8:03pm Jan 16 2012
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Um... You and I both know the plot. I really don't feel like making a bio for my character. You're welcome to repost Cain's bio, but I'll be using one of my old characters, Morrigan Read.
Love is all we need~
8:55pm Jan 16 2012
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I don't see the need to repost Cain. I'm building a new bio for him anyway. Tomorrow I'll post his changes but we can start tonight if you want. :3 On my phone btw.
hello my name is elder price
9:05pm Jan 16 2012
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((That's fine Yus. I'll start.))
Morrigan's waist-length blue-black hair swayed as she walked to the principal's office. She didn't manage to land a blow on the boy, whose name she didn't even know, due to her friend holding her back, but she did manage to throw a few paint brushes at him. She didn't know whether they hit him or not, but she didn't care. It was the satisfaction of throwing stuff at him.
Kids that passed her looked at her strangely, given that she had the song "Dead Hearts" by Stars blasting in her ears. People from across the hall could hear it, but Morrigan didn't seem to care. She just wanted to get this over with.
Stepping inside of the principal's office, she took a seat on one of the stiff, uncomfortable stools. She heard the bell that sounded the end of the school day, and knew that whatever this punishment was coming her way, it couldn't be worse than what she'd gotten before. The worst thing the principal could do is suspend her, and that actually sounded appealing. Less time for her to have to stare at that boy's face.
Sighing, she pulled her earbuds out of her ears and turned off her iPod.
Love is all we need~
9:15pm Jan 16 2012
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The only thing Cain had remembered doing before the girl from his art class, Morrigan something, started throwing junk at him was that he'd smirked at a rude comment someone else had said. Maybe it was the fact that he rarely displayed emotion that really riled the girl up into thinking he meant something by his silent laugh. At the time, he hadn't even been aware of who the joke was thrown to. Nevertheless, he had been called down to the principal's office right after Morrigan had been told to get out of the room.
Cain raked his fingers through his almost platinum blonde hair. The white tipped honey colored locks fell through his fingers and crested back above his forehead. His strange crimson and auburn eyes flicked to the left as he spotted the sign for the principal's. Suppressing a sigh, he shouldered his way into the room and spotted Morrigan sitting down in one of the chairs.
At the sight of her, he glanced down at his shirt which had multi-colored paint splatters across it from where the brushes had hit. Cain figured they were only in trouble because Morrigan had managed to hit Mr. Barkly square in the face while she'd aimed for him. But instead of commenting to Morrigan about that, Cain just slid his cold gaze away from Morrigan and sat down in another chair away from her.
hello my name is elder price
9:35pm Jan 16 2012
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Morrigan did her best to ignore Cain's presence, but his cold gaze caused her to turn her eyes up to his just as he looked away. Growling in frustration, Morrigan pulled her knees to her chin, wrapping her arms around her long legs.
She smirked when her eyes rested on the colorful paint that was splattered all over Cain's shirt.
She had no time to make a snide remark before the principal, Mr. Reem came in.
"Morrigan. Cain," Mr. Reem said, his beady black eyes searching their faces through his highly magnified rimless glasses. He was dressed in a nice suit, but it wasn't unusual for him to be dressed nicely.
He frowned upon seeing Morrigan and the way she was dressed- short shorts that had rips and freys all over them and a bright green fitted tee shirt that hugged her slim, bony figure.
Trying not to make a comment on Morrigan's dress code violation, he sighed and sat down in his chair behind his desk before saying, "I didn't expect this to happen. If only you two could have saved the quarreling for after school, I wouldn't have enrolled you in the dance line."
Morrigan's light grey eyes searched the principal's face, remaining indifferent. "That punishment isn't that ba-" Her eyes got wide as the realization of what he said hit her. "You enrolled me in the dance line? But that's the hardest club- sport- whatever the hell it is- at school!"
"Language, Miss Reid!" Mr. Reem said, slamming his hand on his desk. "I didn't only enroll you. I enrolled Cain, also. And I don't give a care about how hard it is or how you don't want to do it. This is your punishment. I suggest you put on a happy face and thank me for doing this. Well, you probably won't thank me now, but you'll thank me later."
Love is all we need~
9:46pm Jan 16 2012
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Thank him later? Cain kept the bewilderness he was feeling off of his face, only a flash of being incredulous at the news flitting through his eyes for a moment. He settled back into his chair and watched Morrigan immediately ob ject to the idea, not that he expected anything less. She obviously didn't like the idea either and that appealed to Cain. If she hadn't thrown the damn brushes in the first place, they wouldn't be in this mess.
Cain cleared his throat and stood up from his chair, fingers hooking on the belt loops of his jeans. His backpack was already slung over his right shoulder, heavy from the amount of books he was carrying, but Cain's muscular build showed no signs of strain. "When does the team meet?" Cain asked solemnly, unblinking as he stared Mr. Reem down with his odd-colored eyes.
hello my name is elder price
5:49pm Jan 21 2012
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Ooc; Bump. <3
hello my name is elder price
6:07pm Jan 21 2012
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Mr. Reem grinned as Morrigan quieted down.
"The dance line meets in about... five minutes. Best be on your way. I suppose you both know where the dance room is; it's the first door on the left, leading out of the gymnasium," Mr. Reem said, nodding as he made hand motions for the two of them to leave before disappearing into the faculty break room.
Morrigan was basically radiating anger, the essence dripping off of her. She'd never danced in her entire life. Sure, she'd been told that she was graceful before, but she never even though about dancing.
Standing up and trying her best not to say anything to Cain, Morrigan stormed out of the room like an angry bull and headed towards the dance room.
It wasn't long before she had found it, and she thought about how her clothing choice wasn't exactly good for dancing, but she'd have to bring an extra pair of clothes later, given that the dance line practiced every day after school according to the practice schedule taped on the door.
Slinging her backpack across the room, Morrigan got some strange stares from the dancers, who included fit boys and slim girls like herself.
Love is all we need~
9:47am Jan 23 2012
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Ooc; Long reply. Internet derped. Lost it all. ;____;
I'll type it up if I can find the will to later. Dx
hello my name is elder price
2:58pm Jan 23 2012
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Cain waited a good two minutes after Morrigan left, carrying the anger that had filled the room with her. When he decided she would be safe enough away from him, Cain readjusted his backpack and stepped out into the halls. The souls of his shoes smacked down against the linoleum floors as he walked and although the silence was slightly eerie, Cain found it better than the hustle and bustle that usually flowed around the school. Since it was already twenty minutes past the last bell, most of the students had already left campus.
When he made his way across the campus and finally reached the door that led into the dance room, his heart sank a little bit. He caught sight of the note plastered on the door with an unnecessary amount of Scotch tape. It read that the team would be meeting every day after school. It also seemed like some of the team members had scrawled ideas for activities on the weekends, along with their phone numbers. Yeah, Cain definitely was not adding his number to the list.
Stepping into the dance room, he ignored the girls that glanced at him and then turned, giggling, to their friends. Only two other guys were in the room and Cain could tell by looking at their posture that they weren't there to dance. Lucky them. They might get cut, Cain thought to himself as he scratched his chin, noting that he should shave when he got home.
His thoughts were distracted when the dance teacher stepped to the front of the room. Cain tossed his backpack against the back wall, where it bumped into some other girl's back. He made sure it wasn't Morrigan's before turning around to look at the team leader. She said something about finding a spot on the floor and Cain made sure to find a spot as far away from Morrigan as possible. Who knew what she would do if he got close to her again? He had no quarrel with her and he'd stay out of her way if that's how she wanted.
The girls were focused on listening to what the instructor was saying and Cain's gaze slipped down to their booty-short covered butts. He was eyeing one girl's very attractive curves when the team leader interrupted his thoughts. "And I'd like for all of you to welcome Cain and Morrigan," she said, nodding to them each in turn. Cain only met the eyes of the other groupies when they looked at him in the mirror, keeping that same stony face he always had.
The curvy girl winked at him though and he cocked his brow upward in response, then turned his attention back toward the leader.
hello my name is elder price
5:01pm Jan 23 2012
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Morrigan felt herself get angry over Cain's obsessive staring at one of the girl's butts. Stupid pervert, she thought. She waved in response to being introduced, trying to ignore the stares of curiosity directed towards her.
And at that, the team leader told everyone to mirror her moves, pressed a button on a nearby cd player, and began to dance.
Morrigan had a bit of difficulty at first, but she quickly fell into the groove of dancing in sync with the team leader. She swayed from side to side, her motions fluid as she watched the team leader dance. She twirled around, and moved her hips so that she did it faster next time, and flicked her right hand up to the sky and then downward quickly, repeating the same motion with her left.
Love is all we need~
6:06pm Jan 23 2012
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Cain was fit. More than just having toned muscle, but that was just from working out at the gym after school and sometimes on the weekends. His body was used to the strain of weights, crunches, and pull-ups. Dancing was another thing entirely. He found that he wasn't half bad, though, just not as flexible as the girls and even one of the other guys. So while he was trying to mirror the moves of the team leader--whom he promised to himself that he would learn her name after practice--he had to adjust them slightly to fit his skill level.
He found the beat in the music instantly and moved in step with his own fluid, yet slightly crude grace. More of his movements were angled and less sweeping as the females whose limbs stretched and wove in the space around them beautifully. Most of what surprised Cain was the fact that dancing wasn't as painful as he thought it would be. By the time they'd learned the first part of the dance, the back collar of Cain's shirt had begun to stuck to his skin from the sweat. From what he could tell, the skin on the girls was glistening slightly too.
With every sweep of his arms upward, the bottom of his shirt got lifted up to expose some of his abs. His jeans were perched on his hips, loosely hugging his waist. It irritated him a bit. He would definitely bring baggier shirts to practice in. Either that or he would bring some of his muscle shirts. Yeah, that sounded better.
By the time the music stopped, Cain's platinum-blonde tipped hair had dampened and plastered on the crown of his forehead. He aired out his shirt a bit by pinching the collar between two fingers and fanning it out.
Some of the girls went to grab water while the others began to pack up their stuff.
hello my name is elder price
7:04pm Jan 23 2012
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When the music ended, Morrigan's shirt was damp on the back, and her skin was a bit sticky from sweat. Tying up her long black hair into a high ponytail, she reached over to her bag to take a get some water from one of her water bottles that she constantly carried around.
Her grey eyes wandered over to Cain, who seemed as equally tired as she was. Before she knew it, she was being approached by a short, curvy girl. The girl made up for what she lacked in height with the size of her chest, but she seemed self-conscious, wearing a high-necked tee shirt.
"Hello there," the short girls said, smiling as she looked up at Morrigan.
Morrigan nodded, and said, "Hi."
As the two conversed, it turned out that the short girl, whose name was Siren, was the co-captain of the team, and that she was in charge of welcoming new members to the dance team.
"I would have welcomed you before, but you guys came a bit late to practice, and I was distracted with... different matters," Siren said. Her eyes drifted over to a boy who was well-muscled and attractive, but he had a dangerous air about him.
Morrigan made a note to herself to ask about him later.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Morrigan. I've got to go welcome the new boy." And at that, Siren sprung off in the direction of Cain, stopping two feet in front of him.
She held out her hand for him to shake and said, "Hello there. I'm Siren, the co-captain."
Love is all we need~
7:58pm Jan 23 2012
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"Cain," he replied with when the girl approached him. It was odd how Cain towered over the girl, his six foot height making Siren seem a lot shorter than she actually was. He had no idea what to say to her: thanks for letting me be on the team? He stopped shaking her hand and wiped his arm across his forehead to get the sweat off of it. Running his hand through his hair, he got it to stop sticking to his head and attempted to smile down at Siren, but only the corners of his lips quirked up briefly.
"Well, it was nice meeting you," Cain said and reached down for his backpack. He shouldered it and sighed. His fingers hooked in the belt loop of his jeans again and he hitched the jeans back up over his hips and back over the hem of his plaid green and grey boxers. "I've got to get going now, Siren. Thanks," he said and nodded in her direction once.
Cain turned around and headed for the door.
hello my name is elder price
7:28pm Apr 22 2012
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Ooc; Did you still want to continue this, Wolfie? I just found it. lol
hello my name is elder price
7:38pm Apr 22 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Sure. I had completely forgotten about this.
Siren was a bit offended as how Cain was extremely brief with her. She looked up at Morrigan, and raised a brow. Morrigan simply shrugged. Siren walked off in a huff. She could tell that this 'Cain' guy wouldn't be exactly easy for her to get along with.
Morrigan grabbed her bag and headed for the door, also. She pulled her black hair back into a ponytail and allowed her grey eyes to scan the area. She left, passing Cain as she did so, and sat down on a bench outside. She knew that she'd have to call her brother to pick her up, and she was dreading it.
Morrigan's brother wasn't exactly what one would call responsible. He drank excessive amounts of alcohol, 'messed around' with too many girls, and he partied constantly. Morrigan hated him, to say the least.
She sighed, and pulled out her cell phone, not wanting to call her sibling just yet. Maybe Siren could drive her home or something...
Love is all we need~
7:44pm Apr 22 2012
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Cain arched his brows as Morrigan flounced past him, but didn't resist lowering his gaze as she walked. A smirk made his lips dance for a moment as he watched her hips swish naturally as she walked. Hey, if she wanted to be a b with an itch, he could treat her as one. He had to admit, she did have a nice body. Yet he didn't want to start a fight if she caught him looking; when she sat down, he set his eyes straight ahead.
But he managed to catch the look on her face as she stared down at her cell phone. It was a look that made him frown. His steps slowed down and he readjusted his strap nervously. Nervously? What? And now he was walking toward her. What the hell was he thinking? He didn't want to get hit again, that's for sure. Then why did he open his mouth and say...
"You need a ride?" The words just slipped out of his mouth. He considered that not having a ride at all for her might have been better than sitting with him. Still, it was just an offer. The worst she could do was say no, right? Or hit him. Yeah, that wouldn't be too good.
hello my name is elder price
7:57pm Apr 22 2012
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Morrigan was still staring at her cell-phone. She hadn't heard his footsteps, or sensed his gaze on her. It was his question that tore her eyes away from her phone, and caused her to look up at him. Her grey eyes fixated on Cain's.
Well, she did need a ride, and he was offering. She raised a brow. "Are you offering me one?" Her light pink lips tilted upwards in a smug smirk. Either Cain wasn't in his right mind, he was being nice, or he simply was trying to kill her with kindness.
All of those options sounded nice to Morrigan. Entertaining, at the least. She was tempted to just say yes and see what he would do, or what he would do if she declined. Either way, she still wished that he was offering her a ride.
She decided to wait until he answered her question before she gave him the answer to his. A question for a question. An answer for an answer. What fun this game was!
Love is all we need~
8:09pm Apr 22 2012
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Okay. He could definitely tell her to screw herself now, beat her down because it was all her fault that they'd gotten into that stupid dance team in the first place. Then she'd definitely hate him. Was that what he wanted, though? He remembered how he thought her butt looked pretty fine a few moments before. Eh, maybe he needed some redemption. The thought almost made him scowl, but his lips didn't twitch in the slightest.
"Nah, just thought that if you were stranded here I could get some enjoyment out of it." See if that would wipe the smirk off of her face. He was confused enough already to know that he was being nice to her. It satisfied him to think that he was in total control of this situation anyway. She would get a ride only if he wanted her to. Yep, because he definitely wasn't acting out of character for some girl that should really piss him off. Yep.
"Come on," he said. Without waiting to see if she would follow, he walked right on past her and found his silver Hybrid sitting all alone, the two parking spots next to it vacant. It annoyed him to know that that's how it would be for a while now. Everyone would get to leave early while Cain would have to stay and dance. He scowled as he unlocked the car and tossed his bookbag in the back.
Cain slid into the driver's seat and slammed the door shut, then crossed his arms over his chest as he waited for Morrigan.
hello my name is elder price
8:21pm Apr 22 2012
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Morrigan felt the smirk slide off of her face as he came up with a sly remark of his own to her previous comment. She clenched her jaw, and stared him down for a while before he walked off. She hesitated a moment while deciding on whether or not to follow him. She flicked her bangs of of her face, determined to stay there, but, as he hopped into his car, she found herself standing up and walking straight towards his silver Hybrid.
What was wrong with her? Was she insane? What happened to arrogant, stubborn Morrigan? That girl seemed to have disappeared for a moment. She opened the passenger side door and took a sat down, closing the door. She must have been crazy. Maybe her brother had rubbed off on her.
No. Surely not. She hated that boy more than she hated Cain when she hit him earlier that day. She placed her bag in her lap and buckled herself in. "I live on 707 Melody Lane. The house with the green roof."
She kept a straight face, but she allowed her eyes to travel over to Cain's muscled arms once before she mentally told herself to stop being an idiot. Cain was someone to slap. Not eye-candy.
Love is all we need~