12:22pm Nov 28 2013 (last edited on 6:01pm Dec 6 2013)
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Posts: 1,997
I'm not going to make this big and fancy. This is an Inheritance roleplay. If you don't know what that is, then you need to read Eragon. Yes, dragons. Fun, right? Good. If you've not read the books, then we can coach you, but I'd suggest not joining unless you've read at least some of the first one.
Plot is simple. We are dragon riders. We start out by getting captured by the Elves and they give us our eggs. They hatch, we get dragons, the Elves teach us to be riders. We have to make a long journey to somewhere or other so we can help defeat the evil king guy and win back the world. :U
1. You must be literate. Send me examples, please, through Rmail before you join. 2. You must be polite. I don't care if your character is, but you must be. 3. All Res rules apply. If you want to do something more than PG13, take it off site. 4. There are only 4 spots open. 3 are already reserved. Once we are at four players, nobody else will be accepted unless you're really awesome<3 5. Post your favorite song in the "Other" section of your forum. 6. You can talk in OOC all you want, just don't make a new post just for OOC. Ex: "Hey John!" Eric shouted to his friend. ((I love these two. xD Also, anyone see the game last night? It was awesome!)) That is allowed. Bad Ex: ((guys btw anyone know how to make pancakes? I'm bored haha)) 7. I am in charge. If I see a problem and ask you to fix it, do so, or leave. Thanks<3
FluzzMe - Markus - Male DarkWingedRaven - Thylar - Male RikaTheFallen - Altair - Male Lakie - Terra - Female Dodoburb - Noa - Female
Make your own Bio. Make sure to include one for your rider (elf or human) and your dragon. Have fun!<33

6:36pm Nov 28 2013 (last edited on 5:43pm Nov 29 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 174
((M JOINING... Will write the written part... later...))
Name: Thylar
Age: Young Adult...?
Gender: Male
Appearance: Thylar's looks fit his personality very much- a bit unnoticeable, with his average height, his unassuming build, and his overall mallow appearance. However, if you do notice him, it's not hard to say that he's rather good-looking in a shy way. Short, straight raven black hair, and a rather pale complexion and boyish face, with dark brown eyes. Thylar has a small scar over his right brow, but it's unnoticeable from a ways. Slightly athletic in build, but more built for agility than strength, but still stronger than he seems.
Similar to his nature, Thylar doesn't exactly dress to impress, choosing instead to wear comfortably, suitable to work attire. His main dress includes a black scarf, leather gauntlets, a gray tunic, a leather belt and simple trousers and light boots.
Personality: Thylar can be described as rather shy, always opting to do lots of looking before any leaping in the slightest, and more in the background than center of attention- in fact, if you kept eye contact with him for a little longer than expected, he'd probably start high tailing it out of the scene. Rather reserved, Thylar keeps to himself, often lost in thought- sometimes it takes a couple times in order to get his attention. Soft-spoken, Thylar has a quiet voice, and he is most likely the last person to join in a conversation. Though Thylar doesn't draw attention, he isn't afraid of meeting new people- although it'll take some time before he warms up to you, though he is rather friendly.
Once you do have his trust, however, he'll do anything in the will to please. Don't ask something of him lightly though, otherwise he might injure himself trying to accomplish your wish. When he accepts you as a friend, he becomes more talkative as well. Though don't like these things fool you, however- Thylar is sharp-witted, and very observant.
Name: Arua
Age: ...
Gender: Female
Appearance: Arua is a deep, sapphire-like blue, with a slightly paler under belly, neck and tail. Silvery horns curl around her face, with three sharp prongs lining the top. Arua has a slightly beak-like mouth, tapered sharply at her snout, giving her a more dainty look, as coupled with her bright, turquoise eyes. Like her rider, she possesses a lithe body. Arua's wings are slightly larger than average to her size, but more in shape to quick and agile flight than for gliding or soaring. Strangely enough, Arua has feather-like scales, and a very birdlike crest. Her tailblades splay out in a sort of flat trident-like shape, with a kind of eye-marking in the centers.
Personality: Very unlike her rider, Arua is a very outspoken dragon, and also slightly more reckless. While not enjoying all attention, Arua likes conversation and intelligent debates, and is very good with her words. In fact, Arua loves nothing more than telling stories (or listening to them). She also loves riddles and challenges, always up for one, be it day or night. Arua's humor, however, is slightly stilted.
Arua can sometimes come across as rude, having a low tolerance for stupidity- or idiocy, for that matter. Arua also likes stating her opinion in matters, even when it's not wanted. Holding a high value for honesty, truth is very important to Arua. She has an uncanny ability to tell if someone is lying, and uses it a lot. However, Arua is very indecisive, and couldn't make a decision between two things to save her life.

7:18pm Nov 28 2013
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Altair Esmiro Age: 19 Gender: Male obvs. Looks:   Name: Obsidian Age: Young adult Gender: Male Looks: 
8:08pm Nov 28 2013
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Name; Markus Rowlen Age; Ignoring the fact he obviously looks older than 25, we're going to say he's 21. e.e Gender; Male Other; Mark is bi heuheu <3
Name; Ahzi Gender; Female
I own no art~
10:23pm Nov 28 2013
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Posts: 1,586
Name: Terra Ellanro Gender: Female Age: How rude to ask a woman her age. Appearance: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/148/8/1/elf_by_chibi_oneechan-d51hd17.jpg
[This art does not belong to me and the creator deserves all credit. This is simply an idea I am basing my character roughly on]
Normally, however shown in the picture, Terra wears her hair down and it curls at the bottom around her shoulders. Eyes change color depending on the season because elf magic allows this easily. Other: Favorite song right this second? Erg... Drops of Jupiter or Drive By - both by train
Dragon -
Name: Lianalera- Know only by her rider as Lia Pronounced as: (Lia-na-lair-a) Gender: Female Appearance: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/153/f/8/f8aef76090b4c94f41452f36d9d804b9-d521kuh.png
This art, however, does belong to me and I would appreciate it not being taken ^^
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
10:32pm Nov 28 2013 (last edited on 10:33pm Nov 28 2013)
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Posts: 3,137
Name: -Noa Jiro Gender: -Female Age: -19 Looks and Personality: -Noa is a tall, slim Elven maid with boyishly short, hay-colored hair and crystalline blue eyes. She has a small splash of freckles across her face, with the most across the bridge of her nose. Her eyes are very darkly rimmed naturally, as though she lines them with makeup every day, and the rims of her pupils are almost as black.
Despite her upbringing as "a dainty good for nothing slave to men," Noa carries a certain air about herself, as if she's too good to do something. That something is not warfare. She's fierce, stubborn, and can be loyal to a fault - say something happened and her commander turned out to be as bad as Galbatorix? Fortunately having an egg hatch put her above most people in the chain of command, so that... Probably won't be an issue. Probably.
Other: -Noa always wondered how The Mighty Fall, especially considering they're a Fall Out Boy. Where did they fall from? Did it hurt?
Name; -Theriot (ther-EE-oh) Gender: -Male
Looks and Personality: Silver-scaled Theriot is, by all means, a trickster. Not necessarily a bad soul, he just loves a laugh. His maroon eyes glimmer when he's set up a prank he's proud of, so it's very easy to tell when to be on guard.
Other: -Noooo
10:29am Dec 3 2013
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Posts: 1,997
((Hey, guys. I just got home and have a lot of unpacking and stuff to do (I've been on a trip for the past three weeks lD), but I'll read and reply to all the bios as soon as possible. <33))
7:21pm Dec 3 2013
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Posts: 1,997
((Double post time yaaay~<3 Um... Everyone accepted and I love your bios omg <3 Whoever wants to can feel free to start. :u))
1:29pm Dec 4 2013 (last edited on 1:29pm Dec 4 2013)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((Yeehaw less get dis partay started))
Noa Jiro yawned and muttered half-hearted obscenities directed towards, well, her entire race. So they found more eggs, whoo-hoo. Why did SHE have to go find out who the dragon's "soulmates" were? What if SHE was worthy of an egg, hm? Well congratulations, my Queen, you have one dormant baby because you were too stupid to let one of your own people try.
Oh well. It's not like she had anything better to do today.
Throwing her vest on over her tunic, she stepped out her front door and paused.
Who was it said to never go defenseless? Oh right, her mother. Dearly departed Mother, who uses a sharp stick as a weapon. A stick. Not even a legitimate sword. Ugh, elves.
At least the humans knew how to swing a blade, and even the dwarves could use axes and maces and... Hell they probably even made dirt deadly.
Noa grabbed her rapier -flimsy little piece of crap it was, it was still better than nothing- and continued out her home and began the ten minute walk to Ellesméra.
4:24pm Dec 4 2013
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Posts: 1,997
No. Absolutely not. We are not doing this again, Markus. We are not. You know they'll kill you. Markus' eyes flickered between the two big men, his mind and body torn between fight and flight. Of course, his body was aching for fight, but his mind was rooting for the latter. And, as usual, his mind was right. The two men in front of him were easily twice his size, and had about half again as much muscle. Not to say Markus didn't have much muscle, but there guys were huge.
Sighing at the thought of giving up a fight, especially when they provoked him, Markus slipped back down into the shallow chair. He grabbed the wooden cup that housed the remainder of his drink, tilting it up to his lips and allowing the thin liquid to run down his throat. He slid the cup back onto the table, then pulled out a small coin from his pocket and set it down with gentle fingers. He could feel the eyes of the two men on him, waiting for him to make a move.
"Good night, ladies." he muttered, nodding in the direction of the two men, which caused one to let out a slightly amused, yet annoyed, grunt. Markus snatched his tattered brown jacket off the back of the chair, tugged it over his shoulders, and stalked out of the building.
As soon as he was out of the hut/shack/pub/thing, he untied his horse from the post. "Hey, Rowa." he ran his hand along her thick neck, patting it at the end. He took a moment to admire her body; a white base with a patch of liver chestnut stretching down her back and into her rear left leg. She also had a small patch under her left eye.
Pushing his foot into the stirrup, he swung onto Rowa and nudged her gently. She started off down the road, then took a side path into the woods just outside of town. His house was about two miles ahead, in a smaller meadow. Markus liked it out there where it was quiet and he got privacy.
((My motivation for writing is literally dropping into the basement lD Sorry if this sucked~ Also, I just picked that it was night, but if you guys want it to be a different time, I really don't care. <33))

12:13am Dec 6 2013
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Posts: 1,997
11:27pm Dec 13 2013
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Posts: 1,997
((I have a feeling this failed, but bump, maybe?))