4:22pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 4:45pm Aug 8 2010)
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'Ello there! This is a private roleplay for EmoMuffin, lolalover6, and Feyth only. For lurkers- If you do decide to lurk, please don't post. Plot Its the year 3010 and genetic engineerring has become the next big thing. Mistakes are corrected in the womb and babies are born perfect. Sometimes, very rarely though, mistakes do happen. three children, genetically engineered, but mistakes happened. The first can run as fast as the wind, but has wings and the ability to manipulate air. The next can swim faster than any sea mammel, but they have gills and can control water. The thirdhas super strength, but has ears and a tail. They can manipulate earth. Will these three band together and stop genetic engineering altogether? Water- Feyth Air- Lola Earth- Emo ^ These are what we chose, right?^ -Plot suggested by Feyth- Character Sheet Name: Gender: Age: Personality: History: Element/Power: Weapons: Looks:
Other: Anything I missed? :D
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
4:43pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 4:49pm Aug 8 2010)
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Name: Anila (Annie to friends) Gender: Female Age: 21 years old Personality: Anila is fun-loving and enjoys being carefree. She hates those who are unneccissarily cruel, traitors, and liars. She has a bit of a temper, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Anila resents those who fear her, believing that she's just like veryone else. History: Anila wos born to a father who hated her. After he tried to get rid of her, her mother told him to leave, and he did. Anila was raised then only by her mother, a proud, caring woman who loved Anila despite her genetic "Mistakes." She had to leave her at the age of seventeen, though, because threats were starting to come to her. She misses her mother terribly, but know that it was for the best. Element/Power: Air Weapons: Carries around a slim silver dagger given to her by her mother, and is also skilled with a leather whip that she carries coiled at her waist. Looks: Other: None
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
4:45pm Aug 8 2010
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((I*ll make mine soon.))
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9:58pm Aug 8 2010
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Name: Duskira Luna Mirale
Gender: Female
Age: 16 Personality: Rp out
History: The gills weren't noticible until one day when she was stuck in the water to learn how to swim. There was screaming and running in the other directions. Her father took her out and spanked the little two-year old as if it was her fault. The next day, she was dumped in an orphanage. In the swimmnig pool there, dirty as it might be. Her gills became even more noticeble. She was kicked out and roamed the streets until about the age of 14 when she was taken in by a nice motherly figure. Soon after her 16th birhtday, she had to leave when she found out that scientists were after her. Element/Power: Water
Weapons: Roleplay out
Looks: Coming
Other: none
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10:09pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 921
((Okay, just a couple minutes...))
11:00pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 11:02pm Aug 8 2010)
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Posts: 921
((Well, that took longer than I expected. Long history... :P)) Name: Maxine ( prefers Max) Gender: Female Age: 18 Personality: Would prefer it if people left her alone to do things herself, self Dependant, quiet but can get into trouble, usually manages to slip out of trouble, takes time to earn her trust, The rest RP it out? History: Max had grown up thinking that fantasy creatures existed, werewolves, pixies, mermaids, all of those many things. She had always believed that she was different than other people and her mother told her that she was unique and indeed different form them. Special. She lived with her Father, an alcoholic who beat her constantly after her mother had pas.sed away. Before her mother had died of a strange form of heart disease, she would read stories to Max when she was only a child, maybe around eight to twelve. Her Father used to be kind to her, but after her mother was gone, he blamed it on himself and made things worse for both of them. She began staying out late nights and sleeping out of the house, in parks, at friends houses if she was allowed; even on the streets. Eventually, she ran away at the age of sixteen, living in a small abandoned flat where she knew she would be safer. She'd lived on what she could scavenge, earning money by volunteering at several places needing volunteer workers. During this time period, she continued getting several headaches and bodily pains. She happened to be reading one of her favorite childhood books when someone had found out where she was hiding. Catching her, they told her she was different, though she didn't believe them. When she was shown a reflection of herself, she noticed that she had ears, and standing, there seemed to be a new muscle she controlled. A tail. She oddly felt like a cat. They tried to catch her, but she fought back, finding herself to be extremely strong. When they had been fought off, she escaped, knowing she must have been the only monster out there, and more, that fantasy creatures like in her book, were real. Element/Power: Earth Weapons: A flint knife she carries with her everywhere. Looks: Other: She would be carrying her shoulder-bag holding her precious book and last memory of her mother, but after being discovered, she'd lost it to the "scientists." Despite her sweet appearance, she does carry a "black" chainsaw guitar around with her everywhere she goes. That way she can play and attack. Okay, it isn't a weapon. She just loves her guitar and carries it around everywhere.
12:41pm Aug 9 2010
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1:17pm Aug 9 2010
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((Thanks Emo. <33 Lovely character sheets, by the way. I suppose we're ready to start? :D *does happy dance* ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
1:25pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 921
((I'm ready to start! :D))
4:50pm Aug 9 2010
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((I*m ready, I am just tgoing to roleplay out ehr looks.))
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5:35pm Aug 9 2010
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5:50pm Aug 9 2010
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((So, when are we going to start? Is excited))
10:29pm Aug 9 2010
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3:09pm Aug 10 2010
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3:11pm Aug 10 2010
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((do you want to star?))
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3:16pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 921
((Do we have to wait for lola's consent to start?))
3:22pm Aug 10 2010
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((No, As long as we only do our intros, we'll be fine.))
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3:24pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 921
((Okay then. XD))
3:25pm Aug 10 2010
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((Yep, I call not starting!))
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3:40pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 921
Max was tired of running. Her eyes fell to her feet and she noticed that her shoes were worn from her strenuous seven miles away from the city. She had been running the entire time, and though she was incredibly strong, she felt she didn't have the strength to carry on. Seeing she was coming up to a clearing of trees, obviously leading to a dense forest, she noticed she might be safer there then on the streets, where she could have been caught. She knew she had to run; she was afraid of being captured and sold to the circus or even to the government, where people might have experimented on her or something cruel like that. Of course she would have to be swift on her feet, constantly moving onwards, but a little rest in between never hurt anyone. Pushing against a tree, she held her stomach, coughing and attempting to get as many painful lungfuls of air as possible. Slumping to the ground, she curled up in a ball, trying to ignore the pain in her throat and the aching in her lungs. Come to think of it, she'd never fit in at school, and she definitely wouldn't fit in now that she was a monster like herself and all those in the stories she'd read. She set her guitar against the tree beside her. It was the only thing she had left of her memories of home, and had probably been what had slowed her down on her journey away from the city. Leaning back against the hard bark, she rested her aching legs and her head. Wishing for some kind of nourishment, possibly water, she knew thinking about wanting it would only make it worse. She had managed to snag an apple during her trip; thievery was the way these days for her. She bit down into her apple, hating herself, wondering if these ears, this tail, wasbecause of something she'd done wrong. In ways it was convenient, but she felt she'd never be normal again. To be precise, no one sold anything to her, thinking her to be cursed. And honestly, she had begun to think she was cursed as well. ((Okay, my long intro))