12:29am Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( sorry...I spent the whole day looking for my dog...still cant find her...)) Brisingr wanted Elk to relax. He felt Elk tip his hhead to the side to allow him to kiss his neck. He gently brushed his lips over Elk's neck and kissed it again.
7:53pm Oct 28 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Oh, thank GOD this isn't Necroposting! O_O I'm sooo sorry about leaving this for so long! October really hasn't been my month -_-;;; Please don't be mad, Dream-oneechan! D: err... did you ever find your dog...? :<)) A small shiver went up Elk's spine from the second kiss and he tensed up only for a short moment before relaxing again. Resting his head on Brisingr's shoulder, his arms drooped slightly so they were loosely clinging to the material of Brisingr's shirt.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
2:38am Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Bump. :<))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:22pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Bump again...))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
3:21pm Mar 6 2011
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Posts: 3,029
(( Usagi-chan, pinku ao forum? Whats with the pink forum? I found my dog all that time ago, she had 7 puppies and they all have loving homes, i now have 3 adopted sisters so there are now 7 girls in this house not including my mom )) Brisingr held Elk close to his body. There was nothing in this life or the next that he would rather do. His mind began to wonder thought. About the futeure. He wasnt going to let Elk lose his forest, he was never going to giveup Elk, but he had to return to his Kingdom some day.He tried to shake those thoughts from his head but they clouded his mind like thick haze. His grip on Elk tighted as he thought of the unavoidable future.
4:55pm Mar 6 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((That's me being kinda spazzy. xD For a while all my posts (except IC) were in pink. I've grown out of it a little. P: I'm trying to make a new banner at the moment bug Gimp froze on me partway through. And that's good. <3 About the puppies, I mean. Is the sisters thing good too? O: Glad to here you're giving a few girls a good home. :3)) Elk could sense Brisingr's worries, and he tensed slighty, staring up into the trees with a sad ex pression on his face. Even before his birth, things had been so complicated for him. He was a shifter, his life would never be easy nor normal by any species' standard. Still, did that mean he couldn't be happy? He looked around the forest. It was peaceful and thrived with hidden life. It had become his home as a wolf, but, as much as he hated to admit it, he was so much more than that. He wanted to be a normal wolf, but if he was, he wouldn't have even met Brisingr, let alone been in his comforting arms. Who said he couldn't possibly live two? If Brisingr could keep the humans out... maybe Elk could visit him in his land. "I'll think about it..." he murmured out loud to himself, feeling the weight of his words.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:17pm Mar 6 2011
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr felt Elk tense up in his arms. He's eye looked down to the precious being that he was holding in his arms. He sighed just as he notice some sort of murmer erupt from Elk's eligantly shaped mouth. He stepped back to get a complete look at him. "Did you say something, Elk?"he inquired.
7:51pm Mar 6 2011
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Posts: 3,426
Elk jolted slightly and felt a nervous blush creeping onto his cheeks from Brisingr's question. He looked away shyly. "I said... I'd think about coming with you... back to your home." he said softly, looking down and scuffling his feet. He wasn't sure how Brisingr would even react to him saything that. He was nervous to say the least.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:37pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 3,029
((omg! i just typed and epic post and it didnt even make it through!!!))
6:56pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((Aww. D: Think you can re-type it? >< It doesn't have to be perfect, though. Just so I know how to reply.))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:17pm Mar 8 2011
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Posts: 3,029
(( sorry I didnt reply sooner. I got frustrated and left so how's life, ototo?)) Brisingr was apalled at the idea. How would he explain to his family, servates and others who and what Elk was? He also thought about how unhappy Elk might be, seeing as to that he was going to be taken out of the forest and placed in an unfamiliar setting. Brisingr didnt want Elk to be overwhelmed and unhappy. The forest is where he belonged. "Elk," Brisingr said as he looked into his eyes with an intesity. "I can not allow that." (( not as good as the original))
10:39pm Mar 9 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((It's understandable. And pretty good. ^^ April 2nd I'll have been with my boyfriend for six months, and I'm working on my own pet site and got taken on as an apprentice for coding another pet site. :3 School's still a major ha.ssle, and I've been getting sick a lot and some kids have started picking on me a bit, but I try to ignore it all. How's life been for you, Dream-oneechan? :3)) Elk felt his blood turn cold and his heart drop. His shoulders sagged as he stared back at Brisingr with a completely shocked ex pression, his eyes wide and his lips parted slightly. It was obvious that Brisingr was serious, but... why? The shifter's ex pression turned to one of hurt. He was willing to give up a lot for this human, but Brisingr wouldn't accept him? Elk sunk one of his still-wolfish fangs into his tender lip. It stung and drew blood, but he didn't care. He didn't understand why Brisingr had said no, and that hurt more than any flesh wound. He turned away just as tears started forming in the corner of his eyes. "Fine..." he growled lightly, his pain obvious. He didn't wait another moment before dashing off into the forest, feeling betrayed and wanting to be alone.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:40pm Mar 10 2011
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Posts: 3,029
(( Doshtea! Ototo nani?! When did my baby brother get a boy friend *older sibling instinct kicks in* I suppose I am proud of your achievements and such. I have won two medals in art and am suppose to be moving out on my own in august, oh an today my dog died...but I dont believe in crying so...)) Brisingr clearly saw the pain in Elk's eyes. He expected Elk to retaliate with words or any type of action twards him. He braced himself for what was never to come. His ears caught the faintest russling sound, almost like the sound of the wind. Suddenly Elk was gone. Being a creature of the forest, Brisingr knew Elk must have ran off with his unhumanly speed. Brisingr wanted to go after Elk, but he caught himself. Maybe all this wasfor the best.
8:51pm Mar 10 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((October. xD That's why I dropped off the face of Rescreatu. I got a boyfriend and suddenly had a lot less free time. ^^; And congrats on the medals and moving out. :3 Although I'm really sorry to hear about your dog... =( *hugs* Wish I could help more.)) Elk ran as deep as he could into the forest, ignoring how the leaves and branches of trees whipped at his face and hands, cutting them open and drawing blood. He didn't care; he only wanted to get away. Finally, his pace slowed and he collapsed to his knees, panting and gasping for breath and sobbing heavily as tears streamed down his face. Was he meant to be alone? First his mother and pack, and now this human he thought he could put trust in. He crawled over to a small creek that was running a few meters away and stared at his reflection. Only his eyes and hair reflected his true form and he growled. He stood up suddenly and pulled the clothes off of him, dropping them to the ground and going back down on his hands and knees. It took a few moments of focus, but he knew he had waited long enough for his human form to set in. Where the crouching human was one moment, a large wolf stood a moment later. He observed himself, feeling a bit better. This form felt more secure, and in this form he couldn't cry. With a small huffing sigh, he layed down with his chin on his paws, staring at nothing and thinking of what he was supposed to do now.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:49pm Mar 10 2011
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Posts: 3,029
(( *feels sad for Elk* Well....I'm....happy...for...you...and your...boy...f-friend *says through sharp teeth* And you live in the real world. You dont need an excuse to poof, usagi-chan)) Brisingr began to get his items together. He placed his fingers in his mouth and let out a shrill whistle. His horse responded and trotted to his side. It nuzzled him, sensing his upset nature. Brisingr petted its snout and pack his equipment and supplies onto the loyal beast's back. "We've done our job here..."Brisingr sighed in a sorrow fillied way. He mounted the horse and started a trot when he felt something poke at his side. He looked down and saw a dagger on a chain that was a gift to him. He carefully held the silver dagger and got off his horse. Brisingr placed the dagger against a mossy tree and hoped Elk would accept his token. He got on his horse and rode away.
12:07am Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((Dream-oneechan...? Is s-something wrong...? D-did I do something wrong...?)) After a while, Elk finally pushed himself up. He wasn't feeling okay, but he was feeling better enough to at least return to give back the clothes. He probably wouldn't need them anymore. With a huffed sigh, he gingerly took the clothes in his mouth and carred them back to where Brisingr was camping. Upon arrival, he looked around in shock. Brisingr was gone. Elk felt regret fill his stomach. Him running away had chased Brisingr away. The glint of the dagger then caught his attention, his ears flicking forward as he padded over to it. It was one of those weird metal fangs the humans used to fight. Elk dropped the clothes to the ground then looked from it to the dagger, an idea forming in his mind. He transformed back into his human form and pulled on the clothes, sliding the dagger in place on his belt like he'd seen humans do. "You may be a prince of humans, but I am a guardian of all species. You can't control me." Elk said, a spark of bitterness to his tone. It bothered him what he was doing, but he pushed the thoughts out of his mind. He wanted to see Brisingr and he didn't want their final farewell to be on bad blood. Swiftly, he made his way through the woods and to the road that lead to the human colony. He knew he'd be able to find Brisingr there.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:09pm Mar 11 2011 (last edited on 6:10pm Mar 11 2011)
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Posts: 3,029
(( Its nothing -sniff- My usagi-chan is getting to be a big boy now. I can call you chan now can I? You have a bf and so much responsibility. I'm so pround *snuggles* )) As Brisingr and his stead came close to the crosssroad that was the halfway mark to his kindom, he noticed a sudden silence in the air. He had spent too much time around Elk. He was more perceptive of the nature around him. any ways, Brinsigr's horse's nostrals began to flare. What was causing such a contoled silent, Brisingr was not sure. He dug his heels into the side of his horse and urged it to continue. The horse obeyed and continued ownward to the crossroad. ((sorry my post are weak. I have grown rusty *sweatdrops*))
6:44pm Mar 11 2011
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Posts: 3,029
(( is re-reading the entire rp))
10:33pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((I keep accidentally putting this off until it's necroposting. >_>; At least we're still continuing the RP... then it's not exactly spam. xD;)) ((And yes, you can still call me chan and everything. <3)) Elk dashed down the road. At first, he stumbled a bit every few steps, but he quickly learned how to run like the humans did. It was rather difficult and tiring, but he forced himself to endure it. The humans creator had not been very smart with how he created his species. Four limps and only two of them were capable of running. It made him feel off ballance and slow, but he knew his arms were too weak and awkward to run like a wolf. It was a shame. In some part of his mind, he probably noticed that the forest had gotten silent. But he still wasn't used to this body, and he shrugged it off as having the dulled senses of the humans as to why he couldn't hear or smell or sense anything. Right now, his only goal was to catch up to Brisingr. ((What's causing the silence? O:))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:07pm May 6 2011
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Posts: 3,029
(( Sorry for not posting. Didnt want to come back here -stretches and yawns. As for what was causing the silence...well its been so long I dont remember what I had planned. Gonna have to make up something -shrugs- )) Brisingr looked up to the sky as his nose smelled water. As he looked up he surely enough noticed dark clouds forming over head. She pulled his jacket around himself closer to protect him self from the rain once the clouds burst and showered down unforgivingly on this poor huma's body. He looked down as he saw a flash of lightning hich was late on followed by a boom of thunder. He continued walking onwards looking for shelter until he could continue walking on back to his castle. He tugged at his horse's reigns to help lead it along. The horse was too unsure of the silence to carry his owner as it should have. Brisingr started to notice markings and land marks that assured him that he was on the right path back to his kingdom.