8:58pm Oct 1 2012 (last edited on 5:56pm Oct 4 2012)
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"I've rode plenty of things, but a horse has never been one that would come to mind." Okay, ew. Kacey shook her head and turned when the boy dropped his heavy load on the ground and found him raising his hand up to his eyes. "Oh, please," she muttered under her breath and watched as he moved to sit down. It was clear as day the way her face brightened up when he sort of told her he'd spend some more time with her, and at his offer to sit down she wriggled like an overexcited puppy and plopped down on the bed next to him.
The room was bare except for the bed and a generic wooden dresser that had seen some better days. Kacey rested her hands in her lap and twisted her fingers around each other. She wondered if she ought to offer to help him unpack, then figured that what he carted around with him was his private stuff and she didn't want to go poking around through such things. The remark from earlier had made her a bit more wary, though didn't dampen her hospitality.
Regarding his negative comment from earlier, Kacey said, "Well, 'course you gotta work, silly. Nice homes like these don't pay for themselves. And those muscles of yours could use some fine tuning," she said and scratched the tip of her nose. She looked down at her lap once more and shrugged her shoulders, voice lowering. "For the record, I'm glad you moved here." She tapped the toes of her boots against the floor and took a sharp intake of breath. "And dernit, you still haven't told me your name!"
hello my name is elder price
9:29pm Oct 1 2012 (last edited on 9:30pm Oct 1 2012)
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The room didn't at all strike of sense of amusement within him, it was just so...plain, though it was nothing a quick city-fix-er-up would solve. However the floor was a different story - wooden floors just annoyed him to no end.
He didn't waste any time with unpacking. The first two bags he really didn't care if the president himself saw what was in it, but the third, well, that was a different story and the bag sat unattended in the corner. "Well, 'course you gotta work, silly. Nice homes like these don't pay for themselves. And those muscles of yours could use some fine tuning." "My muscles are fine." He grumbled in between stashing his clothing. The only thought his brain was really processing was "I have to work?" He'd never worked in the city, or at least never done what the country folk referred to as 'work.' Child labor must be a custom around here in, where did she say it was called, Bay River? Who names a town Bay River anyways.
"For the record, I'm glad you moved here." "And why's that?" He asked, fitting more clothing into the drawers. His attention had now shifted to the the top of the drawer, dressing it up with toiletries and other things used for hygiene. The last thing to go on was a beige and felt green, folded bandanna.
"And dernit, you still haven't told me your name!" There was no verbal response. He just walked by her, dropped a packet of papers on the bed, and went back to what he was doing. The paper was relatively clean aside from a few lines where it had been folded, and there, written in all capital letters was his name: Isaiah W. Rossner.

6:09pm Oct 4 2012
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Kacey heard the boy mumble something under his breath after she'd mentioned his muscles, but she couldn't make out the words. She leaned back on the bed, totally at ease in the boy's new bedroom, and swung her feet off the side of the bed. Kace wondered what sort of life the kid had had back up in the city, realized that his being here didn't exactly mean everything had been peachy keen, and decided to drop the topic from her inner thoughts. Knowing her, if she kept thinking about it, she'd get stubborn with herself and need to find answers.
"And why is that?"
Kacey shrugged and watched him work from behind. He'd do alright around here, she figured. As long as he could buck up and take up working like a man, learn himself some manners, he'd do just fine. School was another thing though. Kids were brutal and city boy was asking for punishment. "Sad, really," she said in an undertone to herself. Clearing her throat, she spoke to him when she said, "We don't get many folk that move down here just 'cause. I've seen the same kids since I was a baby. It's nice to meet someone new, you know?" Frankly, she didn't care whether he found her question rhetorical or not. Kace just hoped he didn't view her as an annoying gnat. She really wanted to show him around.
Expecting an answer about her name statement, she was taken aback when he wordlessly tossed some papers onto the bed. "Isaiah Rossner," she read aloud, tasted the words on her tongue.
"You almost done? We still got some daylight left and I can show you around," she said.
Ooc; Sorry for late reply. Didn't even see you posted. o_O
hello my name is elder price
8:16pm Oct 7 2012
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Posts: 1,459
(It's fine. I've just been...really busy lately.)
He turned his head at the mention of his name. It was namely a "city thing" - you shot up at attention when you heard your name - though they probably did that in the country as well. Nonetheless, the action enabled her to finally get a decent look at the miscreant that would living next to her, and the sunlight behind him even added a an ethereal glow to his eyes. Though, this only lasted for about a moment, and, like earlier, the boy went right back to what he had previously been doing.
"You almost done? We still got some daylight left and I can show you around." He responded with a quick "I'm done now." and stood up momentarily after pushing the drawer in. His right hand gestured toward the bag that sat in the corner, "Don't touch that." His words were less of a phrase and more like a demand -- a demand that offered repercussion if it was not met.
There was a light and subtle "creak" as he made his way to the doorway. "So, where will we be going now?"

8:36pm Oct 7 2012
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Ooc; No worries, honest. I just enjoy your writing, as I think I've told you before. Hope everything's alright.
There's always that tickling sensation in the back of your head that tells you someone's looking your way, even if you can't see it. In regards to this feeling, Kacey's gaze flickered upward from the tops of the papers, from Isaiah's name to see the boy himself just turning around. While he turned, the piercings above his lips winked at her in the sunlight and she blinked. His blue eyes were cold, ice cold, penetrating. In the brief flash he actually looked her in the eye, Kacey felt a little shaken up.
She rested the papers back down on the bed when he turned and tried to stave off the embarrassed blush that was rising to her cheeks. She stole another glance at his back when he resumed what he'd been doing before and was grateful that he didn't finish until she was sure the blush had drained away. Though his forwardness and the slight warning in his voice when he told her not to touch his bag struck her as a little odd. She wondered what could be in there and allowed herself a sideways look at the untouched baggage before shrugging and nodding an 'okay' to him.
"Wherever you wanna go. I betcha Tex is gonna get you out on the property, show you around after school tomorrow, so you'll see plenty here with him. I could bring ya to the stables. Can't ride today though. Horses 're tired after being out all day." She gave him a hopeful sort of look as they went down the stairs, her heels smacking down against the boards as she hopped down. The screen door squeaked again as she opened it. "So whadya wanna do?" she said.
hello my name is elder price
9:57pm Oct 7 2012
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(Hahahha, yeah, I'm pretty sure you've told me before. Oh and don't worry, everything is fine, hun, I've just been helping my love with his schoolwork. That's all. )
It was quite amusing actually, the look she had when she caught him looking at her, so amusing that it brought a smirk to Isaiah's face. The same smirk transformed into a sly grin when he had his back turned. She seemed "easy" enough; perhaps his time here wouldn't be so tortuous after all.
There was no verbal response to his demand, but the dead silence after it gave him the impression that she got the idea.
"Wherever you wanna go. I betcha Tex is gonna get you out on the property, show you around after school tomorrow, so you'll see plenty here with him." Tex? Great, the last thing he wanted to do after a day of schoolwork was spend the afternoon with a guy, or at least an unattractive one - and there was no doubt that he wouldn't be, seeing as this "Tex" was probably around the same age as the woman they met earlier. So he'd be spending the afternoon with an irritable, old, omniscient man; good luck trying to spend time with his daughter with him herding him around. "I could bring ya to the stables. Can't ride today though. Horses 're tired after being out all day." He snorted in response. "Still trying to get me to ride a horse I see." There was a slight playful chuckle at the end of his statement, but he kept his demeanor cold enough as to not reflect it.
"So whadya wanna do?" "Whatever you want, showing me around was your idea, wasn't it?" There was an arrogance to his voice, though it wasn't apparent until he walked by her. "Oh, and, Daisy Duke, you still haven't told me your name."

6:17am Oct 8 2012
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Ooc; Oh, good.
"Still trying to get me to ride a horse I see."
Kacey looked at him a bit oddly. Almost everyone in town had been stuck up on a horse at one point in their lives, save for the elderly couple that had moved here from the west for some peace and quiet. It really was strange, come to think of it, that Isaiah probably hadn't even touched a horse before this, maybe he hadn't even seen one in person. "You'll thank me," she said and pondered whether it was true or not. "That is, if you're not too city to ride one."
"Hey now," she chided when he walked past her and threw a sarcastic question by her. "I don't wantcha to feel like you gotta do what I say, but if you say so." She tried not to frown and instead listened as he asked a more sincere question. "Huh. Thought you mighta guessed, seein' as it's already been said." She left that hanging for a moment. "Kacey, with a K, Richards."
Kacey reached a hand over the horse gate and flipped up the latch. Off to their right, sounds of whinnies and the occasional clop of hooves against the ground came from a stable house. "I'm guessin' you never been 'round horses before." She looked at him hard. "Don't be steppin' behind any of 'em. Scare 'em and they'll clock ya in the head, and those kicks can kill," she said in all seriousness.
Her smile returned when she entered the enclosure. The smell of hay and healthy animals touched her nose and Kacey scanned the interior to see which horses had been brought in. "If I can get you up on a horse, it'll be him." She flashed him a grin as she pointed to an older-looking horse, with a faded sign on his stall that read 'Alexander the Great.' "Alex won't give ya any trouble," she said and brought her hands up to another horse to stroke its muzzle.
"Hey Sug," she mumbled and scratched the mare's slender face. "Don't be shy. Go 'n pet 'im."
hello my name is elder price
8:03pm Oct 8 2012
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"You'll thank me." "Oh really?" He wasn't entirely obstinate towards Kacey's suggestion, though the muck and dirt they trekked through on the way to the stables was slowly changing his mind. Every step caused his feet to sink deeper and deeper into the muddy ground (or in his mind it was only mud, the obvious "other thing" that it could've been wasn't paid any mind) with an awful sloshing sound, nonetheless, it was irritable. "That is, if you're not too city to ride one." "Pffffft." He snorted. "Oh please, I think I've seen more frightening things than horses, so being "too city" won't be a problem."
"I don't wantcha to feel like you gotta do what I say, but if you say so." "Darling," he chided, "this entire time here is going to be nothing but me doing what others say." He had to pause his train-of-thought for a moment when he finished speaking. Wait, what did he just call her? Darling? It was something he did often; it was a way of kindly degrading others, and he was always certain to add an extra undertone of sarcasm during the pronunciation of every word. Yeah...that's what it was. It was totally an increasingly sarcastic "darling" as opposed to a sentimental one, yeah, that's what it was. Since when was he ever "sentimental" anyways?
Her words quickly brought him out if his oh-so-crucial debate. "Huh. Thought you mighta guessed, seein' as it's already been said." She said it before, really? He couldn't recall, or perhaps it was because it was announced during a time when he didn't give a rats' you-know-what about her and decided not to listen. "Kacey, with a K, Richards." "Kacey." He said aloud. "Make a mental note not to forget that."
The sounds from the stable only furthered his discomfort from earlier, though he'd never let it become apparent. "Don't be steppin' behind any of 'em. Scare em' and they'll clock ya in the head, and those kicks can kill." "I know that." He said while he walked a complete circle around the horse, ultimately stepping behind it for a split second. "I'm pretty sure I've seen Jackass and reruns of Wild Boyz enough to have common sense around these things."
"If I can get you on a horse, it'll be him." His eyes quickly darted to the horse she had mentioned to. He seemed more full-grown than the others, but her next words brought the boy some reassurance. "Alex won't give ya any trouble." "Seems simple enough." He said with a nod.
He was so fixated on the old horse in the stable that he almost blocked out Kacey's words. "Don't be shy. Go 'n pet 'im." "Oh, right."
Street gang member (though more like leader) or not there was no doubt about it, the boy had a soft spot for animals, and it was clear as day in the way he gently laid his hand on the old stallion's face.

8:26pm Oct 8 2012
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Kacey was too busy giving her own horse some attention to bother looking over to see how Isaiah was doing, at the moment anyway. Sugar Cube, as was her full name, snorted and pushed her slender face against Kacey's cheek. The horse was a white Arabian, hence her name; her snout was pure black and speckles of black ran across her cheeks and scattered along her rump. Gentle black eyes bore down on Kacey as the horse breathed on Kacey's palm. Her lips moved against Kacey's skin, hair tickling her hand.
"Hold on a sec, you," she said and patted the horse on the head. At the moment, she'd forgotten Isaiah was even there. Bending over to her right, she lifted the lid to Sugar's tack box and pulled out some sugar cubes. Resting one in the palm of her hand, fingers stretched outward as she offered the treat to the horse. It was when she placed the treats back into the box and turned that she jumped at seeing Isaiah.
She was quiet, however, and watched him stroke the horse's face. Head cocked to the side much like a dog, Kacey was actually amazed to see how tender his fingers were when resting against the animal. "Maybe you ain't so city after all," she said aloud. Her lips twitched. "What with you callin' me darlin' and all."
Kacey tapped her hands against Sugar's stall door before joining Isaiah. She leaned against the stall frame and reached up to scratch Alex behind his ear. When she dropped her hand, she rested her cheek against the wood of the barn structure and smiled knowingly at Isaiah. "Alex may be old but he's sure as heck fast. If I know you can hold yer own up on 'im, maybe we'll do a little galloping. Tomorrow, that is."
She nibbled her lip. "You scared going to school tomorrow? Or..." are you used to this? She let the sentence trail off, not wanting to step into whatever territory that fell under. The bag he'd warned her not to touch came to mind and she wondered just how many secrets this boy hid behind those ice cold eyes. "We'll be in the same classes, more than likely. Small school."
hello my name is elder price
9:30pm Oct 12 2012
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hello my name is elder price
11:49pm Oct 12 2012
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Posts: 2,131
(I'm sorry for interrupting, but this is amazing <3 I love this roleplay so far!)
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
11:18am Oct 13 2012 (last edited on 1:33pm Oct 13 2012)
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Posts: 1,459
(Responding in a moment. And thanks for the compliment, doll. <3 )
A horse was a lot different from a cat - that was for sure - though that aged stallion still held the same feeling of warmth and compassion that the boy's agile little tuxedo offered him back home. "You're not so bad after all." He said with a calm voice as his knuckles gently rubbed against Alex's forehead. It almost seemed foolish now to him that he once was afraid of horses, and that he was so judgmental and obstinate towards them to never really give one a chance.
"Maybe you ain't so city after all. With you callin' me darlin' and all." "Pffft. Whatever you say, Blondie." Alexander gave a loud snort, as if telling Isaiah to knock off his attitude. "Quiet you." He said as he resumed scratching the horse's face. "And don't get used to it." He grumbled in response to Kacey. Obviously she didn't get the hint that the way he said the word was meant to have a sarcastic connotation...or did she? It was hard to tell how city folk comprehended things these days, or at least to him it was.
"Alex may be old but he's sure as heck fast. If I know you can hold yer own up on 'im, maybe we'll do a little galloping. Tomorrow, that is." It was a tad difficult to hear Kacey's words with Alex breathing blowing hot air into his ear, though it was probably what he deserved for turning his back to a horse. "Alright." Isaiah nodded in response.
"You scared going to school tomorrow? Or..." "Should I really be." He said, leaning against the side of the stable. It was more of a statement than a question. "We'll be in the same classes, more than likely. Small school. " "That's cool."
"Hey, doll, do you think we can get back in a reasonable amount of time? I'd kinda like to get a decent smoke in before bed."

2:20pm Oct 13 2012
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Thanks Zoe. :3
"Should I really be." Kacey looked down at the ground. His tone of voice told her he wasn't asking for an answer and she kept her trap shut in response. "Hey, doll, do you think we can get back in a reasonable amount of time? I'd kinda like to get a decent smoke in before bed." She scratched at her freckled nose and looked out toward the back of the stable, where a few other horses were out in the pastures. She'd have to go and collect them before going to bed, and truth be told, she would have liked some help. Isaiah was bound to be tired though, not to mention he might think it rude if she asked to help.
So she nodded and looked back over at him, detaching herself from the wall of the stable so she could stretch her arms above her. "Don't be giving Mrs. Baker too much trouble, you hear? She's cuckoo but she's nice and," she worked up the courage to find his eyes again, "she's been looking forward to having you." A small shrug and she shoved her hands into her pockets. A lopsided smile took hold of her lips. She didn't voice her thought, however, only stifled her chuckle and lifted her chin.
Kacey took Isaiah out of the stable and walked with him to the edge of her own yard. She unlatched the horse fence and held it open for him, leaning against one of the poles. "I better see you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed by six thirty," she said.
hello my name is elder price
7:33pm Oct 13 2012 (last edited on 7:33pm Oct 13 2012)
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Posts: 1,459
"Don't be giving Mrs. Baker too much trouble, you hear." "Hmmn, I'll try." Isaiah responded whilst scratching the back of his neck. "No promises though." He said, leaning back against the fence. "She's cuckoo but she's nice and," And? So there was more to her than being an omniscient old coot who probably had a militant farmhand for a husband? Something else pushed these thoughts aside -- it was Kacey, and more im[injection]portantly the fact that the poor girl was afraid to look in in the eye. Were they really that menacing to her? Nonetheless, he derived a sense of sick amusement at being able to instill some fear in her, and unfortunately enough he'd probably sooner or later use it against her.
"She's been looking forward to having you." "I bet." That was another thing he didn't understand -- why this woman was so excited and eager for his company. Why? Just what about him made him seem that im[injection]portant to her, and since when did someone wake up one morning and think "Gee, I sure would love to adopt a good-for-nothing, bratty delinquent." There was absolutely nothing he could offer this family, and at most all that would come out of this would be getting the neighbor's daughter in legal trouble, or possibly getting her pregnant; neither of which would be something a parent would want to face.
We'll just see how Mrs. Baker feels after a couple of weeks, she won't want him around then...or will she?
A dozen questions pelted his mind as he followed Kacey out of the gate. He took a mental pause to say "Thank you." and flash Kacey a light smile upon exiting the exterior of the stable. "I better see you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed by six thirty." Six thirty? Was she crazy or something? "I'll try. Though you may have to settle for hazy-eyed and drooping-tailed if you're going to be getting me up that early."

10:14pm Oct 13 2012
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"As long as you're out here," Kacey drawled. She stared hard at his back, shook her head. Goosebumps had risen on her arms and she didn't notice until she'd walked back under the stable and reached up to unlatch the first gate. The bumps weren't from the cold, she knew that much. It wasn't that Isaiah made her uncomfortable...just, he was sorta strange, and frightened her just a little bit. Those cold cold eyes that had probably witnessed a lot made her shiver. Though she was probably overreacting--then again, why would he be here in the first place if he hadn't gotten into some deep doo-doo?--she settled with letting out a deep exhale and pushing the boy from her mind once and for all.
Pa would be home late again, she knew that much, and ma was busy preparing dinner to come out and help. Kacey unlatched the last gate and tossed a bundle of halters over her shoulder. It would take some time getting all of the horses inside; she'd have to sneak the halter on 'em before they could find a chance to get away, and lead them one by one back to their stalls.
Tired, hungry, and a little crabby, Kacey allowed herself to collapse in one of the kitchen chairs. Ma placed a glass of water in front of her and patted her shoulder, then put their dinner plates on the table. The elder asked about Isaiah and Kacey could only give short answers, mostly because she wanted some sleep and because she really hardly knew Isaiah yet.
After dinner, she scrubbed the la yer of dirt and grime from her skin in the shower and nestled herself into her favorite pajamas. The horses whinnied and nickered outside, wind rasped against her windowpanes, and lulled Kacey into a well-earned sleep.
Ooc; Did you want me to play the Bakers? I honestly meant for them to be NPC's, so do whatever you want with them. xD
hello my name is elder price
11:21pm Oct 14 2012
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Posts: 1,459
(Sorry for the late response. Working on developing out that zaaaambie RP I discussed earlier. And you can do what you want with the Bakers. )
His attention was more fixated on digging a cigarette out from his pocket, and so he nearly missed her words and dismissed them with a slight hand gesture. The noise from the gate reclaimed his attention and he stole a slight glance back at kacey, though she was probably too busy to notice.
"Weird girl." He mumbled upon inhaling the nicotine from his cigarette. "Cute though." He followed with an exhale of smoke. It dawned on him that Kacey was probably thinking the same - give or take on the cute part - though she obviously found him to be a bit strange. Everyone around here would probably find him strange, but not like he cared.
It was around seven o' clock when he arrived at the front door. The Bakers were already asleep, as he assumed they would be. He gave one last glance at Kacey before snuffing his cigarette out on the porch-step, stuffing the innocuous stub into his pocket, and opening the door. Aside from the lone "creak" of the door frame he was relatively quiet, slowly making his way up to the spare bedroom.
The door flung open and his hand haphazardly slammed against the light switch. It took a minute or two for him to shake the initial instinct of flipping on the tv. Yet again, he felt that awful sense of disgust and contempt towards the tiny room. It was just so...bare, and the light cast from window gave it an eerie feeling -- he actually compared it to one of those rooms in paranormal thrillers like Sinister or Insidious, where the small child would have their first contact with the demonic entity, or murderer, or whatever. Regardless of the room's harmless actuality it still sent a shiver down the boy's spine, and the noise from the wind wasn't making anything better.
Though, despite all these distractions he still couldn't shake the thought of Kacey from his mind. "Why am I even thinking about her?" He sighed and buried his head into the pillow before following his previous statement with a muffled grumble of "This is stupid."
While the boy's subconscious was well-prepared to engage in another heated "mental debate" Isaiah's body had other ideas, and he slowly found himself dozing off to sleep, despite the unnerving ambiance of the tiny, secluded room.

3:36pm Oct 15 2012 (last edited on 1:45pm Oct 21 2012)
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; That's fine. x3
She picked a crusty out of her bleary eyes and blinked sleepily. "Watch it, Aussie, or you'll get a face full of them eggs." Her pa's rugged voice in her ear made her jerk upright, the fork next to her wrist flung off the table from her twitch and clattered to the floor. A sigh from pa and Kacey sheepishly twisted in her chair and reached for the fork. She wiped it off with her napkin and stuffed more eggs in her mouth. The time from the clock above their refrigerator had its shorter hand swung at near the five, the longer one reaching the six.
"You pickin' that new boy up?" Pa asked and Kacey nodded. They locked gazes, pa's green eyes looking pretty dern near intimidating as he scrutinized her. "You be careful now, girl. I don't want you gettin' into no trouble now." The deep rumble of his words made the orange juice in Kacey's mouth taste a little sour, or maybe that was just because she'd brushed her teeth before bopping down the stairs for breakfast. Pa held her there a moment longer before he waved his hand and dismissed her.
Kacey dumped her dishes in the sink and ran out the backdoor to go and tend to the horses. Even on school days, Kace had to wake up bright and early and feed the animals, water mom's hanging plants on the back porch. It seemed there was an unending list of chores for the girl, not that she minded really. She'd grown up around it and a nice bit of hard work in the morning could definitely wake a girl up.
After she'd taken care of everything, she went upstairs to mop at her skin with a wet rag, checked her breath and ended up brushing her teeth again, and threw her hair up into a pony tail. A few stray blonde curls graced her cheek and she impatiently batted them aside. Her alarm clock rang as she walked back into her room, and she blindly slapped it into silence. Snagging the straps of her book bag with one finger, she slung her bag over one shoulder and swiped her car keys from her bureau.
On her way down, she took a steaming coffee mug from her mother and kissed her father on the cheek. Out at exactly Six twenty-five, she rounded to the garage and hoisted herself up into her 1995 GMC pickup truck.
She stopped in the street and took a sip of her coffee, one hand pressed lightly against the steering wheel to beep at Isaiah.
hello my name is elder price
7:01pm Oct 15 2012
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The clock read five twenty-five. It was such a peculiar time for one to awake, and Isaiah wasn't at all objecting to it, though, at five minutes to six he found the willpower to pry himself out of bed. "I have to meet her at six thirty." He said while rubbing his eye sleepily. "Six.." A yawn separated his words. "thirty."
His face scrunched in disgust upon glancing himself over in the mirror. "Urgh. I sleep in my clothes." With a sigh, he removed his tank top and tossed the worn garment to the side, quickly doing the same with his jeans. "I need a shower..." He glanced back at the clock. The red letters shown an overbearing reading of six fifteen. "I guess I can make it out in time if I hurry..." Half of him was extremely apathetic while the other half didn't want to disappoint Kacey, though she probably wouldn't have been surprised. Regardless of his mental instability he decided to hop into the shower. The water felt so marvelous, and yet it had to come to an end after a matter of minutes.
The clock now read six-twenty-five. "Dammit." There were a few other curse words muttered under the boy's breath, though they're not really important. Within three minutes he had successfully gotten into clean clothing, conducted his usual hygiene routine, and found the time to both dry and straighten his hair.
At six twenty-eight he was making his way down the steps, grabbing his backpack off the door handle, and making his way to the pickup.
"Okay. So why the hell do people in the country have to always be up so damn early?"

7:17pm Oct 15 2012 (last edited on 9:14pm Oct 15 2012)
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"Okay. So why the hell do people in the country have to always be up so damn early?" came Isaiah's voice followed by the slamming of the passenger side door of Kacey's pick-up. Unfazed with his little outburst, Kacey took another sip of her coffee and arched her back, shoulders moving back as she stretched. Her lavender shirt scooped to reveal a thin camisole underneath. The fabric hugged her slim body and rode down just a teensy bit as she stretched her limbs. Oblivious, she took another sip of her coffee, set the mug down in the drink holder and put the truck into drive.
"You're gonna hafta get used to it. What'd you say if I told ya I was up at 'round five o'clock?" she said. The air in the truck was stale and she cracked her window to let in some warm air in. It had that crisp taste of the early morn' with the distinct smell from the car that could only be Kacey: fresh moss after a rainy day and just the barest hint of her lavender perfume. The wisps of her coffee steam rose up and added its own spice to the mix and Kacey sniffed, leaning her elbow against the car door and resting her cheek against her fingers as she drove.
They ambled along that winding stretch of road. "Not even gonna play any music seein' as you'll prolly hate it, 'less you got a thing for country."
She looked sideways at him, turned her attention back to the road. Amusement made her smile as she said, "Clothes look a little rucked-up. You musta cut it close to meet me on time. I tell ya, wakin' up early's not as bad as ya think. Get to see the sun rise." She paused. "Have a sip o' my coffee if you're desperate," she said with a chuckle.
Edited. ^
hello my name is elder price
1:32pm Oct 16 2012 (last edited on 1:55pm Oct 16 2012)
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A pickup truck - yet another thing to add to his repertoire of Southern differences.
It may not have been the usual Mercedes or Porsche, or Ferrari, or whatever pretentious, special imported sports car he drove, but it was a ride, and it certainly beat walking. Though it didn't put his judgement to rest. Every detail about it had a flaw: the way the pickup was raised off the ground, the indented, cramped feeling of the inside, the lack of heated seats, the absence of the usual tinted windows - everything had some underlying flaw - with the exception of Kacey; Kacey was more of a mental flaw, especially with the way she was dressed, and her ignorance towards the fact that her shirt was falling down.
And Isaiah tried to do the same - completely ignore her slight wardrobe malfunction. "You're gonna hafta get used to it. What'd you say if I told ya I was up at 'round five o'clock?" "Well then, Daisy Duke, I'd tell you that I up around five as well. I guess I'll just have to start setting an alarm." He responded with a shrug before nonchalantly stealing a sip of her coffee. It probably would've been polite to ask, though he didn't have time for that, and the "coffee-steal" was a last minute attempt to advert his eyes away from her clothing.
There was always something odd about short and silent car rides. They'd always seem longer than what they actually were, and though they were only on the road for a mere ten minutes or so, he would've swore that it was more like an hour. "Not even gonna play music seein' as you'll prolly hate it, 'less you got a thing for country." There was no response on his behalf, only silence. Music would have probably made the situation better, or it could've made things worse depending on the connotation of the song -- and with his luck that's probably exactly how it would've happened.
Three more minutes had passed, each feeling more like an hour.
Kacey had said something to him; the sound was apparent, though it lacked annunciation and registered as being more of a low mumble than an actual phrase. His gaze shifted back over to Kacey. Her eyes were still glued on the road -- Well, she'd certainly get an "A" for safe driving, but she'd fail when it came to safe wardrobe.
I guess you're not going to fix yourself then. His gaze shot back to the window as he inwardly sighed. He glanced back over, there was still no change.
I guess I'll have to fix this little problem for you, Daisy Duke. Granted, she would most likely find the action to be a little weird, though she might lighten up after she heard an explanation--that is if the boy decided to supply her with one.
Well, at least he was smart about the action and waited until the truck came to a stoplight before sliding his arm around her waist.
