his family. If not, I'll just rearrange my post with whatever you do. xP
Kacey threw her scraggly hair up into a bun—it was about that time of day when the humidity got to it--after she hastily threw off her dirtied pants and grabbed new ones. She hurried into the hall and into the bathroom she shared with her ma and pa, and scrubbed the sweat off of her face with a face cloth. Spritzing on a few puffs of strawberry and mango perfume, Kacey found herself presentable, if only a bit rumpled.
Mrs. Baker had talked about the new kid once or twice when Kacey or her mom happened to walk by. Seeing as they were the only two people on this side of the town, excluding the hermit that lived way down the road, talk hadn’t really spread much. In fact, Kacey had just learned about the new kid Friday. Mrs. Baker had been adamant on not sharing many details, and only looked at Kacey with her warm blue eyes and said, “Child, this’ll be my redemption. You’ll see.”
Kace hadn’t really understood, still didn’t, but whatever floated the woman’s boat was fine with her. After all, it would be nice to make a new friend across the street. So Kacey closed the bathroom door behind her and took the stairs down two at a time. Mud had been tracked in the kitchen from Kacey’s boots; she stepped over the brown piles and slid the boots back on. The apple pie had been left on the counter, its aluminum foil wrap on the top of it removed glinting from the sun that entered the window.
Kacey picked it up and hummed to herself as she walked down the hall and used her back to click open the screen that was on their front door. She trotted down the front steps and stopped once reaching the ground. A black car had pulled up in the driveway of Mr. and Mrs. Baker’s yard. An official looking man opened up his door and rounded the back of the car to pop the trunk and remove some luggage. Kacey stood there on the spot, now unsure whether she should walk up to the house or wait for whoever was in the car to come out.
hello my name is elder price
3:15pm Sep 23 2012
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hello my name is elder price
4:06pm Sep 28 2012
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10:41pm Sep 28 2012
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hello my name is elder price
4:59pm Sep 29 2012
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hello my name is elder price
5:51pm Sep 29 2012
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"Now look here, kid." Remarked the woman in the passenger seat as she pulled her hair up into a messy bun. "If you make one wrong move and if this poor woman has to call me to come down to pick you up, I will come down here, carry you out of that house by the hem of your boxers, and throw you into this car so fast your head will spin. You hear me? You will dread seeing me. You'll cower at the sound of my voice and see my face in your nightmares." The boy let her ramble, then responded with a flippant, smart-elected remark that caused the her to raise her eyebrows. "Excuse me?" She snapped, looked him straight in the eyes, and held up her finger sternly. "You will show me some respect. Got that, you little -" "That's enough." The driver came back just in time to shut her up.
The perfect timing brought a smirk to the boy's face. "So much for scolding me now," he chuckled. "What a shame." "Just get out!" Both said simultaneously. "Hmph, gladly." He huffed, pushing the door open with his foot. "Don't kick the door! You ungrateful little -" "He's leaving." She simmered in her seat, unable to get out her insults. They both uttered the phrase "Good riddance" and had smiles on their face when they heard the door slam.
Both his hands were quickly occupied within his first couple steps -- the left shielding his face from the harsh sunlight, the right coming up to cup his nose. Country air? Definitely not his thing. The car was out of the driveway and heading down the dirt road in a matter of minutes. It was hard to believe that his only shot at salvation was now long gone, though at the same time he didn't care.
His mind suddenly flashed to the one thing he cared about right now--a cigarette. His hand slipped into the pocket of his jeans and freed one of the thin sticks from it's box-like prison, the other hand slid into the back pocket and pulled out a lighter. Without thinking or taking into consideration where he was he lit up, taking the smoke into his lungs. These where quite possibly the only thing that would keep him sane in this little town.

8:15pm Sep 29 2012
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Oh, he smokes, was Kacey’s initial thought upon first glance at the boy. It had been when she’d steadied her gaze back on him after watching the sleek black car dip and jerk on the bumpy dirt road that she’d found him reaching into his pocket and withdrawing a pack of cigs. Her nose scrunched up and she stayed right where she was, holding that apple pie and looking him up and down. His looks screamed his outlandishness, his attitude splashing all over his clothes.
He was that pink elephant in the room, that boy that stood across the street. Sticking out like a sore thumb, he better have some tough skin if he wanted to stick around on this side of town. The south, especially her town, was filled with old folk that believed in the light of the lord and anyone who didn’t think like them could get lost. Elders that didn’t often socialize with the kids still managed to plant some seed of likeness in the new generation’s brains, ‘cause kids these days were still dern near judgmental.
That didn’t mean Kacey was one to judge, not at all. This boy was just different, that’s all. Different wasn’t bad. So Kacey nodded to herself, hefted the pie and tilted her chin up just a bit higher. She made her way through the rest of her front yard and then clicking open the latch on the white horse fence in their front yard. Letting it swing shut behind her, she stepped out onto the dirt road and crossed it quickly. A warm smile grew on her face and she tried to stifle the slight trace of awkwardness and maybe a smidge of fear from her eyes.
“Those’ll give ya cancer, you know,” she said as she approached and mentally berated herself for the seemingly rude words. She’d said them with good-heartedness though, which was only accentuated by her southern drawl. “Welcome to Bay River. Brought some pie for you and the Baker folk,” she said and paused, then glanced back at the house she’d come from. “I live across the street.”
hello my name is elder price
5:58pm Sep 30 2012
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Posts: 1,459
There was nothing - at least in his mind. No cars, no blinding light, no farms or horses, no stifling heat, and especially no "remedial parents" to tell him what to do. It was only him and that cigarette. He stood there, reveling in the feeling of a long, deserved smoke.
"Those'll give you cancer, you know," He cringed. Like everything else in this place, accents weren't his thing, and the southern drawl coming from behind him made his upper lip curl into a snarl. "Urgh. What the hell do you want?" He grumbled. The phrase was inaudible from where she was standing.
He took in a lung-full of smoke and responded to her with a quick, short-toned "I'll take my chances."
"Welcome to Bay River. Brought some pie for you and the Baker folk." You're still here. He inwardly grumbled, then turned his attention back to her. "Oh, thanks....I guess." Her next remark made him cringe - "I live across the street." It was terrifying, no...horrifying. It meant that he would being seeing her everyday, that he couldn't avoid her, and in no time she would probably be knocking on the front door to request his company and start calling him "partner" or whatever crazy country lingo they spoke.
"I guess you're my neighbor then." He said, nervously scratching the mark on his wrist.

6:40pm Sep 30 2012
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"Yep, your only neighbor 'less you count the horses." Well, it was obvious he wasn't going to reach out and accept her apple pie. That was alright with Kacey of course, even if the kid seemed a bit annoyed at her presence. Maybe it's just 'cause he's new here, don't know the ropes yet. Kacey would be more than happy to teach him how to handle himself out here; maybe she could even get him up on one of her horses. Now that was a thought, getting a city boy up on a stallion. It made her lips curve up into a smile, freckled nose crinkling.
"Don'tcha want to meet the Bakers? Your new folk? They've been waitin' for you, 'specially Mrs. Baker. She's kinda crazy but she promised she'd do you some good. I mean, not in a bad way, but...oh, nevermind." Kacey flexed her palm against the bottom of the pie pan and shifted on her feet. The cigarette smoke was, gratefully, moving away from her but it didn't stop the acrid tinge of tobacco from spreading into the air. She wondered for a moment what the Bakers would think of this boy, what her ma would think about him.
"Well, come on, city boy. We don't have all day," she said. The heels of her boots tapped against the grass as she made her way up to the front door and rapped on the paint-peeled white doorway out on the porch.
hello my name is elder price
7:36pm Sep 30 2012
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Posts: 1,459
Suuuurrre, I wasn't enjoying a smoke or anything. An unattended fence post seemed like a good place to snuff out a cigarette. If it wasn't, he didn't really care. He let out another muffled grumble as the clean wood became marked with a prominent, black smudge. "Waste of a damn cigarette."
"Don'tcha want meet the Bakers? Your new folk? They've been waitin' for you, 'specially Mrs. Baker." "Oh yes. I'm just so delighted to meet them." "She's kinda crazy but she promised she'd do you some good. I mean, not in a bad way, but...oh, never mind." "Whatever." He mumbled, re-stashing his lighter. The last thing he needed was for his new "parental figures" to come outside and catch him smoking - though it certainly wouldn't have been the first - and the last.
"Well, come on, city boy. We don't have all day." "Keep your boots on, Daisy Duke, I'll be there in a minute."
8:12pm Sep 30 2012 (last edited on 8:13pm Sep 30 2012)
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"Oh yes. I'm just so delighted to meet them." Oooh, so the boy really did have an attitude problem, didn't he? Kacey hid her smile with a cough and thought, the country air might do him some good. She watched as he pocketed his lighter again and snapped a snarky reply back her way. She s*censored*ed, but gray-green eyes shot back up as the rickety screen door opened up with a low grating sound. An elderly woman, Mrs. Baker was, though she looked good for sixty years old.
Gentle almond-shaped brown eyes were accented with soft cheek bones and a warm smile. She looked frail and thin at first glance, but her shape had more to do with the fact that she was almost always outside helping her husband tend to the crops in the yard, or even popping over to Kacey's to take one of the horses out. Her eyes lit up immediately once she saw the pie in Kacey's hands.
"Tell your mama I give a big ol' thank you, Kacey. And I see our little whippersnapper's already here," she said and stepped out onto the porch. She gave the boy a look over and nodded to herself, then swung open the door again. "You grab your things now. Tex fixed you a room right on upstairs. I'm sure Kacey'll help you carry your stuff."
"'Course," Kacey said and grinned at the boy.
hello my name is elder price
10:45am Oct 1 2012
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Whippersnapper? Well, at least she didn't ruffle his hair and call him 'Sport,' or 'Champ' or something along those lines. Nonetheless, her words still brought on a look of disgust. Uttering some snarky retort would've been easy, though the initial aspect of "first impressions" made the boy bite his tongue; and so, he just flashed the old woman a faux smile, though he knew the wise 'ol coot would be too smart to see through it.
"You grab your things now. Tex fixed you a room right on upstairs. I'm sure Kacey'll help you carry your stuff." Greaaaaaat, she has to help. There was no haughty snort or flippant reply, he just nodded, turned around, and headed back to the driveway to pick up one of the three bags.
5:01pm Oct 1 2012
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"You don't like talking much do you," Kacey remarked when Mrs. Baker's back was turned to them, disappearing with Kacey's pie in hand. Upon watching the mystery boy (he still hadn't said his name) turn around and pick up one of his three bags, Kacey swallowed a contemptuous snort. Chivalry must be dead up where he comes from. She sidestepped around him and lifted the other two bags with ease. Hey, growing up on farmland her whole life and training horses didn't leave her soft. Not to mention the muscles of her arms were slim and fit from the archery she did in the backyard.
"I imagine the city's loud, not as peaceful as 'round here. You ever rode a horse?" She didn't care if he wasn't listening, not really, but she was genuinely interested in his answers. Kacey had lived around the same old things her entire life. This would be the first transfer student, really her first contact with someone that wasn't from the south. Sure, she'd watched plenty of films and tv depicting places where this boy was from, but here was someone that had lived right through the stuff she'd seen on tv.
"And what's your name by the way?" she said over her shoulder as she climbed the stairs that would lead to the second floor. Down the hallway and to the right was where she guessed his room had been set up. Tex used to have an office up here, which was just his excuse to shove old junk in there that wasn't of use anymore. It had been cleaned out fairly decent, with only a bit of dust around the trimmings of the room. The windows were bare of curtains, and sunlight streamed into the room.
"Sun rises on the other side of the house, so it won't be wakin' you up too early. That'll be Tex's job, though. He'll have you working your behind helping him 'round the farm." She paused and set the bags down. "We got horses at my place. I could show you around sometime."
hello my name is elder price
8:21pm Oct 1 2012 (last edited on 8:28pm Oct 1 2012)
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Posts: 1,459
The heavy bag bumped against his leg with every step. He grimaced, wanting to toss the bag on the concrete and leave it where it lay, but something told him that these two wouldn't be too thrilled to see an abandoned bag dirtying up their porch, even if it wasn't in the best condition to begin with.
"You don't like talking much do you?" "Only when I feel like it," he answered, glancing back at her with his piercing blue eyes. Before she could realize, he jerked his head away, pulled his hood over his head, and grumbled into the hem of his jacket. "Talking is actually part of the reason I'm in this place."
The heavy suitcase made no effort to cooperate, and heavy, mentally frustrated object with mentally frustrated teenage adolescent was never a good combination. There was a searing pain in his muscle (or lack thereof) and the perforated edge of the strap was beginning to dig into the boy's arm. "Urgh. What the hell did I put in this thing." He grumbled then turned his attention briefly back to her. "City's a city. There's your quiet parts and your not-so-quiet parts." He gave the bag another tug (this time with both hands) in an attempt to get the accursed thing up the stairs. "I've rode plenty of things," he couldn't help to smirk at the suggestive connotation of that statement, "but a horse has never been one that would come to mind." He let her pass as he struggled with the bag. After a good minute or two, they, both the boy and the stubborn bag, had finally made it up the stairs safe and sound (with the exception of a few bumps and scrapes from further attempts).
The bag hit the ground with a loud "thud," and almost immediately, his left hand came up to shield his eyes. Sunlight, along with many things, were definitely not his thing.
"Sun rises on the other side of the house so it won't be wakin' you up early. That'll be Tex's job though. He'll have you working your behind helping him round' the farm." "Great, I have to work now." The tiny bed creaked slightly as he sat down.
"We got horses at my place. I could show you around sometime." "Yeah sure, maybe later, but now, why don't you sit down."
