7:40pm Mar 11 2013
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9:01pm Mar 11 2013
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"Sure as heck looks it," Kacey said as she turned backwards in her desk to frown at Isaiah. She'd been nagging on him all week (although she usually only received one-word responses or a flippant reply) and had decided to give up on Thursday. Friday, today, she'd stayed out of his way and let him do what he wanted without much scowling or chiding. Well, ya can lead a horse ta water, butcha can't make 'im drink. So Kacey rolled her eyes, stood up from her chair, and that seemed to trigger the bell's ring. The rest of the class ran for the door and Kacey waited for Isaiah before heading out.
"You gonna continue yer nap when we get home, or ya wantin' ta do some'in'?" she said. "We could drive out inta the city if ya want. Only an hour so away from here. You missin' it? The city, I mean. I know Tex ain't too happy with ya as a late. Keep shirkin' off yer chores like and he'll crack the whip down hard. Plus, I like bein' able ta hang out with ya." She continued to chatter on like that as they went to the car. Just like everyone else, Kacey was hyped up that it was Friday. Even if it meant more chores over the weekend, it was freedom from school.
Ooc; Finally omg. Sorry. xD
hello my name is elder price
8:06pm Mar 12 2013
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( It's okay. I honestly forgot this existed until I cleaned out my subions. :I )
"No I wasn't," He grumbled while swiping a finger under each of his eyes. "It's a...city thing -- stare down at the ground and rest your eyes for a bit. 'Course you wouldn't know nuthin' since you're too busy roping cattle and riding horses."
At this point he wasn't sure if what he was saying had some deep-rooted thought or if it was just nonsense--granted it was just a bunch of random, senseless babble to sidetrack Kacey from the thought that she was right. And if anything he was coming off as being extremely confusing to the girl right about now.
He interrupted her to break through with a huff.
"Of course I'm going to be awake. Who would waste away a weekend? Jeez, sometimes I don't even bother..." Isaiah could have gladly went on forever criticizing the girl, though two little words clicked within his mind and brought about a devious smile.
Do? Something? ...
"Sure we can do something. Never mind about driving into the city; I don't miss that old place much, plus it's not exactly the safest for a girl like you if you know what I mean --" He paused to open the car door, sling his messenger bag into the backseat, and climb inside. "How about you come over and hang out -- just you, and me."

8:50pm Mar 12 2013
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"Oh please," Kacey said with a snort and blew a strand of hair out of her eyes. The truck rumbled beneath them as she twisted the key in the ignition. "It's prob'ly nothin' like the big ol' city you're from, and 'sides, I've been there plenty o' times and hadn't had no trouble." She tossed her backpack into the back, where it landed right on top of Isaiah's messenger bag. Then she twisted in her seat and strapped herself in the seat belt. Hands on the wheel, she started to back up when another car peeled out right behind them. Her eyes widened and she slammed on the brakes. The sedan honked once and tore out of the parking lot.
"Dallas." Kacey muttered his name like it was a curse. Her fingers flexed as she stayed the rapid rhythm of her beating heart. Then she backed up without any interference this time and started the drive home. Taking in Isaiah's suggestion, she weighed his words in her mind. "A'right. I'll go along with it just as long 's you keep yer hands where I can see 'em at all times and don't try nothin' funny." She gave him a brief, albeit stern look.
Kacey drove a few miles over the speed limit--actually, ten--to get home. She pulled into her driveway and raised a hand to Isaiah. "Hold on." Then she grabbed her bag from the back seat of the truck, jogged up to the front steps, and opened up the door. From there, she tossed the bag inside, closed the door behind her, and went back to join Isaiah. "Parents'll be home later. They stay out later on the weekends. Same with the Bakers," she said and motioned toward the empty driveway at "Isaiah's house" where another truck was usually parked.
Ooc; Lol okay. Also ohgod i'm sorry i had to get the parents out just kacey i'm so sorry and you're welcome isaiah. /sob
hello my name is elder price
10:54pm Mar 12 2013
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Oh my hands will definitely be where you can see them. Half his psychosis smirked, while the other was thankful Kacey could not read his thoughts or she would have backed out at the get-go. He didn't dare let communication and verbality kick in to give her a response, he found it much better to leave the talking and the car ride to herself, then take control when they were home. It seemed simple for the most part, and it would be if everything went according to plan--oh, and if their parents weren't home (parents weren't generally something he had to deal with in the city, but in the country, it was an completely different story.) Regardless of they were home he could find any easy way to bypass them -- with the experience that boy had he could probably bypass every known "block" out there. Animals? No problem. Locked doors? No problem. Annoying or clingy friends or siblings? Also not a problem. Parents? Albeit a bit tricky (and risky at that) but still not a problem. Though there was one known thing he was not well versed nor prepared for...
Dallas. His lip curled into a snarl as he watched his Sedan pull out of the lot. Something about him was just a trigger within him, like a dog that would see another dog and bark and snarl and howl and thrash and have to cause just one big uproar. Granted he wasn't snarling and thrashing, though he did let a small growl escape from his throat. There was just something about him. Something that set off that fight-or-flight response and would set a male off on another male. Something that Kacey would probably never understand, not that there was much to the boy that see understood anyway.
And likewise there wasn't much to her that he understood as well. Like how she would be yapping away for a minute and then dead silent in the next, and how she was practically bolting over the speed limit in some frantic race-against-the-clock to get home.
Being his usual self, he ignored her orders to "Hold on" and climbed out of the vehicle. From there he would trek across the street, through the grass, kick a rock along his way for the Hell of it, and hop onto the smooth, concrete porch where he would wait for Kacey. Once he saw her bound over he ignored most of her conversation except for the two key words of "Home, later" and picked at the lock with his spare key. He held the door open for her and said one word, "Upstairs."

6:47pm Mar 13 2013
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It sort of irked Kacey that Isaiah wouldn’t really ever listen to anything she said. If she told him to stay, he either went. If she told him to stop, he did so anyway. It was mind-numbing and quite tedious to have to deal with it all the time. However, the numb part may have been why Kacey could still stand him. That and he still managed to intrigue her. His spitfire attitude was nothing like she’d experienced before and a lot of his mannerisms and his no-crap attitude amused her to some extent. Kacey was also a bit thickheaded and was an overbearing optimist, so she lent out trust quite easily.
She didn’t think for a moment that they were going to do anything less than innocent in the household, so she hummed as she passed by him through the front door. “Learnin’ to be chivalrous, hm? Careful, your country side’s showin’.” She glanced back at him and rolled her eyes when he said one clipped word to her. So much for his “country side.” Kacey kicked off her boots and took the stairs two at a time like a bouncing puppy. Her blonde hair tossed against her back.
The room wasn’t much different than the other times she’d been in it, save that it was getting to catch Isaiah’s scent. His bed was unmade, something she knew Mrs. Baker definitely disapproved of. The window was open just a crack and Kacey crossed the room to open it up all the way. Fresh air billowed in and got rid of the stale air. Her nose twitched and she turned around to wait for Isaiah to come.
hello my name is elder price
7:35pm Mar 13 2013
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Way too easy.
He did so much as smirk and chuckle at her enthusiasm as he closed the door, locking it behind him, luckily (though unfortunately for her) Kacey would not be able to hear the light "click" of the lock through her bounding up the wooden stairs. Though she might speculate something about him seemed a bit...odd--or not; let's hope not for his benefit. While Kacey made herself comfortable and did, whatever, upstairs, he decided get the two comfortable with a few "drinks." Mrs. Baker had given him a tour around the house once, though, as his usual self, he was much better off texting, and learned the placement of everything from trial-and-error. From the third right-hand cabinet he pulled two...decent-sized glass cups (sizable to hold enough ounces to give a first-time-drinker a little buzz), set them on the counter, then filled them with two ice cubes each. Two cubes would be enough to chill the liquor a good bit, yet not be enough to dilute the potency of the alcohol; yet again, Kacey was not likely to hold any information on the subject, let alone it's smell and identification, so it really wouldn't matter.
He held a glass in each hand, the ice cubes clinking with each light step, then sat them on top of the dresser upon entering the room. The door closed, locked like it's dowstairs counterpart. The smirk on his face when the "click" was heard would have had Lucifer himself shaking in his boots (if, well, he even wore boots, or shoes of any sort.) "I thought I'd give you a little drink to make you feel welcome, love." He smiled, setting the glasses down while he pulled out the bag from before--the "no-one-better-not-touch-this-but-me" bag. The cubes clinked once again as the clear liquid was poured in. All of this was done with his back turned of course--like a true devious mastermind that he was. When he turned to face her he took a few steps, holding the glass in his hand and the bottle securely hidden behind his back.
"Here you are, dear." He smiled, nudging the glass toward her. "Drink up."

9:39pm Mar 13 2013
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Posts: 436
Will I be shunned for posting here.
so wao
9:39pm Mar 13 2013
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Posts: 436
/screeches away
so wao
3:36pm Mar 14 2013
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Kacey heard some rummaging around downstairs and figured it would take a bit for Isaiah to finish whatever he was doing--it was strange behavior, but then again everything about him was strange--so she took a few minutes to look out the window. The week had gone by impossibly slow for Kacey and it had become very apparent that Dallas wasn't done screwing with them yet. Whether it was for some dominance type of thing over Kacey or that he just couldn't find something better to do (it was probably a little bit of both), Kacey was getting real tired of it. Of course she could report it to the school counselor, but you just didn't do that. Big girls could handle themselves.
Her parents must have gone into town because their car wasn't back yet and the sun was dipping closer to the horizon. There was a good chance they'd decided to just stay in town and sell some of the crops over the weekend, especially the corn husk dolls her mom had toiled with all week. They were popular among the kids in the "city." There was more than likely a note and in her mom's pretty cursive sc ript, a message telling her they'd be back late.
"Here you are, dear. Drink up." Kacey hadn't even realized Isaiah had come back in the room. She'd been so lost in her thought. When she snapped back to attention, she eyed the clear liquid with her gray-green eyes. Oh yes, Isaiah was definitely up to something. The giddiness in the far back of those eyes that still scared her a bit was weak, hidden, but it was there.
"I'm trustin' you didn't slip roofies in here or nothin'," she said with an arched brow. However, her misplaced trust made her crack a smile to know she was joking. She tossed the contents of the glass into the back of her throat. The liquid was warm as it traveled down. It wasn't painstakingly obvious as to what it was, but Kacey was a southern girl and recognized it immediately. She frowned for a second and then tossed her head back in a loud guffaw.
"Isaiah Rossner, I am a southern girl. My daddy had me drinkin' since I was thirteen. If you think this is gonna make me feisty, you got another thing comin'. Plus, if you wanted to drink, you coulda just asked." It didn't hit her the reason behind his wanting to get a little alcohol in her system and it would probably take a few more weeks for her to pluck out these underlying intentions. She tipped her glass forward and grinned. "Bet I could prolly stand more 'n you."
hello my name is elder price
4:51pm Mar 14 2013
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"Roofies? Oh heaven's no that glass is clean." He smirked as she downed the glass, then followed with a mumble of "I'd sooner use Ecstasy." before taking a sip from his in a gentlemanly fashion. It was dry and still warm--the repercussions of hiding it away in a bag inside the closet--but it wasn't like he could just set it out in the open for anyone to rummage through, or for Mrs. Baker to find (granted the alcohol and..."protection" in the front would scare her away from investigating further into the side pockets).
Her words had caused him to look up from browsing through the left side pocket [the one which held most of his lovely substances]. "Oh, using last names now are we," He teased. "Besides, Kacey Richards, I don't ask -- you don't ask someone before you shoot them." The word ask was over enunciated to show his "smart-elcted" tone. Or to put it bluntly, to show that he was being a real ass towards the girl for her remark. Yet again, this was just how he was. And by now she was probably used to it, so she most likely expected him to respond in that way. After a few minutes of reconsideration he decided to say something to steer the conversation back on subject, and to get Kacey's mind off his aforementioned gang aspect. "And I suppose you want me to ask before shotgunning you as well." He was one-hundred-percent positive that Kacey would have no clue what that was, though she might get a clue once she saw him pull out a plastic bag containing several hand-rolled cigarettes. In fact he was quite sure she did know what it was --it didn't matter if you lived in the city or an Amish neighborhood, everyone knew about the stuff, in whatever slang name your county decided to call it. Isaiah recalled a story of being in a county where they called it "The-substance-that-must-not-be-named" and almost got in serious legal trouble for having a couple ounces on him when he was out with some friends; what an eventful day that was. The school that he attended himself even had a significant ban on the stuff, though he still managed to score some from other students (all it costed was his mother's paycheck, not much). He sat the bag down on the wooden floor then turned his attention back to Kacey.
"Bet I could prolly stand more n' you." "Really?" His ears perked up as a smirk crept on his face.
Four full-bottles (two for each) were placed around the plastic bag. "How's about a little wager, sweetheart? And don't worry, I have much more than this."
(shotgunning = inhaling smoke then blowing into the other's mouth via open mouth kiss. :I )

9:01pm Mar 14 2013
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"You don't ask someone before you shoot them." If Kacey were a dog, her ears would have perked right up. In fact, her eyes brightened and curiosity made her tilt her head as she plopped down on Isaiah's bed. She only got his back as he messed around with the junk in the bag she wasn't allowed to touch. It was probably for good reason, too, because the contents he'd pulled out of it so far were definitely not peaches and cream. What an odd analogy though, and Kacey let the implications of what he'd said dangle in the air. She wanted to grasp on some of the ideas, think about them, but then again she didn't. If there was any good in Isaiah--which she believed there was--it wouldn't do her any good to brood on his past. Besides, she didn't really want to know either.
"Sounds dang'rous," Kacey remarked when Isaiah mentioned something about shotgunning. She'd seen it before. Didn't knew it had a name so she didn't put two and two together. Actually, the only thing she imagined were a couple of redneck folks standing around shooting some bean cans using shotguns. Now, that she had done once. She leaned on her arm and raised her head to try and peak and see what Isaiah was doing. He found something, withdrew a plastic bag from the backpack, and set it down on the floor. His interest in her challenge was duly noted as she stared at the bag, wanting to inwardly sigh or get out of the room. A look flashed across her face. He'd let her leave, right?
Kacey scrutinized him and swallowed. "Bad things come from playin' with fire," she murmured to herself, but said it loudly enough for Isaiah to hear. Her gaze dropped onto the drinks, onto the bag. She carefully picked herself up off of the bed and padded the few feet over to the middle of the floor. From there, she sat down cross-legged, opposite of Isaiah with the stuff in the middle of them. "Now I'm sure your past's a lick darker 'n mine, with a whole lot more trouble involved, but I was sorta rebellious myself when I was younger. 'Course, this bein' the countryfied rebellion, you prolly wouldn' think much of it." She tapped one of the bottles. "Would it surprise you if I said I wasn't a virgin?"
hello my name is elder price
10:36pm Mar 14 2013 (last edited on 10:40pm Mar 14 2013)
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"Not really," he said duly while taking out one of the cigarettes. "It just 'effs you up more." [In translation from Isaiah's lovely words: shotgunning is actually said be more potent than taking an actual hit or drag.] "It's nothing really, you'll be fine." He smiled at her reassuringly, though it faded when he caught glimpse of the open window. "Oh, close that. Yeah you've obviously never blazed before. You're not supposed to have any ventilation." Knowing his words would worry the poor girl he repeated the words "You'll be fine.", though, for good measure, added "Trust me" at the end. "Really, this stuff isn't even that strong." Granted he had "stronger" more potent things, though, of course they weren't smokeable, and there was no telling how Kacey would react to him trying to shove a pill down her throat. Even if it was sized as a tiny circle that would *possibly go unnoticed. All he would have to do would be to push it back into her throat until she'd [unwillingly] swallow it. Honestly it seemed simple enough though there were several things that could go wrong, and he could even swallow the pill himself while waiting--which wouldn't be good. Man, why did drugging people have to be so hard. Well...was it really drugging? Drugging was more forceful, and he didn't seem to be being too forceful, yet. Give it a couple of drinks and he'd probably resort to his usual aggressive and dominant self, unless the "cigarettes" would provide enough to mellow him out.
Isaiah simply pushed the thought from his mind and zipped up the side compartment, (though he did take a few pills for good measure), though before he could slip a few into the drinks Kacey had no sooner made her way over. Dammit.
" Bad things come from playin' with fire." "Mmmn, but fire is so fun." He smirked, fighting back the discontent from earlier. "See, love?" Coincidentally he flicked open his lighter and let the flames dance, albeit ignoring the giant warning of "FLAMMABLE" plastered to the side of the bottles.
He took this time to light up one of the cigarettes, inhaled, held it for a minute or two, then let go with a giggle. "See, simple as that," he said, cutting off the end of Kacey's remark. Isaiah was just inhaling another drag when he caught the tail end of her little ramble.
"Better not have been Dallas or I'll murder him," he said nonchalantly, smoke following his words. "And no, I'm not really surprised, and at least now we're on the same page. There's always some initial attachment with being a girl's first, and I don't really care for that crap" ("crap" in place of his actual word choice). He in took another drag. "It's like...I just banged you and I could really care less nor want a commitment, jeez go away. But that's not really im[injection]portant," he picked up one of the bottles from his side and popped it open, "ready to put your money where your mouth is?"
"And oh, what do I get out of this if I win--or vice versa?"

6:19pm Mar 17 2013
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Kacey turned her back when she got up to close the window as Isaiah instructed. She hesitated with her hand on the windowsill, for a moment wondering just what she was getting into. But she figured it didn't matter. They weren't doing anything, really. Of course she knew what the stuff in the baggy was, now that Isaiah had used some terms she'd heard before. Kacey had gone to parties after some of the football games at school, had been exposed to a lot of the junk Isaiah probably had in his bag. Of course the only thing she'd ever taken part in was alcohol, but there was a first time for everything, right? Her nose twitched and she sighed as she closed the window and latched it shut.
Rejoining him on the floor, Kacey tried not to fidget from discomfort. "It's certainly a temptation," she said, eyes focused on the dancing flame as it writhed next to the flammable stuff inside their bottles. Her eyes narrowed when he blew out the smoke, exhaling with a surprising giggle. His next few words surprised her and made her brows arch up. A brief grin touched her lips. "It'd bother ya if Dallas was my first?" she asked, not trying to mask her curiosity.
Kacey grabbed the bottle Isaiah had opened by its neck and twisted it out of his grasp. She tapped her fingertips against its smooth side, putting on her thinking face to answer his question. "Not gonna say 'whatever you want' 'cause I know better now 'an to do that again. How 'bout 'cause I have a lot a confidence in myself and you're a skinny little thang that'd never be able to match me, I'll strip down to my undies or whatever for ya. And what'll you do for me?" she said and brought the bottle to her lips.
"An' by the by, Dallas was my second," she said with a grin. "A mistake, but my second all the same."
hello my name is elder price
7:43pm Mar 17 2013
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"No don't do that man, it's not poison." "It's not going to melt your eyes or anything. Just turn them red." Red. The distinctive color of one's sclera from response of the blood vessels from pupil dilation, thus the response to the active and well-know ingredient of THC. And by the looks of Isaiah's nine accomplished hits (he was quite busy while Kacey was speaking) that's exactly where he was headed.
"And yeah, it would." He said, filling the air with smoke. "I hate that kid, he's an ass, and needs to die." "I don't know there's just something about that bro I don't like...we're done here." He ended his statement by taking another [massive] hit, nearly choking on the smoke from inhaling too much.
Luckily his impaired state had sidetracked him from the fact that Kacey had taken his bottle, otherwise he would have said something, and the poor girl would have just opened Pandora's Box. Stealing anything from that boy was like saying Lord Voldemort's name in Hogwarts, or opening the chamber of secrets -- it was just something we didn't do, albeit if it was for a "contest." Now, granted he was way out of his league, but if there was one thing the cocky, narcissistic gang leader loved it was a competition so he saddled up to the plate and grabbed another bottle off his side. "Alright here's how things go-- once you start, you don't stop until the bottle is gone, got it? And ew, Dallas is just a mistake in everything." For a good measure, and to rid the though out of his head, he downed the last bit that was in his glass before popping open the bottle and clanking it against Kacey's. "Oh, and if I win, I don't know...something nice." He smirked before raising his bottle.
"Now let the best win, because I plan to."

7:59pm Mar 17 2013
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"Don't stop 'till the bottle's gone," Kacey repeated and tipped the glass toward Isaiah's to meet the gesture that would start their competition. She figured she might make it out of there just fine without having to smoke anything because Isaiah seemed just fine keeping it to himself. Kacey shut out such thoughts when she closed her eyes and tipped head head back, along with the bottle. The liquid brushed past her tongue and fell down her throat, with only minute pulses on her neck to show she was swallowing. Her toes curled and she swallowed her coughs. A steady burn trickled down her throat as the bottom of the bottle continued to rise higher up to the ceiling.
When she was done, she opened her eyes to blurry vision and blinked hard. The bottle dropped into her lap and she wiped at her lips, a loose grin plastering onto her face. "Dallas is a jerk, I'll admit," she said and laughed. "But he really wasn't so bad in bed." She covered her mouth and shook her head, but that only made the room pitch. "Gosh, that makes me sound like a *censored*."
"Still hangin' in there?" Kacey asked as she leaned forward a little bit, eyes narrowed to scrutinize Isaiah.
hello my name is elder price
8:35pm Mar 17 2013
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Isaiah nodded to her words then did the same, swallowing gulp after gulp. A steady burn had begun to edge it's way down his throat. It was Absolut Vodka--100 proof, as he only drank the best (or more like drank whatever was available.) At the half-way mark a steady burn was already coursing through his throat. It had become numb and it was now a minute routine of gulp-and-swallow gulp-and-swallow. Now, as if the "flushed" feeling wasn't enough he now had to fight away the urge to take a hit now and then. But of course that would cause him to lose--and the great Isaiah Rossner wasn't losing to a mere country girl. Oh heaven's no. He had begun a stead rhythm of glancing up to see how Kacey was fairing, then glancing back to see the contents of his bottle. When there was just a few ounces left he inwardly sighed, closed his eyes, and let the liquid burn its way down his throat.
He broke with a gasp when he finally came up for air. Then regained his composure through a few steady pants.
"Psssht, whatever. I'm probably much better than him." "And yes, sugar," he coughed in response to the searing sensation in his throat (and from his decision to combine that feeling with another breath of TCH.)
The jittering, shaking ball that Isaiah had been reduced to grabbed the second bottle and after much failed attempts, managed to pop the top open. "Ready for round two when you are."

9:04pm Mar 17 2013
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Kacey took in a few steady gulps of air as she eyed the next bottle. Her throat was raw with the kindling fire of the vodka. However, she seemed in far better shape than Isaiah after watching his shaking hands try to pry open the top to his next bottle. Although her fingers fumbled on her own, she managed to open hers with a little less difficulty. "If you wanna think that," Kacey said, but it was unsure as to whether she was replying to Isaiah thinking he was better than Dallas in bed or that he was still hanging in there. Kacey gulped and steeled herself, mentally giving herself encouragement as she raised the glass to her lips yet again. One hand on the neck of the bottle, the other with her palm planted firmly on the ground so she wouldn't sway, Kacey tipped the bottle back a smidge. Warm liquid rushed into her mouth again and the first gulp brought back the ache that stroked the back of her throat.
She felt the drink pour throughout her system, warm up her tummy. Her eyes were closed again, but her head still swam. Fingers flexing against the ground and palm tightening, she managed to keep herself up. A small smile made some of the liquid trickle out of the side of her mouth, but she righted the bottle and continued to swallow. The lack of breath was more evident this time around and she chugged the drink with a faster intensity than previously.
When she was done, the bottle fell from her grasp and landed in her lap like the other one --luckily it didn't break upon dropping it against the other. She coughed once, twice, and blamed it on the smoke that had also filled the room. Dizziness made her close her eyes again, but that only made it worse so she leaned backwards and rested flat on her back on the floor. "Did I win yet?" she asked, words honeyed with a touch of slur.
hello my name is elder price
9:58pm Mar 17 2013 (last edited on 10:13pm Mar 17 2013)
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"I know that." Isaiah responded in a full slur. "I'm better at anything I'll prove it." His cockiness was in full swing as he brought the bottle to his lips. Just a little bit more. I can do this. He steadied himself with bits of mental encouragement, though the sick sensation was slowly proving to be too much. Urgh, it feels like I'm swallowing doses of radiation or cyanide or something. I can't. He forced himself through a few gulps, each creating a strenuous swallowing sound. In his mind he was maintaining his composure, but in a sad reality, internally, he was fighting the urge to revolt in the form of one violent upchuck. Two more gulps were sent down, and his eyes glanced down to see that the bottle was at the half-way mark. Okay, half way. I can do this.
A few more gulps went down and then--nothing. He stopped dead in his tracks, holding the bottle and letting the liquid brush against his lips as he felt himself wobble. After a few minutes he pulled the bottle free, expelling the bit of vodka he had put down prior to his dismissal. Coughing, cursing and sputtering, he looked up at Kacey with hazy, glazed-over eyes.
"Jesus o-okay." The bottle was put down and let himself collapse onto the floor. "Screw this."

8:42pm Mar 18 2013
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"Screw this." Kacey lifted her head up to see a less than half bottle of Vodka right next to Isaiah. A smug smile made way to her face, but he wasn't there to see it because he'd toppled backward just like her. It took a lot of willpower and concentration for Kacey to sit back up without wobbling, but she managed and clumsily crawled over to where Isaiah was laying. She sat back down on her butt right next to him and held her hand out in front of him, looking at him expectantly and laughing like it was the best thing in the world.
"I'm here to collect my prize," she said.
hello my name is elder price