9:37pm Nov 27 2012
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"Yeah, he'll be waitin' and he sure won't be happy if you're late." Isaiah grabbed his bag back from Kacey and slung the tattered, loose strap over his shoulder. "Well, we better get a move on it, Daisy Duke. Don't you think." He teased, sticking his tongue out just enough for her to catch a faint glimpse of the piercing scar that was centered on it's spongy, pink surface. A few pins poked into his side as they walked, though it didn't bother him much, he only swatted them away occasionally like a horse would swat a fly.
They passed Buck on their way out. At last, a chance to get out retaliate and get out all his anger. He clenched his fists and hesitated jumping the boy, going berserk and mauling him on the spot, but neither where alone (as they both had company from the opposite gender), he opted to avoid the action. "I'm real sorry about Dallas. He wouldn't be troublin' ya if it weren't for me." "Don't worry about it sweetheart, it's fine. And it's not you. I'm sure he would've still bothered me if you weren't here."
It wasn't until he had thrown his bag and climbed into the passenger side that he had realized that his hand had brushed against hers in a "loving" motion. Was it intentional, really? It didn't seem like something he would do though the boy did have no control over his subconscious half the time.

5:11pm Dec 10 2012
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6:08pm Dec 10 2012
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Ooc; So been procrastinating this ever since I lost the post. lol /shot
"Dun't make it anymore right," Kacey argued with a shake of her head when Isaiah gave her a viable explanation when it came to how Dallas treated him. Just because the country boy probably would have went out of his way to make Isaiah's life miserable anyway, he had a motive now. That motive was Kacey and as much as she knew Isaiah was probably right, she still felt bad for her peer's actions. Another thing that bothered her though, she thought about as Isaiah clambered into the car, was when he'd brushed his hand against her, called her 'sweetheart.' Sure, it was probably in his personality to tease her and call her that anyway, but Kace had never had another boy call her sweetheart before.
She decided not to dwell on it, instead focused on backing out the truck and getting them out of there. Giving her shoulders a few rolls to stretch out her muscles, she sighed and leaned back in her seat. The return home was slow, especially since she didn't play any music again. Isaiah would probably hate any radio station that they actually got, which was southern all the way and divided into country and redneck. When they finally got home, Tex was waiting on his front porch. He stood slowly when Kacey parked on the street in front of her own house.
Kacey left her bag in the truck and upon opening her door, paused to hear Tex holler from where he sat. Looking back, she saw the man walk down the porch and into the backyard. "Guess you're gonna help Tex chuck the corn husks. C'mon," she said and slammed her door shut. "He's prolly gonna chop 'em down for ya and we just gotta roll 'em out in wheelbarrows out to one of our empty stables over here. Y'all ain't got a use for 'em so my ma sells 'em in town. After we're done, I'll get ya up on a horse," she said and grinned.
"I promise."
hello my name is elder price
7:43pm Dec 12 2012
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( I: )
"Dun't make it anymore right." Kacey did have a point, though that was the custom these days, and the unfortunate treatment of new kids--especially if they were as out-of-place as Isaiah. Besides, Dallas was just throwing a little teenage temper tantrum since Kacey liked the boy best (or at least was giving off a vibe that she did). It would most likely be over in a couple days, and if not then the boy would take it upon himself to bring a permanent end to "it."
The ride home was even more silent than their morning escapade. Isaiah kept mostly to the window, taking in the [lack of] scenery and recognizing what would now to referred to as his "new home." It was also almost as awkward as the first and no matter what he did, the boy couldn't help to think about Kacey and how what she had seen and heard this day had effected her. There was a sinking feeling in his gut; a "fear" as it would be called, though he'd never admit to it -- he'd never admit to anything that fell into the category of emotion.
A figure began to come into view as the truck pulled into the driveway -- Tex, I assume.
"Guess you're going to help Tex chuck the corn husks." "Chuck....corn..." Isaiah gave her a quizzical look before speaking again. "Why am I going to chuck corn?" The boy chucked bodies -- not corn. In fact, he'd probably never seen a corn husk his entire life. Corn? What is corn? Never seen that contraption in the big city. "He's prolly gonna chop 'em down for ya and we just gotta roll 'em out in wheelbarrows out to one of our empty stables over here." "Uh....okay?" Rolling corn, not how he expected to spend his evening. Isaiah followed her to the place where Tex was so they could begin these shenanigans.
"After we're done I'll get ya up on a horse, I promise."
At that exact moment the boy got an idea. "Hey, Daisy Duke, let's make a deal. I'll agree to ride a horse if you'll let me do something that /I/ want to do when we're done. ..Deal?"

8:07pm Dec 14 2012
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Kacey didn't bother trying to explain to Isaiah what they were going to do. He'd see soon enough anyway. Tex hadn't told her he needed her help, but Kacey was fine with doing it. She usually bopped her way over there anyway and lent a helping hand. No matter how badly Tex didn't want to believe it, the man was getting old and could definitely use a spare hand around the place. Maybe that's another reason the Bakers got themselves Isaiah. They just walked onto the Bakers' property when Isaiah offered a little deal. Thinking nothing of it, she shrugged her shoulders in a quick, jerky movement and smiled. "'Course," she said.
Tex's arm came back and swung around. The leaves of a browned corn husk rustled as it was chopped from the base. It toppled onto the ground amid other husks. He stood up and wiped his brow when they approached, pointed to the litter before him and then to the barrels. "Put 'em in there and just wheel 'em over to the front near the fence. You tell your momma she can take 'em when she wants," Tex said in a slow drawl. He stared at the two of them and pointed to the wheelbarrows again. "Well, geet."
Kacey chuckled and grabbed Isaiah's arm to take him over to the wheelbarrows. She bent over and started collecting the dead stalks from the ground and tossed them into her own 'barrow. "Just throw 'em in here and we'll wheel 'em out," she said.
hello my name is elder price
2:18pm Dec 15 2012
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"Course." There was something odd about the way she had just blindly agreed to the boy's proposition. "Awesome." He responded, feeling a smirk creep up on his face. If only she knew what he was planning...or not. In all honestly he didn't even know what he'd do--though it wouldn't be bad since they were on the property, but he had ways to bypass that.
He quickly came to glimpse with a sea of corn, and his face scrunched in disgust. Yet again--chucking severed husks of corn--not something he would even consider doing. Not even if he was deprived of all other amusement and stricken with boredom. Nope. He'd sooner fasten an old screw or wire into a metal shank and jab it into his skin before he thought of helping others. All the while he stood in a mixed daze of confusion and stupor while Tex went about his business. Another husk had fallen before Tex's words had been bypassed and Kacey's grasp had brought him back to reality (he was spacing out a lot more than usual).
And if that didn't do the trick, then the view of Kacey bent over in front of him certainly would -- after all, he was still a boy, and even though he was supposed to have his "focus" on something else he would ultimately revert back to those urges.
"Just throw 'em in here and we'll wheel 'em out." "Oh...right." Nonchalantly, he picked up several stalks and chucked them in, all the while keeping his eyes glued to Kacey.
He wasn't sure why, but it seemed that that Southern drawl of hers was beginning to become more a lot more tolerable. That, or something else was slowly beginning to block it out.

4:41pm Dec 15 2012
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Kacey wasn't one to be distracted when she was working so she was oblivious to Isaiah's eyes on her the whole time. The edges of the stalks made little scratches on her arms as she threw them in. Two or three times a spider crawled up her forearm but she swatted at it without being deterred. It seemed her partner was a little distracted, she couldn't help but notice after a while, when she figured she was throwing in more corn stalks than he was. Oh well, he'll start figurin' in out sooner or later. Once Tex finished cutting them down, he threw the axe over his shoulder and once again wiped his brow.
"Best get on them horses while it's still daylight. You know I don't want you down on the trails after dusk." While Kacey's family owned the horses, the Bakers' owned most of the land, including the trails. It was a fair trade-off, seeing as the neighbors were more than friends. They were practically family. Kacey skirted around to the side of her wheelbarrow and moved the stalks around a bit to make sure they wouldn't fall out as she walked. She grasped the wooden handles and lifted it up with a grunt.
"A'right, Tex. I'll have him back 'fore dinner."
She turned her attention to Isaiah and shook her shoulder toward his wheelbarrow. "Get it and come on," she said. She picked hers up with a grunt and knowing he'd follow, she wheeled hers out of the field and back around to the front of her house. Some of the stalks fell out when she set it down by the gate but she picked them up and placed them back in. She opened up the fence for Isaiah so they could walk to the barn together.
"Like I said yesterday, you'll be up ridin' Alex today. He won't give ya no trouble. You know how to put a saddle on?"
hello my name is elder price
11:50pm Dec 15 2012
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Urgh. Corn, why did you have to be such a pain. Several husks crumbled when he grabbed them, sending dirt and muck to cover his hands. A few also yielded spiders, and while Kacey's reaction to the eight-legged-friends was more nonchalant, his was certainly not -- of course they were unharmed, he just didn't appreciate the feeling of having something crawling within his hoodie. Though the fact that Kacey had more stalks in her wheelbarrow did upset him, so he threw in more stalks to get caught up. Eventually it had grown into Isaiah just taking wild stabs at the wheelbarrow's position and throwing the stalks behind him, which led to a large portion completely missing the barrow and several landing even further than they originally were, some even lightened the load by catching the edges of the already-placed stalks and knocking them down with them. It was a very slow, and undoubtedly unproductive, process.
"Best get on them horses while it's still daylight." Oh, right. He had agreed to ride a horse earlier. While Isaiah loved horses, and all other animals or things that had a heartbeat that weren't human, there was something about riding one that just didn't strike his fancy. It was more with the motions, they just seemed far more muscular for him to handle. (another surprising factor, the boy had no problem handling guns, knives, or other heavy machinery yet he cowered in fear at the site of a horse) "You know I don't want you down on the trails after dusk." He could ride on the trails at night if he wanted to. He was Isaiah freaking Rossner -- leader of the Kannibal Kidz and quite infamous in the criminal world, he'd do whatever he wanted to.
He had just typed out a text message when he saw Kacey bringing over her wheelbarrow. "Get it and come on." He nodded, picking up his barrow and lugging the heavy thing over to where she had placed hers, making no effort to pick up the stalks he had left behind. With that done he made his way to Kacey so they could walk to the barn together.
"Like I said yesterday, you'll be up ridin' Alex today. He won't give ya any trouble. You know how to put a saddle on?" He gave a inward snort. "Saddle" was an inside joke and stood for something else amongst him and his friends, though if he ever referred to it in that manner Kacey would probably hit the little pervert across the head.
"No, no I do not."

9:24am Dec 16 2012
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'Course ya don't," Kacey said with a shake of her head. "Those skinny little twigs you call arms prob'ly can't one anyway," she said. Upon entering the barn, some of the horses stuck their heads out of their stalls. A few snorts ruffled her hair as she walked by a few to get to the tack room. Some grunts could be heard before Kacey emerged from the room again, this time with a saddle carried in her arms. She hefted it to the side with another sound and unlatched Alex's stall. The horse tried to move forward and get past her but she shoved against his neck and forced him back. He clapped his hooves against the ground and shook his head, letting out a low whinny. "Oh, hush," she chided.
Kacey bent her knees and placed the saddle on the ground. "When your puttin' a saddle down on the ground, never lay it on its side. You'll misshape it. Always stick it down with the side with the horn," she instructed while she picked up Alex's blanket and lay it across his back. She bent down and picked up the saddle again and threw it over his back. "Make sure ya got the stirrups and the billet strap up 'round it so they don't get caught against his sides when ya throw it on." Kacey unhooked the stirrups where she'd put them on the horn and let them dangle on Alex's sides. She tugged the strap down and reached underneath the huge horse to grasp the other side of the strap. Pulling the two together much like a belt, she loosely buckled it and walked back out to grab Alex's reins.
She didn't bother explaining how to do it. Isaiah could watch and learn from that. After he was all tacked up, she grabbed his reins and upon walking out, handed them to Isaiah. "Hold 'im and don't let 'im walk outta here. I gotta get Sugar ready."
Kacey did the same thing this time except a bit faster 'cause she wasn't worried about teaching Isaiah. When Sugar was all ready to go, she clicked her tongue and tugged the reins to have the horse follow her out the front. "Alright. I didn't tighten the billet strap enough. You gotta put some back into it. Don't worry 'bout hurtin' the horse. If the strap's not tight enough, the saddle'll slip and you'll fall off." Her words were interrupted by short huffs as she tugged upward and then down to tighten Sugar's straps. When she was happy, she hoisted one booted foot up into the stirrup and swung up on the horse's back. Upon Kacey's command, Sugar pivoted so they could both look at Isaiah.
"Western style. Take a fist with your right hand and hold the reins in it," she said and held up her own hand for example. "Don't rest either hands on the saddle or you'll get unbalanced. Now get up on that horse and we can go."
hello my name is elder price
2:54pm Dec 16 2012
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Isaiah responded with a "Hmph" and folded his arms over his chest like that of a cantankerous child. He was an awfully bratty and immature child for his age. He kept to the wall when they were inside the stable, as he didn't enjoy having the animals breathe on him too much. He wasn't anymore amused when he saw horse moving towards him, so he pressed himself further against the side of the stable and watched as Kacey pushed the giant back into its stall. Eh...horses. They were cool and all, but he was nervous as heck to ride one.
Her words weren't given much attention (as always) though he was considerate enough to utilize "selective listening" and pick out a few key words. Don't, set, saddle, on, side, something about stirrups (whatever those things were), and a mention of a strap getting caught -- ultimately things he would forget in a near minute or two.
With a mention of "Thanks." he timidly took the reigns into his hands, only to fidget with them constantly and cast a glance to the gargantuan mammal that stood beside him. "Ey, bro." He said, patting Alex on his side.
Just then Kacey had emerged from the stable with her horse. "Alright. I didn't tighten the billet strap enough. You gotta put some back into it. Don't worry 'bout hurtin' the horse." "Ah...okay." I'm sure ol' Alex would cause more damage to him than little Isaiah would ever dream of. "If the strap's not tight enough, the saddle'll slip and you'll fall off." Oh great, so he could fall now? Lovely, and here he thought getting himself up on the horse would be the least of his troubles.
After watching Kacey mount her horse, he decided to give it a try -- well, make that several -- more around five. Or six. As the fifth try had granted him with less of a promise than the others. "Ride a horse with me, she said. It will be fun she said." He grumbled. Alex stamped a hoof impatiently. "Cool it, Spirit." Again, he put a foot into the stirrups and hoisted one of his scrawny legs over. "Fricken...why a horse? Why couldn't I just ride a pony or something. I'd be much more comfortable on Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie or whatever."
He was just hanging there. One foot clung to the stirrup while the other dangled over the ground. "Okay. Now just...swing the other leg over..." On his eighth try, and with a despondent grumble and a grunt, he had managed to hoist himself up. Take that you freaking mammal. Isaiah Rossner: 1, you: 0.
Or more like freaking mammal: 1 and Isaiah Rossner: 0. It turns out that the boy managed to put himself up backwards. "Fricken. Hell. Dammit. Fricken. No." There was nothing to be heard but a sea of swear words as pulled himself off.
This time proved to be more promising. Within three attempts he was able to get himself up--and on the right side too, imagine that!
After listening to Kacey's words, and getting over the initial shock of being up on a horse, he took the reigns into his right hand.
"Okay, Daisy Duke," he huffed, "let's get this over with."

3:03pm Dec 16 2012 (last edited on 3:54pm Dec 16 2012)
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Kacey did her best to hide her laughter as Isaiah repeatedly tried to hoist himself up onto Alex. By the time he'd gotten up backwards she was doubled over in a fit of giggles. Isaiah's mutterings only fueled her hysterics and she accidentally jerked Sugar's reins when she sat up. The horse swerved to the right and made a disgruntled sound, with which Kacey had to console her to get her to stop walking straight toward Alex. When Isaiah finally got up on his horse, Kacey patted Sugar's side, twisted the reins, and started to lead them out. She glanced back over her shoulder to make sure Alex was following, which since he was an older horse, he did. He wouldn't give Isaiah any trouble unless the horse somehow got spooked.
"I don't think I ever seen somethin' as funny as that," she threw back over her shoulder. "City boy gettin' up on a horse. Prolly shoulda given you a helmet. Oh well," she said and tossed her mane of blonde hair back over her shoulder. She kept them at a walk right along the fence of her own yard so Isaiah could get used to the rocking motion that came with a horse's footfalls. When they reached the front gate for her driveway, Kacey dismounted and opened the gate. When Alex got through, she closed it and swung herself back up on Sugar. They continued down the dirt road until they reached the end where grass burst forth from the ground. Taking a turn right onto the Bakers' property, Kacey led Sugar to one of the entrances to the trails. It was in the woods and it was slow-going as the horses stepped around the routes they'd walked on since they were young.
"Don't get scared if Alex slips. He might trip, but he'll catch himself."
Lush greenery fanned out around them and sometimes branches would threaten to clock Kacey in the head. She used her free hand to move them aside as her mare walked on unawares. Scuffling under the brush gave way to mice and squirrels that scrambled under the nearest tree. A few birds chirped up in the trees. Overall, the setting was pleasant. It was when Kacey led them out of the more dense part of the trail and out where Isaiah could ride right next to her that she tugged back on the reins and brought Sugar to a stop.
"Let's see what you got, city boy. You gonna fall off the saddle if you don't clamp your legs on Alex's sides. Rock with your hips in time with the movement of his shoulder. Got it? Okay, go!" Kacey flashed a grin, knowing full well that ready or not, Alex would do whatever Sugar did. She stretched her heels down and sent two swift jabs into Sugar's sides whilst yelling, "gallop!" Not needing much more encouragement, the horse took off. Kacey's free arm came out to her side, bent at the elbow and hand into a fist as she bent over. Her hips stayed in tune with the back and forth movement of the horse so her ass didn't smack down on the saddle.
hello my name is elder price
3:55pm Dec 16 2012
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hello my name is elder price
3:55pm Dec 16 2012
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hello my name is elder price
9:11pm Dec 16 2012
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Alex followed suit and Isaiah held his ground. So all he had to do know was hold his balance -- which seemed simple enough with Alex's current pace. The horse moved at a steady rate as he trotted behind, giving slight increments of speed just so he could catch up.
"I don't think I've seen somethin' as funny as that. City boy gettin' up on a horse. Prolly should've given you a helmet." "Hmmph." he pouted, though his gaze softened when he saw Kacey toss her hair. Hair-flipping was a certain "turn on" of his, and Kacey was working it exceptionally well, especially with the way body bounced. Alex brought them up to gate and his attention snapped back to the task at hand. Maybe it would be best if he didn't ride behind her, with those "raging teenage hormones" and all. He tipped his head slightly and gave Kacey a welcoming gesture as Alex made his way through the gate, stopping momentarily after to wait for Sugar to take the lead.
"Don't get scared if Alex slips. He might trip, but he'll catch himself." Great, so he had to get stuck with the only horse that had motion problems, what else could happen. And how was he not supposed to get scared if the gargantuan animal he was seated atop decided to slip up and almost send him spiraling off. Of course he was going to be afraid, it was bad enough as is with him trying to gain his balance.
The scenery was more than inviting though. It was akin for sight seeing, aside from a few misfit branches. Isaiah gave a couple curses and shoved the infernal things out of the way. "Fricken branches. Anything else want to get in my way." He grumbled.
At least Alex was enjoying himself. The horse trotted behind at a steady pace until Sugar came to a stop.
Just then, Isaiah caught Kacey's words. "Let's see what you got, city boy." Alex stood to the side and he shot her a competitive look. "Bring it on, Daisy Duke."
Sugar took off, and sure enough, so did Alex.
Rocking his hips? That was something he did exceptionally well. He kept in-check the first couple times, though, as with the human male nature, he found himself focusing on something else. The way Kacey's body moved made her look absolutely flawless. "...Damn..." He bit his lip as he let his imagination run wild. Alex whinnied and gave Isaiah a slight bump to snap him back to reality. "Oh, right bro. We've got a race to win."
His foot jabbed Alex in the side and he took the reigns into his right hand, firmly grasping them the way Kacey had shown as the horse sped in front.

7:08pm Dec 17 2012
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Kacey's jaw actually dropped when she heard Alex thundering next to her and then pulling up front. The older horse's head dipped down as he ran and Kacey was treated to his backside for a short moment before she clicked her tongue again and tightened her legs against Sugar's sides. The younger, spunkier mare increased her speed for a few beats and Kacey waved at Isaiah as she sailed past. Unlike in the movies however, it was unnatural for a horse to keep up a gallop for long unless they were trained race horses. So when Sugar's sides started heaving against Kacey's legs, the girl tugged back on the reins and pulled the horse back into a trot.
Of all the different walks a horse could do, Isaiah would probably like this one the least. It was Kacey's least favorite when she'd started to learn how to ride a horse. She hadn't known how to post yet and the two-beat step usually jolted her tailbone. Her heels dropped down as she rose up and out of the saddle, bending and unbending her knees in tune with Sugar's footfalls. Her blonde hair bounced against her back and she rested a hand on her leg. After Sugar walked off the run, Kacey had her slow again until she stopped.
"That's my girl," she said affectionately as she draped herself over the horse's neck and patted her side. "Not bad at all," she said, louder this time so Isaiah would hear. Her attention turned to the slowly darkening sky. Kacey sat back up and twisted her wrist to turn Sugar to the left. "We'll take this path. It'll take us back onto my property. Just gotta untack the horses an' we'll do what it is you wanted."
Ooc; You can just fastforward to them leaving the barn with the horses untacked if you want to. lol
hello my name is elder price
7:08pm Dec 17 2012 (last edited on 7:09pm Dec 17 2012)
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What is with these damn double posts...
hello my name is elder price
9:14pm Dec 17 2012 (last edited on 9:22pm Dec 17 2012)
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Posts: 1,459
( Double posts must love you. It's okay, randomly disappearing tabs love me. :I )
Alex's little burst of speed didn't last long. The old horse kept it moving just long enough to steal the lead, then the poor things legs began to cop out and he returned to regular speed --which he was okay with, since he got to look at Kacey.. Isaiah wanted to yell at the animal, but the recollection of Alexander's age brought him to a change of heart. "It's alright, bro." His hand stretched out to pat the horse on the side of the its neck. "We were able to show 'em up for a minute or two, ey?" Alex gave a snort and shook his head in response.
"What do ya' say we bring this to an end, hmn?" The stallion was silent, though his pace slowed as they followed suit onto Sugar's trail.
Trotting? What a lovely thing that was. He was sure his ass was going to feel that in the morning. There was something odd about the old horse's movements -- they were much more forced and rugged, as if the violent jolts and bumps where designed to keep the boy's mind somewhere else.
Once Sugar had stopped, Alex stamped his hooves and brought an end to their run as well. Isaiah patted the horse on the side.
"Not bad at all." "Heh, it was nothing." Alex snorted and blew a gust of air into the boy's hair.
Isaiah rested his arm against the side of the stable while he clutched the reigns in his opposite hand. "Not bad, bro." He said, casting a glance over to Alex. "Not bad at all."
(oh glob. I just realized how horrible and flaky this post is. I'm never involving myself in bidding wars and typing ever again. Ծ x Ծ )

11:24am Dec 23 2012
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6:51pm Dec 29 2012
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After Kacey took to hosing down the horses quickly enough and putting them back into their stalls, then placing all of their tack back in the proper locations, she wiped her brow with the back of her hand. Sweat dabbed at her cheeks and she rolled the sleeves of her short-sleeve shirt up to expose her shoulders. Bringing her wrist up to her face, she used her teeth to tug off a hair elastic and threw her hair up into a messy bun. The skyline was still darkening and it would be about time for Kacey's parents to call her in for dinner, same with the Bakers.
"So what did ya wanna do?" she said as she snuck Sugar a few ginger snaps. The horse crunched them up happily and swallowed, following with a snort. Kacey glanced over at Isaiah for his answer.
Ooc; lulz fail sorry
hello my name is elder price
8:01pm Dec 29 2012
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Isaiah looked at the skyline. It was dark -- well, close enough, it was enough to where they wouldn't be able to see them, so he wouldn't have to deal with Kacey's father coming out and ranting and raving and yelling about what the sam hell he was doing like in some berserk farmer's daughter story. Though, it wasn't going to be that bad, it's not like he was going to touch her or anything -- Hell, they weren't even together yet. She was just some little country girl that the ol' street rat had an infatuation for, or had an assumed infatuation for. He could have honestly just been in love with the idea of what he could do with her, but nonetheless it was love. That four letter word was thrown around so loosely by him these days.
Though, of course something would expectantly pop up sooner-or-later, so he might as well make good use of the time he had now.
"So what did ya wanna do?"
Right. The girl would kill him for what he was about to do, but a deal's a deal.
Isaiah moved away from the corner of the stall. At this point he was standing right in front of Kacey, and the girl's boots made her just about the same height as him so things would work out perfectly. His hand rested on the bottom of the girl's chin and the side of her cheek -- it was cold, for sure, but that came from having your hand sitting on a cold metal pole for so long. Kacey's body heat would warm it up soon, and with the way she had acted in the past it would only be a matter of minutes before she was as red as a cherry tomato.
Oh, and poor girl. For no sooner than she had the chance to recover had he had pressed his lips against hers.
