[Spirit]..::Private 1x1::..[Dartmith]

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9:37pm Mar 26 2012

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I was thinking maybe a school for the performing arts like singing and dancing and that kind of stuff since my character is in a band and stuff...feel free to say no.

Oh and just a simple bio if thats alright.


Mine will be up in a moment.


9:56pm Mar 26 2012

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Posts: 5,578

Name: Ross Lynch
Age: 18
Gander: Male
Talent: "Singing mostly but I dance a lot too."
Personality: Ross is very fun loving and childish though he takes his singing and dancing seriously. "But you know I still have fun with it because otherwise there's no point!" He loves to just hang out with his friends and his family but it also a very active and slightly hyper person. "You can't spell 'hyper' without and 'R'. Learned that the hard way..." Though he's somewhat self centered at times he cares for his friends and family more than the world and would do anything to keep them happy or to fix something he'd done to upset them.
This is tle="" href="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lttda1nDyl1qgkic3.png" target="">me just having tle="" href="http://img.poptower.com/pic-44239/ross-lynch.jpg?d=600" target="">fun and being tle="" href="http://images.starpulse.com/pictures/2011/09/19/previews/Ross%20Lynch-CED-001485.jpg" target="">myself.


6:36pm Mar 27 2012

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Posts: 5,578



9:01pm Mar 28 2012

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9:04pm Mar 28 2012

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Posts: 4,873
{Wait witch Spirit?}

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

10:04pm Mar 28 2012

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Posts: 5,578
((Oh sorry I ment Spirit1212. I didn't know you had joined.))


10:14pm Mar 28 2012

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Posts: 4,873
{It's alright lol}

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

5:09pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 5,578


5:16pm Mar 30 2012

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11:56pm Mar 30 2012

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Posts: 9,781
(Sorry I haven't been on...)(Dude! This is so a rp for me Dartmith!)

Name: Lily Taylor
Age: 16
Gander: Female
Talent: Singing
Personality: She is pretty secretive about most things and will never tell her secrets or anyone else's. She is also quite mysterious and a emo type person. She can be a little crazy,not the mental crazy,but like in the weird and childish way. She also can be very loving and protective towards her family and any friends she has.
Face= She has long black hair that goes over her left eye and and blood red highlight in it. Her hair goes down to the middle of her back and her eyes are greenish blue.
Cloths= She wears a black shirt,pents and cloak that goes to her ankles. She also has black tennis shoes. So she basically wears all black.
Skin and other stuff= Tan skin. She wears black nail polish with the occasional blood red markings/designs on the black nail polish.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

8:40pm Mar 31 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((It's OK. I feel like a hypocrit for asking if you were going to post and then...not posting back...Anywho lets start.))

Ross groaned a bit as his alarm clock started screeching telling him to was the start of another day at school. He blindly felt his way to the top of his alarm clock to make it shut up and sighed with relief as it quieted down. He lay there in his bed for a couple more minutes before getting up and putting on a pair of ripped blue jeans, his yellow high top converse, a yellow V neck T-shirt and a plaid shirt over that before he walked out of his bed room and down the hall to brush his hair a bit so it was so messy.

He then walked down stairs and smiled, "Pancakes!" he jumped the rest of the way down the stairs and grabbed a plate and staking pancakes on it before sitting down and putting whip cream smily faces on them and decorating each og them with berries.

"Hurry up and eat or you'll be late for school." nagged his mother but he shrugged her off taking his time in eating the pancakes before walking out the door and heading to school.


3:56pm Apr 1 2012

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Posts: 5,578


4:16pm Apr 1 2012 (last edited on 9:07pm Apr 2 2012)

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Posts: 9,781
(Here now.)

Lily was already out of bed and ready for school by the time her alarm went off. "I'm up!",she yelled as she heard the alarm go off and yanked the plug out of the plug-in. She got out a mouse for her snake and feed it to her,"There you go.",she said and then walked down stairs to go grab an apple from the fruit bowl and took a bite out of it.
Lily then grabbed her binder full of drawlings from the couch and noticing her pencils were missing,yelled outat her mom,"Where's my pencils mom!" Her mom went into Lily's room and came out of it with a handfull of pencils,"Right here.",she said as she walked over and placed them on Lily's binder,"Oh thanks. Sorry mom.",she said quietly.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

9:07pm Apr 2 2012

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Posts: 9,781

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

9:15pm Apr 2 2012

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Posts: 5,578

Ross got to school just in time to make it to his locker, put all of his things that he didn't need for first and second period into his locker, and still have to hang out afterwards. The only problem with free time was that he didn't exactly have any friends, yet at least. He had just moved here from Colorado about a week ago and he was still on the learning curve about what was socially acceptable at this school. True he had met a few nice kids that had been here since they were born practically but they weren't really the kind of people that really have any friends either.

Ross leaned against his locker pulling out his iPod and putting his headphones on over his ears and picked a good up-beat song to listen to. After a few seconds he started to sing along to the song subcontiously his eyes closed as the lyrics came into his mind.


9:25pm Apr 2 2012

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Posts: 9,781
(It's ok.)

Lily made it to school shortly after Ross and didn't bother stopping at her locker and putting up her stuff,but just walked down the hall aimlessly looking around with her binder at her side just incase she decided to start drawling or needed to use it on someones head for safty reasons.
Lily then leaned against one of the walls and began to draw a random drawling of the forest and another one with many different types of snakes in it and smirked as she closed it and looked around. "I wonder what else I could do?",she asked herself in a quiet whisper.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

5:28pm Apr 3 2012

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Posts: 5,578
Ross watched as a strange looking girl walked past him in the hall. It wasn't so much the girl that looked strange as her choice in clothing was in fact he thought the girl looked kind of pretty. He watched as she stopped at a locker and started to draw. He turned down the music on his iPod and stopped singing to it as he walked over to her, "Hey thats a cool snake your drawing there." He said looking at the girls paper. He made sure to give the girl her space seeing as she didn't seem like the kind of girl that wanted to be too close to anyone.


5:51pm Apr 3 2012

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Posts: 9,781
Lily looked up from her drawling in suprise and turned her head to see the boy from Colorado,"Oh! Umm... Thanks.",she said as she put her head back down and finished drawling the snake in her binder. She closed her binder and say that the boy was still standing there,"Aren't you that kid from Colorado?",she asked,deciding that she might as well try to make a few friends that were normal,non-emo,people. "What is your name again? From what I hear it starts with an R,right?"

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

5:57pm Apr 3 2012

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Posts: 5,578
Ross chuckled a bit, 'So thats my nickname I guess.' he said to himself, "Yeah my names Ross. Ross Lynch if you care to be that formal." He said, "And your Lily right?" He said hoping he hadn't gotten it wrong. He had seen her around school and she was in a some of his classes. She got in trouble more often than not but then again so did he.


6:06pm Apr 3 2012

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Posts: 9,781
"Yes my name's Lily.",she said as his name was played over and over in her head so she wouldn't forgot it. "Aren't you in some of my classes?",she asked as she looked up and finally remembered seeing him in a few classes that she had. Lily put her binder back to her side and sighed,"I hate school.",she said to herself quietly as she looked at the clock and relized she was going to be late if she didn't start walking now,but oh-well it didn't matter to her.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
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