8:25pm Sep 17 2010
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Elk had just pulled on the pant's he'd been given when Brisingr mentioned the king, a dark scowl forming on his face until he heard the last part of the human's explanation. His eyes widened in shock as his body felt a different kind of cold. His voice was a growl when he spoke. "You... You lied to me, didn't you?" he said, his eyes hidden behind his bangs as his body began to tremble. "You knew you couldn't kill me in a real fight so you used trickery to get close to me. This was all fake."
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:46pm Sep 17 2010
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Brisingr's eyes widened. "No.."he said trying to move over closer to Elk. He was panicing. Elk was feeling betrayed and Brisingr could feel the intensity. "Please dont think that way Elk!"he said upset. "I came to save this woodland and I gained a freind in the process, right?" he said reaching out to his shaking friend.
9:02pm Sep 17 2010
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Elk slapped Brisingr's hand away, giving him a disgusted look. "You humans are all the same." he said coldly, abruptly standing up, almost staggering at the blood rush but quickly regaining his balance. He gave the pup one final look before turning away quickly and running off, just wanting to get as far away from the human as he could. After only a few minutes of running, he was forced to stop sitting down in between two large tree trunks. His feet hurt. The pads on his wolf form were hard from years of use, but in this form, his pads were just as soft as the day he'd been born. Suddenly, tears welled up in his eyes and streamed down his cheeks, dripping down into his lap. He'd stupidly gotten close to a human, and this sorrow was his punishment. He should have known.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:21pm Sep 17 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr tried to chase after Elk, but he staggered and feel forward. He watched him dash away and tears swelled into his eyes. He tried not to cry for it was a weakness, but the thought oF Elk hating him was too much to bare. He chocked on his tears and began calling Elk's name. He wanted Elk to be back by his side as he friend again. He thought about his messy mas.s of hair and how careful Elk looked. Brisingr strugggled up from the forest floor and noticed his arm had a painful looking scar forming. He ignored any pain and continued calling out for Elk as he wandered aimlessly through the forest.
9:33pm Sep 17 2010
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Elk pressed his hands against his eyes, trying to keep the tears from flowing but they just wouldn't stop. He whimpered softly, his body still trembling. He had no idea what to do now. He was totally alone, not that this was anything new, but the feeling of once again being helpless was starting to scare him. He was no longer the strongest creature in this forest. He was just a weak human who couldn't even protect himself, let alone everything else from the king. Suddenly, he perked up at the sound of Brisingr's voice, for a moment looking eager before remembering the situation again and shrinking into the shadows of the roots, not wanting to be found by him.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:40pm Sep 17 2010
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Brisingr continued to call out, but the only response he recieved was the taunting and cruel calls of wild night bugs and snickering owls. "Elk!..."Brisingr called out as he shivered to a p*censored*ing gust of wind. He didnt want to stop looking, but he feared he had lost Elk forever. He had cared for him so much enough to say he loved him like family, yet like no other.
9:54pm Sep 17 2010
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Elk stayed where he was, trembling silently with his knees pulled up to his chest and his hands over his ears. His eyes were squeezed shut and he was biting into his lip, making him look like a scared child. Brisingr's voice was getting louder and closer, forcing him to shrink farther into the shadows. The pup was too close now and would see him if he fled, but he wasn't exactly hidden very well in the root shadows and might end up being seen where he was as well. Trying to make up his mind on what to do, he sat rooted to his spot, unable to move.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
4:21am Sep 18 2010
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After aimlessly wondering about, Brisingr tripped over a fat root. His face was wet and hot with tears when he noticed a shape in the dark. He studied the form a little more befor he did anything else. He saw an akward human shape. "Elk..."he thought in some relief. He did not want him running away so he make a quick plan. When Brisingr got close enough he tackled Elk and did his best to pin him down. "Elk please stop and just listen to me."he began as he tried to keep Elk down. "You as.sume wrong about me. I have betrayed you in no way nor have I ever lied to you."
7:31am Sep 18 2010
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Elk had no way of knowing that Brisingr had found him and was caught completely off guard when the pup tackled him. He was knocked down to the ground and immediately started thrashing, trying to throw Brisingr off but not making any progress. He was still weak from his shift and it was starting to show. "Let me go!" he shouted, keeping his eyes closed as he struggled. He refused to listen to anything the human had to say. Humans lie. Brisingr had already lied to him once, who's to say he wouldn't do it again?
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:56am Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr tightened his grip. He knew that if Elk had enough power he would most likely become a wolf again and easily push him away and maybe even run away. Brisingr knew if he ran in wolf form the he may never see him again. "Tell me when have I lied to you!"Brisingr said as he use on hand to brush a leaf away from Elk's cheek. He let his hand linger on Elk's warm cheek.
12:55pm Sep 18 2010
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Elk jolted at the touch, making a small sound that sounded much like a whimper. Tears had started to stream down his cheeks again and he tilted his head to the side as he bit down on his bottom lip nervously. He kept silent other than his small sobs, partly because his mind had blocked out the humans words and partly because he was unable to form any sort of understandable sentence. He was afraid. Afraid of what Brisingr might do to him and what would happen to the forest because of it.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
1:35pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr could feel Elk's pained tears. He didnt know what to do and it made him feel weak and useless. He stopped talking, but he didnt lessen his grip on Elk. He simly closed his sad eyes and layed next to Elk embracing him and hopeing that he would not leave.
1:50pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((Poor Elk. ;c))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
2:55pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((You're still lurking, Sarya? xD)) Eventually, Elk's sobs got softer, finally stopping all together. His breathing slowed as well, causing his chest rising a falling slowly. He was completely exhausted, unable to move, let alone struggle against Brisingr's hold anymore. Even in a situation like this, something about Brisingr's touch didn't seem scary. Elk was scared of what he could do to him, but he still wasn't afraid of the touch itself.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
3:47pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Once Brisingr noticed the Elk had stopped squrming and struggling to go free he picked him up with both his injured arm and his healthy arm. Elk was pretty light weight for a human, but Brisingr knew that he was most certainly not a human. Brisinger did his best to carry Elk back to his den. "I would never hurt you."he said softly, but loud enough for Elk to hear if he was listening.
4:27pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk made a soft noise when he was lifted up, forcing one of his arms up around Brisingr's neck, as if he was afraid he'd be dropped. Even this small action was difficult for him, making him realize how dangerously exhausted his body was. When Brisingr spoke up again, Elk actually tilted his head slightly to listen, burying his face into the human's shoulder as he did, and whimpered slightly.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
4:51pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr softly smiled as he looked down at Elk. He felt him hide his face into his shoulder. "I hope you are listening to me."he sighed. "Because I honestly care too much for you. I dont know what Id do...if I had lost you for good." Brisingr arrived at Elk's den. He layed him down carefully. "I came here to save these woodlands, but now I see I have to save my friendship in the process."
9:36pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk felt some heat rise to his cheeks from Brisingr's words and mentally cursed himself for it. He seriously couldn't tell if the human was lying or not. His mind said he was... but another part of him didn't think so. When Brisingr finally put him down, he was in his familiar den, which seemed a lot bigger now that he was so much smaller. He snuggled down into the leaves and moss, turning his head slightly to look up at Brisingr out of the corner of his eye, his ex pression sad and fearful.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:06pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Brisingr had a nurturing look on his face. He wanted to stay near Elk, but knew that Elk might not want him any where near him. "Dont worry."he said softly. "I will return to my kingdom once you are able to transform back...". Brisingr paused and brushed his hair from his tear strewn face. "And..and when I return I will tell the people that this forest is off limits, but they still rely on the forst so I will give them certain places to go...Then you will be rid of all human contact."he said as he walked away heading for his camp and sleeping horse. He looked to the sky and saw dawn was still a good bit from approaching.
11:16pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Elk bit his lip and turned over away from the exit of the den, when Brisingr left, tears stinging his eyes again. He'd lived on his own for so long that the thought of the only creature in his life leaving was unbearable. He curled up, as best he could in this form, and covered his eyes with his arm, sobbing softly. (-fail-)
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr