1:39pm Dec 30 2012
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A little close there, don'tcha think? she wanted to say when she turned around. Sugar nuzzled the back of her head and tried to nibble on her pony tail. Kacey searched Isaiah's eyes, confused, as she reached behind her to smack the horse away. The mare snorted, breathed on her and then turned around, while Kacey glanced away from Isaiah to make sure the horse really was going to leave her hair alone. She flinched when she felt his cold fingers on her cheek though and started to raise a hand to swat them away like she'd done with Sugar. But she was curious as to what he was doing (she wasn't the most romantic person ever and honestly didn't care much for relationships so she was a bit dull in this department).
It only clicked with what he was doing right when he closed the gap beneath them and touched their lips together. Her cheeks flared and she froze up, muscles tensing, her own lips unresponsive against his. Her arms came up to his chest and she started to push him away, but not before her frozen skin melted just a bit and she kissed him back. It's not like she meant to do it, honestly. It surprised her almost as much as his forwardness did; she didn't expect her body to react to his like that.
Then she really did push him away. It was more of a shove, really, and she narrowed her eyes as she flattened back against Sugar's stall. "What the heck." She didn't say it like a question, more of an accusation. Her cheeks were still stained red and she wiped her hand over her lips as if to get rid of the kiss, feeling flustered when the thought of but that felt good ran through her head.
She opened her mouth to say something else and snapped it just as fast, jaw clenched. It only made her even angrier with how tongue-tied she was. All she could do was glare.
hello my name is elder price
2:48pm Dec 30 2012 (last edited on 2:57pm Dec 30 2012)
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He smirked against her lips as the words "That was easy." ran through his mind. Perhaps the little country bumpkin would be easier than he thought. It did surprise him a good bit when she returned the favor--however--for he expected her to shove him away and give him a good slap against the head.
The boy fell back into his corner after Kacey had shoved him away. He stood there, feeling her icy gaze. His eyes never reached hers, as he kept them glued to the ground. He heard her say one thing and then prepared himself for a barrage of insults and for her to call him every name in the book--though he wouldn't be able to understand it with her accent flaring up.
Much to his surprise the blonde wasn't coming at him with anything, so he decided to take his leave. After unlatching the gate and slamming it behind him, he took off into the moderately-hazed night to make his way back to the Bakers.
He also left something in his wake -- a tiny, folded slip of paper with numbers inscribed on the inside -- which sat on the ledge of the gate.

6:22pm Dec 30 2012
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Who did that dang boy think he was anyway. Kacey watched him go with her lower lip jutting out, feeling a sense of accomplishment that he'd scurried off without a word. He was probably all smug with himself anyway and there was nothing Kacey could do about it. Ugh. She wiped at her lips for real this time and stalked right out of the barn after him. When he slammed the front gate shut, she sucked in what was supposed to be a breath to retain her composure. He just made her so dang mad. Why Kacey? 'Cause you sorta kinda liked it? She grimaced.
"You'll be lucky if ya get a ride tomorra! Tex sure as heck ain't gonna drive ya and I bet you ain't fond a walkin'," she shouted after him before he could disappear in the house. "Hmph." Kacey made sure the fence didn't take any damage from when he'd slammed it. Her gaze zoomed in on the paper he'd left on the edge of the gate. She snatched it up and stared at the numbers scrawled onto the paper for a moment until realization dawned. Up popped into her mind a picture of him texting at the lunch table, and during class, and really any other time during the day.
She glared down at the strip of paper too. Her fingers twitched as if to tear it, but then she relented and stuffed it in her back pocket. Her mom's hollering brought her back to reality and Kacey scratched her nose with a few halfhearted mutters. Once inside, she took her pony tail out and sat down for dinner. Her father gave her a once-over, raising his brows. "Aussie, yer gonna soil yer chicken with yer mood," he said. She picked at her biscuit and fumed in silence.
By the time dinner was over and Kacey had showered, she'd finally calmed down. She collapsed in her bed wearing some soffe shorts and a ratty old T-shirt. With her rinky-dink phone in her hands, she stared at the screen and then at Isaiah's number.
I ain't makin a deal with you ever again.
She sent it and let the phone fall to her chest as she stared up at the ceiling.
hello my name is elder price
8:54pm Dec 30 2012
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"You'll be lucky if ya get a ride tomorra! Tex sure as heck ain't gonna drive ya and I bet you ain't fond of walkin.'" He shrugged nonchalantly then closed the door behind him.
Sure enough, the Bakers were well and ready to hound him with questions--about the school, about his day, and lastly, about dinner. He responses were quick, required little calculation, and were shot out in burst of a millisecond. "Good, okay, and I'm not hungry." On his way up the steps he caught the tail end of Mrs Baker mumbling something about how they "had their work cut out for them," but it was shrugged off as soon as his hand touched the handle on the door. It opened with a "click," and Isaiah threw his bags onto the floor. He had no intention of doing his homework really, there were way more important things to do. Like mull over Kacey for example. Wait...now that wasn't right--it should be more like shoot a couple risque texts over to his girlfriend, contact his gang and see how they were faring, mull over Kacey..what, no.
Urgh. Stupid feelings. Who needs them.
He grimaced and took a swig from the clear bottle from the aforementioned "nobody touches this but me" bag from the beginning. Alcohol would always numb the senses -- or it could make them worse. Feeling that is wasn't enough, he reached into a pocket, pulled out one of those thin 'cancer-sticks' he loved so much, brought it to his lighter, and set it a flame. The window was cracked open so the Bakers wouldn't hassle him too much, the two were probably to busy discussing his flippancy over dinner to notice anyways.
Within a few drags his phone had reared it's ugly head and it lit up to display a number that, by the context of the the message, he identified as Kacey's.
I ain't makin a deal with you ever again.
Now, it was rumored that the little blue-eyed devil had multiple personalities and within the time it would take for one to snap their fingers he reverted back to his cude, vain, and self-obsessed self, flashing his phone a fatuous smirk.
Aw, what's wrong sweetheart. Was it that bad?

5:01pm Jan 1 2013
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Kacey scrunched up her nose when her phone buzzed on her chest. She tapped the screen a few times after reading the message. Instead of replying right away, she gave herself some time to think of a reply while putting Isaiah in her phone as a contact. Her thumbs danced over the gritty-looking surface of her poorly treated phone as she continued to think. The kiss wasn't bad. After all, Isaiah seemed like the type of guy to mess around with a bunch of girls and a certain type of experience came with doing so. She snorted. Not her type of guy at all. Nope.
Dont do it again.
She sent that and as an afterthought, added, Im not your sweetheart either.
Content with her responses, she tossed her phone up into the air. It was caught within her grasp on the way down and she managed to catch it a few more times before she missed and it caught her right in the jaw. Grumbling a few not-curse words, she rubbed her chin and rolled over on her side. "I'm antsy tonight," she mused aloud. It was the kiss, she knew, and she groaned as she rolled onto her other side. Ugh, why'd that jerk have to do this to her?
hello my name is elder price
9:27pm Jan 2 2013
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He sucked in a few more lung-fulls of smoke before settling down into bed. He knew the message he had sent was probably boggling the little blonde's mind so he rewarded himself with another satisfied smirk. His head arched off the pillow as he blew a cloud of smoke up to the ceiling, following with an utterance of that "f" word he loved so much.
One day the boy would eventually come to his senses and realize the strain he was putting on his body, but for now he'd just revel in the feeling of transcendentalism from the momentary high one of those petty things would supply.
In between a text to one of his mates came Kacey's reply.
Don't do it again.
Isaiah snorted. Obviously Kacey's demand was not going to be obeyed -- the boy planned to kiss her numerous times until she gave in and let him have his way -- though she didn't know that. Or did she?
A few minutes after his phone buzzed with her second message.
I'm not you sweetheart either.
By now the boy was doubled over in a fit of mental giggles, all the while smirking in delight. Though he wanted to avoid starting conflict (which was shocking) and a possible rejection from Kacey's end.
Whatever you say, Daisy Duke.
Satisfied with his response, he snuffed out his cigarette and began to think about getting some sleep.

5:31pm Jan 10 2013
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She stared at the message from Isaiah for a few more unnecessary moments. There was nothing to say back to it so she simply didn't, not really caring if this was the proper way to say goodbye or not. No one really texted at her school...most of the kids just used their home phones. After leaning over the side of her bed and fumbling for her phone charger, then repeatedly plugging it in using the wrong side of the charger, flipping it over and over again to find the right side (come on, we've all done it), she released a victorious 'yes' and then settled back into bed. Her knees came up as her feet slid across the bed. Then her long fingers tapped against her knees, humming silently and staring upward, but she was seeing something else.
Her cheeks turned rosy yet again when she thought about the kiss. With a groan, she flipped over onto her stomach and slapped a pillow over the back of her head. "Yer nothin' but trouble, I swear it, Isaiah," she said. It took an hour or two but eventually Kacey fell asleep. She wasn't exactly sure when she nodded off, but waking up a little late definitely had her bouncing around the house.
She ran out the back door to tend to the horses and then rushed back in to shower and change. Her hair still damp and in loose curls, she threw it up into a messy bun and pulled on a T-shirt and some leggings for school. She'd woken up too late to have breakfast, but she hesitated by the door. "Don't tempt me, Pa," she said when her father made a show of biting into some toast with jam. Her mother gave her an identical piece of toast and pushed her out the door. Kacey stuffed it, very unladylike, in her mouth and swallowed it with a strenuous gulp. At least her tummy would be satisfied until lunch time.
She remembered her threat from yesterday as she backed out of her driveway and gave it a second's worth of thought to actually leave Isaiah stranded here. Naw, can't do that to the Bakers, she thought and beeped her horn.
hello my name is elder price
5:09pm Jan 20 2013
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hello my name is elder price
9:32pm Jan 21 2013
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Kacey hadn't responded, though it didn't bother him much. His arms folded behind his head as he leaned back against the headboard and breathed a sigh. There was a slight thought of lighting up another cigarette, but he figured it'd be best to get to bed. One lanky arm outstretched to turn the switch on the bedside lamp -- one time for dim light, and two times for no light -- then settled back behind his head while the lackadaisical teen closed his eyes, a smirk on his face.
"Beep beep beep." Three times, the usual amount allowed before a hand would come down and smack the machine out of it's streak of annoyance. That's exactly what happened though with more enthusiasm than usual (seems he was extra annoyed today.) He also took it upon himself to grumble a few curse words before tossing the blankets aside and absentmindedly ambling out of bed. Isaiah was obviously reluctant to do so as it was expressed with a yawn and his fingers grazing over his eyes to shake any signs of sleep.
The alarm sounded once again, this time exceeding the usual amount of time. "Will you just freaking shut up!" He groaned, slamming some random ob ject down onto the "snooze" button. With a last strangled "beep" it shut off. It was probably broken now -- great job, Mr. Rossner, now how are we going to wake up in the morning?
He was still dabbling in incoherency as he pulled a few articles of clothing from their drawers, laid them on the bed and headed off to the shower.
He gave himself a bit more time to dry, straighten, and primp his hair so Kacey wouldn't question the quality of his appearance (it was kind of embarrassing, and of course damaging to the boys' ego, for her to have pointed that out yesterday.) Within minutes before walking downstairs he grabbed a casual hoodie and a knit beanie to fight the winter weather; the hoodie would also disguise the fact that he was wearing a tank top that had "smoke meth and hail satan" printed on it, which most would sure find offensive.
Mrs. Baker greeted him with a call of "Mornin' 'Saiah." then shot him a question about breakfast.
"Morning." He responded with a nod, then added "I'm not hungry."
"Psssht. Don't ever eat nuthin' do ya?" Mrs. Baker joked as she grabbed one of his arms. "No wonder your're so stick skinny."
Isaiah rolled his eyes at the old woman and placed his hand on the knob of the door. Mrs. Baker caught him midway. "'Was gonna offer you some lunch but I don't think 'ya want any. If you're headin' out be safe," she gave him a look-over, "and cover up that shirt of yours, boy."
"Will do." He said as he turned the knob the opposite way. The sound from Kacey's horn came just in time with the door.
"Gotta go. Take care and I'll be home soon."

5:17pm Jan 27 2013
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5:38pm Jan 27 2013
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Kacey's gaze flickered up from the steering wheel toward the door swinging outward and Isaiah sauntering out of the house. A flush went through the girl and she jerked her chin forward, wishing that her hair would magically fall out of its bun to cover her face. Why couldn't she have thought about that before? She nibbled her lip and kept her foot pressed a bit too forcefully on the brake, making the rest of her muscles look rigid, afraid that she'd decided to step on the gas and leave Isaiah with no transportation to school (because the boy sure as heck wasn't going to walk, that much she knew). To her credit, she managed to calm herself down by the time the passenger side door clicked and opened up.
Kacey was careful not to press too hard on the gas and jerk them forward. They rolled out along the dirt road at a smooth pace, the truck's tires running easily over the choppy dirt road. Kacey didn't care if Isaiah didn't like her music, but she wasn't going to have uncomfortable silence in the car. The only thing that really sucked is that most country music is made up of heart-aching love songs and the like. So when Tyler Farr's Redneck Crazy came on, Kacey wanted to sink into the back of her seat. It could be worse, she realized and at least she knew Isaiah probably didn't like it.
Ooc; That face is creepy ;o; Also making Kacey as uncomfortable as possible. orz /doesn't like country music at all so had to look up top ten songs
hello my name is elder price
7:29pm Jan 27 2013 (last edited on 7:32pm Jan 27 2013)
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( //makes a mental note to not use pixel emotes to bump anymore awwww. wittle Kacey, don't be nervous little bb. //doesn't like country music that much either Youtube is a great invention )
So either something happened in the past minutes to set Kacey off, or she was harboring a grudge over the events of last night. Either way there was obviously something bothering her.
Isaiah fiddled with one of his piercing studs in the mirror before glancing over at Kacey. She was nearly stiff as a board and had the composure of a frightened rabbit. He pondered over poking her or rubbing her arm or doing something to make the poor thing calm down, but the radio put an end to that.
Okay, so something certainly was wrong -- Kacey usually wouldn't have the radio on when he was riding with her -- so there was certainly something she was trying to clear off her mind. And what an odd song choice. The lyrics, while blatantly expressing the anger of the artist, were inciting feelings of anger between both of them.
"Throw empty beer cans at both your shadows..." The hell? Why not just pull out your 9-millimeter and shoot the happy hubby and his little lying, cheating, worthless -- wait, right...Kacey.
With a free hand, he took a break from primping to hit the "Off" button on the radio.

3:36pm Jan 28 2013
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Out of the corner of her eye, Kacey could see Isaiah's fleeting glances toward her. Her left foot tapped impatiently against the floor of the car as Farr's voice continued to drawl out into the truck. Nevermind that the lyrics were painstakingly painting the mood Kacey was offsetting between her and Isaiah, as a whole it proved as a distraction. She'd actually begun to hum along and relax a few minutes into the song, but then it was abruptly cut off and a clipped "no" took place of the lyrics. Her ex pression soured.
She tightened her grip on the steering wheel and then let it go lax as the silence stretched. "You're gonna have to learn to like it. I listen to my music in the morn," she said. Her words fell flat, nothing like the bubbly blonde she usually was. Kacey Richards, stop bein' a dern drama queen and geet over it. When she pulled into the parking lot of the school and twisted the ignition off, she likewise twisted the bun off of her head and let her damp curls fall down her back. She brushed a few stray locks from her eyes and turned in her seat to face Isaiah.
Solemnly, as if scolding him, she raised a finger and said, "I'm still irked 'bout what you pulled last night in the barn so don't be makin' me mad anymore 'an I already am, 'kay? That or I'll let Dallas at ya," she said, though the last bit was teasing, as her lips twitched upward into a smile.
hello my name is elder price
8:06pm Jan 28 2013 (last edited on 9:17pm Jan 28 2013)
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"You're gonna have to learn to like it. I listen to my music in the morn."
Well, impatient much? It wasn't anything against the music--regardless of growing up in the era of dubstep and hip-hop he had a few friends who fancied country, and he even fancied a few songs himself (granted they were usually about partying and living life and the "wild" side of country, though it was still country nonetheless.) No. He had actually stopped the music for Kacey, or had brief intentions to, but her next sentence had thoroughly diagnosed the problem .
So that's what her problem was? Petty drama? What was it about girls that just made them want to cling to their issues with their social lives? He clearly didn't see the significance in it. If something is bothering you why hold on to it, ya know? It just made more sense ignore the problems.
That's what he would do, or possibly in an alternate dimension, for in all actuality he was just causing more problems--or as the South would put it, "fishing for problems."
He slung his messenger bag over his shoulder, but before exiting the vehicle he leaned in to give her a peck on the cheek.
"Sure thing, Daisy Duke." Came his words with a slam of the door.

8:10pm Jan 28 2013 (last edited on 9:19pm Jan 28 2013)
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Posts: 1,459
Silly double post, get out of here.
7:53pm Feb 3 2013
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6:51pm Feb 19 2013
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Kacey's face lit up again when Isaiah deftly planted his lips on her cheek and then swung out of her truck. The door slammed shut behind him and she was left frowning and feeling her face continuing to burn up. "Ugh," she said and tilted the rearview mirror down to watch her cheeks go back to their normal color. Once she was sure it wasn't too noticeable she kicked open her own door and slid down onto the ground. Her boots clapped against the asphalt and Kacey likewise slammed her door before shouldering past Isaiah.
"You're testin' my patience, 'Saiah," Kacey grumbled. "I could just leave ya alone on the farm with Tex. He's only goin' soft on ya 'cause I'm there," she said and stuck her tongue out at him.
Ooc; So friggin' braindead on this. Want to skip to Friday afternoon and start their weekend?
hello my name is elder price
7:10pm Feb 19 2013
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Posts: 1,459
I seriously don't blame you. I'm always braindead with school settings. cx
Do you want to start with them walking to the car or still in school before the bell rings?)
7:53pm Feb 19 2013
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Ooc; Either one is find. Whichever's better for you. xD
hello my name is elder price
9:38pm Feb 19 2013 (last edited on 9:48pm Feb 19 2013)
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I'm multitasking and keep meshing school and monsters together. Anywho let's get this done...before I forget everything and feel like a derp. )
It was a Friday afternoon -- 3:28, respectively.
The kids at the front were dead. The kids who always pretended to pay attention to get on the teacher's good side were dead. The kids at the back of the room were dead. The kids beside him, the ones that he'd commonly theft answers off of, were dead. Kacey was...probably...not dead.
Isaiah withdrew a breath and stretched across his desk. He was beyond dead, and likened to one of those toys that would fall limp when they weren't wound up.
Now mind you it was only two minutes to 3:30, their usual dismissal time, though to him it was more like two hours, or two weeks, something outrageous.
If Kacey looked behind her she would have seen something much like a discarded rag doll draped over a desk.
The girl seated to his left jabbed him in the side. Grumpily he turned to face her, squinting his eyes in a form of disgust. "Ey 'Saiah, you gonna get up sometime soon, or were you a'plannin' to spend your weekend here?"
"Yeah sure whatever." He responded quite frantically, then added "Who would ever want to stay here."
"Well by the looks of it, you, with ya sleepin' in class and everything."
"Pfffft," he huffed, "I wasn't sleeping."
