1:32pm Oct 16 2012 (last edited on 1:56pm Oct 16 2012)
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oh gosh golly gosh gee willikers, batman quar's laptop done goofed and duplicated the post
4:53pm Oct 16 2012 (last edited on 4:53pm Oct 16 2012)
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Twice the epicness.
Kacey was no fool. She could sense discomfort when it was there and by the way of Isaiah's fidgeting, she was guessing he was pretty uncomfortable. He didn't respond to her comment about the music and her fingers twitched against the steering wheel as if she were deciding whether or not to turn the volume knob up. Silence swallowed them whole then and Kacey reached down to pluck her mug from its holster. She raised it to her lips, tilting it back so the road was hidden from her eyes from just a moment. No matter though, as she replaced the cup and settled back into her seat. The caffeine was doing a nice job of making it through her system and spreading warmth through her chest, which she knew would eventually work its way around her.
Right leg pulled up as she eased up on the gas and transferred her foot to the brake pedal. It wasn't as if she'd forgotten Isaiah's presence. She'd just sort of been comfortable with just hearing him breathe, like white noise in the background. So when she just stopped braking and felt an arm go around her waist, she dern near jumped out of the seat. The car rolled forward and then jerked as she stomped back on the brake, her accent thickening to the point of almost unintelligible because he'd scared the wits out of her. "Dangnabbit all. Boy, don't you be scarin' me like that and why's you touchin' me anyway? Jesus."
She looked down at his arm, caught sight of her rumpled shirt instead, and a blush painted her cheeks. With a very unladylike grunt, she pulled her top back up back where it should be, covering just that sliver of bra that had poked up. She grumbled a few things under her breath and hedged the car on through the green light, taking her eyes off the road to look hard at Isaiah. "Coulda just said somethin', silly," she said and rolled her eyes. The pink in her cheeks still lingered, though her embarrassment had been left at the light.
hello my name is elder price
6:29pm Oct 16 2012
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Posts: 1,459
( Hahaha. <3 )
The truck lurched forward and Isaiah went with it - that's what usually happens when you don't wear your seat belt. Upon recovering, his glance moved back to see an expectantly furious Kacey, and he prepared himself to be slapped, or greeted with some firm reprimand.
She seemed more frightened if anything and the fact that he wouldn't be getting a lecture this morning brought a reassuring sigh. "Dangnabbit all. Boy, don't you be scarin' me like that and why's you touchin' me anyway? Jesus." The sound of her voice made him jump, head snapping back quickly to look at her again. Isaiah's eyes shot up her, resembling that of a cat that had just had a light shined in its eyes at midnight. "...What?" He blinked. After several attempts of trying to decipher what Kacey had said he dismissed it as a bunch of Southern gibberish, and pushed the thought from his mind.
His arm was still wrapped around her waist, though he didn't realize it until he saw her look down. He couldn't help to grumbled a muffled "Damn it." when he saw her pull shirt back up. Looks like that plan had backfired, though it probably wouldn't be the boy's only chance to get that close to her.
"Coulda just said somethin', silly." While her statement was more than true, the boy's mind sadly didn't work that way, and he was more than ready to tell her, though in stead of voicing his opinion to its full effect he just pouted near the window and grumbled "Yeah, but what fun would that have been."

6:45pm Oct 16 2012
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"Yeah, but what fun would that have been." The words Isaiah spoke were under his breath, a short grumble that Kacey wasn't sure she was supposed to hear. Her jaw set and she blinked incredulously at him then turned her gaze back to the road and set the truck back in the middle of the lane. "Don't be fixin' yourself for trouble," she muttered and deftly pinched her camisole between two fingers and tugged it up even higher just in case. She'd no idea what Isaiah had been wanting to do then, 'cause before she'd just thought he was looking to fix her shirt. His behavior, however, only made her perplexed.
You sure are strange, city boy, she thought.
They passed a Dairy Queen and right next to it a grocery store, and next to that a fried chicken place. The school was only another mile down the road and Kacey should have felt relaxed. The caffeine and Isaiah's little scare on her had her muscles all twitchy and she was a little hunched over the steering wheel instead of leisurely laid back. Other cars were already in the lot, some more pulling in. A group of football jocks piled out of a Suburban, a few of them waving to Kacey as she pulled in.
A ripple went through the group when recognition flitted through one of their dull eyes, and the whole group stopped whatever they'd been doing to take a peek at the passenger in Kacey's car. Feeling just a teensy bit of smugness, Kacey glanced over and gave Isaiah a fey grin. More heads turned as Kacey found her parking spot and tugged the key out from the ignition.
A few catcalls followed by some haughty jeers and a few cackles filled the space in the truck when Kacey opened her door. "Just ignore 'em. All of 'em got the attention span o' a fly. Let 'em play their games an' they'll get bored." She slid out from the truck with her bag, realized she was missing something. "Get my coffee for me, wouldja?"
hello my name is elder price
11:06pm Oct 16 2012
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"Don't be fixin' yourself for trouble." "Don't you think I'm already in enough trouble, sweetheart." He said snidely as he fixed his hair in the mirror. Ten minutes of fidgeting and rearranging had passed and the boy still wasn't satisfied. Urgh, I need to find some way to fix this. His face scrunched in disgust, eyes slowing panning over the interior of the vehicle. A thin, pastel pink headband caught his eye. "There you are, you tricky little thing." Within a minutes time he had already seized the headband from his backpack and was fitting it around his head. There was a tug here, a pull there, and he even had to pull the right side over a few times so it made that usual near-fold over his eye, but it finally was to his liking.
Isaiah was still primping when the vehicle pulled in. Or, more like just looking himself over in the mirror. He looked at Kacey quizzically when he saw her give him her grin, and then he finally noticed the children in front of him. His upper lip curled in disgust. These type of children annoyed him to no end. Loud, obnoxious, immature, and didn't they usually harass and beat up on kids of his kind? Whatever. These kids would certainly get a run for their money if they decided to mess with him.
Their voices made him inwardly cringe, though a few of their loud and suggestive remarks brought a smirk to his face. "Just ignore 'em. All of em got the attention span o' a fly. Let em' play their games an' they'll get bored." He nodded in response, grabbing his backpack from behind the seat. "Get my coffee for me, wouldja?" "Yeah, sure." He was still in the pickup when she asked, so all he had to do was lean over and grab the mug before climbing out of the vehicle and dashing over to her.
"Hey, Daisy Duke, you know what would piss those jocks off more? If you let me kiss you."

8:20pm Oct 17 2012 (last edited on 8:40pm Oct 17 2012)
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Ooc; All this time, the forums said you hadn't replied. /sobs
"Hey, Daisy Duke, you know what would piss those jocks off more?" Kacey was leaning against the back of her truck, one heeled boot pressed against the back, as she waited for the boy and her coffee. She tilted her head questioningly. "If you let me kiss you." Her nose scrunched up and she eyed the pink headband in his hair, let out a childish snort of laughter, mostly because it was so out of the blue. A roll of her eyes and she tugged the coffee free from Isaiah's hands, brought the mug up to her lips and drank.
She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and gave a sidelong glance at the football jocks who were stealing looks at them in between their friendly bantering. Kacey stood up straight and leaned forward to deftly press a soft kiss against Isaiah's cheeks. When she rocked back on her heels, she wiggled her brows at him and tried not to giggle at the silence that meant the jocks had stopped scuffling.
"Just warnin' ya. You're askin' for it now." It was borderline threatening really, in a syrupy sort of way that was tinted with tease. A high-pitched whistle from behind them and Kacey turned.
"'Ey Kace. How 'bout we get a little sugar too, or you savin' it for your lady-friend there." Then directed at Isaiah. "Nice 'eadband!" Kacey grinned at them and shoved one hand in her pocket, the other clutching her coffee cup.
The one that had spoken wore an orange hunter's hat, the bulk of his body even more intimidating by the camo jacket that fit loosely on his body. Grass-stained jeans had that southern swipe of dirt permanently residence on the fabric, and his voice was rougher, his accent a long drawl. "Sorry, Dallas. You ain't exactly my type. 'Sides, I gotta get city boy to class." She took another sip of coffee and lowered her voice. "You wanna stand around an' wait for them to come over or you wanna get outta here? Not gonna be able to do nothin' if they try to throw ya in a dumpster."
hello my name is elder price
3:55pm Oct 18 2012
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Posts: 1,459
( Awn. Res is so mean. :c )
Okay, so it may not have been what he initially had in mind--but it was a kiss, and those jocks did seem pretty peeved--so I guess it could be considered a "mission accomplished." After an immature gesture and facial ex pression, his attention turned back to her.
"Just warnin' ya. You're askin' for it now." "Pfft, yeah right." He huffed. Upon hearing the whistle his head snapped back to examine the others. Your outfit and color choice makes my eyes burn. Though his thoughts were entirely kept to himself, his upper lip still did its usual curl to indicate some form of disgust. Why would you even? Urgh. You're so obnoxious. And then one of them spoke. "Ey Kace, how bout' we get a little sugar too, or you savin' it for your lady-friend there." That same accent, although much thicker than Kacey. Her's was at least tolerable--his was just a headache. And who the hell where they calling a "Lady-friend." Isaiah mumbled some profane insult under his breath and slid his finger over the hilt of the switchblade he had stashed in his pocket.
"Sorry, Dallas. You ain't exactly my type. 'Sides, I gotta get city boy to class." So he had a nickname now? At least it was better than "Lady-friend." Sure, he wasn't masculine or wanted to come off as being masculine, and he did often dress in a way that would cause the children of the South to question his orientation, but those weren't valid reasons (or any reason for that matter) to refer to him as a "Lady-friend."
Kacey's intervention between them cleared the air a little. "You wanna stand around an' wait for them to come over or you wanna get out of here?" Not gonna be able to do nothin' if they try to throw ya in a dumpster." He gave a childish snort then responded with "I'd really like to see them try." "Though, I think we should get out of here, and besides, they're not really worth my time." "As you said," he held his head high in a dignified, haughty manner, "they have the attention span of a fly."

4:46pm Oct 18 2012
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Kacey took the last sip of her coffee and nodded to Isaiah. She was glad that he'd decided to get a move on and get inside. Dallas and his boys were looking pretty hungry and though she had no idea what they'd do to the new kid, she knew them inside and out; their flaws, insecurities, everything. Face it, when you're around the same people, going to parties, hanging out in groups, all the time, you start to notice things. Like the way Dallas was standing right then and sizing Isaiah up, Kace knew he was hesitant, scared even. Isaiah may look scrawny (compared to most of the other seasoned boys in the south at least), but he was new. He was different, something else entirely.
It was probably why Kacey liked him so much, even if his touching her and then the remark about the kiss had creeped her out a little bit. She wasn't one to let her spirits get rained on however, and she dutifully walked through the doors of the school to bring Isaiah to the main office. "I don' think Dallas an' all them will bother ya, not while I'm around. Good boys really, just stupid."
As she finished up her sentence, she opened up the door to the office. A young female looked up from her desk, where she'd been scribbling fervently on a piece of paper. "Mornin', Miss Kay. You got the schedule for Isaiah Rossner, right?" To be honest, Kacey didn't think she'd remember Isaiah's last name. After all, she'd only looked over that paper once and his last name had never come up again, but somehow it popped into her mind without a conscious thought.
"A good mornin' to you too, Miss Kacey Richards. Check on that desk right there. If he's got first lunch, y'all are in the same classes."
Kacey looked down at the counter and found a few pieces of paper with city boy's name on them. She sifted through them, found his class and lunch schedule, and grinned. "Yep. First lunch. You gonna want a locker? I don't use one. We can carry our bags 'round with us." She looked expectantly at him.
hello my name is elder price
7:25pm Oct 20 2012
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Isaiah gave the other boys a crude look before catching up to Kacey. He wasn't really afraid of the others and he probably could have taken them (or at least could have held his own against the group until someone interrupted the fight); though the little surprise he had in his pocket would have won him a ride in a cop car -- and the Bakers would have just loved that.
"I don' think Dallas an' all them will bother ya', not while I'm around. Good boys really, just stupid." He only nodded in response while his eyes panned over the inside of the building.
It was a small school, or would be considered small by city standards. All the kids were hard at their studies, though they had no trouble taking a break to watch him and Kacey pass by.
The office was also significantly small and the inside was even more annoying. His attention had turned away from Kacey and Miss Kay to examine the tiny office, however, it chimed in just in time at the mention of his name to catch Kacey sorting through the papers.
"Yep. First lunch. You gonna want a locker? I don't use one. We can carry our bags 'round with us." He nodded in response before adding "Lockers are lame." The boy was highly vindictive towards lockers -- mainly for the fact that he had to share the surrounding space with other children, and with his luck he'd probably end up being assigned a locker near Dalllas and his army of jocks they had met outside.

8:59pm Oct 20 2012
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"Lockers are lame." Well, alright then. Taking that as a no, Kacey gave a goodbye wave to Miss Kay and headed back out into the hallway. Students were lounging around in the halls, trying and failing not to gawk at the pair, more rather Isaiah, walking around on campus. Kacey busied herself with flipping through his papers, making sure that they did have all of the same classes. One by one, she handed them over to him and explained what each one was.
"So we got five classes a day. One of 'em's study hall. Do whatever then, jus' as long as we don't get in trouble." Onto the next few papers. "I think this is just stuff for the Bakers to sign, just for files and stuff." She touched the strap of her bag and swung it out in front of her so she could unzip it and stuff the empty coffee mug in there. The contents of her bag were all mashed up, in complete and total disarray. Looking much like Kacey was right then, with her scraggly hair falling out of her pony tail and brushing against her cheek and the back of her neck.
"An' that kiss out there ain't goin' no further, mind you. I was just doin' it to get 'em off both our backs." She didn't look at him as she said it. The zipper was a bit fascinating to her and she kept her eyes on it as she zipped her bag up slowly. She let go of her hold on it and the bag bumped against her hip as it swung back into place.
Her feet had faithfully led them to their first period class. "English," she said and opened the door just as the first bell rang. Students would start to pile in right about now, having about five minutes before the warning bell rang, and another few after that signifying that classes could start.
hello my name is elder price
10:05am Oct 21 2012
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Kacey's sudden bombardment of papers only brought out quick nods and seldom short, one-word answers before they were tossed aside. They weren't deemed "important" enough for Isaiah to glance over them, even if they did coincide with his attendance at the school. Oh well. Ignorance is bliss, right?
The Baker's papers, however, received a different treatment; as they were crudely folded and stuffed into the boy's back pocket.
He was sure to keep quiet throughout the hallways, only speaking when acknowledged to. It was all in his plan--to keep up his usual ruse as the "quiet and innocent" new kid to keep both legal and administrative attention off of him, though the principal and staff would probably see through it.
"An that kiss out there ain't goin' no further, mind you. I was just doin' it to get them off our backs." Her words phased through him and the silence held still for a few moments before he replied with a haughty snort.
"Psssht." After a few minutes (which felt more like hours), they had reached their first-period class. He cringed slightly at the sound of the bell but recovered quickly enough to grasp the handle of the door and walk past her with an inaudible mumble of "That's what you think, Dasiy Duke."

10:27am Oct 21 2012
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Kacey resisted the urge to roll her eyes as Isaiah walked past her into the room and uttered something under his breath. Boy talks to himself too much for his own good. She wondered for the umpteenth time how city boy would fare in this new "environment." Not well, probably, because it had slipped her mind who shared this class with them. It was when a hand slapped against her butt that she remembered. Jumping from surprise, her pony tail whipped around (more curls flew loose from the band) as she glared at Dallas.
He was taller than Kacey, had a good five inches on top of her. When he leaned down to get somewhat on the same level as her, she was still looking up to keep that hardened stare. "I tol' you not to do that, Dallas." A snarky side comment, something about Dallas having a date with his left hand later, made Kacey smirk. She coughed, doing a poor job to cover up her laughter, and turned her back on Dallas to slide into her normal seat.
Since the classes were so small, spare chairs were everywhere. The teachers weren't too strict with seating arrangements either, seeing as all of the kids' parents knew them one way or another, which meant the kids shared some sort of personal out-of-school life with them. Things were pretty easy-going.
Dallas and his friends would harass her sometimes, yeah, but they'd been waltzing to the same dance since they were kids. Kacey wasn't bothered by it, usually at most annoyed, but today Dallas seemed a little different. Isaiah had something to do with it, of course, but Kacey failed to see the connection.
Dallas and the others found their seats right as the teacher walked in. She was a pompous woman, lived off of a healthy diet of friend chicken and biscuits with gravy. Cheery as always, she sought out her new student and told the rest of the kids to shut their pie holes. "We got a new student transferred here, y'all. Isaiah, come on up and introduce yourself."
hello my name is elder price
12:45pm Oct 21 2012
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He took his seat at the far rear of the class. The less people that could see him, the better. Being anti-social was something he had planned from day one, and his disdain towards the other children only furthered this. In the time period between the teacher arriving and setting up for class he decided to nonchalantly peer around the room. It was small, much like everything else, and the enrollment number was significantly low, as opposed to the number in city schools.
Since they were in an English class he figured there would be a good bit of writing, and so he placed two journals and a pen and pencil to the left of his desk. Last to go on was his three-ring-binder, which sat in the middle and created a visible divider between the right and left side. A binder was always a good thing to have on the first day, since the teachers loved to hand out all those first-day papers for parents to sign, and seeing as he was a new kid he was bound to get quite a few.
He had just inserted two of the four notebook dividers before hearing a voice -- a familiar obnoxious voice. One who belonged a name that would bring on a migraine every time it was heard. As predicted, he spun around to find Dallas and his gang pestering Kacey. Ew, not these people again. His upper lip curled into a noticeable snarl and his fingers slowly wrapped around the mechanical pencil which sat in the corner of his desk, ready to ram it into Dallas's thick skull. Though, something told him that Dallas's harassment had been a consistent thing; he would surely bring it to an end, however. Having to tolerate their constant jeers and annoying banter would eventually bring him to his breaking point, and it was only a matter of time before one of their heads ended on their doorstep. But that was later, and this was now.
The door suddenly cracked open and the teacher walked in, bringing the classroom to an unnerving silence. She had taken her usual seat behind her desk and spoke. Her words brought about a more nauseous feeling than any of the children could only dream to generate. "We got a new student here, y'all. Isaiah, come on up and introduce yourself."
So she was going to do that after all -- subject him to the predator/prey relationship that was being a new student. As much as he despised the fact, it was the teacher's order, and her expectantly cheerful (yet unnerving) stare was a clear sign she wasn't going to sit in silence for much longer.
He inwardly groaned as he pushed in his chair and reluctantly made his way to the front of the room. The teacher had already made him a charming little spot which sat dead center in the classroom.
There was no verbal remark or cheerful introduction. He only gave the class a slight wave with his left hand and flashed them a sarcastic smile. And at that exact moment the bracelet he wore around his wrist had pulled up to reveal the symbol he had burned into his skin.

1:18pm Oct 21 2012
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Kacey typically took a seat in the middle of the room, near the back, so when Isaiah sat down in the very back, she turned to look at him. He was two empty chairs back, one to her left. The sound of books plopping down on a desk next to hers made her turn, and her smile twisted into a scowl when she caught Dallas's eye. "Go sit with your friends, Dal," Kacey said to him under her breath. The girl had missed the teacher calling Isaiah up, but she heard his chair scrape again and felt him walk by her. Dallas broke eye contact with Kacey to follow Isaiah's form as he moved up to the front of the room, and something in Dallas's gaze made Kacey feel a bit frightened, a little wary.
"Don't you get stupid, Kacey. He's trouble," Dallas said curtly.
Kacey made a disgruntled noise and scooped up her things. She sat poised on the edge of her desk and watched Isaiah, waiting for him to say something. It didn't surprise her that he stayed quiet and instead waved. Her brows furrowed when his bracelet was tugged up, the muscle in his palm flexing and tugging it up. She recognized the sign from somewhere and ran through where she thought she might have seen it. Oh, that's right. It was on the door of her chemistry teacher's classroom, as a joke to scare some of the other students. A biohazard sign. Huh. She'd have to ask him about it later.
Right then though, she stuffed her things in her back and graciously scooted back a few desks so she'd be next to where Isaiah sat. Dallas stiffened noticeably, though didn't say anything. Kacey hoped he wasn't shooting daggers at Isaiah, but it would be just like the jock to do so. "Hmph. Boys," she muttered.
The teacher was rather flustered, seeing as Isaiah really hadn't introduced himself at all--even though his introduction did explain a few things about him. She cleared her throat. "We're to welcome Mr. Rossner here, folks, so give 'im a how-do-you-do." The rest of the class mumbled their hellos. "A'right. Isaiah, I'll have some papers for you at the end of class. Here's the text book. And the rest of you, turn to page two hundred and four. We're going to start Beowulf today."
So that was that.
hello my name is elder price
8:25pm Oct 22 2012
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Ooc; Bump.<3
hello my name is elder price
5:05pm Oct 23 2012
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As difficult as it was, the boy refused to oblige every opportunity he had to stare-down, and closely watch, Dallas. He had seen (though not have heard) his remark he made to Kacey, however--he tended to have this habit of monitoring those that "struck a wrong cord" with him--just in case they tried anything stupid.
He did in fact focus a bit of his attention on Dallas, though. But something else had decided to jump his way. After a very soft and near inaudible gasp, his right hand clamped over his left wrist and twisted it inward before the mark had been covered with the sleeve of his jacket. Urgh, why did that have annoying thing have to come up now, and was it really exposed enough for the other students (and possibly the teacher) to see? Well, to hell if it was, the damn thing was covered now.
It wasn't really a nuisance to him. Oh no, in Isaiah's defense it was a symbol that commanded diligence and respect. A symbol that evoked fear in the hearts of those that knew it's meaning. A symbol that spoke a message -- proclaiming that the scrawny little spitfire that he was was capable of claiming the rank of "Leader" of a street gang. No, to him it was more of a badge of courage. The main issue stemmed from what the other children would see, if they could really make anything out of it aside from the tradition meaning of a biohazard sign--then they might just find him weird for having one engraved and then burned into his skin.
There was no surprise to the teacher giving him the usual papers, as he had expected it. However, he did not expect to have to go through the Kindergarten routine of "introducing yourself" when you're a new student, he'd assumed at by the time you've reached your Senior year all those old routines would be over and done with.
He nodded when the teacher was mid-sentence, made a mental note to see her at the end of class, and took his text book. Gee, was that thing heavy. Though English books usually held the record for heaviest textbooks, so it was no surprise.
After officially figuring out how to handle the accursed thing, he had turned away from her desk and was making his way back to his seat to join Kacey.
Before opening his book he had kindly asked if Kacey wouldn't mind staying with him after class while he took his papers.
And that was that. English seemed to go by smoothly, for day one, that is.

6:09pm Oct 23 2012
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Kacey glanced up from her reading when Isaiah moseyed his way back over to his seat. She nodded when he asked if she would stay and wait with him after class. That settled, she leaned back in her chair, propped her textbook up on her legs, and tapped her fingers against the bottom of the pages. If one couldn't tell already, Kacey was a very outside girl and being cooped up in a classroom didn't really suit her. She wasn't the most studious, but she wasn't a slacker either. Most of her work was done quickly, unless she was distracted. She wasn't focusing right then on the king of the ancient Danes or whatever. City boy's reaction to the mark that had flashed on his wrist intrigued her.
Her fingers continued to rap-tap against the book. Papers shuffled, once or twice Dallas looked back at her, flicked his eyes over to Isaiah, and returned to what he was doing. The teacher sat at her desk for most of the class. Halfway through, they went through what they'd read and Kacey stayed quiet during the discussion. A few minutes before the bell could ring, she haphazardly scribbled down the homework assignment and shoved her things back into her back.
The bell rang and she rocked herself to her feet. Her bag she slung over her shoulder and watched the rest of the classroom empty out. Thankfully, Dallas and a few of his friends left with the rest, leaving nothing behind but a few backwards glances. Good. They'd better get used to this 'cause as far as Kacey knew, city boy wasn't going anywhere.
"Make sure you get a note for chem. I can't be late again without no excuse," she said and scratched at her freckled nose. She almost opened her mouth again to ask him about the thingy on his wrist then decided a better time would be lunch or study hall, when they weren't busy.
Ooc; So in my mind their schedules look something like this: 1. English 2. Chem 3. Lunch 4. Study Hall 5. Trig 6. ...something else. lol We could just skip to lunch/study, unless you want to go through another class again. xD
hello my name is elder price
10:08am Oct 25 2012
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Posts: 1,459
So, Beowulf, huh?
Isaiah opened his book, propped a hand under his chin, and began reading. Wait...this book is written in Japanese or something. He's wearing a what? He called him a what? Wait, is he insulting him or honoring him? What? He closed the book and pushed it off to the side. So much for reading, or understanding English for the year.
He scribbled some illegible rubbish onto his paper then pushed that aside as well. After a quick glance up towards the teacher he slid down into his chair and began fumbling around his pocket for his cell phone. A least Kacey's tapping would muffle the sound of him typing. Now all that mattered was the teacher keeping her eyes off the class.
The sound of her voice caused him to jump, and, just to be safe, he wedged the device in between his notebooks before giving her his attention. Discussion made little sense, though what do you expect when you didn't even read what the discussion was on? Luckily she didn't call on him for any of the answers.
In a few minutes the bell rang. Children began to file out of the classroom. His gaze stayed transfixed on Dallas until Kacey broke the internal silence. "Make sure you get a note for chem. I can't be late again without no excuse." He gave her a reassuring hand gesture to show that he understood.
After receiving the obligatory papers, and the requested excuse note, they were on their way.
(Yeah, let's just skip to much. My brain dies during classes since there isn't much to do. lolol )

8:27pm Oct 25 2012
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Kacey's bag hung off of one shoulder, back flattened against the wall beside the door frame. The teacher was quick with handing Isaiah his things and the unintelligible scribble she wrote as a note would have to do. Her knuckles rapped against her wall and one booted heel hitched up against the wall. When Isaiah was finished, she finished her little tap and pushed herself back onto her feet, rolled her shoulders, and walked him to their next class.
Kacey led them to the outside picnic tables, figuring that city boy would prefer quiet rather than the raucous din of the indoor cafeteria. That and Dallas and his posse were in the caf, but Kacey had no qualms when it came to being outside. Honestly, the girl lived out under the sun. Dappled sunlight shined down on her back, the trees that dotted the high school campus clustering around the nicely placed brown picnic tables. With her hair dry from her shower this morning, Kacey tugged out the elastic band in her hair and let her wavy tresses fall down her back.
The locks reached midway and glinted with silver and gold highlights in the sun. Kace swung her bag up to her right and withdrew a cellophane-wrapped sandwich, some carrots, and a few crackers from her bag. Crossing her legs, she set her stuff down on the table and knocked her steadied her bag so it wouldn't topple to the ground and land in the dirt. "Mrs. Baker pack ya anythin'? She's a mighty fine cook."
hello my name is elder price
8:16pm Oct 31 2012
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; And a bump you may have. <3
hello my name is elder price