8:08pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 3,426
(( :< We're just worried about you, Dream-oneechan. If something's wrong, please tell me...)) Brisingr's words and touch seemed to calm Elk, and, eventually, his sobs quieted to soft whimpers as he held onto him tightly. Brisingr was the only person that was able to break Elk down like this, yet at the same time he was able to make Elk feel so safe in his broken state. He blinked a few to get the tears from his eyes. Odd, he'd cried before, but not like this. Perhaps it was just one more odd human trait. He took a deep breath, watching Brisingr closely. "Thank you..." he said softly.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:38pm Sep 26 2010 (last edited on 8:47pm Sep 26 2010)
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Posts: 3,029
(( MEGA EDIT *hate* great now Im braindead)) Brisingr felt Elk's grip settle. He figured that he had calmed down a little. He rested his forehead against Elk's
10:15pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Huh?)) Elk stared at Brisingr with a confused ex pression. In his mind, the closeness was perfectly normal, but for some reason his cheeks were heating up as he looked into the human's eyes. "Th-this..." he murmured. "...feels k-kind weird..."
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:05pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((ugh dude Im having a mentle break down. I need a sandwich @.@ )) Brisingr pulled back from Elk's face. His face was rosey and blushing as well. "Im sorry."he said carefully.
11:26pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Don't have a mental breakdown! D: *makes sandwich* Here! Now be happy! :D)) Elk paled slightly when Brisingr pulled away. That hadn't been what he meant! He quickly wrapped his arms around the human tightly, pulling himself closer to him, resulting in his face heating up again. "I didn't mean it felt bad," he said quickly, an almost panic in his voice at the thought of Brisingr pulling completely away. "I just... well, um..." he groaned, feeling as though he must look like an idiot for not being able to describe his feelings.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:55pm Sep 26 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( I am going to bed *twitches* thanks for the sandwich but I cant )) Brisingr was stunned at Elk's reaction of pulling him closer. Brisingr acted without thinking and lightly kissed Elk's cheek. The action was so sudden that it surprised Brisingr himself. He pulled away with his face red and surprised. He looked away in hopes of not being scolded by Elk in scorn and hate.
12:00am Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Okay, :< RP with you tomorrow.)) Elk blinked in surprise when Brisingr kissed his cheek, not really sure what it was. Maybe it was like a wolf licking another wolf's cheek? Possibly, he told himself, his blush deepening slightly. But... Brisingr was acting odd again, and it was confusing to Elk. Maybe if he did the same, it would calm the pup down. So, with that in mind, he gently pulled Brisingr back and kissed his cheek, doing his best to imitate the way it had been done to him.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:28pm Sep 27 2010 (last edited on 5:34pm Sep 27 2010)
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Posts: 3,029
(( *omnomz ototo-chan's sandwich he worked hard to prepare* thank you. I cant eat befor going to sleep. my rabbit/panda wont allow it ))
5:57pm Sep 27 2010
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Brisingr was stunned by Elk's response. He had returned a kiss. His face grew redder and even more hot. He looked back to El6's face, but saw an ex pression he wasnt expecting. On Elk's face was a look of admiration and confusion. Anyone can tell you that admiration was the careing state furthest from understanding. Brisingr pulled away from Elk's arms. "You...dont understand that gesture..d-do you?"he asked him. "Do you even know what it is called?"
9:12pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Ah, lol. I can't eat right after I wake up. It's weird xD)) Elk looked rather surprised when Brisingr pulled away, even more so when the human asked him odd questions. He cocked his head to the side in a confused manner. Had he done something wrong or offended Brisingr in some way? He couldn't think how. Unable to think of a proper reply, he simply shook his head, looking up at Brisingr with a worried ex pression.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:10pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 3,029
He sighed and looked down. Elk must have not meant to kiss him. He figured that he did it out of wanting to better understand human actions. He touched his cheek and felt pain in his heart. "Its...its called a kiss..."he stuttered. He brushed his hair from his stinging eyes. He wanted to explain what the gesture of a kiss was, but he didnt think he should. He didnt bring his eyes up to meet Elk's he simply looked to the ground. He was trying to keep himself from being too upset. He sucked in his breath and decided that he would tell Elk a kiss' purpose any way. "It is commonly used to show love and deep care for another person. Normally a kiss is given when someone loves another."
10:15pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk blinked, even more confused by Brisingr's body language and his words. Ok, so he now knew what a kiss was... but Brisingr had kissed him first... did that mean...? Elk shifted so he was sitting in a more wolf-like position, his legs tucked under him and using his arms to support himself as he lowered his body and twisted his head so he could look up into Brisingr's eyes. "Does this mean you love me?" he asked softly, his eyes wide and curious, like that of a child's.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:03pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr was sort of expecting that question, but it still hit him like a ton of bricks. He swallowed a clump of dry breath and looked down carefully at Elk with a look of shyness. He had never felt this way around anyone. He couldnt help but to feel this way around Elk. He felt it in his soul, heart, mind, and body that he really did love Elk. He could even feel it growing as he stood there facing Elk. "Elk."he began slowly. He was trying to build his courage to say what he needed to, but as he looked down at Elk's soft eyes everything became easy. "I believe that I am saying that I do love you."
9:10pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk stared at Brisingr for the longest time, a blank, unreadable ex pression on his face, before finally smiling softly up at the other male. He'd heard of love before, even wolves knew of it, but he'd never felt it. It was true that he felt something special for Brisingr, but what he couldn't tell. And after everything that'd happened, it was hard to think that way. Yet he could tell Brisingr wasn't lying, and, even though Elk wasn't human, he'd still said that he loved him. Surely that meant something. "I believe you." Elk said softly, pulling Brisingr into a tight hug and resting his chin on the human's shoulder, "I believe you about everything." He hoped that, for now, that'd be enough. He knew he should say "I love you" back, but he didn't want to say something without meaning. If and when he said it, he wanted to be sure. Carefully, he lifted his head up and began licking gently at Brisingr's cheek, his own way of showing affection.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:18pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( I drew us in chibi form! Even thougH I have no clue what you look like lolz. )) Brisingr saw the understanding and warm look of Elk. He returned Elk's embrace by wrapping his arms around him as tenderly as he was able. It pleased him to no end to be close and this happy to him. He was also relieved to know that Elk believed him and once again trusted him. He didnt say what would have calmed Brisinger's ears, but he didnt expect to actually hear it back. It was ok. He didnt mind. "Thank you."he breathed.
10:23pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Lol, I wanna see! :3)) Elk nodded absentmindedly, his thoughts drifting to something else. He was thinking about the kiss Brisingr had given him and his ex pression showed he was doing some deep thinking. When his ex pression changed to something more calm, he pulled away to look up the human and leaned forward, only to bump their noses together, causing him to pull back with a slight whimper of frustration. However, he didn't pout for long and only a few moments later he leaned forward again and tilted his head slightly, pressing his lips against the human's shyly. Would this work too? ((Pfft, Elk's getting smart >3))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:20pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( Elk you sly wolf >3<. And I want to put it on DA, but my mom refuses to get me a new scanner :( Youre blonde with a cool hat and bunneh ears )) Brisingr didnt noticed the look of inquiry. He did notice when Elkk pulled back. He began to wonder why when Elk motioned foward and brushed his nose with his own. He was confuddled by this action until Elk tried his odd attempt again but this time with a kiss on the lips. Elk was just one surprise after another. Brisingr held Elk close and returned the kiss with slight pressure.
12:20am Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Aw, that sucks. I have the same problem. My scanner lost a cord, so I found a dinosaur one at a garage sale for 5 bucks that could replace it till we get the cord replaced (because my parents never do anything within the month they say they will) but my dad wouldn't let me pay for it. The money was out of my own pocket too. >_> >w< That sounds awesome!)) Elk whimpered slightly into the kiss when Brisingr returned it, although it wasn't out of pain or discomfort... it was just a whimper. He'd never felt anything like this before, but for some reason having, in some unexplainable way, their lips together like this felt rather good. He held onto Brisingr tightly, as if he'd completely collapse if he was let go of, and dug his nails into the human's back.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:45am Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( I have a plot twist in mind (giggles) My aunt might get me a HP printer/scanner so yay )) Brisingr felt Elk tighten his hold on him and he was pretty sure he knew what Elk was thinking. And he agreed. He didnt want to let go of Elk. It felt great to Brisingr to let his emotions be known to Elk. He released from the kiss and simply held Elk close to him. He brushed his lips against Elk's ear and murmered something to him. "Im glad. I glad for so many things."he began tenderly. "Im glad you forgive me. Im glad I met you...and I am glad that we are here together now."
8:36pm Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Yay, plot twist x3 And cool ^^)) When the kiss was broke, Elk let out a soft gasp, trying to get the air back into his lungs. He wasn't used to holding his breath for very long at all. A shiver went down his spine when Brisingr's lips brushed against his ear and he yelped softly, not used to that either. Since he was a wolf, he was naturally very vocal in any situation. Suddenly, something came to him. "You... don't mind that I'm a wolf and not human?" Even if his form was human, he'd always be a wolf in heart, spirit, and mind.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr