9:43pm Feb 12 2012
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Cecilia blushed, but continued to keep her cool. "If men see me as a girl, they'll treat me as a lesser being. They'll treat me like I'm a Valkyrie." She sighed, leaning so that her head rested on the armrest, her shins touching Ethan's thighs.
"I want to be treated equally. Do you have any clue how long I had to work to get this airship? I had the money for it for a long time, but I had to convince the man that I was a girl that could run a ship." She sighed once more. "Life for women is so frustrating."
Love is all we need~
9:56pm Feb 12 2012 (last edited on 10:13pm Feb 12 2012)
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Gahh! I deleted my post. -.- Lame! I'll edit this in a moment. ]]
Ethan kept a cool demeanor as Cecelia mentioned the Valkyrie again. It was still a touchy subject for him in many ways. He did grin a bit, though, when their legs touched. He's a guy, what do you expect?
"Equality is a tricky thing to earn this day and age," He commented slowly, not wanting to step on any toes. "Equality goes to the human males, and no one else it seems."
10:31pm Feb 12 2012
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"Well, I'm going to fight for my own equality. And for the Valkyries' equality." Cecilia closed her eyes, and continued. "Human men need to lose their big heads and become a bit more humble. I've met only a few human men that I liked. They still got on my nerves." She giggled.
Cecilia wanted to talk more, but she was on the verge of sleep. "If you want the job, you're hired..." She drifted off, the alcohol finally taking its toll on her.
Love is all we need~
10:37pm Feb 12 2012
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Ethan nodded as she drifted off. "You got yourself a repair man," He whispered softly before stand up. He slowly turned off the craft and left a key on the table. He pulled a slightly smudged notepad out of his jacket pocket and a pencil. He turned to a new page that didn't have gear drawings on it and left a note:
Dear Cecilia, I'll take the job. When you need to contact me, I'll be at 915 Washington Street. Apartment number 18. Just walk in.
Ethan ripped the piece of paper out of the notepad and placed it on the table. He crawled out of the spacecraft and made his way home.
10:47pm Feb 12 2012
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((I feel as if I need a timeskip to the next morning. This shall be... interesting.))
Cecilia jumped up from the loveseat, a headache pounding against her skull. She couldn't remember a thing about the night before, other than that she had gotten really, really drunk, and that a strange man had been really nice to her. Then she remembered that the man had carried a dog on his back, which seemed unusual to her.
Something was fishy, and it most definately wasn't the smell of oil in the control room.
After taking a shower and dressing in something that wasn't girly, Cecilia found a note on a table near the entrance of her ship. What on earth had happened the day before?
She read it, and walked to the address on the note. Though it said for her to just walk in, she knocked anyway, feeling a bit bad that she couldn't remember a thing about the day before.
Love is all we need~
11:37pm Feb 12 2012
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Ethan awoke with the sun, like he did every morning, and sighed. He wondered if the girl would come back and give him a job. If not, he couldn't be late for current one. Ethan hopped in the shower real quick to wash all the oil he could from his body, though unsuccessful. Oil was awfully hard to wash with just some water.
Ethan climbed out of the shower and dressed in his usual attire: Stained jeans, his black T-Shirt, long trenchcoat to cover his wings and his fingerless gloves so he could work. He was just about to head out the door when he heard a knock. Was it her? He sure hoped so.
Ethan opened the door and grinned when he saw Cecilia standing there in her boyish attire. " Mornin'," He said with a smile. "Care to come in?"
5:02pm Feb 13 2012
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Cecilia felt her deep blue eyes travel the the man's face. He was definately the guy that she'd remembered from the night before, but one thing remained fuzzy in her memory.
What in heavens and earth was his name? Nathan? Nathaniel?
"Ethan!" Cecilia said the word out loud as she remembered his name. "That's your name. Yes. I remember you. I was so drunk last night that I couldn't remember hardly anything this morning. I do, however, remember telling you that you could have the job." She let out a friendly smile, and twirled a lock of her hair around her finger.
"So, um... Since my gears seem to have constant problems, how about I hire you as my permanent repairman?" She bit the corner of her lip.
Love is all we need~
5:08pm Feb 13 2012
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"Yes, Ethan." Ethan said with a chuckle. Jeesh, she really was out of it last night... He thought, shaking his head.
Ethan rubbed his stubbled chin and sighed. "Permanent?" He repeated, mostly to himself. "That does sound a lot better than the factories." Ethan grinned because he had already accepted the job; he just had to accept for a second time.
Ethan shrugged and finally said, "Sounds good to me." He smiled and held out his hand to shake and make the deal final.
5:30pm Feb 13 2012
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Cecilia shook his hand and said, "So, I'll be leaving to go to the forests of South America in about a week. If you'd like, I can take you with me, given that you're my repairman. In the mean time, we need to get to work on my ship's gears. They're not going to fix themselves." Cecilia let out a light laugh.
Upon realization that his dog had disappeared, she cocked her head to the side, and asked, "Hey, Ethan, what happened to your dog?" Her eyes traveled shortly to his back, but she couldn't see a single trace of doghair.
Love is all we need~
5:49pm Feb 13 2012
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Ethan smiled but stayed silent. South America? He had never been out of New York, so this was bound to be an adventure! And on a ship... He had worked on ships before, but never rode on one.
Again with the dog. Ethan couldn't help but grin. He could see the way Cecilia was looking for the non-existent dog on his back. "About that..." He started, pausing to bite his lip. "I don't have a dog... What you saw on my back last night actually consisted of feathers..." Ethan didn't want to say it out loud. Being a Valkyrie was shameful here.
5:55pm Feb 13 2012
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Cecilia was shocked, and maybe even a bit angry with Ethan, but she would soon get over it. She was more angry over the fact that he hadn't tole her that he was a Valkyrie rather than that he actually was one.
"You could've told me." She fell silent for a moment. "I understand that it's fun to mess with a drunken girl who dresses like a man, but that's just cruel. I thought you were carrying a dog around on your back. I thought you were crazy. It turns out that I'm the only crazy one in this city."
Cecilia ran a hand through her hair. "Come on. We need to get to work." She fell silent again, and shook her head, not making eye contact with Ethan.
Love is all we need~
6:04pm Feb 13 2012
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Ethan almost felt bad for a moment, but the feeling quickly passed. "You have to understand where I'm coming from," He said quietly after a moment. "Like you said, in this world, it's tough being a woman, but even tougher being a Valkyrie."
Ethan paused and closed the door behind him. "Would you have hired me off the street if you knew I was a Valkyrie before? I highly doubt it." Ethan gave her a small smile and stuffed his hands in his coat pocket.
6:11pm Feb 13 2012
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Cecilia whirled around stomping towards Ethan until she was staring at his chest from only about two inches away. She angled her head upward, and stood on her tiptoes so that she was as close to being face-to-face with ethan as she could be.
"Do you understand what I've been working for for as long as I can remember? I've been working my butt off trying to get people like you and me equality- wings or not. Don't you dare accuse me of anything else." And so Cecilia's fiery temper shined through, clenching and unclenching her fists in an attempt to control herself.
Cecilia was a pretty tolerant person, but when something set her off, it really, really set her off.
Love is all we need~
9:10pm Feb 13 2012
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Love is all we need~
9:17pm Feb 13 2012
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Ethan held his hands back in the air as if to say 'Woah, back off', but let her muse through her speech. He had not meant it personally or anything, and he felt bad that it came out that way.
"I'm not trying to accuse you of anything, Cecilia," Ethan finally said, his tone soft. "I'm simply making a point here." Ethan paused to choose his words carefully. "I respect what you are trying to do for equality, I really do; but, I also believe that it is a lost cause... I meant no disrespect."
9:47pm Feb 13 2012
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Cecilia felt her gaze soften from nothing but pure anger at Ethan to a bit of sadness.
"It won't be a lost cause so long as I'm breathing. I will not give up. I don't give up on 'lost' things." She turned and took several deep breaths trying to keep the tears from pooling in her eyes.
After a moment of calming herself down, she took in one deep breath and let it out as a sigh. "Let's get to my ship."
She walked all the way to her ship in silence and stopped in the control room, where some of the gears were, and, as much as she wanted to start working right away, she had no clue where to start.
Love is all we need~
9:56pm Feb 13 2012
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Ethan couldn't help but admire Cecilia's efforts. Not many people were willing to stand up for equality, especially not women. It almost gave him hope in a cause, though deep down he was still wishing for a blood brawl.
Ethan followed her in silence to the magnificent ship and into the control room. It was clear to him where to start, though it was not obvious to most people. "Okay," He said, rubbing his gloved hands together. "One rule: Absolutely NO turning on the ship until all of the gears are back in place; that is, unless you want to own a pile of charred wood and melted metal."
10:09pm Feb 13 2012
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"Got it." Cecilia nodded. "No turning on the ship." She pulled a tin box from the back pocket of her trousers, and popped what appeared to be a mint into her mouth.
She smiled as the sweet candy dissolved and the sugar- along with caffeine- got into her veins. What she'd just taken was a caffiene pill. The things worked like magic for most people, and they seemed to work just fine for Cecilia.
Love is all we need~
10:22pm Feb 13 2012
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Ethan watched, enthused, at how Cecilia ate the candy. Him, barely affording food each month found it interesting that people spent their money on such luxuries. To him, it seemed like a waste of money.
Ethan turned around examined what he had to with the gears. He grabbed a kit out of his bag and opened it up, pulling out a detailing brush and a rag. He put the kit away and turned to Cecilia. "Okay, what I need to work with is a bucket of water and a small amount of oil. Do you have that here, or should I go get some?"
4:23pm Feb 14 2012
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Cecilia held up her finger and said, "One second. I'll bring it to you." She went off to a small room, ran a bucket of water, and put a small amount of oil into a seperate, smaller bucket. She came back into the room, the needed objects in hand.
As she set them down beside Ethan, she asked, "What can I do to help?"
Love is all we need~