6:47pm Apr 29 2012
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Morrigan opened one eye when Cain's hand brushed her leg. Her breathing had slowed a bit, but she was still a bit tired. She looked up at his strange eyes and furrowed her brows as he didn't immediately leave. And then the curvy girl came by.
She nearly growled when she smacked Cain's butt. Wait- why was she angry at that. She should be encouraging the girl's affections towards Cain. After all, that was what would annoy him, and Morrigan loved nothing more than to annoy him, or so she had herself convinced.
Still she was still surprised when Cain didn't hardly acknowledge Miss Curvy-curves. Now she was officially confused.
And what Cain said next didn't help her confusion at all.
Why was he talking to her? She had ignored him almost all of the day, except for when he came to stand beside her after that curvy girl had started standing beside him. She nearly let her jaw drop to the ground.
"You want to get a bite to eat? I know a place around here."
This time, Morrigan actually did let her jaw drop slightly. Her grey eyes widened as Cain gave her a challenging look. He had challenged her. There was no way she could decline now. She closed her mouth and stood so that she didn't feel so short. However, once she stood, she was still short in comparison to Cain.
"Sure. Why not? After all, I'm the girl that threw paint brushes at you." Morrigan answered Cain's look with one of her own. She smirked and let out a light laugh. If he could challenge her, she could question him. She had to crane her neck up to give him her signature look; arms crossed, lips tilted into a smirk, and eyes slightly narrowed.
Love is all we need~
4:58pm Apr 30 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
6:21pm Apr 30 2012
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Morrigan could definitely dish Cain's crap right back at him. He almost smiled when she retorted and smirked knowingly. Yet he was pretty good with hiding what he was feeling. So Cain just kept that one brow arched and felt his nose twitch. If she was trying to make it seem like she didn't want to go with him, Cain sure did want to laugh. "Sure. Why not? After all, I'm the girl that threw paint brushes at you."
"Mhm. Might want to find a new mating game, sweetie. Guys don't typically like that sort of thing." Take a bit of that, he thought to himself as he readjusted the bag on his shoulder. Giving her just the slightest, slightest movement of his lips in a smile, eyes shining so she knew he was teasing her, he blinked and walked out toward the door.
And he shoved the thoughts in the back of his mind away.
hello my name is elder price
6:33pm Apr 30 2012
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Morrigan clenched her jaw and her fists when Cain said that; those were the only actions that she could do that would stop her jaw from dropping. It pissed her off even more when he left her just standing there, arms crossed and all. How dare he walk away from her! She was not finished!
Morrigan grabbed her backpack, slung it over her shoudler, and nearly ran after Cain. "I wasn't through with you, you coward!" She had her eyes wide, and she lightly grabbed Cain's arm. Her voice was half-kidding and half-serious. She wasn't finished with him, but she knew that he wasn't a coward by any means.
She then remembered how he had nearly smiled at her, though it was a teasing smile, it was a smile, and it counted to her. "I never said that I wouldn't go." She returned his previous smile with a small one of her own, but it was a ghost of a smile. She shivered as a breeze hit her skin from the outside air as she walked through the door.
Love is all we need~
6:50pm Apr 30 2012
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"Coward?" Cain repeated almost mockingly as his red gaze flickered down to where Morrigan's fingertips rested against the bare skin of his forearm. It was all he could do not to focus on the warm sensation she left on his skin, or the way he wanted to slide his hands around her waist and..."I never said that I wouldn't go." No, she hadn't, now that he recalled. She'd actually said sure. Well okay. At least Cain knew he wasn't the only one acting foolish here. What was her game?
"Alright. Come on, let's go warm up in my car," he said when he noted how she had just shivered. Another enormous yawn actually made Cain squint a little bit. He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair, the sweat-dampened locks sticking up. Fishing his keys out of his pocket, he led the way into the lot and unlocked the silver car's doors.
As soon as he got in, he cranked up the heat.
hello my name is elder price
7:03pm Apr 30 2012
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Morrigan felt strangely casual around Cain now. Especially with the way that Cain hadn't yanked away from her touch. She'd noticed that his arm was warm on her hand, which made her want to hug him like a hot water bottle. Especially with the way that it was getting colder.
She almost smiled when he said that they could warm up in his car, but she pushed it back, noticing that she had been smiling a lot more than normal. However, that wasn't entirely bad; it was just unusual. And it made her feel a bit strange.
When Morrigan got into the car behind Cain, she sighed as the heat of the car hit her in the face. The warm air was great, she decided. Much better than her brother's car, which was basically a turd on wheels. Morrigan stifled a laugh at the thought.
She decided it was best not to pester Cain about where they were going to eat, but it had been a while since she'd eaten out, given that she either had to walk to where she wanted to go or have her brother take her- neither of the options were appealing to Morrigan. She bit the corner of her lip, and fastened herself into the car's seat.
Love is all we need~
7:04pm Apr 30 2012 (last edited on 7:04pm Apr 30 2012)
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Ooc:// Stupid double posts.
Love is all we need~
5:31pm May 2 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
3:22pm May 5 2012
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Love is all we need~
8:46pm May 7 2012
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Love is all we need~
9:01pm May 7 2012
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Where to go...where to go...Cain thought to himself as he pulled the car out of the parking lot. A few choice restaurants popped up in his brain, though most were either too expensive or...not right for a date. Date?! What the hell are you thinking, Cain? This isn't a date! You don't like her like that, man. In his thoughts, Cain cast a sidelong glance at Morrigan and took in the slender frame, the proud way she carried herself, and he actually honest to goodness sighed.
Fingers tightening on the wheel, he gritted his teeth and forced his eyes back onto the road. His brain taunted him on being a "distracted driver" and the usual extremely easy emotionless face he always wore was threatening to break through and shine with frustration. How could this girl possibly do this to him?! He'd never asked for a fight with her in the first place, barely noticed her until that kid had made some rude remark. All he'd done was smile for Chrissake!
And here she was, sitting in Cain's car, going out to dinner with him at his offer, and it was driving Cain insane because he couldn't figure out why.
And then he found himself pulling into a restaurant that had a view of a river in the back. How romantic, he thought sarcastically to himself. "Come on; the food's really good here," he said, voice just a smidge softer than usual.
He bent to get out of the car, blinked, and then reached into the backseat and snagged one of his sweatshirts. "Here," he said and handed it to Morrigan. The river view was a screened in porch, so it might get chilly, and Morrigan didn't seem to do well in the cold.
hello my name is elder price
9:55pm May 7 2012
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Morrigan recognized the restaurant immediately. She'd heard of it from some of the students. Apparently, it was one of the town's biggest landmarks. She smiled. She remembered going to her uncle's house, which was beside a river also.
She got out of the car reluctantly, the chill hitting her arms again. No sooner had she reached up to rub the bumps forming on her skin than had Cain thrown a sweatshirt at her. She couldn't help but notice how it smelled like him, even though it was a good foot away from her nose.
Deciding that it was best not to ask why she needed the sweatshirt, Morrigan slid the clothing over her small diaphragm. It engulfed her figure. She laughed at how small it made her look. It made her seem like some sort of child wearing an older sibling's clothes.
However, she refrained from commenting on his act of kindness, knowing that it would bring some sort of akwardness to the table. "I've heard of this place before," Morrigan said, her voice a bit reminiscent. "Mom used to take me here."
Love is all we need~
8:13pm May 9 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
8:27pm May 9 2012
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Mom used to take me here. Cain thought about what she'd said, though kept his gaze straight ahead and on the restaurant. Either Morrigan didn't have a very good relationship with her mom...or something was wrong. Cain's red eyes shifted down toward the ground; it seemed like they might have a little bit more in common than facing dancing punishments for acting out. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked, not really sure why Morrigan was so cold anyway. The air was nice on his bare arms, a little chilly, but nothing too bad.
He opened up the door to the restaurant and kept his fingers pressed against the glass to let Morrigan in. Who said chivalry was dead? "Two please," he told the server as they approached. She smiled at the two of them, pulled out some menus, and told them to follow her lead.
Cain slid down into a chair that happened to overlook the water, another identical seat for Morrigan right across from him. The waitress set down the menus and hurried off to take care of more customers. Soft chatter was such an atmosphere that surrounded the river-side eatery. Cain flipped open his menu and browsed through it, then glanced up at Morrigan.
"Order whatever you'd like. I've got it," he said.
hello my name is elder price
10:03pm May 9 2012
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Morrigan was surprised at how Cain was acting. He was acting as if they had been friends for a while- holding the door open for her, and then offering to pay for the meal as the two sat down. She felt the chilly air of the open-screened seeting area on her legs, but it wasn't as bad as if it would have been on her arms. She had little body fat, so she got colder more easily.
She reluctantly opened the menu, a bit afraid of what things would cost. The economy had gotten significantly worse since her mother had taken her here all those years ago, and she was hesitant to order anything other than the cheapest item on the menu. However, she though about how that would make her look- it would make her look a bit too modest. She chose a meal that was an average price.
Allowing herself to think of the meal that was to come- she'd decided on some grilled chicken with steak fries- Morrigan pushed all thoughts about her mother from her mind. She didn't feel like resting on the past right now.
"Yesterday, Clyde tensed up when he saw you in the car. You must not be very good with dogs, huh?" She couldn't help but bring up the situation that had occured yesterday when she'd watched her dog, Clyde, tense up at the sight of Cain and start to growl. It had puzzled her. "Sorry. I forgot to tell you who Clyde is. He's my dog."
Love is all we need~
8:42pm May 10 2012
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Ooc:// Bump.
Love is all we need~
6:21pm May 14 2012
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"Clyde?" Cain repeated. When Morrigan doubled back and explained whom the said Clyde was, Cain shook his head. "No, I can't say many dogs have liked me. I had a friend who used to tell me that my eyes freaked them out," he said as he arched one eyebrow up. He also reached across his torso with his left hand, snagged the back of his shirt collar and tugged it down. Twisting his body toward Morrigan, he exposed a few inches of the upraised silver scar that rested on his right shoulder blade.
"Said friend's dog attacked me outside. Never really liked them much after that," Cain said and shrugged as he rested his arms back on the table and leaned back.
The waitress came and Cain ordered himself a Coke, along with a steak sandwich. He tapped his fingers against the laminated menu, looking outside the window and down at the water. The orange-tinged golden rays of sunlight glittered over the foam-crested surface.
After Morrigan ordered, the waitress tugging hesitantly on the menu made Cain come back to Earth. He kindly lifted his arm up and allowed her to take it so she could walk away and follow out their orders.
hello my name is elder price
6:29pm May 14 2012
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Morrigan was a bit surprised at Cain's scar. She felt a bit sorry for him. One bad experience with canines had ruined the picture of them as a whole in Cain's mind, she thought. Maybe, if Cain met Clyde up close and personal, he would change his mind. She smiled at the prospect, and allowed the waitress to take her order.
She peered over onto the waters of the river and sighed as the waitress confiscated her menu. Her grey eyes searched the water for several more seconds before Morrigan finally got bold enough to do something unexpected. "So how long do you think that we'll have to be on the dance line before the principal lets us go?" She bit her lip.
She started to feel bad about the whole paint thing when Cain began to be nice to her. Her eyes bored into Cain's. She sort of understood how his eyes somehow freaked dogs out now. They were such an unusual shade of red-orange. Dogs had tendencies not to like colors that stemmed off of the base color red. At least Clyde didn't.
Love is all we need~
6:59pm May 14 2012
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Cain was a bit surprised that Morrigan hadn't jumped at the chance to ask about his freaky eyes. He scratched at the stubble on his jaw and leaned back in his chair. Shrugging at Morrigan's question, Cain dropped his hand back onto the table and tapped his fingers against the wood. He didn't know why he felt so edgy. Maybe it was just his lack of sleep was catching up to him.
"I dunno," he finally answered. He fiddled with his fork. "You dance pretty well though, and you seem like you enjoy it. Have you thought about staying?" he said.
Ooc; Fail post is fail.
hello my name is elder price
7:10pm May 14 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan felt heat creep into her cheeks, spread to her neck, and to her ears. She'd just blushed. Great. It was clearly visible against her pale skin, contrasting with her dark hair and light eyes. She gritted her teeth at her lack of control. Why was she blushing, anyways? He'd merely complimented her on how she danced. He was just some boy that she got angry at, and threw paintbrushes at like a moving target.
Morrigan knew that it was more than that now, though. She was starting to take a liking to Cain, and her old, hard, cold self didn't like that one bit. However, there was a part of her that couldn't deny what was happening.
"Um...." The dark-haired girl paused. "I think I might stay, but I'd have to pay to stay in the dance line, and my family isn't exactly wealthy." She bit her lip, admitting some of her family problems. "Have you thought about staying? You dance well, also."
Love is all we need~