6:57pm Sep 12 2010
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It took him a while to locate a hardy prey, but once he found one he was determined to ensure it didnt get away. He watched his prey, an elderly rabbit, drink from a small pool formed by an oddly shaped tree. Brisingr pulled out a dagger, the one given to himby his father as a birthday gift, and crept close to the frail creature. Once in a decent range he lunged onto the rabbit with the dagger and ejected it into the base of it spine, paralyzing it. He arrived back to the site to see Elk napping in the warm day. He grinned to see him so peaceful, but Brisingr knew Elk was actually upset somewhat.
9:55pm Sep 12 2010
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Elk's ear twitched when Brisingr came back and he drowsily lifted his head, coming out of sleep at the same time. He looked the pup over for a moment, noticing the rabbit he had and the way it'd been killed. Part of him was impressed. It took a lot of skill for a human to catch a rabbit with just their claw-things. Usually they set weird traps or shot them with the pointed sticks. He stood up and padded over to him. Although Elk looked mildly content, as if he'd forgiven Brisingr for what he said, his ex pression was different. Like he was deep in thought about something he wasn't quite sure how to take.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:36pm Sep 12 2010
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Brisingr saw Elk lift up. He watched carefully as the large blodhgarm got up. He didnt seem as upset as befor, but there was an odd haze over him. "Hello. How was your nap?"he asked to see how Elk's mood was.
10:42pm Sep 12 2010
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Elk shook the leaves off his pelt and snorted. He'd had weird dreams, the kind that seemed to be important, but not clear enough to understand once you woke up, and was a little frustrated with it and his head hurt slightly. However, he silently vowed not to take it out on Brisingr.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:48pm Sep 12 2010
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Elk had an odd look on his face. Brisingr wanted to see what was up, but he figure that he better not. There was no good in getting on a blodhgarm's bad side. Brisinger just took up cleaning his rabbit and sat away. He still had bussiness to talk with Elk, but it could wait.
11:58pm Sep 12 2010
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Elk frowned slightly, rather disappointed that Brisinr had chosen to ignore him. For some reason that bothered him, making him nervous although he didn't know why. He hadn't thought he'd been too cold to the pup, but maybe he had without realizing it. Letting out an almost sighing sound, he flopped back down to the ground, waiting for the human to finish with the rabbit.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:00am Sep 13 2010
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After defuring, gutting and draining the rabbit, Brisingr was finally set to cook his prize. He occasionally glanced up to Elk just to check on him. He seemed to just be waiting. He wondered what was going on with him. Was it something he did to aggitate Elk? Or was it the nap. A smart being such as Elk was not above nightmares. Brisingr sighed and began to set a fire.
4:37pm Sep 13 2010
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After a bit, Elk felt a dryness on his throat and snorted, standing up and habitually shaking the leaves from his pelt. He glanced over at Brisingr, wondering if he should alert him as to where he was going, but the human seemed busy with a fire. His pelt began to prickle and he frowned slightly. It wasn't as if he hadn't seen a human make a fire for cooking before, but after what Brisingr had told him what the king was planning, the though of flames, which had always been his enemy, made him nervous. He shook his mas.sive head again, mentally telling himself he was just being stupid about a little cooking fire, and padded off in the direction of a small creek nearby. Arriving within a few minutes, he lowered his head and began lapping up the cool water. The small stream was one of the many reasons he like his den location so much. It was too small for humans to really bother with, but close enough to his den and always a dependable source of water in any season but winter.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:02pm Sep 13 2010
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Brisingr watched Elk wander off. He turned away not wanting to be in Elk's business. He managed to set a decent fire and make a nice spit to cook the rabbit on. He began to think abou the castle and all the fine things he would be eating now. Delicious things and delicate garnishings with tasty drinks. He shook it from his mind and went back to focusing on his rabbit. He began to wonder where Elk was. He looked around and was distracted by a flash of movement. Brisingr looked around and went for his dagger, but was headed off by a fox. It was looking hungryly at Brisingr's kill as it growled visiously at Brisingr. The fox looked easy enough to defeat, but Brisingr foolishly left his dagger planted in a tree opposite of the fox. "Go on. Get out of here."Brisingr said as he tossed a rock at it. The fox was hit on the snout by the rock, which only made it twice as angry. The fox lunged at him and Brisingr sheilded himself with his arm and gotten it bit into. He howled in pain as he tried to get the fox off.
9:15pm Sep 13 2010
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The sound of Brisingr's howl made Elk jump back from the stream as if he'd been shocked. He twisted his head around, the water still dripping from his muzzle, and speed back off towards the camp. Only moments later, he burst through the brush and snarled menacingly at the fox, which immediately jumped away from Brisingr in fear. Elk snarled again, taking a few steps forward, his head low and the fur on his hackles raised. The fox yipped and ran in the opposite direction, Elk chasing after it until it disappeared into the brush. Elk frowned, his ears pulling back, and turned around to approach the human pup cautiously, wondering if he was ok.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:49pm Sep 13 2010
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Brisingr had his arm cradled close to his body. It was bleeding at where he was bitten at and was starting to show purple with bruises. He looked up and saw Elk approach. With his eyes in a pained look he managed to say something to Elk in thanks. "Thank you. I shouldnt have been so reckless about where I lay my dagger."He said as he sat to the ground. He took his shirt off and began to shred it up to make cloth bandages. He wrapped them carefully around the bleeding wound. By the look of the bite marks that fox was serious in completing its misson. It fail, but left Brisingr wounded by his right arm. It was a good thing he was a lefty.
10:14pm Sep 13 2010
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Elk frowned a bit more, touching Brisingr's shoulder with his tail before padding off. He was worried about the bite, knowing that all creatures, especially humans, could get infections from a bite. He trotted through the forest, his head sweeping back and forth until he finally found what he needed. It was a plant that he often used to prevent infections. He bit off a few stalks before returning back to camp, where the pup was now missing part of his odd material and was trying to wrap his arm. Snorting slightly, Elk padded back over to Brisingr and butted his head against the pup's, trying to get him to stop what he was doing, before setting the plant stalks down and beginning to lick at the wound. He'd clean it first and treat it, then the human could go about doing whatever odd thing he'd been doing.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:06pm Sep 13 2010
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Brisingr sat still and watched as his wound was cleaned by Elk. He was very thankful and wanted show his thanks. It stung as Elk clean the bruised and bloodied arm, but Brinsingr held his own. He watched some sort of medical plant salve on his wound. "Thank you."he said as he hugged Elk to suppress his pain and show thanks to Elk.
6:17pm Sep 14 2010
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Elk finished cleaning and applying his own form of "medicine" to Brisingr's wounds and was about to step back when the pup suddenly put his arms around him, causing him to stiffen in shock. Although he pretty much knew Brisingr wouldn't hurt him, it confused him to be this close in such a weird position and he made a soft noise to express his confusion as best he could to the human.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:27pm Sep 14 2010
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While Brisingr was hugging Elk, he heard an odd whimper like noise from him. Brisingr released from the embrace and looked at Elk and saw the look of confusion on his face. It made him wonder. Had Elk never recieved a hug as grattitude befor? Or even at all. He began to think of how to explain what he had just done. "Elk,"he began. "Have you never been embraced befor dear friend? Humans embrace each other to show emotions of happiness and grattitude. We call it a hug0"he explain the best he culd as he held a crooked smiled. "Do you understand? Or am I failure as a teacher?"he laughed softly.
10:37pm Sep 14 2010
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Elk's ears pricked forward and he listened to Brisingr carefully. No, he'd never gotten a "hug" before. It simply wasn't in a wolf's nature to do such a thing. In fact, it seemed downright difficult to do without knocking the other wolf over... well, at least in Elk's case that might have been a problem. He was considerably bigger than most wolves, after all. Still, he did understand it, but he wanted to show the pup one of the ways wolves showed these kinds of feelings. Carefully, he pressed his nose against Brisingr's. As a wolf, he was surprised how dry and warm the human's nose was compared to his rather cold and wet one. He pulled his ears back slightly, wondering if the bite had already made Brisingr sick.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:44pm Sep 14 2010
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(( *is in pain* softball pratice can kill *twitches*)) ~ Brisingr watch the look of understanding on Elk's face. It made his smile. His smile only grew when Elk pressed his nose against him. "Thanks."he said to Elk with a bit less pain. He next noticed the new look of confusion on Elk's face. "What's wrong?"Brisingr asked ready to help his friend with any inquiry he might have.
11:10pm Sep 14 2010
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((That's no good D: Look on the bright side, though! Everyone at my school agrees that the soccer team has it worse o3o)) Elk cocked his head to the side, keeping his muzzle close to the pup's face without their noses actually touching. How was he going to explain this to Brisingr? It wasn't as if he could talk to ask about the human's health, but no gestures he could think of could relay his worry. In the end, he just pressed his nose against the pup's again, staring at him through reddish eyes as he hoped Brisingr got the message.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:31pm Sep 14 2010
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(( we had alot of budget cuts at school so we dot have soccer or tennis any more :( )) ~ He waited to see how Elk was going to explain his concern. He watchedand saw he was haveing quite a difficult time. It would be super great if some how Elk learned huma speech. Brisingr watched as Elk gently pressed his nose against his. He thought about this gesture for a while. He lightly touched his own nose and thought to himself. He then touched Elk's nose and was sturk with a sense of knowing. "Youre concerned that my nose does not feel like yours, correct?"Brisingr guessed.
11:38pm Sep 14 2010
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((D: Blasphemy! Your school took away my two favorite sports :<)) Elk resisted his urge to sneeze when Brisingr touched his nose and instead made a sort of deep huffing sound as he nodded his head to show Brisingr that he'd guessed right. He butted his head against the human's chest, trying to get him to lay down so he wouldn't be putting out so much energy by sitting up and moving his arms around. Elk wanted the pup to rest and get better so he wouldn't get any more sick.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr