11:02pm Sep 19 2010
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(( well we can add procrastination to our list of why we are siblings >_< )) Brisingr looked back and saw Elk stuggling to keep up. Elk was leaning on trees for support and wasnt nearly as face paced as he should have been. Brisingr went back to Elk with the need to help him. "Here get on my back."he offered.
11:16pm Sep 19 2010
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((Lol, yeah. Just imagine what would happen if we actually lived in the same house, absolutely nothing would get done xD)) Elk growled slightly when Brisingr offered his help, his stubbornness refusing to let him give in. "I'm just fine." he snarled, seeming rather moody again. However, he took one more step and his knees ended up giving way, causing him to fall face first onto the forest floor again. He let out a small groan, his cheeks flushing from embarras.sment. Why could nothing ever be easy for once?
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:56pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr saw how difficult Elk was going to be. He sighed at how his stubborness was getting the better of him. "Elk."he sighed as he helped him up. "Am I going to have to carry you Elk?"he said with a slight smile. "I know you see me in a bad light now...but...but I refuse to let anything happen to you. Even if I have to help you against your own will."
7:21pm Sep 20 2010
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Elk snarled when Brisingr tried to help him up and threatened to force help upon him, but another terrible twist in his stomach caused him to seem to wilt in the human's arms, his body going completely limp again. He didn't think he'd ever been this hungry and certainly not in this kind of situation. He moaned softly from the pain in his body, hating how weak he seemed.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:50pm Sep 20 2010
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It hurt Brisingr to see such a look of hate and disgust on Elk's face. He hated having Elk hate him so much. It actually pained him to the point where he wished that he had been born to a random villager, but then he might have never even met Elk. He sighed, but quickly took hold of Elk when he saw him get weaker. "I know you hate me...but know that I still care for you."he said as he carried Elk in his arms as he did befor. "Just calm down, please."
9:09pm Sep 20 2010
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Elk tried to struggle when Brisingr picked him up, but it took a lot of effort and made little progress. Eventually, he stopped struggling, glaring up at the human. "Put me down!" he growled weakly. "Prove to me that who you are is different that what you are! Prove that you care for me and this isn't some trick!" His voice was weak, but his words showed the strength that was in his heart. He wouldn't tolerate any more tricks. If Brisingr actually cared, then he'd be able to show it.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:38pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr thought about what Elk said. He began to think to himself about how to prove himself. When he arrived at a stream he sat Elk in a plush pile of springing clover. He placed his fishing pole on the ground and sat across froM Elk and looked at him with a concerned look. "How can I prove myself?"he asked.
11:45pm Sep 20 2010
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Elk let out a pained sigh when Brisingr set him down. The clover was soft, and he was grateful for that, but he was sure just about anything would cause him discomfort at this moment. He crossed his arms over his chest in a painfully stubborn way, the action taking a good deal of effort. "You have to figure that out for yourself." he said simply. "There is no value in you only doing what I tell you to do."
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:56pm Sep 20 2010
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Brisingr sighed and casted out his fishing pole. He needed to catch something for Elk's weakened body. The line set in the rushing water for a while befor Brisingr said anything again. "Well if you want me to prove myself then I will have to ask of something from you if you dont mind."he said turning to look back at Elk. "I want you to allow me to take care of you. Just let me keep you healthy until you can transform back into a blodhgarm, a wolf beast."
12:16am Sep 21 2010
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Elk glared at Brisingr suspiciously, his red-orange eyes narrowed and full of distrust. Still, as much as he hated to admit it, he did need to be taken care of. In this state he'd likely die in the next day or two. "Fine." he growled, looking away with a huff as if he was still trying to be stubborn as to not make himself appear incapable.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:16am Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 3,029
He sighed. Brisingr saw how difficult Elk was trying to be, but he was glad to know he was going to let him take care of him. "Good. Now sit there until I can hook you a fish."he said sturnly. He sat patiently with his pole in his hands and his line cast out. He watched the fish tease his hook and swim around it. He began to feel as if he was never going to catch a thing. Right as his discouragment peeked, a hearty trout took a bite of the baited hook. "I got one."he huffed. He tugged and yanked feircely as he tried to pull it in. After a few minutes of wrestling with the fish he finally hauled it in.
10:52am Sep 21 2010
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Elk huffed slighty at Brisingr's tone, but did as he was told, sitting there quietly as he watched the human with an odd curiousity. Was this even going to work? He shrugged, deciding not to worry about it and focused on the flow of the river. When he heard Brisingr, he looked over at him curiously, surprised when he pulled out a fish. Usually they were smarter than that...
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:42pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 3,029
He clipped the line and tied it through the fish's mouth and gill slit. He held it up for himself to get a better look at. It was nice and he was sure it would feed Elk. "Can you make a fire or scale a fish?"he asked as he hung the fish on a pine branch. He wanted to know if Elk could do any human-like thing. He looked as Elk with a stern look that he figured was the only thing he would respond to.
9:58pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk bristled, growling at Brisingr. He really would have liked to say something rude about how he was a proud wolf and didn't take part in trivial human activities, especially ones that were useless to him, but the stern look caused him to recoil with a surprised ex pression, snarling defensively. "No." he answered simply, his voice flat.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:15pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr sighed and looked around for some fuel and ignition. He hated having to be so strict on Elk, but he knew it was the only way. He found some dry sticks for fuel and peat moss for ignition. He began performing the rubbing two sticks thing for fire. He might not have made a fire as easy as he did if it wasnt for the peat moss. When the fire ignited he put the trout on a spit and began cooking it. "You will get to eat soon now. Anything you need?"Brisingr said in a softer tone as he sat on a hard cold rock across from Elk.
11:04pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk shrunk back from the fire, what little color that was left in his face draining from it. Fire was the natural enemy of all creatures except the humans, and Elk was no exception. Still, somehow the humans controlled it on an every-day basis, and they would soon use it on his forest if he couldn't think of something to do about it. "No..." he answered, his voice soft as he answered Brisingr question.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
7:40pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( Sorry I dont post as often. Being a HS senior is stressfull. ))
7:47pm Sep 22 2010
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Brisingr saw Elk flinch at the sight of the flickering flames. "There's a story about why humans use fire."Brisingr said as he poked at the flames to ensure they stayed strong. "Promethius (sp?) was a one of the Greek titans. He saw human down on Earth and siad to himaself how stupid and lost they were. He took fire from the heavens, which was aginst the rules, and gave it to the humans."he said looking up to see if Elk was listening. He looked over to the fish and noticed it was ready. He pulled the spit from the fire and handed it To Elk so he could eat the fish. "Want to hear more or would you rather eat in silence?"
8:05pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((It's fine. ^^ Being a sophomore ain't too easy either, so I know how it is.)) Elk flicked his gaze up to Brisingr as he told his story, watching him closely with a wary ex pression, only understanding half of what he'd said. Still, there was something about just listening that made him feel a bit more relaxed about the fire. When the fish was handed to him, he took it with some effort, having to take a few moments to figure out how to hold onto the spit before he finally got it. "I don't mind listening." he answered, staring at the fish curiously. He took a hesitant bite and choked at it's odd taste, his eyes watering. It was such a different taste, not a good one either, but he forced himself to swallow it and take another bite. His human body probably wouldn't be able to handle raw foods, so this was what he had to settle for if he wanted to get his strength back.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:05pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr saw he did not enjoy the taste of charred meat. He was glad to see that Elk was eating and even more happy to see that he was being listened to. "The titans saw Prometheus give humans fire and they were angry about it. You see, the titans hate humans because to them they are the lowliest creatures."he explained as he cast his fishing line out once more. He was hopeing to catch another fish in case Elk was still hungry and if he was not then Brisingr would eat. "When Prometheus returned to the heavens the titans killed him on the spot, but they cant undo what he did. He had given humans the ability to think. Humans began to build and live longer all thanks to the fire. The end."Brisingr finished as he ended his morose tale. He looked from Elk to the river and felt no fish biting. He sighed and waited longer.