4:15pm Nov 1 2012 (last edited on 4:16pm Nov 1 2012)
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( annd a well-deserved reply you may have <3 ) [there's no "a" in 'reply,' silly quar. I: ]
It was blinding--and comparable to that of being in a tunnel. It seemed that only a minute ago they were inside the dim and slightly dank schoolhouse, and now they were outside, being overwhelmed with sunlight. Although Kacey didn't seem to mind the sudden change the same could not be said for the boy. His hand was drawn up to block the rays from his face and he even squinted a few times as his eyes slowly came-to the bright environment. It took a few minutes, but he had finally caught it -- his previous action had caused an unwanted tug on the sleeve, thus sliding up off his wrist. With a grumble he tugged his sleeve back down and made his way to the table.
A least the surroundings were pleasurable; kids were rarely aloud out for lunch where he came from, so this was a treat (and a blessing, if you count the fact that it was away from Dallas and them). Though, despite all the hospitality and serenity of nature, he still opted to sit on the "shady side" of the bench, away from the sun.
While Kacey was being...Kacey, he took the opportunity to send a few text messages, as this would probably be the only time he would be able to send them without authoritative supervision interrupting things.
"Mrs, Baker pack ya anythin'? She's a mighty fine cook." "Oh," he said hesitantly In all honestly, he had really forgotten she was even there. "She did make me something, but I forgot it on my way out." He paused to insert a few "clicks" from his phone's keyboard into the conversation. "I'll be more organized tomorrow though, perhaps."

4:58pm Nov 1 2012
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Kacey had started munching on her Town House crackers, favorite buttery-tasting snack ever. Her toes tapped against the ground underneath the table, and she found herself pretty content with just watching Isaiah. Call her creepy, but everything about him intrigued her. From the pink headband he'd wedged onto his head to his wrist where she'd seen the mark from earlier. A question danced on the tip of her tongue, but she wanted to wait for him to answer the first question. After what seemed to be a long length of silence, she figured he hadn't even heard her, what with his face stuck in his phone like that.
"Aww, well ya can't go hungry," she said. Kacey picked up her sandwich and tossed it in front of him, popped another cracker in her mouth, and smiled (without showing any teeth). "You'll prolly get a scoldin' fer fergettin' though." She ran her tongue along her gums to get rid of any soggy crackers that decided to stick to her pearly whites and opened up her bag of carrots. She paused however and leaned forward to go and tap Isaiah on the wrist where she'd seen the mark.
"Whassat?" she asked and settled back in her seat again. "Saw it when ya waved in front of the class."
hello my name is elder price
5:33pm Nov 1 2012
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"Aww, well ya can't go hungry." He sent a few more messages before answering her. "I'm not that hungry. I'll be fine, honestly." The cellophane wrapping on the sandwich created a grating sound when it slid across the table, grabbing his attention. "Huh?" He sat his phone down to momentarily pick up the sandwich. "...Oh, I don't need this, honey." He gave her a sympathetic smile before handing it back. "Thanks...though."
"Vrrrrt. Vrrrrt" The smartphone on the table vibrated, signaling an incoming message and commanding his attention. "You'll probably get a scoldin' fer fergettin' though." He waved his hand in a manner to say "Oh well" and typed a few more letters.
He was so engrossed in his messaging that Kacey's subtle touch caused his skin to jump. "Wassat?" "Nothing." He said as he moved his hands into his lap. For the next few minutes he pretended to ignore the girl until another comment drove out a bit of recognition. "Saw it when ya waved in front of the class" "Of course you did, everyone probably saw it." He sighed, settling his elbows onto the table. "It's complicated. Okay."

8:11pm Nov 1 2012 (last edited on 2:53pm Nov 4 2012)
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"Oh, I don't need this, honey. Thanks...though." Kacey frowned and rolled the sandwich between her hands. With a shrug, she decided to put it back in her bag and munch quietly on her carrots. She'd also startled him when she'd grabbed his wrist and the answer he gave her about it wasn't really an answer at all. Nibbling on the top of the carrot, she eyed him cynically, as if her gaze could penetrate the la[injection]yers of apathy and impassiveness he seemed to cloak himself with. It was maddening, frustrating even, and it was a little bit annoying that he was so attached to his phone.
Kacey had a cell phone yeah, a little thing that she used only to call; the screen was pretty much demolished after one of the horses knocked it out of her hands and onto the ground. But even if she had free texting at her disposal, she probably wouldn't use it. Being around down here, you learned to enjoy the people you were with. At least, that's what Kacey grew up around. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that no one knew anyone else. Couldn't be picky with friends around here.
"Complicated. Right." She took a swing from a water bottle she pulled from her bag. "Who ya talkin' to?"
hello my name is elder price
2:33pm Nov 3 2012 (last edited on 2:34pm Nov 3 2012)
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"Yeah, complicated." He mumbled, his face shoved into his phone. It was a little unnerving that Kacey seemed bothered by this. He was from the city, after all, and modern cities these days are partially governed by technology. I'm sure he would have no problem giving a response to all her questions, but just not right now.
Even more aggravating was her need to be in his business--who really cared who he'd been texting. He tapped his nails against the hard wood of the table before responding with an annoyed "Yeah, complicated."
A few more messages were sent before he paused and sat the phone down to brush his bangs off the right side of his face (that was another thing that was contributing to his aggravation).
"I bet you country kids don't have a clue about the Kannibal Kidz anyway."
3:01pm Nov 4 2012
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When she didn't get an answer out from him again, Kacey gave up and packed up her lunch again. She didn't finish any of the snacks, never really had. When she got home, she would just toss the bags of stuff in the fridge and the cupboard and usually save it until right before bed if she got hungry again. That's what she told her ma anyway, but most of the food ended up satisfying a horse's crave for treats. Pa used to complain and scold her, saying that's why the horses were so derned spoiled and wouldn't listen to a thing he said.
"I bet you country kids don't have a clue about the Kannibal Kidz anyway." Kacey blinked from her dozing to see Isaiah had put his phone down and was mussing up his hair again. Kannibal Kidz? What in the heck...She folded her arms on the table and plopped her chin right on top of them. Her gray-green eyes looked up at him from underneath her lashes.
"'Course not. I'n't cannibals them people who eat other people?" She scrunched up her nose and shook her head. "Weirdo," she muttered under her breath, but the spite behind the word was nonexistent, instead said in a near teasing tone.
hello my name is elder price
3:34pm Nov 4 2012
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"Course not. I'n't cannibals them people who eat other people?"
"No." He grumbled and sighed inwardly, following with a mental mumble of "Damn country people. Thought so." His thumb and pointer finger came together to pinch his bridge piercing while he thought of a more coherent way to explain things, other than yelling at the poor girl for her ignorance.
"Okay, maybe I can try to get your brain on a different track." He paused, storing his phone back into his back pocket. "Yes, cannibals do eat people, but the "Kannibal Kidz" are more like a group. Umn...here...do you have any clue as to what a 'street gang' is?"
3:48pm Nov 4 2012
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Okay, so he was going to start talking again. His phone had stopped buzzing at least, so maybe whoever he'd been texting had to go or whatever. She propped her chin up in a different position on her arms so she could better look at Isaiah as he sort of explained that she was wrong. Didn't take much for her to figure out that he was annoyed, what with his tone and the fingers pinching his nose. Ignorance was bliss however, and she ignored it, for the sake of trying to understand.
"Street gang. Uh, I watched a movie once 'bout some kids that sorta were like a family an' got into a lot a trouble an' beat up aliens. Like that, 'cept not with aliens?" Kacey tilted her head to the side in questioning and her hair fell into her face. Going cross-eyed for a moment as she eyed the strand, she puckered her lips and blew it out of the way of her eyes. It was effective enough, leaving the lock of hair to lay against her cheek.
hello my name is elder price
5:00pm Nov 4 2012
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"Uh...yeah. It's somewhat like that. And no, they're are no aliens involved, mainly just money, and alcohol and paraphernalia and guns. You know...bang bang?" He brought his fingers into the shape of a gun and shot it into the air in time with his words.
"Dallas probably knows, go ask him if he knows anything about them, or he might know someone that does." He said nonchalantly with a shrug.
It didn't really surprise him that Kacey was clueless; it seemed like all the girl understood was hay and horses, though he thought that the way he had just explained it seemed pretty clear. Now so what if she did understand? Would it at all affect her opinion on him, (even though it was probably already negative to begin with) -- so then it could become more negative, or it could fill in all the blanks and confusion the girl might have on why he was here in the first place. Dwelling on this matter was slightly unnerving, so Isaiah pushed it from his mind, and posed a question in attempt to knock Kacey off the subject.
"So..uh...when exactly is lunch over?"

6:46pm Nov 4 2012
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"Dallas don't know anythin' that ain't right in front of his face," Kacey snorted. She thought about what he'd said, about the money and the alcohol, the guns. Guns involved with the Kannibal Kidz, what she was assuming was one of the gangs he was talking about, made her uneasy. So he was probably a part of this gang, maybe. Why else bring it up? He'd had his moments before where Kacey had felt uneasy around him, especially when she looked him in the eye and she got that he might be dangerous even, but she just...couldn't see it. Her sheltered life had her safe and cozy in her house, away from trouble. The boys here were nice for the most part, never put her in an uncomfortable situation. She had no idea.
"S'at why you got moved down--" she started, but she'd spoken so softly, it seemed he hardly heard her.
"So..uh...when exactly is lunch over?"
Kace was thankful for the switch in subject, even if her curiosity was bounding over that of a cat's. "Should be 'bout time." It was a mere three seconds later when the bell rang. Kacey grabbed her bag and stood from the bench. She brushed off some crumbs from her crackers off of her shirt and her pants and jerked her chin back toward one of the doors that led into the main school building. "Next is study hall. We get a do whatever we want, but I'm goin' to be workin' on English." She looked meaningfully at him, brows raised. "An' you should read the assigned stuff."
hello my name is elder price
9:41am Nov 5 2012
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( Oh no! What has happened to Plagued?! c: )
"Dallas don't know anythin' that that ain't right in front of his face." Huh? Ohhh, that's right, jocks usually had as much intelligence as a brick wall. Well there was bound to be someone around here that would know anything, and if all else fails she had the internet--answers were obviously available if she wanted them.
His eyes darted up to Kacey for a few moments. Something about her was odd, he could tell that what she had heard had upset her. Though the boy would probably kick and scream and even send a couple bullets your way just to prove that he didn't have a care in the world for the girl there was something inside that didn't want to see her this distraught over something she'd heard. He reached out to pat her shoulder and gave a reassuring mumble of "Don't worry, you're pretty much safe with me..." before the bell had cut him off. Had he'd been able to complete his statement he may have added something like "I' won't let anything happen to you" or he very well could have just told the girl to shut up and stop worrying, it's not clear what was exactly going through his mind at this time.
Once the bell ended it's ungrateful and sudden interruption, he turned, seized the black, worn messenger bag from the bottom half of the bench, tugged the strap over his shoulder, then went on his way, catching her words as a mere mumble.
"Next is study hall. We get to do whatever we want....." Wait, did she say whatever we want? Finally a period where he didn't have to read some intricate, confounding novel, or pretend that he cared about certain chemical reactions (though he had to admit the acid one had fascinated him a bit, he was always amused with how gracefully acid would corrode and melt flesh). His mind had begun to wander off the mull over all the possibilities, ultimately missing the second half of her statement.
"...An' you should read the assigned stuff." Well that certainly didn't last long. And so much for texting. While he very much wanted to shoot her a cynical remark and blow off her suggestion, it was still his first day, and he might as well make his first impressions count now.

6:21pm Nov 5 2012
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; D'aww. Grats. C:
"Don't worry, you're pretty much safe with me." Now what in Sam Hill was that supposed to mean? Kacey walked along beside a quiet Isaiah, bag bumping against her back as she walked, her English textbook digging into her back with every whack. Her hand was up and grasped at the strap on her right shoulder, the other strap of her backpack dangling. Since her weight was distributed on her right side, she walked a little lopsided, but she'd done this since she was a girl; the same went for any high schooler, really.
They could have stayed out by the picnic table. Study hall meant they could walk around campus or sometimes chill with teachers that were in their planning period. Kacey decided to bring them to the library however, where it would be quiet and shelter Isaiah from the sunlight, which he seemed unaccustomed to, and give them some air conditioning. At the front desk for the library, Kacey scribbled down their names at the check-in place and took Isaiah to the bean bag chairs and plush couches at the back.
Thankfully they had the place to themselves. Kace plopped down in a green bean bag and took out her English stuff to finish the work sheet she hadn't gotten through with before. "Figured you'd a liked it better in here," she said without looking at him, too busy digging around in her bag trying to find her pencil. With an, "Ah-hah!" she grasped it and turned her attention to her notes. "You need any help, jus' ask, or go off an' do whatever." She hesitated, then sighed. "An' if ya do wanna leave, just make sure ya check out."
hello my name is elder price
9:20pm Nov 9 2012
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hello my name is elder price
3:04pm Nov 12 2012 (last edited on 3:31pm Nov 12 2012)
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Isaiah led himself to the plush couch of the library and plopped down in his usual vulgar, city-boy manner, taking up half the space within the two cushions and layering a leg over the other. His left arm was hung limp over the side, occasionally, it would shuffle over and bang against the cushion while it fumbled around effortlessly for the mangled strap of his messenger bag. It recoiled, in a shocked stupor, having touched a serrated edge of one of the numerous bits of miscellaneous nonsense he adorned the bag with. It didn't appear to bother him much. No, not at all--not even a flinch or bit of recognition was given to the blood that began to seep out of the wound. He had only noticed it when he saw the red liquid smeared on the front cover of his notebook. His tongue lapped against the tiny slit, tasting the salt-tinged liquid, and his slickened finger was then whipped against the reddish smudge. Once that was done, it danced across the loose tops of the paper before flipping to a random page.
There were some notes, and although they appeared to be written in something comparable to haphazard chicken-scratch, he could decode the unintelligible garbage to rack down a page number. His hand slid into the bag once more, latched onto the binding of his English book, and (after several attempts) successfully tugged the heavy thing onto his lap. The book flipped open to the assigned page. His mind was suddenly struck with words: bolded, italicized, hyphenated, outlandish, foreign words. The pages became a blur as his left eye twitched at the display of nonsense.
I don't understand any of this. What's the point of assigning something if the students will not even understand it, stupid tea--oh.. A light bulb had gone off. He remembered the teacher telling them to make a note of anything they found confusing so it could be addressed in class tomorrow. Once again he was digging in his messenger bag; finally, a use for all the accursed, pastel post-it notes he had been given. I'll just write all of this down and then...oh...I forgot my pencil. His books were sat aside before sitting up. "I'll be right back." He mumbled as he walked by her.
"I probably have an extra one in my locker, it will only take a few minutes to grab it." It didn't occur to him that he had been mumbling to himself until the receptionist cut him off and tapped a slender, gnarled finger against the aforementioned sign-out sheet. "Sorry." She was too involved in her work to notice him. After looking over the paper and scrunching her nose the boy's hurried attempt to sign his name (which ended up looking like something along the lines of "Isarur Rosrr"), she waved her hand and sent him on his way.
(Sorry for the late reply. So, I was possibly thinking that maybe Dallas or someone could corner him at the lockers? Just something to start some trouble. c: )

3:48pm Nov 14 2012
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"I'll be right back." Kacey looked up from her paper, full of fervently written writing. Guess he did wanna leave, she said and tried not to feel too hurt over it. After all, he probably only stuck around with her because he didn't know anybody else at the school. She almost called out to him, warning that he better not be off to smoke, and decided if he did, that was his problem. That and she didn't want to shout it across the room, especially in the library. So she sighed and ducked her head back down, and went back to writing about the assignment.
Dallas, of course, had free period at this time too. Half of the student body shared one schedule, the other half a slightly different one, but the classes were sometimes intermixed. He'd been in the same class team as Kacey all throughout high school, and even through most of middle school. Thinking about Kacey right then, his thoughts turned over to the new kid she'd brought to school with her. He felt his lips twist into a grimace and Buck laughed at him and punched him in the shoulder.
They walked through the halls, definitely not studying at all, but as long as they kept out of trouble and maintained a less-than-destructive air, the teachers didn't mind. It was then that they turned the corner and Dallas threw a hand out in front of the boys to stop them in their tracks. And lookie who just happened to walk out of the library.
Dallas smiled and like a pack of hungry wolves, his groupees started to get restless beside him. Dallas straightened his spine, allowed a cocky grin to take place of the smile, and sauntered over to Isaiah. He reached and to grab him by the collar of his shirt and if he could get a hold of the scrawny boy, he would toss him up against the lockers. "Well, look who we have here, Kacey's lady-friend," Dallas said and snickered.
Ooc; Boop, great idea. 8)
hello my name is elder price
5:09pm Nov 17 2012
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hello my name is elder price
1:53pm Nov 23 2012
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Civility was hanging on a whim, and on the the verge of being replaced with primal instinct. How dare that up-scale know-it-all assume that just because he stepped foot into his school he should be treated as his property. Isaiah felt Dallas push him up against the lockers and responded with a quick growl of "Piss off." Ice-cold eyes sought their way to the taller male's and he felt his upper lip curl into a snarl.
Dallas's coterie moved restlessly about him, and each was met with the same cold glance. It was only a matter of time before they decided to make a move, and he hoped and prayed that they would. The hand he held furthest from the group slid against the front of the lockers and into his back pocket, fumbling for the small, narrow switchblade (he knew that thing would come in handy today, and it just might save the boy's life if he could dig it out in time).
Or perhaps the bell would save his life, as it rang to dismiss the children to the buses. Either way, and despite the regular evening routine, he wouldn't dare to drop his guard.

9:59pm Nov 24 2012
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Dallas raised a hand and tore the pink headband from Isaiah's head. The thing clattered onto the ground and Buck's kick sent it skittering down the hallway. Now that he had the little punk cornered, Dallas could do what he wanted. But what did he want? "I don't want you anywhere near Kacey, you worthless piece of sheet," fell from his lips. And what went with that little statement. Yes, that red-hot flash of anger fueled by instinct. He clenched his fingers together and swung his arm up in an attempt to punch Isaiah in the stomach.
"Dallas, what the hell are you doin'?! Stop!"
A few minutes prior
Kacey started to zone out after answering a few questions. She must have read number twelve three times before she realized she wasn't paying attention at all. Dropping her work into her lap, Kacey leaned back and stretched out her legs. The library was quiet, the kind of lonely quiet where she noticed that no one else was there. Of course there was the librarian, but Kacey was looking down at a backpack and thinking where the boy who owned it was.
He'd certainly taken a long enough time to get his pencil. She checked her phone. The bell was about to ring soon anyway. Kacey packed up her stuff and likewise threw Isaiah's things into his bag. She threw both of them over her shoulder and started to leave the library. The librarian wasn't at her desk; she was probably doing something in the back. Kacey signed out, but the y in her name ended up marking most of the page because she jumped when she heard a slam from outside.
Twisting around, her bag smacked against the counter. She staggered to the door and flew it open to see Dallas and his friends crowding around someone. One step forward and her foot came down on something. She bent down to scoop it up. A pink headband. Her head snapped up and she shrugged off both of the bags. "Dallas, what the hell are you doin'?! Stop!"
Dallas dropped Isaiah when he heard Kacey's voice. The bell rang then and the group of guys scattered. Kacey hurried over to Isaiah. "You hurt any?" she asked with wide eyes.
hello my name is elder price
2:20pm Nov 26 2012
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Okay, no. Last time he checked Kacey didn't have a stamp put on her that read "Property of Dallas.", therefore he could see her as much as he pleased--and with the way things were going it appears that in one day he had gotten farther than Dallas could ever dream of, and they've known each other since they were tiny, drooling, snot-shooting kids. It was obvious he was jealous, as that would be the only that would sensibly explain why he was bothering him, and if he had another reason, well, the boy would surely let him know that he was not going to put up with the other's idiocy.
The boy's eyes followed the pink headband as he watched it skid down the hallway. Great, now he owed him another one, though he'd much rather craft one out of the dumpy jocks small intestine, and he'd much rather send his accomplice's skull skittering down the hallway.
While his eyes were locked on Dallas's he still managed to catch a glimpse of his hand within his peripheral vision. The move didn't set him back much (he had taken several blows to the stomach before), though the force caused his thumb to slip over the open blade, resulting in a slight wince.
"Dallas, what the hell are you doin'?! Stop!"
He couldn't have been more thankful for the voice, as it chimed in at the perfect time.
When the scrawny-little-spitfire got up from the ground he was wound up and ready to better acquaint Dallas's inner organs and facial features with the sharpened end of a Swarvorski blade. But he wasn't there. In stead a wide-eyed, fear stricken Kacey stood in his place.
"You hurt any?"
He didn't want to upset her, so shrugged off the slit in his thumb, reassured her with a "No. I'm fine." and tucked the blade back into it's holding area to avoid further injury. "Jackass took that from my head." He said as he took the thin headband from her hands. "We should probably head home, you said Tex would be waiting for me."

7:19pm Nov 27 2012
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"We should probably head home, you said Tex would be waiting for me."
After Isaiah had told Kacey he was fine, she handed back his headband and pointed to their bags. "Yeah, he'll be waitin' and sure won't be happy if you're late." Kacey scampered over to their backpacks, shouldered her own, and scooped up Isaiah's. As she passed him, she handed it over to him and then fidgeted with the strap on her shoulder until it was sort of comfortable. The bag was heavy with the English book in it, not to mention the Chemistry one that was insistent on digging into her back.
Dallas had disappeared, but Kacey saw Buck lingering outside with his girlfriend. He glanced up as they passed and flicked his gaze back down once he met Kacey's glare. "I'm real sorry 'bout Dallas. He wouldn't be troublin' ya if it weren't for me," she said as she opened the door to her truck and hauled herself in the driver's seat. Biting the elastic around her wrist, Kacey twisted her hair up into a sloppy bun. Some of the locks slipped out and teased at her eyes and she tucked them behind her ear.
The engine's purr was equivalent to that of a spitting cat but petered out into a low rumble. Kacey tossed her bag into the cramped backseat space and waited for Isaiah to hop in.
hello my name is elder price