6:30pm Feb 12 2012
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So, we both know the plot and the setting. I hate bios. Absolutely hate the darned things. So, you're welcome to make a bio if you need to, but I've got my character planned out, so it would be a complete waste of my time.
So, why don't we start in a large city, like the Gearing Era version of NYC?
Love is all we need~
6:32pm Feb 12 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ No bio sounds good to me. ^-^ And New York sounds good to me. ]]
6:41pm Feb 12 2012
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Posts: 6,409
((I'll start.))
Cecilia wasn't dressed like a lady, and she wasn't treated like a lady. No men opened doors for her, and nobody treated her as if she was a weakling. This was both good and bad. Dressing like a man gave Cecilia a low status in this city and people spat at her most of the time, calling her ridiculous names and other things. However, it also meant that she was treated equally. Nobody was surprised when she would reveal that she could handle a weapon, and people were actually afraid of her when she got angry.
She walked silently into the saloon, glad of the "alcohol-for-everyone" rule. After a long day of doing absolutely nothing, she wanted to get pretty drunk, and then collapse on her couch at home.
Despite dressing as a man, Cecilia was clearly female. Her long, wavy blonde hair stuck out like a sore thumb against her black cape, and her blue eyes stood out from under her black tophat, which sported a single winged gear on the side.
She ordered a shot glass full of whisky, and downed it, shaking slightly as she felt it burn as the liquid went down her hatch.
Love is all we need~
6:54pm Feb 12 2012
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Ethan stared at his calloused hands as the bartender slid his drink next to him. He looked at the oil that had stained his fingerless gloves, along with every other piece of clothing he owned. Ethan was sick of being treated like a dog, as were all other Valkyrie like him.
Ethan heard the door open, and turned his head to see a very nice looking woman walk in. She dressed as a man, for some odd reason. But Ethan couldn't judge. In this day and age, being a man was an upside.
As the woman sat down and ordered a shot, Ethan ruffled his wings. Most woman wouldn't drink strong like that, and it had slightly impressed him. Unfortunately, this woman was a human. There wasn't a Valkyrie who hated humans more than Ethan.
He tapped his oily fingers on the table, ordering another drink. He had to get pretty drunk to talk to a human, and that was his exact plan. He had just finished his first drink as the next took its place.
7:05pm Feb 12 2012
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As drink after drink slid down Cecilia's throat, she started feeling hazier and hazier. She turned to the man beside her, and noticed that he had some sort of fluffy things on his back, which were wings, but Cecilia would never have guessed that he was a Valkyrie in her drunken state.
She reached out to stroke the feathery appendages, a drunken smile on her face. "Hey you." She turned her head so that her blue eyes were staring into Ethan's. "Why is there a big dog on your back? He's so fluffy." She stroked his feathers, her hand occasionally missing his wing all together.
Love is all we need~
7:26pm Feb 12 2012
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Ethan observed the woman as she drained drink after drink, though he didn't mind. He was nearly in that state as well. "Hey you," He replied with a goofy grin on his face. Ethan pushed his black locks out of his face and grabbed his drink.
The sound of glass shattering sounded extremely loud to Ethan's ears. He had dropped his drink when Cecilia touched his wings. He nearly hissed at her before he realized she was intoxicated out of her mind.
"Yes," He mused, ordering another drink. "I keep him there for protection from pretty gals like yourself." Ethan raised his glass and winked at the girl before taking another drink.
7:31pm Feb 12 2012
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"Pfft!" Cecilia laughed, letting go of his wings and nearly falling, catching herself on the stool. Another drink made its way into her hand, and she downed it. "I'm not pretty. I bet when you're all clean and dressed in nice clothes, and when your dog's on the floor, that you'd be more attractive than me if I wore a dress." She snickered.
"Plus, I love dogs. Why would your dog need protection?" She gestured to Ethan's wings, a lop-sided smile on her face.
Love is all we need~
7:37pm Feb 12 2012
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Cecilia's comment nearly made Ethan choke on his drink. Valkyrie? Cleaned up and dressed nice? Yeah, in his dreams.
"I highly doubt there's anything more gorgeous than you in a dress," Ethan finally said, flashing her a nice, white smile. If there was one thing that Ethan took care of, it was his teeth.
Ethan ruffled his wings before answering her question. "He's actually MY protection," He teased her lightly, returning the smile.
7:43pm Feb 12 2012
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Cecilia downed one more drink before continuing the conversation. "Nah. I'd never wear a dress anyway. That'd be too.... too..." Cecilia thought for a moment, her mind going off on bunny trails. She found it harder and harder to stay focused. When she finally came back to earth, she grinned again.
"Why do you need protection? Too many pretty girls after ya? You look strong enough to take care of yourself." She patted him on the shoulder, and then fell over flat on her back, the tips of her feet on the stool. Somehow in her intoxicated state, she'd managed to lose her balance on the stool and fall backwards, which was a pretty hard feat for someone to manage, even for a drunk clutz like Cecilia.
She stood back up, brushing herself off, seemingly unscathed. This time, she made sure to keep one hand on the bar at all times in order to keep her balance.
Love is all we need~
7:50pm Feb 12 2012
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Ethan watched as Cecilia fell backwards. He would have caught her, but she was a big girl and could handle herself. He just watched as she picked herself up and brushed off. He couldn't help but grin as she brought herself back up to the bar.
"I'm certainly strong enough," Ethan commented when she was finally stable... Well, of some soft. "But I would never hit a lady." Ethan paused then added with a laugh, "Unless she hit me first."
Most people frown upon men hitting woman, and Ethan did too. Unless she deserved it. He was not below returning a hit, no matter who delivered it.
8:10pm Feb 12 2012
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"I knew you were strong enough. And I completely agree with you on hitting women." Cecilia shook some of her hair out of her face.
"If I had a dime for every time that a girl kicked a man so hard in the groin that you'd think he'd never have kids, and the man didn't hit her back, I'd be one rich girl. I think that women deserve to be hit just as much as men do. Equality is the goal, is it not?" Another drink came towards her, but she finally realized that the last thing that she needed was another drink.
"But in this era, there's no such thing as equality. All women are treated as lesser beings, but we're respected. Sometimes I think that we might as well be considered as Valkyries." A bunny trail formed in Cecilia's head.
"Valkyries also need to be treated equally. The only thing that's different about them is that they have wings." Her voice was slurred, but you could make out the sentence pretty well. "I mean, are they really all that bad? Sure, we're on the verge of a war, here, but there's bound to be a way to settle this other than violence. I mean, I'm not one to drop out of a fight once it's started, but this war would be huge, and would possibly be the end of everything." She paused, realizing that she'd gotten off topic.
"Sorry," she said. "Mind bunnies."
Love is all we need~
8:17pm Feb 12 2012
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Ethan tensed as she mention Valkyrie. He was not above hitting a woman for insulting his race either. She had mentioned equality between the races, but Ethan was still on his toes. He was looking for fighting words, but it appears that Cecilia was over the topic.
"I don't know," Ethan said slowly. "I think violence is the perfect answer. Some humans are too pigheaded to realize that Valkyrie are just like them. And some Valkyrie are ashamed to want to be equal to humans. They consider themselves a higher race..." Ethan trailed off and shook his head. He was all for fighting, mostly because he believed his kind would win.
"And all good things come to an end." Ethan added solemnly. He took a sip of his drink and then pushed it away. The discussion about races always made his stomach twist in knots.
8:40pm Feb 12 2012
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Cecilia nodded. She understood his point, and respected what he was saying. "Sometimes fighting is the only way to solve things, but I prefer to talk things through first."
She bit the corner of her lip, and leaned on the bar. "What's your name? You seem like an honorable man. I'm Cecilia Ambrose, a local navigator for airships." She held out her hand for him to shake. She'd almost forgotten to introduce herself.
Love is all we need~
8:45pm Feb 12 2012
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Ethan thought about what she said and considered it. But if humans leaders were anything like him, they just wanted to battle it out.
"Cecilia, it's nice to meet you," Ethan said softly. He wiped his hand on his stained jeans before shaking hers. "My name is Ethan Hunt... Factory worker and gear constructor." Ethan grinned and swept his hands down his clothing. "If you couldn't already tell."
8:49pm Feb 12 2012
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"I also own an airship. If you'd like, you and your dog could come and see it. Speaking of your dog, is he dead? He doesn't move much.... Maybe he's just sleeping." She shook his hand politely.
"If you're interested, I could hire you as a repairman to my gears, which have a strange tendency to get stuck." She licked her lips, deep in thought. "I mean, after all, you make gears. Maybe you could understand why they keep getting jammed."
"So, would you like to come to my ship?"
Love is all we need~
8:56pm Feb 12 2012
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Ethan grinned at her words. "Oh him?" He said, referring to his 'dog'. "He sleeps a lot." A chuckle escaped his lips. Again with the dog... This woman seemed to still be out of it!
"Your gears get stuck?" Ethan then asked with a frown. "You must have a faulty part or something... That shouldn't be happening." He mulled the offer over in his mind. It would get him out of those crappy factory conditions... But he didn't know how she would react when she found out he was Valkyrie. Maybe he should tell her? Maybe not...
"I would love to check out the ship before I make any deals, so I'll take you up on that offer," Ethan said with a grin. He pushed back on his stool and stood up, stretching to his tall height of nearly 6' 3". He was a pretty big guy, actually.
9:05pm Feb 12 2012
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Cecilia had to crane her neck to look up at him. He was nearly a foot taller than her now, which was a bit intimidating, but she didn't let it show.
"Just follow me." She made a gesture for Ethan to follow her, and she made her way out of the bar, stumbling as she went through the streets of the city towards the boarding dock.
Once she was at the boarding dock, she made her way to her ship, which was easily the largest airship there. It had large letters spelling "GRIFFON" on the side of the ship painted in gold. She walked up the ladder onto the deck, and down to the control room, which also doubled as the engine room.
The gears hissed in protest as she turned on the ship, and she gestured wildly to them with a "WTF?!" look on her face.
"See what I'm talking about." She placed her hands on her hips.
Love is all we need~
9:25pm Feb 12 2012
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Ethan nodded and followed her out, though he wasn't stumbling. It took quite a bit to make him intoxicated like her. He walked just slightly behind her, letting her lead the way.
They finally made their way to the boarding dock, and Ethan had to hold in his gasp as they made their way to her ship, which was the biggest there. Of course she had the biggest ship... Why not?
Ethan watched as she turned on her ship, and listened as the gears screeched as they turned. "Hm, your ship's a beauty, but she needs some work." Ethan said, rubbing his slightly stubbled chin. "It doesn't sound too bad... Lots of cleaning though. You probably don't take out and clean your gears regularly, do you?"
9:29pm Feb 12 2012
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"No." Cecilia answered honestly. She hardly ever cleaned the gears in her ship. She would've hired someone a long time ago to do it for her, had not everyone been so disgusted by her way of life, which included wanting to be treated equally.
She sighed, squinting at Ethan's wings. "Your dog is starting to look kinda.... Funny." She cocked her head to the side.
"Oh well. I bet he'll be fine." Cecilia grinned warmly at the 'dog'. She yawned, rubbing her eyes and taking off her hat, revealing more of her long, blonde hair and allowing her dark blue eyes to be seen more clearly. "Good lord. Why am I so sleepy?" She yawned again, sitting down on a plush love seat in the corner.
Love is all we need~
9:37pm Feb 12 2012
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"That's a big mistake a lot of people make." Ethan said, looking around the room. "See, the gears usually tend to leak oil, and the heat that they produce makes the oil stick to the gears. Once they stop, the oil dries and makes it hard for the gears to start spinning again."
Ethan barely contained his laugh at Cecilia's comment. "Yes, I'm sure he'll be fine, " He said with a grin. He walked over to the loveseat and sat down next to Cecilia. "Why do you keep your hair under wraps?" Ethan then asked her. "You're so pretty with it down."