10:08pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( ugh. why is reality so hard!? Why cant life be like in my favorite anime/mangas or video games? Id be happier that way -3huff ))
10:42pm Sep 22 2010
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((Pfft, don't start that with me. Why do you think I live in my own little dream world and Rescreatu? My life would be so much easier if my dad would just take me to live in D.C. with him instead of dumping me on my mom. Just her being around me is enough to trigger my anger. :<)) Elk listened to the tale with a child-like fascination that reflected on his face. He was still eating the fish, but for the most part he'd forgotten about it and, thankfully, the awful taste. He couldn't really figure out what the 'titans' or 'heavens' was, so his own mind was filling in the blanks. Perhaps the titans were like wolves. When he'd been young, Elk had heard the elders talk of a place they called Paradise. Maybe that was like heaven. Or maybe the titans were creatures like he was; shifters. He shook his head at the thought. These titans, whatever they were, sounded powerful. Elk still believed he was nothing special. He was a wolf, banished from his pack due to a curse. Nothing more.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:06pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( I sleep, play games, rp, whatever I can do to get away. I had a dream that I was a pkmn trainer and everything was great. it felt so real that when i was waken up to go to school i almost cried. >_< im getting all depressed now *sits inna corner* )) Brisingr saw the inquisitve look on Elk's face. He warmly smiled at his gentle and innocent face. It warmed his heart to see him so happy. He turned to the river and began to wonder how he would prove to Elk that he was sincerly serious that he was a friend. He sighed and wished that everything would turn out nicely. When he realized that no fish was going to give in to his hook he got up and covered the fire in silt, a dirty sand mixed with water. "That should ensure the forest is safe."he huffed. "How do you feel now Elk?"Brisingr asked as he put his palm to Elk's cheek to check his wellbeing.
11:16pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Aww, that's terrible. *pats* Well, it's good, but it's sad that you woke up--wait that sounds wrong Dx Well, you get what I mean right? School is evil. And was I in your dream? :3)) Elk finished his fish as he watched Brisingr put out the fire, impressed by his ability to do so. He swiped his tongue over his mouth out of habit, usually he had blood on his muzzle that had to be licked away, but not this time. When Brisingr spoke to him, he was about to answer but froze when he felt the human's palm on his cheek, his eyes widening. His fist instinct was to twist his head and bite down on his 'enemy's' hand, but he forced himself to remain still, simply allowing himself to be touched. It was upsetting at first, but he quickly got used to it and let Brisingr do as he pleased.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:10pm Sep 24 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( *plugs up laptop* Im back little brother... )) Brisinger moved his hand away with a nod of his head. "Well you dont feel clammy any more and now your belly is ful."he said as he began to put away his fishing equipment. He was glad to see the immediate improvement of Elk, but he wondered how Elk was emotionally. He figured it would take quite some time befor Elk trusted him again.
11:28pm Sep 24 2010
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((*tackleglomps* Yay! Welcome back! <3)) Elk bit down on his lip roughly, looking away when Brisingr moved his hand. This was embaras.sing, and when there was nothing to distract his mind, it frustrated him for some odd reason. It was driving him crazy. Still, he supposed he should at least thank him. He took a deep breath. "Thank you...." he said softly.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:43pm Sep 24 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( *feels loved* watashi usagi no ai )) Brisingr looked up to the sound of Elk's voice. He was pleased to hear that he was being thanked and not shunned. "Youre welcome."he grinned. He felt a twang of pain in his stomach. He never got to eat, but it didnt matter to him. He was just happy to see Elk ok. "So now that you have eaten and feel better I guess you can transform again soon?"he ask.
11:54pm Sep 24 2010
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(( ^.^ Arigato. )) Elk shook his head, frowning slightly. "It's not that simple." he said. "My body is not used to shifting, especially not something as complex as humans, so it could take another day or two, maybe even longer." He looked up at Brisingr with slightly wide red-orange eyes, the fear returning to his eyes. He didn't like being at someone else's mercy like this. It was almost scary to think about things like that. ((Can't keep my eyes open any longer =_= Night.))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
12:05am Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( same. nuh-night )) He listened attentively. It was interesting to hear such things, but he had no intentions of using it against Elk. "Wow. Shapeshifting in quite the wonder." he mused. He then thought of something. "Since youre in human form for no I think it would be best to teach you human thinks to help you."
1:44pm Sep 25 2010
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Elk blinked, then snorted slightly, turning his head away. "It's more like a curse." he muttered under his breath, turning his head back as Brisingr spoke again, blinking again in surprise at his suggestion. He was going to be taught things about humans? The thought disgusted him slightly. He didn't want to learn about humans. In fact, Elk wanted to distance himself from their stupid species. Just being in this body made him feel sick! He bit his lip nervously, unsure how Brisingr would react to him trying to refuse.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:43pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr saw the look of disdain on Elk's face. He sighed and brought his fingers to his mouth. He made a loud and peircing whistle to call his horse. Thumping could be heard coming twards him. In a matter of seconds his horse was shuffling in front of him. "Get on."he said to Elk as he held his horse's reins.
7:25pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk jolted slightly when Brisingr made a sharp sound. He'd heard it before, but for some reason it didn't hurt his ears this time. He blinked. Now that he thought about it, the tiny creatures in the brush, the small sounds of the forest, it was all gone. At first panic rose in his mind before he realized his position. He had a human's body now. He'd always known their senses were weak, but how weak he hadn't know. By the time he'd settled his mini anxiety attack, the horse had already shown up. He looked at it sadly. Even if he'd still been in wolf form, he wouldn't be able to speak with it, at least not easily. Humans had bred these creatures to stupidity. They reacted better with humans, but lost their natural sense of the world that allowed animals to more or less communicate with each other. He was jolted from his thoughts when Brisingr spoke, staring at him with wide eyes. Get on? Surely he must be joking. To do such a thing to another living creature was... he shrunk away quickly, shaking his head. His eyes were wide again and fear was obvious on his face. Although his pride had made him difficult before, this time he was genuinely scared. ((Pfft, long post >_> I commend Brisingr for his patience xD))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:06pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( dude. you havent seen a long post until you have read a post from morgain @.@ she is the rp deity. Brisingr is like me. if I care for something I will give it all my time, but if I hate...then id treat you like my family *pets dogs* )) "What's the matter?"he asked as he petted the large horse's snout. The horse breathed heavy and eyed Elk with a sense of knowing he wasnt as he appeared to be. The horse raised it front hoves and whinnied. It smelled a wolf, not a human. "Be calm!"Brisingr said to the horse he managed to get it under mild control. He pulled the horse near Elk and reached out for Elk's hand.
10:17pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Pfft, now I'm curious! Link please? :3 My longest RP post was 1,021 words xD And nice xD Grrr... what's with your siggy, by the way? T_T you better not go suicidal on me D<)) Elk shrunk back from the horse as far as he could against whatever was behind him, his body trembling from fright as it reared up. This creature, something he'd never be afraid of in his true form, could easily trample him to death if it wished. As Brisingr brought the horse closer, Elk flattened himself against the solid mas.s behind him, clasping his hands in front of his chest so the human could not take them. "G-g-g-get it away!" he stammered, his voice much higher than usual as he looked at Brisingr with wide eyes.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:42pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( dont question me grrr *huggles panda* and let me find an rp of morgain's )) The horse paniced from being so close to Elk. The reins slipped from Brinsingr's hand. He tried to control his horse, but it trotted off. He knew it would go far so he let it go. He turned to Elk and grabbed his hands with his strength. "What is wrong with yo2? Its like being human has made you diffrent."he began. "What is wrong? Why are you doing this? Youre not like this."
10:58pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( rescreatu.com/ forum/ cat/ games/ rp/ the-angel-experiment/~page/9/ those are short post for her o.o ))
11:48pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 3,426
(( D: *worries* And my compute won't show it. Not sure why :/)) Elk cried out in shock when Brisingr grabbed his hands, struggling against his strong grip to no avail. He felt the fear rise in his throat, creating a lump that kept him from speaking. Scared that Brisingr would hurt him, he struggled harder, tears forming in his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. He let out a choked whimper, turning his head away and closing his eyes while he kept trembling. ((Slow because of internet, please be on still Dx))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:53am Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( weird...did you take out the spaces? *sneezes* did you know that every time you sneeze your heart stops? )) Brisingr watch Elk with a confused sadness. He did know what was going on and he didnt know how to help. He hugged onto Elk and held him tightly. "I wont hurt you. Nor will I let anything harm you."Brisingr said holding Elk dearly. "I promise." Brisingr wasnt going to let Elk succome to his fear and let him panic. He was going to hold him until he calmed down. He noticed the tears streaking themselves along Elk's cheeks. He leaned closer and brushed his lips against Elk's cheek.
1:28pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Yeah o3o And I knew you closed your eyes when you sneeze, but I didn't know your heart stopped D: )) At first, Elk froze when Brisingr hugged him, completely unsure of what to do. Brisingr felt warm and comfortable, even under these circumstances. It confused Elk to no end, but, eventually, he wrapped his arms around the human, digging his nails into Brisingr's back as he began sobbing. "I hate this," he whimpered softly through choked breaths, "I am weak and afraid in this form; it is making me crazy!" Elk didn't know why he was speaking like this. He wasn't one to admit things like that, so why now? It must be some sort of human trick but at this point he didn't care. He just needed... something. What he didn't know, but it was not something he could provide for himself.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:28pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr listened patiently to Elk. He huged him carefully. He knew how Elk was feeling right now. Weak. Lost. Useless. "Elk,"he began as he gentaly stroked Elk's soft russet hair. "I understand what you are going throught. You make think you are feeling weak, but whatyou are actually feeling is realization of the human body. Your going to be ok because for as long as I have known you I have always seen your strength and I know you still have it. Youre just afraid to bring your power back out." Brisingr pulled back and looked into Elk's eyes with a tender stare. He was there for Elk no matter what. (( this post is a fail =sighs= I'll be in my box. And hows my siggy? Make you and Lady Hokage happier?))