4:34pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 4,914
((-zaps dress onto Loki's body and runs-))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
5:04pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Pfft... *takes dress off and puts regular clothes back on* Putting Private in the RP titles is like asking weirdos to come xD)) Elk stalked back through the forest to his den, his head swinging side to side in a rhythmic pattern. The sun had already sunk below the trees, the sky streaked with red and orange that made the equally red-orange forest look that much more breath-taking. It only lasted for a few minutes, however. As the sun set, it made everything darker. Pretty soon it would just be night. Elk wasn't much of a star-watcher. He only really did so if he was brooding or howling at the moon. After a bit of though, he decided he would probably do that later, but for now he wanted to get back to his den and wash the blood off of him. His den was a small cave built by a few large boulders and trees that had fallen on top to make a shelter. When he had found it, he'd only needed to drag a bit of brambles and other materials to patch up a few holes and make a nest inside. It was warm and protected from the elements and that was all that mattered. He curled up outside his den, under one of the fallen trees but still out in the open enough to watch the light disappear. He began washing himself, waiting for the first signs of the moon to appear through the thin trees.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:11pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( Darn you inna! -shakes fist in the air- I will avenge my ototo-chan! -chases inna with a supersoaker full of goat pee- ))
5:14pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 4,914
((;c No it doesn't. Okay, amybe it does. o___o -picks up a supersoaker full of Styxwater-))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
5:42pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Goat pee and Styxwater.... I dun wanna be a part of this D; *slowly slinks away and starts petting a goat* I love goats <3))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:02pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((my mom made cheesecake! Inn''s death will come after I totally pig outz! )) Brisinger trotted through the darkening forest. He was looking for a sign of some sort. Any sign at all that could lead him to the blodhgarm. "Come out beast!"He called out through the forest. He was determind to find the blodhgarm. "Wolf beast show your self!"he called out in bold english. "Ganga fram! Barzul! ( Go forth! I am ill fate! )"he called out in the Ancient Language.
7:02pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((-Snort- nice xD -noms on bigmac- I can't wait till my stove gets fixed and I can cook again. There's only so much one can cook in a microwave oven before resorting to fastfood. :I)) Elk's ears perked up at the sound of another fur-less's caterwaul. He growled, looking throughly annoyed. How many of these creatures was he going to have to deal with. Suddenly, another sound reached his ears and he paused. It was the same noise from the fur-less, but the words were clear and understandable. "Go forth! I am ill fate!" It had said. His lips curled up in a sneer. This one would be interesting. He stood up and shook his fur off before leaping up onto one of the rocks that made his den. His claws clinked against the rock as he sat down, his red-orange eyes flashing in the moonlight as he tilted head up, letting out a loud, powerful howl. Let that creature come to him if it had the courage.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:37pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( I own the Eragon series books. Im using the language from those books 'cause there's a dictionary in the back!Brisinger means fire by the way and his last name means lightning. )) Brisinger heard a sound that he took as a bold response. It was an odd clanking sound. "Hwatum il skilfz gerdumn! ( listen to my words)"he called out again. "Blodhgram, iet tauthr. ( bloodwolf, come to me)"
8:46pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((I read the series too, I just don't know where my books are -fail- xD)) Elk felt the fur on his hackles rise and he lowered his head in a snarl. How dare such a pathetic creature order him to approach like he was in charge. He raised his head again and let out another howl, his song echoing through the forest. If that fur-less could not find him, then it was not worth his time. He'd never go out of his way for such a lowly being.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:02pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( yes but youre my fail -huggles- )) The horse bucked at the feirce howl of the wolf beast. S3 will save this forest alone old friend."Brisinger said as he got off his horse and went on his own by foot. He followed the howl and soon came to a thicket. Once he over came the thicket he saw the feirce beast. "Blodhgarm."he breathed.
9:14pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,426
(( xD I feel loved <3 )) Elk lowered his head when he heard the fur-less approaching, staring at him with fiery eyes before a sneer formed on his face. This one was much younger than the other's he'd dealt with. It was so amusing that he almost felt sorry for the pup. He jumped down to the ground, landing on his paws with a loud thud, before taking a few steps towards the creature, his head down to look at him at more of an eye level. Not because he thought if it as his equal, but because it amused him to let it on. He was still sneering as he let out a growl of greeting. Elk was playing with him.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:29pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisinger sucked in a deep breath. He was going to do something he figured that no one else had tried. He sucked in his breath, it was now or never. "Fricai onr eka eddyr (I am a friend)"he said to the blodhgarm. He dropped his sword to his side and raised his arms to show his hands were empty. He hoped that this would go well. He wanted to make peace, not kill more than what had already had been killed.
10:19pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk was taken aback by the words and paused for a second, unsure if the creature had known what it had said. Then he watch as it dropped its claw-thing and raised it's paws. His lips drew back in a grin and he let out a few sharp breaths of air that might have been a laugh. This was too rich. A fur-less was calling itself his friend! Still, if this thing's goal was to get him curious, it had succeeded. He stalked over to him and sniffed his face a few times, wary of the the claw then inwardly chuckling when he realized how much bigger he was than him and that he could probably swallow the pup's head whole in one gulp if he wanted. After a moment, he pulled away and turned to the side, showing his shoulder to the fur-less and craning his neck to watch him closely. A large scar ran down his shoulder, still pink, as if it had only just healed. Although he could not directly talk to this creature, his eyes showed what he wanted to ask. "Why should I trust you?"
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:34pm Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisinger's eyes looked from the scar to the blodhgarm's strong eyes. The beast was m*censored*ive and would probably put his clydesdale horse to shame. He heard it laugh at him as it stood close. "Blodhgarm."he started. Makeing sure that he showed no fear, no weakness. "I am Brisinger and I have come to make peace with you. I have things to tell you."he said in broken Ancient Language. He didnt know the language all too well, but he did as best he could. He knew the blodhgarm was taunting him in a way. Brisinger wanted to appear nonchanlant and unintemidated so he remained calm.
12:08am Sep 7 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk narrowed his eyes, looking at the Brisinger suspiciously. The pup certainly had a powerful name... but such a frail looking body. Then again, when did a fur-less ever not look frail? He looked the pup up and down one more time, circling him as he did. His red-orange gaze took in every detail of him. After circling him a few times, he stopped in front of Brisinger and faced him. He looked him up and down one last time before sitting down, gazing at him steadily with his head tilted slightly. It could do him no harm to listen to what the pup had to say. Then afterwards, he could decided what to do with him.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:11pm Sep 7 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisinger was relieved to see that his words wouuld not go unheard. He exhaled with clear relief. "The king has horrible intentions for this woodland."he began, not taking his eeys away from the blodhgarm. "The king intends to burn these great woodlands to try and destroy you. He is doing this because no other has been able to kill you, not that I wish to cause you any unprivoked harm."Brisinger explained with a strong voice. "He has given me two weeks to handle the situation, if not...the out come for this forest and all who depend on it will be fatal."
10:34pm Sep 7 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk listened to what Brisinger had to say carefully, a horrified feeling growing inside of him only to be replaced by anger, causing the fur on his hackles to rise and his lips to pull back in a snarl. That King--if he even deserved to use such a ti tle--was mad! Did he really intend to start a fire, with absolutely no idea if it would work?! Elk would easily be able to escape the fire, but most everything else would die. On top of that, this was Elk's forest, his home! He'd protected it and it's inhabitants for many moons, and this king was an invader. He took a step towards the fur-less before him, growling. They were all the same to him. They were all useless. Knowing about what would happen was no better than having it happen suddenly. He would take his anger out on this pup, then figure out a way to kill the rest of his kind once and for all. The fur-less had over-stayed their welcome in this land.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:20pm Sep 7 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisinger observed the ex pression on the creatures face. It made him wonder what it was thinking. After some thought he figured he coud guess what the blodhgarm was thinking. "Hey."he called out. "I understand that you oviously are angered by this, but I was hopeing we could come to a concensous. An agreement of sorts" he said trying to calm the blodhgarm. "I have two mere weeks...could we not try to work something out?"he said to him. "If it comes to It I will fight you to the death."he said in his head to himself.
12:01am Sep 8 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk paused, once again confused by this fur-less' motives. It seemed to care about the forest, yet why would it? His eyes flashed with suspicion as he once again looked the creature up and down. It had given him no reason to despise it as an individual, and it continued to act as if their interests aligned. With a snort, he stopped his advances. They had two weeks. Perhaps they could work something out in that time. The idea of working with such a lowly creature agitated Elk, but more than just his pride was on the line. The lives of every creature and plant that he had come to love was at stake. For that, he would do what he must. He stared at Brisinger, his eyes cold and calculating. He would judge everything about this pup and figure out his motives. Until then, he would cooperate with it.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
12:51am Sep 8 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisinger *censored*umed the blodhgarm was willing to cooperate with him. He couldnt talk to him verbally, but he was pretty sure that he understood. "The skys have grown dark and full of stars,"Brisinger said as he turned to the sky. "I will be camping here. I have no intentions of going home until I have established an agreement with you." He gave a crooked smiled as he held out his hand hopeing that the wolf beast will allow him to touch him. "Atra gulia un ilian tauthr ono un atra ono waise skoliro fra rauthr. (May luck and happiness follow you and may you be shielded from misfortune.)"Brisinger said still smiling to the blodhgarm.