7:22pm May 14 2012
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Cain felt a little awkward now that she'd shared her family's financial state. He would not, would not allow himself to feel any pity. That would just be cruel. It told a lot about Morrigan's personality though: the cold, harsh mask she wore around, threatening to take anyone down that even so much as smiled in her direction. Cain had enough experience with that. But then, where did that leave him? He was almost in the same exact predicament, what with the face that he wore and his problems out of life.
"I need to put my money to something else," he mumbled, almost not realizing he'd said the words out loud. The cloudy film that had fallen over his gaze snapped clear and he leaned back in his chair. The waitress came by just then and set the plates down on the table. Cain almost knocked over the Coke because his leaden-feeling hand was clumsy with grasping the glass. "I'm too tired for this," he said under his breath, steadying the glass.
When he downed a good third of his glass in one gulp, the sugar and caffeine rejuvenated him some. Sadly, it also came with some more jitters and he tapped his foot against the ground.
With a sigh after swallowing a piece of his sandwich, Cain forced his body to stop moving. "Sorry if I'm a bit...out there. I haven't been sleeping too much lately," he said and yawned as if to prove a point.
hello my name is elder price
7:36pm May 14 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan drank some of her drink. She couldn't decide whether it was Coke or Dr. Pepper, so she simply decided that it was good and it gave her some energy. She was exhausted from the previous dance- especially with her dancing so angrily to it. Her eyes widened slightly as she felt some of the caffiene rush into her veins.
As she looked up at Cain, she noticed that he seemed to be woken up a bit by the caffiene, also. She laughed a bit. "You're fine, Cain. And, if you don't mind me asking, exactly why have you not been sleeping very much?" She ate several fries, her eyes still looking at Cain, waiting for his answer.
It was unusual for Morrigan to be so curious, but Cain intrigued her. They were so much alike that she couldn't help but be curious as to exactly how alike they were. She tried a bite of her grilled chicken, and smiled. It was tasty.
Love is all we need~
7:58pm May 14 2012
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The bread in which Cain's steak was wrapped in felt like sandpaper on his tongue when Morrigan asked him why he was tired. He winced just a bit as he swallowed, then took a long swig of his drink. As he drained the rest of his Coke, he looked out the window again. Either it would kill Morrigan that he was acting so seclusive, or she'd just get mad. He flipped his fork in his hands again, twirled it between his fingers. For a moment, Cain thought about not answering the question, saving himself from the look of pity he'd get from her.
But Morrigan wasn't really one to judge, at least not Cain. Well, not anymore at least. He finally rested his red eyes back on Morrigan's own, running his fingers through his yellowed white hair. "Well, most of my time and money goes into hospital bills," Cain explained and offered up a rare smile, sheepish nonetheless. "I visit my mom there every once in a while. No big deal, really. It just tires me out sometimes," he said with a shrug. "And this dancing really isn't helping."
hello my name is elder price
8:24pm May 14 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan frowned. She now felt like her life was easy compared to Cain's. For some reason, Cain's mother was in the hospital, it seemed. She shivered, remembering when she had to go to the hospital to mend a broken leg. The smell of antiseptics and harsh, chemical cleaners haunted her to this very day. She simply quieted down.
As Morrigan finished the majority of her food, she pushed her plate away, already full. "Maybe, if we do good at all of the upcoming competitions, and we save up the prize money, we'll be able to keep doing the dance line." Morrigan herself even winced when she said that. It was killing her to try and be optimistic, but, in order to keep herself from asking Cain any more questions, she decided it was best to just try and change the subject back to the dance line.
"Remember, the area competition is next friday. We're going to compete against ten other schools, but it won't be anything major." She bit her lip, taking a sip of her drink. She also wondered why he was fooling around with her when he could have been at home napping, seeing as how sleepy he was.
Everything about Cain puzzled Morrigan, and it made her as mad as a hornet.
Love is all we need~
8:47pm May 14 2012
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"That damn competition," Cain groaned. He leaned back in his chair and let his head fall back to leave his neck exposed and his chest slightly pushed out. Cain was glad Morrigan hadn't really put any pity on him, also glad that she hadn't pressed the issue further. The fact that she'd switched their topic back to the dance was a little frustrating. He wanted to talk about something else, get to know her a little bit. His hand moved back to rub his face, and Cain slowly sat regularly again.
Well, the best way to get to know a girl is to confuse her, and surprise her, Cain had always thought. After all, both areas were his specialty. "I confuse you, don't I?" Cain said with a wide grin, something that was also very rare. He'd probably never smiled like that in front of Morrigan. Ever. Pinching a french fry between two fingers, he popped it into his mouth and looked at her expectantly.
hello my name is elder price
9:00pm May 14 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan was surprised when Cain had leaned back, his head lolled backwards, chest puffed out. Why was he so frustrated with the competition? Maybe he felt that he wasn't ready for the competition or something like that, Morrigan guessed. She looked at him with furrowed brows when he went back to his regular seated position. Damn that boy-
"I confuse you, don't I?"
Morrigan nearly jumped. He'd stole the words right from his mouth, but he said it with a grin that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame. Morrigan couldn't help but feel heat spread from her cheeks all the way down to her neck when he flashed her that grin. It was so rare to see him smile.
"No," Morrigan said sarcastically. "What would make you think that?" She batted her eyelashes playfully. If Cain wanted to try and confuse her, two could play at that game. He would confuse her, and he would confuse him. She realized that apparently, her specialty was pulling people's own crap on them.
If someone wanted to be sarcastic, Morrigan would be sarcastic right back at them. If they wanted to be confusing, she'd do that to them, too. She crossed her arms, and leaned back in her chair, her hair hanging over the back. Her tone returned to normal.
"Yeah. You really do confuse me, Cain."
Love is all we need~
3:35pm May 15 2012
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Morrigan grated on Cain's nerves a little bit when she mockingly accepted what he'd said, but it's not as if Cain had expected anything less. It was fun actually, to have this kind of almost twisted banter going on between the two of them. Cain took another bite out of his sandwich and found it didn't taste nearly as bad as when they'd been talking about more depressing things. Actually, Morrigan was actually making Cain sort of...happy right now. Was that the right word? Is that even possible?
"You must like puzzles then, Morr. Though I doubt you're good enough to figure me out." Another challenge. It would be hook, line, and sinker for Morrigan, and Cain really wondered if he was just doing this so Morrigan would want to spend more time with him. Eh, whatever he was doing, he really didn't care at the moment.
hello my name is elder price
4:24pm May 15 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan was a bit offended when Cain said that she wasn't good enough to figure him out. She smirked, though, and acquired a determined ex pression. Putting on her sinister pose, she crossed her arms, rocked back in her chair a bit, and grinned at Cain.
"You really sure about that, Cain? I've already figured out that you like to challenge me." She couldn't help but allow her grin to form back into a smirk, and said, "Of course, if I'm going to figure you out, that means I'm gonna ask way more questions."
"Oh, and, if you aren't too chicken," Morrigan challenged Cain back, "I'd like you to meet my dog. He's a real teddy bear."
Love is all we need~
4:44pm May 15 2012
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Posts: 3,828
"It didn't take much for me to realize that you like to be challenge," Cain scoffed when Morrigan suggested she'd figured out Cain's little mind tricks. Meet her dog? Cain's stomach felt a little odd with that idea. There hadn't been one dog that had ever taken a liking to Cain. It sure wasn't going to start now either, and Cain really didn't feel like getting a chunk torn out of his back again.
On the other hand, this would give Cain the chance to see Morrigan's house, and of course, stay with her longer. Even if he was ready to drop down into his bed, or the couch if he couldn't make it to his room, he would certainly sacrifice some sleeping time if it meant staying up with Morrigan. Deciding the pros outweighed the cons, Cain shrugged to Morrigan and took on his more neutral ex pression again, falling back into the typical "Cain."
"If that's what you want," he said coolly.
hello my name is elder price
4:57pm May 15 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan faked a look of offense when he told her that it was obvious that she liked to challenge others. She quickly dropped the look and rolled her eyes. The black-haired girl took in a deep breath and waited for Cain's answer on meeting her dog. She hoped that he would say yes, as it would hopefully get him over his fear of dogs, or whatever he had against the canines
Morrigan's slight smile faded when Cain returned back to his neutral, unemotional self. "You seriously need to stop doing that, Cain." She sighed frustratedly. It made her so angry and confused when he went from being emotional and actually showed facial expressions to being emotionless.
But then she remembered that he actually liked to confuse her, and she shut her mouth before anything else could be said. "You may want to hurry up with your food, though. If Clyde falls asleep, there's no waking him up until it's morning. That dog is the heaviest sleeper I know." She let out a light laugh.
Love is all we need~