8:32pm Apr 22 2012
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Huh. Maybe Morrigan was just as crazy as Cain was. Or maybe she had a death wish and possibly wanted to yank the steering wheel to the right while he was driving. Who was he to know? After all, the only thing he did know about Morrigan was that she had anger issues. Real bad anger issues. It's not like Cain could judge, though. He had no idea what her home life was like. As a side comment to that train of thought, he told himself he should probably keep it that way.
Enjoy looking at her ass, stay away from her. Easy.
Not easy when he could see out of the corner of his eye that she kept sneaking glances at him. His own strange auburn and red eyes dropped down to the gear shift. He put it in reverse and swiveled in his seat, one arm behind Morrigan's seat as he smoothly pulled the Hybrid out of its parking spot. Once out in the lot, he threw the thing into drive and turned out onto the main road.
"You're on the way," he commented. She really wasn't out of his way home. All he really had to do what pull off of a few roads and drop her off; his house would only be a good ten minute's away from hers. It was so meaningless in fact, that he could probably drive her home after dance every day if he wanted to. Hold up, Cain. Girl's bad news, alright? Just get your thoughts together.
He ran one hand through his hair and scratched behind his ear. "Have you danced before?" he asked. Cain had to refrain from adding: "because you looked really good." at the end of the sentence. At least he was being careful. Hopefully she didn't have anymore paint brushes to throw at him if she got angry over that.
hello my name is elder price
9:08pm Apr 22 2012
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Morrigan had wished for a quiet ride home, but, beggars can't be choosers. Not that she was ever a beggar, though. She watched the familiar landscape of the city slide by as she stared out of the window. She'd succeeded in blocking him out; she had succeeded!
Until he asked her a question. Morrigan almost winced when his voice broke the silence. Sure, his voice was smooth, but silence was silence, and Morrigan was currently loving the silence. He just had to ruin it. Not that she would ever mind answering questions, though.
"I've taken a few dance lessons, but not many. Had to quit because it was too expensive. So, other than that, I've never really danced before," Morrigan said. She wasn't about to spill to him about she danced in her room when she was alone and listening to the radio. That would be humiliating, and unnecessary.
"How about you?" She turned to face him, one brow raised. "Have you ever danced before?" Morrigan had watched Cain, and she noticed how he had fallen in sync with the team captain almost immediately. And, she noticed how his muscles flexed when he moved. Morrigan shook the thoughts off.
Love is all we need~
5:25pm Apr 23 2012
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Eh. Cain hadn't really expected Morrigan to start asking him questions, or even keeping the conversation going. He supposed that was what he got for ever breaking the silence in the first place. Had he ever danced before? He pretended to think about, removing one hand off the steering wheel so he could let his elbow rest against the side of the car door, chin cupped in his palm. Maybe this would irritate her. He hoped so; it was funny to confuse her like this.
It took a long time for someone to figure out who Cain was, and only about two people had ever done it before. He never let himself get close with anyone. Driving girls crazy was one of his specialties.
An unbidden thought came to Cain; his mother, standing a head shorter than he, holding one hand, the other on his shoulder as they waltzed around a ballroom. The black dress she was wearing was absolutely stunning on her slim figure. Too slim. He tried not to notice her frailty, or the way pain would flash across her pace. She was so happy to be there with him.
"No, I haven't," he answered. His train of thought broke quickly and easily. Not a single emotion flitted across his face. His crimson eyes darted to the right as he pulled into Morrigan's driveway. Blinking, he met her gaze and simultaneously unlocked the car with a flick of his finger against the electronic switch. "See you tomorrow," he said.
Too bad if he sounded rude.
hello my name is elder price
9:04pm Apr 23 2012
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Morrigan visibly scowled when Cain assumed a thinking pose. Did he really have to think about whether he had danced before or not? It drove her crazy how he acted. One minute, he would be all serious, and the next, he would be driving her crazy. She clenched her fists around the seat, barely hearing his response to her own question.
The click of the lock behind her made her jump, but she couldn't help but think that he sounded a bit rude when he actually made eye contact with her and told her that he would see her tomorrow. Of course he would see her tomorrow. They had a couple classes together, and they both had to dance after school.
Morrigan grabbed her bags and slid out of the car gracefully, walking to her front door in a huff. She opened it, knowing that it would be unlocked due to her brother's carelessness, and she was greeted by the only fully sane person in the house; her large black-and-tan doberman; Clyde.
She patted his head affectionately, and walked through the beer-bottle cluttered house to her room, which was surprisingly spotless. That was her OCD paying off. She then peeked out of her window to make sure that Cain got away from her house safely. The last thing that she needed was her brother attacking another man that just happened to go past their house.
Clyde stood on his hind paws and placed his nose on the glass that separated him from the outside world, focusing his amber eyes on the silver Hybrid in front of their house.
Love is all we need~
8:19pm Apr 24 2012
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Cain ran his fingers through his almost-white blonde hair. The locks went into smooth disarray as he continued to watch Morrigan walk up her front steps. When she shut the door behind her, Cain snapped back into himself and threw the car in reverse. The Hybrid's engine purred as Cain maneuvered himself out of the driveway. His red eyes flickered back up when he saw what looked like a dog pressed up against one of the windows in Morrigan's house.
He met the dog's gaze and stifled a shudder. Dogs didn't like Cain. Cain didn't like dogs. It was that simple.
Almost reluctant at leaving the house, and berating himself just the teensiest bit at being rude to Morrigan just a few moments ago, Cain hesitantly put his foot on the gas pedal. The car rolled forward and after one more minute, Cain decided there was nothing to be done about Morrigan's feelings anymore; the car sped up.
"Get a hold of yourself, man. She punched you for Chrissake," he muttered and touched the tender spot on his jaw. His hands tightened on the wheel. "We just have to see each other at dance. I can deal with that."
Yeah. Right.
hello my name is elder price
8:24pm Apr 24 2012
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Ooc:// Timeskip to next day during art? That's the class that they had the fight in. ;P
Love is all we need~
8:41pm Apr 24 2012 (last edited on 8:55pm Apr 24 2012)
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Sure thing. :3
Edit; I'm going to have to go now. I tried to type up a reply from my phone last night, but this damn text box wasn't having it. I'll reply tomorrow!
hello my name is elder price
9:06pm Apr 24 2012
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Ooc:// That's fine. I'll start off during the art class, which will be their last hour.
Morrigan had gone all day without incident, and, to be quite frank, she was dreading art class. This was the only 'class' that she had with Cain, and, she really didn't want everyone to stare at her because she was the girl who threw the paint brushes at a boy who laughed at a snide remark made by someone else. She was already being gossiped about around school as "Paint Brush Girl". Though some would enjoy being talked about, Morrigan was no such person. She liked to stay in the background, and she had little to no social skills.
Strangely enough, though, Morrigan found herself excited about the class. Would Cain be there? Would his strange red eyes travel towards her when she passed by? What is wrong with me? Did I eat some bad lunch meat or something for lunch? Morrigan laughed at herself, trying to shake the thoughts away.
She took a seat in her usual place; the corner of the room.
Love is all we need~
4:38pm Apr 25 2012
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"So if you could all collect your projects from around the room and begin working on them again---ah, Cain, how nice of you to join us." Cain rubbed his eyes as he walked into class late, forcing back the yawn by clenching his jaw. He held up a slip of paper in front of the teacher's face. By this time, half of the students were watching the art teacher's facial ex pression as he read the note, while the other half followed his prior instructions and got up to go get their projects.
The art teacher's eyes softened when he read the last word and he nodded to Cain. "Take your seat," he said quietly and Cain shrugged. A buzz of chatter settled over the classroom, like always, as the art teacher went to his desk and started to play soft music to provide a little bit of inspiration for the...less artistic.
Cain set his bag by his chair. The tables were large, big enough to fit four people around. A few of his buddies were beginning to work halfheartedly on their stuff. They acknowledged Cain without looking up from their projects, giving him only a nod in his general direction. It's not like they expected Cain to say anything. And he didn't.
Cain rubbed his red eyes again and shuffled to the back of the room to pick up his project. He grabbed some black, white, and red paints, a few paintbrushes, and sat back down. Morrigan. He'd seen the girl out of the corner of his eye, but paid her no mind whatsoever. The last thing he wanted to do was get another paint brush thrown at him, and he seriously didn't want to deal with all the confusing thoughts that came with looking at her. Not now.
So he picked up his brush and painted.
hello my name is elder price
5:10pm Apr 25 2012
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Morrigan glanced in Cain's direction, and grabbed her canvas, which only had a thin la yer of silvery paint over the edges. Morrigan wasn't fantastic at art, but she had talent in the class, when she was inspired to paint something.
Before she knew what she was doing, she had drawn the outline of a boy dancing- the only thing that she had thought to draw. It strangely resembled Cain, she thought, so she decided to draw the hair differently, and paint it black instead of white-blondish like Cain's was.
When she had painted the top half of the boy on her canvas, including his black hair, she still couldn't help but realize how much he struck a resemblence to Cain. It unnerved her. Even though he was facing away from the observer, she could tell that the two were built the same.
She angrily placed a cloth over it, once it had dried, and leaned back in her seat. The bell would ring soon, anyway, and Morrigan was desperately bored.
If anyone asked who the boy was, she'd say it was her brother.
Love is all we need~
5:21pm Apr 25 2012
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Ooc; Is this their last class of the day?
Cain wasn't really good at painting things. He had neat handwriting, though, which looked even better if he wanted to brush a few letters onto a canvas. Out of inspiration from Morrigan yesterday, Cain had scooted his chair back a little bit and flicked some red paint along the bottom of the canvas. It splattered nicely along the freshly painted black, and Cain likewise did the same with white, which he tapped a little bit above the red.
We all have skeletons in our closets, he'd dabbed in sub across the canvas. Gothic...yeah, just a little bit. Not that he minded though. Those were the words that had ran through his mind when he'd picked up the brush so he thought he may as well use it.
Cain had to resist the urge to lean back in his chair and glance at Morrigan's painting. He didn't resist it for long, though. When he picked up his canvas and started bringing it to the other side of the room, where he could leave it to dry, he saw the girl just putting a cloth over what she'd done. Cain saw a figure of a boy dancing. Black hair. Eh, probably some crush.
Curiosity sated, Cain rested the canvas against the wall and grabbed a rag, where he rubbed off some of the paint that had gotten on his fingers. He took his seat again, only to have the bell ring as soon as he plopped his butt down. With a sigh, he stood back up, kicked his chair back in, and hefted his bag. A few of his friends bid him goodbye as he walked out into the hallway.
hello my name is elder price
5:36pm Apr 25 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Yeah. It's their last class.
Morrigan grabbed her black book bag, which had red pieces of ribbon tied all over it, and left shortly after Cain. She passed him quickly, a bit paranoid that he had seen her painting or something. Plus, she didn't feel like talking to him right then. After all, they'd just left the area where they got into all of this mess.
She flicked her hair as she walked in front of him, adjusting her backpack's straps. She'd brought clothes to change into, so she turned into the girls' bathroom on the way towards the dance room, getting into her dance get-up quickly.
When she walked out, she was clad in black short shorts that clung to her figure, and a flowy white shirt with a red rose on the front; similar attire to what she had seen the other female dancers wearing yesterday, except for the colors of their clothes were more vibrant than hers.
She walked a little ways more down the hallway, and passed through the gymnasium, stopping when she entered the dance room. She placed her bag in the corner of the room with all of the other members' bags, and went to her place in the back of the room.
Siren was nowhere to be seen.
Love is all we need~
6:24pm Apr 25 2012
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Was Morrigan just asking for Cain to check her out? Or maybe she really just hated walking behind him. How could he know? Ah, but he gave looking at her a rest. If he stared at her too much, he'd be afraid of one, being looked at as a pervert, or two, actually finding feelings for the girl. Cain's lips twisted in distaste at the thought, which was good. At least his scatterbrained mind was starting to get back on track. Maybe being so close to Morrigan for the first time had just made him...weird. He couldn't really explain it to himself.
Cain's heels dragged across the floor with every step. Drowsiness weighed down heavily on him. After the night he'd had last night, he was so not in the mood to do this. Still, it wasn't in his personality to quit or show any weakness.
So Cain made himself get changed in the boy's bathroom, ignoring the snickers and chuckles he got headed his way. When he came back out, he was wearing blue basketball shorts and a gray muscle shirt. Hey, he had the abs that were needed to look good in such a thing (and there weren't any food stains on it).
Upon a quick scope of the dancers, Cain saw a few of the guys from the day earlier hadn't bothered to show up. Figures. Siren was also noticeably missing but he didn't really care. She didn't seem to like him much anyway.
Cain tossed his bag against the back wall and went off to the very left side of the room and found a spot right in the middle. The girl with the nice curves from the day before sashayed over to him and bumped him with her shoulder. He glanced down at her, surprise lighting his slightly widened eyes before he smiled. No one got a smile from Cain, but he figured maybe she'd go away if she got one. A boy's logic rarely works though, and the girl only got encouraged.
"Hey," she said with a catlike grin.
"Hey." Really? All she could come up with was hey? At least Morrigan seemed to have a brain. Cain almost groaned. Noooo, the whole point of not talking and/or conversing with her today had been to get her out of his mind. Yet here she was again, springing up in his thoughts like a beautiful weed. Damn irritating.
"Mind if I take a spot near you?" the girl asked again.
"If I say I do, will you leave?" Cain asked flatly, red eyes appearing bored. The girl pouted and to Cain's discomfort, he saw a challenge there. There was no getting rid of her now.
"As a matter of fact, nope. I'll be right over here," she purred and stepped into her own little space next to him.
Wonderful. Great. Cain shook his head and looked into the mirror, gaze finally landing on Morrigan. An idea struck him and he turned to the girl again, blinking when he saw she was stretching, tank top lifted off of her left hip to expose a sliver of nicely tanned skin. She looked pleased when she found Cain looking. Then she looked furious when Cain smiled cheekily, walked right past her, and took a spot next to Morrigan.
"You didn't sneak any paint brushes out of art, did you?" Cain asked warily as he absentmindedly scratched at his side, lifting up a bit of the grey fabric in the process.
hello my name is elder price
6:54pm Apr 25 2012 (last edited on 6:56pm Apr 25 2012)
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Morrigan could have been throwing daggers at the girl with her glare. She was officially unimpressed. Cain had appeared to be interested in the girl from the day before, but now he actually asked her if she would leave him alone. She could never figure that boy out. She let out an audible frustrated sigh, closing her eyes to shake her head.
When she opened her eyes to look back at the scene that had been going on before her, she found herself staring at Cain's nicely-built chest instead. She furrowed her brows, peering around to look at the girl who had previously been talking to him. She was in a spot close to where he once was, and she didn't look too happy. Neither did Morrigan.
"Stop with the whole paint-brush thing, Cain," Morrigan said, narrowing her eyes. "Why aren't you standing beside miss curvy-curves?" She raised a brow, a challenging grin on her face. She reflected back to the other day when Clyde, her doberman, had tensed up at the sight of Cain in his car, and Cain at the edge of Clyde's street. Her dog was territorial around other males, but he was trained only to attack when Morrigan signalled to do so.
The thought of Cain running down the street away from Clyde, feet ablaze, made Morrigan smirk. Maybe she'd have to try that some day, if she didn't have any paint brushes to throw at him.
She directed her attention back to Cain and away from her daydreams, her eyes drifting momentarily to the ribbon of muscled skin that Cain had exposed by scratching his side. She quickly flicked her gaze back to Cain's orange-red eyes.
Love is all we need~
7:53pm Apr 25 2012
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"Why aren't you standing beside miss curvy-curves?"
"Do I detect a hint of jealousy there, Miss. Paint Brush Girl?" Cain asked as he arched one brow. He hadn't heard any jealousy in her tone. Not at all. If anything, he'd found only malice and challenge. And by the looks on her face, he suspected those emotions were exactly what he'd guessed. Still, it would be fun to test her reaction. There was something about the way Morrigan could surprise him; she definitely kept him on his toes.
Cain stifled a laugh when he realized Morrigan had been looking down at the skin he'd unknowingly revealed before then. Hmm, so maybe she was interested. It took Cain a lot not to tease her and lift his shirt up a little more. He yawned again instead and rubbed at his eyes. Damn, he was so, so tired.
"I think I'll just stay right here," Cain mumbled at the end of his yawn.
hello my name is elder price
8:23pm Apr 25 2012
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Morrigan's mouth fell into the shape of an 'o' when Cain asked her if she was jealous. She sure as hell was not jealous, and she never would be. Well, maybe she was just a bit jealous about the looks that the girl had received from Cain, and the smile that he gave her- even if it was a fake one. She hadn't seen Cain smile other than that one time. Nevertheless, even if she was jealous, she'd kept any hint of it out of her tone, so she knew that Cain was just teasing her. However, that didn't keep her cheeks from reddening when she realized that Cain had noticed her staring at the area where his shirt had been lifted up.
What he called her caused her to groan angrily and huff. Really? First, it was the students in art class, then it was random people in the hallway, but now it was Cain! Paint Brush Girl. She turned away from him as the captain of the dance line turned on the music and began to dance.
She fell into step with the girl, and used her slim form to her advantage. She could spin quicker and smoother than any of the curvy girls, and she was able to pull off the tighter moves with ease. She'd basically gotten all of the moves down without having to look at the dance leader, but she glanced up every once in a while to make sure that they were on the same track.
She'd never noticed how fast the music was until she was dancing angrily to it, which made her dance way better than she would have if she was calm. Her hair flew about her head, swishing as she turned and swayed.
Love is all we need~
8:53pm Apr 25 2012
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Morrigan's reaction to what Cain had said? Priceless. He would have laughed if he had really wanted to, but all that he managed was a quick quirk of his lips and then he was back on track. The captain explained what they were doing with a few clipped sentences and, without giving any more information, the music started.
Cain was a bit slow to start, but he easily moved his hips into the beat. His red eyes narrowed as he let the music drift around him, painfully aware of the amount of spastic energy Morrigan was emitting next to him. Her steps were lithe, like a cat's. They were more forceful, more fluidly artistic and made the other girls next to her look like bumbling fools. Cain actually stumbled once when he put his footing wrong, distracted from looking at her.
Next time, I think I'll stay by Miss. Curvy-curves, he thought idly and berated himself for actually fantasizing about Morrigan for a moment.
Hips still moving, feet falling in time with the beat; hell, all the dancer's feet could be making the beat for all he knew. They were so in sync, each and every one of them. Their hands moved at the same time, chest out, hands in, chest in, head tilted back. Endless amounts of steps until Cain really didn't even feel like he was himself anymore.
When it stopped his chest was moving slowly as he thankfully engulfed deep lungfuls of air. Like yesterday, sweat ran against the collar of his shirt and down past his shoulder blades. Cain grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it up so he could wipe his face with it, then rub his hair. The blonde locks stuck up and poked out all over the place (more than they usually did anyway).
He let go of the fabric and the bottom of the shirt bunched up just above his abs. Well, it was a muscle shirt. He pushed it back down to his hips with a stroke of his hand and yawned again. Exhaustion to the max. He was going to end up doing something stupid if he was this tired.
hello my name is elder price
9:16pm Apr 25 2012
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When Morrigan finally finished, she was breathing heavily, chest heaving with each breath she took, and her legs were shaking from all of the fast movements. So were her arms. She looked down at her silver-painted nails and smiled lightly at the tremulous moments that they were doing.
She felt as if adrenaline had been pumped into her through an IV. She felt amazing, but exhausted. She just knew that they were going to be one of the top teams at the dance competition next friday. She pulled a water bottle out of her bag, and downed about half of it in three or four gulps. She could drink like a camel if she wanted to.
With nothing else currently going on but the soft chatting of the other members, Morrigan found her eyes on Cain for a moment. She'd seen how he fell in automatic sync with all of the other dancers, completing the motions, but she'd also caught how he had tripped when he nearly lost his footing.
She wondered what caused him to trip. Cain didn't seem like the type to just make a mistake and lose footing for a moment, allowing a moment of clumsiness to occur. She thought a few minutes. He was probably staring at that stupid curvy *censored*, she concluded, scowling. She could already tell that her and that curvy girl were going to have some issues if they were ever assigned to dance side by side, or even anywhere near eachother.
She dragged her eyes away from Cain, and of how he still resembled the painting of the boy on her art project when he was dancing. She now knew that she would be able to finish the project and ace it without any further problems or artists' block.
The dance captain concluded the practice, saying that one dance was enough for today, given that was the only dance that they were going to be doing for the next few weeks. Morrigan lingered in the room for a moment, not heading straight out like she normally did.
Finding that her blue-black hair was sticking to the back of her neck, she grabbed the long strands and quickly tied them up in a ponytail, her bangs still slightly in her face. Sweat had collected on her forehead, so she quickly wiped the droplets off with the back of her hand. The back area of her flowy white shirt was slightly damp with sweat, and she sat down on the cold tile floor, allowing her head to rest against the wall.
Love is all we need~
6:08pm Apr 29 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
6:26pm Apr 29 2012
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Cain inevitably found his gaze traveling back over to Morrigan as the girl gathered herself, and as Cain thought, prepared to leave. He was surprised when she sat down on the dance floor and rested against the wall. Scratching at the stubble on his jaw, he paused there for a moment and then decided he'd best get his stuff ready. Turns out she had sat down right next to his backpack.
You were already looking, Cain. Sourly, he headed to the back and grabbed his back, his knuckles brushing against her leg as he started to stand up. As if his fingers weren't tingling, he slung the bag across his back and almost turned to leave. He didn't though, just stood there like an idiot. The girl from earlier walked behind him and smacked his butt as she made her way to the door.
She was out the door before Cain even looked her way. "Hey," he said. Hey? You stand there like an idiot for about five minutes and all you can say is hey? He shouldn't be doing this. He hated Morrigan, right? But Cain was so tired and he just wanted to do what his heart seemed to want, despite what his sluggish brain was telling him.
"You want to get a bite to eat? I know a place around here," he said, one brow arching upward as if he dared her to decline.
hello my name is elder price