6:14pm Sep 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,426
((Eww.... I hate dresses... >.> -soul breaks out of jar and goes back into body- I'm not dead yet D<))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:53pm Sep 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
(( what did itachi miss? and i think itachi means mongoose or weisle -pft they're the same- ))
6:58pm Sep 5 2010
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Posts: 4,914
((-sucks soul out using Styxwater she got from Sarfais' soul and traps in jar again-))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
7:12pm Sep 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
(( oh gawd D: Inna you let my brother go this instant! ))
7:15pm Sep 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,914
((No. ^^))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
7:17pm Sep 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,426
((-presses chibi-soul face against the jar- I want out. TT^TT And Itachi means weasel. Mangusu means Mongoose.))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
7:37pm Sep 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
(( dont make me use my sense-makin' stick! -gets my baseball bat- ))
7:40pm Sep 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,914
((No. C: -throws baseball bat into the Styx-))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
7:59pm Sep 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
(( you stoled-ed muh bat! I'll kill joo Inna! :c ))
8:01pm Sep 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,914
((:c -throws Dream into the Styx, too-))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
8:01pm Sep 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,426
((-taps inside of jar- This is weird and I'm hungry. :c (yes, souls can get hungry xD)))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:27pm Sep 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
(( Ha! I know how to Astrial Project! -escapes jar by holding breath- ))
10:50pm Sep 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,426
((I do believe Inna has gotten bored with us. xD So, how should we start this? :3))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:39pm Sep 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,029
(( of course you can start! what a benevolent little brother ))
1:48am Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Pfft... wow. xD)) Elk stalked through the forest, the leaves crunching under his paws. Most of them had fallen off the trees, allowing the blue sky to shine through the bare branches and make the forest look rather thin with it's scrawny, spaced out trees. A branch snapped under his paw and he paused, lifting his paw up and staring at the broken wood. There was a time when he would have freaked at even the slightest noise he made, worried that he had attracted attention to himself. Those days were gone. He was the biggest and most powerful creature in these wood. Even those pathetic fur-less creatures with a language he could not understand feared him. They would attack him on sight, drawing those weird, single-claw-like things or using even weirder wooden objects to make pointed sticks fly at him much faster than if they were thrown. At first he'd wanted nothing to do with the creatures, but more and more kept coming and attacking and he'd been forced to kill them. They swarmed him like ants, even sometimes taking his kills. Eventually he'd just gotten sick of it. He placed his paw down on the leaves and tilted his head towards the sky, sniffing the air. The sky was blue and calm now, but he could tell there was rain approaching, possibly a storm. It was the rainy season after all, so he wasn't surprised. He snorted and began walking again, lazily observing his surroundings.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
1:32pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,029
A young man approached a large wooden door. "Send him in."a deep voice from behind the ma.ssive wooden door. The doors creaked open and a servant motioned for the younge man to enter. "Well met young Brisinger."an elderly, but burly looking man said as he stood up from his sturdy looking chair. The elderly man enbraced the young man, Brisinger, with a strong hug and a hardy handshake. "Well met father."Brisinger said as they released from their embrace. "Sit my son!"the elder man said as he sat down and motioned to an adjacent chair. Brisinger sat down and waited for his father to speak. "I trust that you have heard of thekigdoms current situation. A blodhgarm (blood wolf r wolf of abnormal power) in our mist."the man said. The man was the king of this land and it was part of his job to be informed and keep others informed. "Father is it really such a problem that thousands of warriors have been slain?"Brisinger inquired. "Yes my prince, Im afraid it has gotten this bad. People can not even hunt within the woods with a safe thought in their minds."the king sighed. "I think it is time for drastic measures. awe intend to set fire to the entire forest." Brisiger gasped. "You cant do such a thing. No one will benifit from such harsh measures!"Brisinger exclained. "This is all that can be done."the king said with a morose look. "Le-let me go! I will fight the blodhgarm. I will kill the wolf and save my people."he offered. "I can not afford to lose my only son and heir to the throwne."the king argued. "Give me a chance and a blessing. I can save everyone."Brisinger responded. The king sighed and piñched the bridge of his nose. "Go. With my blessing and the gods and goddess faith."the king said with a sad smile. "Thank you father. You will not be dissappointed."Brisinger boasted. "You have three weeks."the king said getting up. "Starting when you leave."
2:03pm Sep 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,426
After a good deal of walking, a sharp noise behind Elk caused him to turn, his eyes narrowing and his lips pulling back into a snarl. The scent was one that, unfortunately, was all too familiar to him and he lunged, jumping up onto a large fallen tree that was held up by an even bigger and digging his claws into the bark to keep him from sliding forward to the ground. Sure enough, he was face to snout with a surprised looking fur-less creature that had been hiding behind the fallen tree. A hunter, Elk could tell. The creature looked like most others he'd seen, wearing strange bits of cloth over their bodies and carrying strange things, and Elk had since learned it was not worth his time to try and spot the differences among them. This one was carrying one of those wooden things as well. Elk's lips pulled back further in both a terrifying snarl and an almost amused grin, causing the creature to cower and fumble with his bow. Elk didn't give him the chance. Lifting one m*censored*ive paw up, he pushed the creature down in a very bear-like fashion before jumping back down to the ground, kicking up leaves as he did so. He towered over it, casting a large shadow over it's quivering form. It was babbling now, speaking words that Elk didn't much understand. They sounded even more jumbled up than others he had heard. Perhaps, he mused, not even this creatures kin would be able to understand it. The creatures voice was starting to rise now, hurting Elk's ears. At this rate the stupid thing would scare off any prey for a miles. Irritated, he took the creatures neck in his mouth and bit down. The blood gushed down his throat and over his muzzle as he head the snap of the creature's neck breaking, its death instantaneous and most likely painless. That was the first thing the forest had taught him. No mater what the creature, it does not deserve to be cruelly killed.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
3:14pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisinger got his horse ready and latched his raiperand his brozed sheild on his back. "What a fine birthing day present this is."Brisinger said to himself, but loud enough for the stble hands to hear. "You father, the king, asked of me to hand this to you."a man said handing a velvet pouch to Brisinger. "The ivory knife. I requested this. Thank you."Brisinger said as he took the knife pouch and mounted his horse. "Im off now"he said as he slapped the reins for his clydesdale horse to go. He took off on his horse into the forest in search of the bloodwolf.
3:49pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk rummaged through the creature's things, sniffing about. It was a curious habit of his, but he often wondered why these creatures would need to carry so much stiff. The weird cloth, he knew was to make up for the absence of fur, and when he tugged on something on the leather around the thing's waist, one of those metal claw things came out. It seemed like most hunters carried around smaller claws, while most others had bigger ones. He poked around for a few more moments, finding a bag of small game on its back and leaving it out for crows. He hated the stench of the fur-less on the dead animals, but he knew the crows wouldn't mind. Plus, if he fed them things like this often enough, they'd be more patient when waiting for scraps of his meals. Gathering everything up, he hefted the hunter onto his back with little difficulty and made his way to the nearest fur-less road, setting the creature and his belonging on the side. He did this as a warning to the other creatures to stay out of his forest. These creatures were smart enough to know his mark--a broken neck, almost cut completely through. He would also take care to snap the wooden ob ject in half and break all the pointed sticks so they couldn't be used again.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
4:31pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisinger galloped along on his strong horse. He was taking a merchant path to find his prey. He had done his research and knew that the blodhgarm left signs on the crossroads that he was around and wanted them not to enter the forest. It took a while and a long ride until Brisinger got tired and let his horse take a break. He wiped the sweat from his brow and looked to the sky. When he started his quest the sun was just getting up and now the sun was ready to go down. He grew tired and made himself a fire and tied his horse to a branch. The clydesdale horse was strong enough to break free, but the horse loved his master and Brisinger trusted and cared for the horse. Brisinger was patting his horses snout when he heard birds argueing. He figured that it was over some dead animal. He looked over and saw a vulture ripp through a shirt and hit chainmail. He got curious and went over to investigate. He saw it was a man. A warrior he knew at that. He saw the man's neck was snapped and deeply gashed through. "Blodhgarm."he growled as he rushed over to put out his fire and untie his horse.