9:45pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( -calls her dogs- Hey you guys read this! -dogs start to laugh- )) Brisinger felt Elk stop and tug at the neck of his clothing. He guessed he wanted to continue cleaning. "Letta!"he said standing up. "You've done enough my friend."he smiled. "If it makes you feel better, I will go bathe in a lake." Brisinger patted Elk and laughed. He went to his campsite and pulled out a bag with dried meats "jerky". He ate a few and figured he should go hunting after a bath.
10:03pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Pfft, nice xD My dog tries giving me baths just like that. Although Lexis is more slobbery than Elk xD)) Elk looked horrified. Bathe? In the lake? Of all the seasons he'd spent in this forest, not once had the lake made any creature smell better. In fact it made them smell worse so, unless they were fish or ducks, most creatures avoided being in the water. Although, these fur-less were quite different. Maybe Brisinger's lack of fur would make the water have a different effect on his scent. Although, he didn't understand if the pup would bathe in that weird material or not. Curious to see, he followed after him, waiting for him to finish eating the odd food--which looked like bark but seemed to smell like meat--and head towards the lake.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:09pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( Idk, I have three dogs and I think Bruno is the lick-i-est, then Candy, then Rainah lolz ))
10:15pm Sep 11 2010
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Brisinger grabbed his horse reins and led him to a lake. He looked behind himself and saw Elk following behind. He thought it was kind of cool that a blodhgarm would be following him. When they got to the lake, Brisinger held up some of the jerky he had to Elk. "You want to try some? I intend to hunt later, but these are to keep me until then."
10:32pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Nice names :3)) Elk stopped when they reached the lake and cocked his head curiously when the meat-bark was held up for him. It seemed strange and also smelled odd, but not exactly dangerous. Plus, Brisinger had just been eating the same thing and, as far as Elk knew, a wolf's stomach was stronger than a fur-less', so it'd probably be ok. He hesitantly bit into it and was surprised to find that it was actually rather good. Of course, it wasn't nearly as good as fresh meat, but good all the same. His tail wagged happily as he stared at the pup, a very wolf-like grin on his face.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:05pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,029
He was pleased to see Elk wagging his tail. He guessed the Elk liked the taste of it, but he was sure a wild beast preferred to have warm fresh meat. He made sure that he would go hunting after this. Brisinger lead his horse to the edge of the lake to drink as he went over elsewhere and washed.He didnt bring very much clothing items, so when he finished he put on a pair of pants and a new shirt. "Ill have to wash the clothes I just took off later."he muttered.
11:59pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk silently followed Brisinger when he went off to wash, watching him curiously from behind a fallen oak. It didn't seem the least bit strange to him to be watching him wash, but the wolf was glad he was finally able to figure out that the pup was male. Even though Brisinger was starting to look different from the others, he still hadn't been able to tell their gender because their scent was all weird to begin with and they'd always have the strange material covering their body. His ears perked up when Brisinger muttered something, although he couldn't really under stand it. He frowned and leaned over the trunk more only to have his claws slip and make a scraping sound against the wood. He growled in frustration at the tree, not bothering to hide because he didn't comprehend that he had been peeping or that he'd probably just been caught.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
12:17am Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 3,029
As Brisinger was pulling on his pants he looked up and noticed Elk was watching him. His face became red and called out, "Hey! Turn around." Brisinger had never been observed so closely by anything. It made his feel odd. Elk was watching him with a wild human-like intenity.
12:28am Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk looked confused, cocking his head to the side. Both Brisinger's face turning red and that he'd just told him to "turn around" for no apparent reason. Still, something in the pup's voice sounded odd and he thought it best to do as he was told, even if he didn't like being told to do things. He lowered his forepaws from the trunk to the ground and turned around, watching the forest that was now in front of him with a confused look. He really didn't see the point in this... fur-less were so weird.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
12:41am Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisinger finished dressing and put his other thing in his bag. He next went over to his horse and unsaddled it giving it a breather. He looked at Elk and stared at him. He was incredibly intelligent and had such awareness in his eyes. He seemed incredibly human-like. He walked over to Elk. "So? Do I smell better or worse?"he asked.
12:58am Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk turned back around when Brisinger approached him, giving him a few good sniffs at his question. He pulled back after a moment, as if thinking about it, before ducking his head and sneezing again, shaking his head and body. When he lifted his head back up, he gave the pup's cheek a few good licks and sat back down, flicking his tail. He had to admit, the fur-less did smell better. Still wasn't the kind of smell Elk liked, but it was tolerable and he might actually like it if at some point he got Brisinger to roll around in the leaves. He nodded, to show it was an improvement, at least, then stared at him, waiting for him to do something.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:24am Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr welcomed the warm licks. He looked up when Elk was done with a warm smile. "You could possibly p*censored* as human, you know that?"he said. "I dont mean it as an offense. Its just you seem so intensly intelligent it makes me wonder. How are you so wise in your ways for a creature who lives alone and in the woodlands?"
11:38am Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((*lurking* >D))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
5:22pm Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((*smacks Sarya with a paper fan* no lurking >[ )) Elk blinked in confusion and cocked his head, trying to figure out what Brisinger meant. When he did, he snorted and looked at the fur-less... or he supposed "human" was what they called themselves with obvious offence. Did this pup really think his species was more intelligent than wolves? The fur on his shoulders bristled slightly and he stalked past Brisinger, back in the direction of his den, not bothering to try and answer the human's question. It was questions like that, that brought up bad memories. Elk refused to dwell on things that were in the past like that.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:46pm Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((*smacks Loki with a bat then ties him to an electric chair* ;c Don't make me electrocute you! D:<))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
5:49pm Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr looked at Elk with a confused look. Elk seemed aggitated about what he said maybe. "Elk dont get upset."Brisingr sighed. He didnt mean to say anything wrong. He figured that he better not bring human likeness back up. He rubbed his eyes and looked to the sky. He went back to his campsite and got out some hunting items. Hopefully he will get something. He looked at Elk and wondered how much he had to eat befor he was even mildly content.
6:10pm Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Jeez. Kids are so violent today D:)) Once back at camp, Elk flopped to the ground with his back to Brisingr. He wasn't particularly mad at the pup, just frustrated with him for almost opening old wounds. Even if it wasn't the human's fault, Elk just wanted to sulk for a little bit. The comment had stung slightly after all. He was already working with a human and he didn't want to start acting like one on top of it. Deciding it was a good opportunity for a mid-morning nap, Elk curled up under the sun. From the sound of it, Brisingr was going hunting. Having just eaten the previous morning, Elk didn't feel the need to hunt so he could simply relax.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:12pm Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((*electrocutes Loki* ;c))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:16pm Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Loki!!!! -smiles sweetly while stealing Loki's drawing skillz-]
6:48pm Sep 12 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( I will omnomz you both if you dont stop hara.ssing muh brother -calls pet soul eating bunny- ))