1:14am Sep 8 2010
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Elk glanced up when the fur-less mentioned the sky, staring up at the familiar stars. If the forest was burned, he wouldn't be able to look up at them like this anymore. When he returned his gaze to the pup and noticed his outstretched paw. At first he tensed, but the sound of the ancient language once again calmed him. After a moment's thought, he took a step forward and rested his forehead against the creatures odd paw, gazing at him steadily for a moment before pulling away and padding over to his den, his tail flicking once as if he was waving goodbye. He settled down in his nest and rested his head on his paws, staring at the bits of sky he could see out through the entrance to his den.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:09pm Sep 8 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( wowI love reading this rp! Its so addicting. )) Brisinger was surprised and honored that he was allowed to touch the blodhgarm. It felt soft and warm, but its fur appeared more burly an rough. "Looks can be decieving."he said in the human language. He watched as the blodhgarm trotted off to its den. He sighed and whistled for his horse to come to him. When the horse finally came to him he pitched a make shift tent and cot. He tied his horse nearby and layed into his tent. He had made small progress today. Tomorrow, hopefully, he would get more cooperation from the blodhgarm.
9:21pm Sep 8 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((I'm glad :3 I really like it too, especially since it's kinda unusual as far as plot and characters go.)) Elk's ears perked up when he head Brisinger whistle, soon enough hearing the sound of the horse's hoof-steps. He wasn't particularly drowsy, so he continued to stare at the stars, waiting to hear the fur-less' breathing slow down and show it was asleep. Even if Elk was giving it a chance to prove he was different then his kind, that didn't mean he was going to be stupid around it. Even if it was unlikely, he didn't want that creature slitting his throat in the night.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:48pm Sep 8 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( Im glad that you suggested this :) )) Brisinger shortly drifted off to sleep. But not befor he listened to the sounds around him. He could hear the bugs sounding off, his horse snorting, nocturnal birds calling and the blodhgarm breathing. He had plans that inclueded finding out its name, but everything would wait until the morning. For now he would sleep.
11:10pm Sep 8 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((So am I <3 It's fun Roleplaying this with you. )) After a little while, Elk stood up silently, shaking the leaves off his pelt and leaving his den, padding over to the one Brisinger had made. His paw steps completely silent, not even alerting the horse to his presence as he poked his head into the den and pulled the flap out of the way with his paw. He was more curious than anything else. The pup seemed peaceful in sleep, making Elk wonder if all fur-less were less angry when asleep. He sniffed Brisinger over very carefully, making sure not to let his breaths puff out against him and wake him up, doing the same for his pack and tent as well. Nothing seemed threatening, other than the strange weapons he carried, so Elk returned to his den and curled up, falling asleep within minutes to the familiar sounds of the forest. ((Would you like to skip to morning? :3))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:49pm Sep 8 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( of course usagi-chan )) A ray of sunlight slipped through the make-shift tent's thin linening. A slip of light caught his sleepy eyes. He sat up in his cot and stretched out. He took a flask out and poured it over his face to wake himself up since he did not have a basin to wash his face in. He took a drink from his flask and looked to the tent's opening. When he got out of his tent he looked around at the proud woodland. It was healy and strong. It made him smile. He went over to his horse and untied it to let it feed. Brisinger looked around and wondered where the blodhgarm was.
5:50am Sep 9 2010
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Elk, for once, had overslept. He was still curled up in his den, his face tucked away in his side to protect it from the light. When he finally did wake up, it was because he could hear Brisinger up. With a bit of effort, he pushed himself to his paws and padded out of the den, stretching in a rather cat-like fashion and opening his jaws in a wide yawn. He shook the leaves from his sleep-ruffled pelt then glanced around lazily, letting his eyes get accustomed to the light before glancing at the fur-less pup, still looking like he'd just been woken up with his messy fur and sleepy eyes. He yawned again, showing a row of perfectly white, razor-sharp teeth.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
4:29pm Sep 9 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisinger looked up from petting his horse's snout. He saw the large blodhgarm arise from its den. "Today,"he thought. "I will hopefully gain its trust." Brisinger got up from his horse and warmly smiled to the blodhgarm and wondered if he was allowed to approach him.
10:21am Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk acknowledged Brisinger with a brief nod then stretched out on the ground, rasping his tongue over his paw and drawing it over his face in a cat-like manner. For some reason, he felt calm around the fur-less. Usually just sensing one would make his pelt prickle, but it wasn't as if he couldn't sense Brisinger. The pup's presence just felt different from others. To say the least, it was rather odd. ((Sorry for being so slow Dx Too much school, not enough sleep.))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
4:09pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( trust me. i understand what you mean )) Brisinger watched as the wolf beast stretch out. He heard his horse bay nearby and patted its snout once more. "Settle down boy."he cooed to the horse. After calming the equestrian he moved his attention to the wolf beast again. He walked calmly twards the creature to see if it would tolerate his presence. "Good morning, Blodhgarm."
4:52pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((And now my internet is being laggy thanks to the sky not being "perfectly clear" >.>)) Elk paused in his washing and perked up as Brisinger approached, staring at him as he judged the pup's intentions. Judging the fur-less' intentions to be the same as the previous day, he seemed to grunt a greeting and flicked his tail, inviting him to sit beside him as he went back to washing as if unconcerned with the pup.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:17pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( Lags are made of evil hamsters that are born from loveless thunder storms...o3o)) Brisinger smiled when he was permitted to sit next to the wolf beast. He hoped that he was making a good impression on it. "Do you have a name?"he asked in broken peices of the ancient language. He felt that if he as going to befriend this wolf beast he should now if it has a proper name and all.
5:39pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Which is sad because I love thunderstorms and they still kill my internet D;)) Elk cocked his head to the side for a moment, thinking Brisinger's question over. His name had been requested by his mysterious father before he was even born, which was why it was in the fur-less' language, instead of the Ancient Language like most of his pack's names had been. He knew it was some sort of animal, but it didn't come to his mind right away. After a little while, his ears perked up and he nodded, moving a paw to begin drawing in the dirt. His drawing looked rather primitive--after all he was a wolf, and it was his first time drawing... in dirt, for Pete's sake!--but it showed the outline of a rather bulky deer with very large horns. He looked up when he was finished, his ears perked forward to listen for the pup to recognize and say his name. ((Oh! I forgot to mention that I figured out a background for Elk <3))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:12pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((Coolz)) ~ Brisinger thought for a while. He observed the picture and thought about it. It seemed deer-like, but the bulk of the horns and body were much thicker than a deer's. It wasnt a moose for the nose was too small and the ma.ss didnt match. He thought a little longer and he figured he had it. "Elk? I hope Im right because you dont seem much like a cariboo."Brisinger teased.
6:13pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((*lurk* >D Now I won't know if you're online or not since you won't be updating your sig, Loki. T.T))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:47pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Pfft, that's the point. I don't need creepy stalkers xD)) Elk's ears perked up and he bobbed his head to say "yes" as soon as he heard his name. However, his eyes narrowed slightly when Brisinger's tone turned to something that sounded like he was mocking him. It took him a few moments before he finally figured out the joke and swatted playfully at the pup in mock annoyance, missing on purpose with a playful look in his eye.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:03pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisinger laughed at the wolf's playful swat. He nudged the ma.ssive creature, knowing it wouldnt budge him, but he liked to play around any way. "I was only joking. No need to get riled up."he said as he rested a hand on the wolf.
8:21pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk stared up at Brisinger with red-orange eyes when the pup put a hand on him. It felt strange, but not unpleasant. He rested his chin on his paws for a while before sneezing and standing up. Up until now, he'd been ignoring it, but the fur-less' smell was starting to get to him. Although he probably didn't smell bad to his own kind, Elk had a much more sensitive nose. He began licking Brisinger's face, eyes narrowed partly in concentration of cleaning the pup, and partly to try to ignore the bitter taste and smell. Didn't these fur-less ever clean themselves? They didn't even look flexible enough to reach everywhere by licking themselves.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:50pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( -giggles at ototo-chan's post- )) Brisinger was knocked backards from being groomed by the wolf beast. He tried to speak, but was unable due to being licked thuroughly. He rolled over to move his face. "Letta (stop)!"he said in a laugh. It tickled being licked by a mas.sive tongue. Like a puppy. A freakishly huge puppy.
9:12pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((That's why I love Elk xD Your post made me laugh too <3)) Elk did stop, but only a moment to shake his head "no" before continuing to lick at any skin he could find in order to clean the pup off. He could tell Brisinger wasn't in pain, so there was literally no harm in continuing. Besides, he really needed a proper grooming. He finished cleaning off the fur-less' skin, then frowned. That strange cloth was in the way of him finishing, or at least getting half-way done. He hooked his claw around the beginning of the cloth around Brisinger's neck and pulled lightly but it didn't come off. He didn't want to pull harder, but he was completely confused on what to do next.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr