11:47pm Sep 14 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( I was on those teams. But now that they iz gone I play softball. )) ~ Brisingr saw Elk acknowlege his guess. He was right. He opened his mouth to say something, but was butted by Elk's head, lightly knocking him backwards. He tried to sit back up, but the pain from his arm restricted his mobility. "Human's differ from wolves and such. Our noses are not suppose to be wet an cold."he tried to explain while laying back. "If I met a human with a wet or cold nose I'd think they were very sickly."
11:58pm Sep 14 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Aww D: )) Elk frowned, seeming confused by Brisingr's explanation but eventually nodding to show he'd understood. Humans were more different than wolves than he originally thought. Even such a simple thing was backwards when it came to their species. He padded over to the pup's tent and pulled what he as.sumed to be what Brisingr had been using as a a blanket with his teeth, brining it back to him. Elk had spent enough time watching humans from afar to know they couldn't just sleep on the leaves and needed something else. He pulled the blanket over the human and sat down beside him, watching him to make sure he rested.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
12:11am Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisinger felt Elk pull his blanket over his body. He enjoyed the warmth from the handknitted wool item. He sighed and guess that he was going to give in to sleep. He closed his eyes and felt Elk lay next to him. His arm body heat pulsating to his own body. He felt a sense of happiness and fell asleep.
5:40am Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 3,426
After what seemed like quite a while of listening to Brisingr's soft breathing, Elk finally sat back up, staring at the pup curiously. Humans had always been mysterious to him. They were so different than any other creature he'd seen. He frowned, his curiosity starting to get the better of him and making his stomach twist in an apprehensive. He closed his eyes to begin to focus but quickly opened them again and let out a small whimper, curling up into a ball against the sleeping pup. No, he wouldn't do that yet. It wasn't something he should be able to do, so why should he try?
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:50am Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( time skipperz? ))
2:32pm Sep 15 2010
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((Sure, me start, or you? o3o))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:02pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( Dont stress. I will. How far ahead though? ))
5:05pm Sep 15 2010
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((Pfft, ok xD and maybe to late evening? o3o))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:58pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( sorry for muh lagg and lack of grade A giddiness. I got home from practice and got some scary news. So Im tired and weired outz =3=)) ~ Brisingr woke up to the sound of a peacock's ( cause this forest has those >.>) call. He forced himself to sit up dispite the pain he felt in his arm. He looked at himself and saw leaves on his clothing. Aparrently he had gone to sleep on the ground next to Elk. He brushed off some dirt and leaves and looked to Elk. He was very soft and warm. He was also a good friend. He had put medicine on his wounds and he could feel the pain dimming down.
6:16pm Sep 15 2010
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((It's fine o3o I have a million and one other things to be doing anyways -_-; What was the news? Or would you rather not share?)) Elk lazily forced his eyes open when he heard Brisingr up again and stretched out, rolling over onto his back to stretch out his stiff legs. The ground out in the open was a lot harder than the bedding in his den. Apparently, he'd gotten too accustomed to luxury. When he rolled over again, it was so his back was to the human. Elk seemed to have reverted back to his slightly moody and brooding attitude. He couldn't shake the feeling that he'd had another strange dream that he couldn't really recall.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:28pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( ...my ex is stalking me. its gotten really bad to the point that teachers are concerned for my safety. they keep calling me outta cl*censored* about it. oh and one of my dogs is preggerz i think @.@ )) ~ Brisingr watched as Elk stirred. He watched him stretch out and turn his back to him. He looked at Elk then rubbed the sleep from his own grey eyes. "How'd you sleep?"he said with a sleepy grin. He didnt notice what kind of mood Elk was in, but he was still going to try to be friendly.
7:19pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((*pulls out shotgun* Who's stalking my Onee-chan? D:< That's seriously creepy though. Can't you call the police? And congrats? 0_o Grr... I'm so mad at my computer now. The screen froze as soon as I finished my reply!)) Elk snorted slightly. He hadn't really. Weird dreams never let him sleep well and he usually woke up more exhausted than before. Still, he didn't want Brisingr worrying about him or trying to poke his nose where it didn't belong so Elk simply decided to act differently than he felt instead of what he usually did, which was the exact opposite. He rolled over onto his back again, twisting his head so he could lick at the pup's cheek, his tail thumping lightly against the ground. Hopefully, his little act would trick the human.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
7:56pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( why do you have a shotgun? Im ashamed to call you my ototochan *puts up epic anime background* Here use this desert eagle with night vision scope. An my mom is mad that one of the dogs is preggerz. she be aannggrreehh )) ~ Brisingr watched Elk roll over and act as friendly as a young pup. He smirked. "Dont tell me you putting it on for me?"he said raising an eyebrow. He stood up, staggering a bit, and looked to Elk with an observant eye. "Now, dont play me for a fool."he began. "I seen that act many a day to know that something indeed is up. So you want to talk about it or want me to drop it, but dont dare fake like you are all fine and together."Brisinger said sternly.
9:16pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Pfft, It's mainly for self defense xD I haven't actually even learned how to use it yet o_o; And that's not good D:)) Elk blinked in confusion when Brisingr stood up, his eyes growing wide when the human started talking. Was he... scolding him? Elk frowned and flipped over so he could look up at the pup with a startled look on his face. His ears pulled back as he whined slightly. Very few creatures had ever scolded him in his lifetime, so it was kind of a shock.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:35pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( Im more of rock throwing person, well Ive actually thrown dogs at peoplez )) ~ Brisingr looked at Elk with a steady look. He watched Elk flip over to get a better look. He saw Elk's eyes widen in some sort of disbelief. "Elk."he began. "I see myself as a friend to you and hopefully you see me like-wise." When standing became too heavy on him he sat down on a decadent looking log. "So would you stop faking and tell me you truth...or atleast try?"
10:47pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Pfft, how big were the dogs? xD And personally, my choice is a slingshot or paintball gun :3)) Elk sat up, staring down at the ground for the longest time with his tail curling around himself. It'd been a long time since he felt so much fear and anxiety. It would be easy, just one action could explain so much to the human, but that would be all it took to screw up their friendship and put the forest and himself in even more danger. He took a deep breath. Things already seemed to be falling apart so he might as well go for it. He closed his eyes and focused. Almost immediately, his form changed. The large reddish wolf was replaced with a frail looking human with lightly tanned skin and messy hair that was the same color as his fur had been and fell into his eyes, which were also the same color as before but much more human like. He immediately began shivering, having no fur and not even the strange material that other humans wrapped themselves in, and wrapped his arms around himself, looking up at Brisingr with a wide-eyed, nervous look. In this form he was much less confident, and looked quite scared with the idea at practically being at the human in front of him's mercy. Any time he shifted into something for the first time, it took a lot of energy and his body had to take time to recover before returning to the wolf-form that he'd been born as.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:04pm Sep 15 2010 (last edited on 11:06pm Sep 15 2010)
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Posts: 3,029
(( I swear I had the universe's greatest wooden sling shot, but my mom threw it away because i shot her in the back of the head and the dogs are corgi sized )) ~ Brisingr stared in awe as the wolf he was just sitting next to, laying next, eating near, changed into a human or what seemed to be human. He stared with his mouth slightly gaped open. He tried to form words, but couldnt think of what to say. His mind was rushing and pulsating with questions and confusing. He quickly got up and picked up his wool blanket and rushed over to the human's side to cover him. He wrapped the blanket around him in an embracing hug. His voice rasped, but still nothing came out.
11:15pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((That sucks D: You should have stolen it from the trash! And wow. I'd like the see you throw one of them someday... let's just hope it's not at me xD)) Elk tensed when Brisingr wrapped the blanket around him, but didn't try to move away. It seemed that everything and anything could frighten or startle him. He seemed nothing like the confident wolf he'd been moments before. He just stayed still, his shivering going down slightly from having the blanket around him, but it still wasn't totally gone. At least it seemed like things hadn't gone completely bad. Brisingr hadn't run, and he was actually helping him. Did that mean he wasn't scared? But... why wasn't he talking...?
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:27pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( we went to like 7 diffrent places that day! Idk which trash can! *cries with epic background* and i think the last time i tossed a dog at someone was...my bday ))
11:32pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr was at a loss for words. Was this still the same Elk? What had exactly happened? While all these pressing concerns and questions bombarded his head he still failed to say a word. What could he say? What would he say. He looked into the eyes of the human who was Elk and mouthed something but it didnt come out in vocal sound. He looked Elk over and let out a breath that he had seemed to be holding for the longest. ".......Eh...Elk?"he rasped.