8:48pm Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((Okay I have the link for the current picture of Emilie. It isnt very detailed, I will post the better one once hj finishes our trade :D)) Emilie looked at Mellifluous, her life long friend, whom she had spent every waking hour of her life with. The blonde easero was fluffed up in his sleep chattering and clicking his beak in such a way that only Nectarous would understand. (Nectarous is my other easero) ((And I am so orry for the failure. I don't have much time right now but I wanted t sneak in a post)) Mellifluous -->> tle="Emilie">http://yuyukami.deviantart.com/art/Hailfeather-Rules-request-138361877 ((thats Emilie for now)
7:50am Mar 1 2010 (last edited on 7:51am Mar 1 2010)
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Posts: 481
((Wow, Kittz knows how to jump into an RP. :3 Always good to get involved with another character. You get kudos for that.)) Kiba's keen nose detected Rane as she entered the room and instantly, adrenaline was flowing. His protective instincts were kicking in; the corner of his lip twitched as he held in a vicious snarl. Akamaru was less in control - the m*censored*ive dog growled low in his chest, baring his fangs and stepping forward marginally. "Easy, Akamaru." Kiba's tone was gentle but gruff, slightly betraying his concern and the adrenaline rush of having an enemy inside his workplace, around all the future Guardians of Relcore. Mouken squirmed in his master's arms, twisting around to hide inside Kiba's shirt. After a slight pause, the Inuzuka parted his lips to speak, revealing his overlong canine teeth (so long that one might call them fangs). "The nearest inn?" the Breeder asked gruffly, fixing Rane with an intense stare, "It's just up the road a bit. I can take you there; it's just a brief walk." He lifted Mouken out of his shirt and set him down, fixing the little Zenirix with a stare. They were communicating. The hairs on Akamaru's neck had stood up as soon as Rane entered, and his tail had gone stiff with adrenaline. He snarled now, but obediently did not growl. Kiba leapt easily onto the dog's back, and instantly, Akamaru was off at a steady trot, brushing swiftly past Rane and into the hallway. He paused just inside, intently making sure that she would follow. Kiba wasn't certain that leaving the Breeding facility in Mouken's paws was the smartest idea, but he wasn't taking any chances with a Rogue wandering around in Adagu. He would have to escort her to the nearest in, which (he lied) was about three miles away. --- Kage's keen ears picked up the far-off cries of a human. He nickered low in his throat and raised his head, listening over the howl of the wind attentively. As he pinpointed the source of the yelling, he dipped his head and nudged Shikamaru's cheek with his velvety nose, forcing the young Strategist to stir. "Whutizzit?" the Nara mumbled, struggling to sit up as Kage got to his hooves. The Kioka inclined his head towards a nearby island, nickering softly to his master, who strained to hear what his Guardian had heard. Instantly curious, Shikamaru took hold of the Kioka's antlers and pulled himself up onto the creatu's back. The pair then picked their way along the rocky outcrops, trying their best not to wake the other soldiers. Neji was watching them from his place on a high cliff, his back soaked by the beating of the merciless rain. He said nothing as his friend and his Kioka crept to the edge of the island; he only smiled and crouched further against the rock, moving to survey the rest of his soldiers. Howaido was attentive and proud at his side, eyeing Kage and Shikamaru with a piercing stare. Kage's hooves did not meet water as he leapt from the cliff, plummeting over 200 feet before his levitation caught him just inches above the stormy sea. Shikamaru sheltered his vulnerable eyes from the spray and rain, then urged Kage into an easy gallop over the tall waves. It didn't take the pair long to approach the other island, and they circled it carefully, searching for the source of the cries. "Damn, I wish we had Neji's eyes." Shikamaru muttered, "Well, we'll have to communicate via sound. Tell them we're here." Kage nodded knowingly and lifted his head. He let out a shrill bugle, the cry echoing off the rocks and easily heard around the new island.

3:13pm Mar 1 2010 (last edited on 3:55pm Mar 1 2010)
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Posts: 680
((Mawh >w< I would rather not talk to myself XD So you want me to add a male Warrior to even it out?)) --- Rane didn't flinch when the large dog growled at her with his teeth bared. She was used to it anyhow. After all, she was a Reiflemian in the center of Relcore at war times. She couldn't blame the tense atmosphere. Hichigo however didn't put up with a lowly dog growling at him but before he could open his mouth, his partner placed a pale hand on his bony mouth. "Please, no need to be hostile, I mean no harm. To be honest I've been traveling to avoid any conflict," Rane calmly said as she watched with half interested eyes at the ginger zenerix's show of his slightly large canine teeth. Flinching slightly on how these people were staring at the two, "Is that so? I really don't need you to do so, you are taking care of these hatchlings correct?" She muttered as the male p*censored*ed her riding on Akamaru- She heard the dog's name from a minute ago. Noticing that he was going to escort her to the inn. Hichigo stared into the wolf creatu with an unimpressed look as Rane got unto The spine of the ebilia and the skeleton creatu also began to walk, following silently as they got out the facility. Hmm? Who's taking care of the hatchings? That zenerix? Rane thought. "Thanks, but I must ask why you would escort me if it was only up the road," She asked suddenly but before the breeder could answer Hichigo decided to answer for her. "Because he wants us as far from the city and the breeding center as he can get us. And I happen to know that there isn't an inn for around 2 miles," The bone harshly said with the ghastly voice. Staring at the man right into the eyes, "You don't like us because we're not from here and you think everyone outside Relcore is going to be all war, war and war. Pff... You lot make me si-" Before he could continue, the ebilia's runt was harshly dismissed with a whack on by the same pale hand. "Hichigo... Be quiet," Rane spoke in a dangerous voice, "I must apologize for my guardian's words, he isn't used to other people. My name is Rane Morte, and this is my guardian Hichigo. You could probably guess where I come from but that isn't important. I could be described as a Rouge but I prefer to call myself a traveller. Is that good enough for you to not stare at us like murderers? Urm.. Mr?" She tilted her head and sighed as her guardian looked away with a grunt. She made a fake-ish smile to the male and Akumaru.

5:49pm Mar 1 2010
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Norane was checking the hatchlings again when Raeth suddenly stiffened, then bared his teeth in a silent growl. She put a hand on him, almost sensing his defensiveness, but she had no idea what he was being so protective about. The Gondra knew nearly everyone that worked at the breeding center, and even with strangers, he had never acted like this before. Suddenly, the dragonic Creatu jumped from her shoulder, spreading his wings in mid-air, and glided toward the open door. "Raeth, wait!" She sighed and ran after her Guardian into the other room. He was circling above a girl and and Ebilia, hissing and growling more like a Zenirix and an Otachie than a Gondra. When she came into the room, he flew back to her shoulder, still growling, and she glanced at him curiously before shaking her head and directing her attention to the girl. "I'm so sorry. He normally isn't like this around anyone. Even strangers." "Maybe its because I've never had to protect you from a Reiflemer before." She put a hand around his snout, silencing his voice but not his growls. She gave him a stren look and realeased his snout, and he looked away. He muttered under his breath and cast a few growls out, but didn't say anything else. "Be nice."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
6:50pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Luxe turned her head to a shrill cry.It was almost unearthly,sending a shiver down her spine that numbed her senses.Despote the fear she knew if this thing didnt grab her she would die either way."HEEEEELLLLLLOoO!?!?!"She voice was now dry and crackled with the beats of the heavy rain and spraying sea."please hear me,anyone her me"She mumbled to her self she looked up at Kronkos paniced eyes "dont worry ill be okay its okay!"she yelled up to him even though she was uncertain of her fate. (sorry its so short i have to go but i wanted to fit something in)
9:01pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 481
Akamaru whirled around and let out a deep bark, his low tone causing a few pebbles on the ground to tremble. Kiba, too, found himself snarling - he hated being judged. His eyes registered Mouken's scared snout vanishing behind the door as he ran to hid (likely in the incubation room); ugh, he and Akamaru would have to handle this alone. Easy enough. "The name is Kiba Inuzuka. This is Akamaru, and my Guardian back there is Mouken. Thanks very kindly for asking, but I don't take well to strangers. Yes, I'm escorting you because I don't trust strangers; I don't want you wandering around my city without someone keeping tabs on you. It's dangerous to be careless in wartime." He hissed, biting back a low growl from deep in his throat. "As for you-..." He snarled down at the Ebilia from his perch on Akamaru's sturdy back (Kami, he hated cats), "Just because I'm a Breeder doesn't mean that I'm tactless or a weak coward. I have friends on the front lines - I was trained as a Warrior before a Breeder. So watch your tongue, Bonehead." Akamaru moved his head to let out a low growl six inches from the Ebilia's bony muzzle. Then, as quickly as the confrontation began, the dog turned and padded heavily down the hall, his steps kicking up clouds of sterile dust and pebbles. His tail flicked a few centimeters before the Ebilia's face, but was out of reach in an instant. Kiba smirked. They'd better pray they didn't piss Akamaru off any more than he already was. There's no stopping a mad dog. ((Rocca, Shikamaru is bugling at you two. -,-))

10:45pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 1,361
((i know i replied)
7:21am Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 481
4:04pm Mar 2 2010 (last edited on 6:36pm Mar 6 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
  NAME: Alana, and her guardian, Glacerien AGE: Alana is 18 years, her guardians stage is adult. GENDER: Female/Male CREATU SPECIES/COLOR: Albino gondra HOME PLANET: Relcore STATUS: First rank/High clas.s healer. HUMAN PERSONALITY: Alana is a calm, kind and gentle soul. She does not like to see people suffer, and because there was no way she could possibly stop this war, her only choice to help was to become a healer, helping those in pain, and getting them through their suffering. Although she is indeed a healer, she is unmovable when it comes to her side. She will never yield, and she is rarely frightened of the prospect of war, even though she would prefer it not to have happened this way. She is a loyal healer to her side only, and she gets along with most everyone, people and guardians alike. Also, despite her appearance, she is not "girly" in any sense of the word. CREATU PERSONALITY: Glacerien is exactly like Alana in most ways. Although he is far more protective of Alana herself and will resort to attacking if need be, although this is rare for a creatu such as he. He harbors most of the magical ability that Alana taps into when carrying out her duty as a healer, and it is he who alerts Alana to the presence of an injured soldier. Also, his healing ability works almost automatically on Alana should she get hurt in any way. He is wise, and will only take risks when necas.sary. VOCAL/NONVOCAL: Glacerien is vocal, more so to Alana than any other, although he is not shy to give his opinions, or speak to others if need be. ACCESSORIES: None. SPECIAL SKILLS: Alana's magical healing ability is evident in her guardian, although her guardian has a unique ability of his own which allows him to raise temporary defences. These barriers will hold attacks at bay for a small period of time, and it is an ability that exists more for the sake of protecting his healer, although it can be used otherwise should Alana ask it of him. Alana's high clas.s healing ability also allows her to help many numbers of people at once. OTHER: Her eyes are violet~ ~(My planet will win~)~
5:15pm Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 680
((Mawh >3< Sweeny never answered me if i should add a male warrior >3< And could Rane and Kiba somehow become friends -or even more :P)) --- Rane's eyes looked upwards as she heard a growling nose from above her. A natural Gondra circled around her and her partner with some look in his eyes like he was just about to attack us but the dragon creatu flew onto a brown haired girl, still hissing and snarling. As he spoke about the two like they were as.sas.sins, Hichigo growled underneath his breath but before he could get the two into anymore trouble than the situation they were in, Rane frowned and spoke to the girl and dragon. "No problem, Me and my guardian are used to hostility but," She looked at the gondra," I prefer if you don't think all Reiflemians are full of bloodlust and war, don't judge us just from where we come from," These people wanted to make Rane rip her blade out and swing it around. Except the girl though, at least she didn't growl at her. Her eyes looked towards Akamaru's constant growling and snarling that recently has seemed to increase. To make things worst the boy was now snarling. Rane had wondered what she did wrong to get someone annoyed. Her eyes looked half interested to what he was saying but she registered it all in her genius mind. "Your welcome Inuzuka-san, hello Akamaru-kun and Mouken-kun too," She smiled fakly again, "But I must ask you, where you even listening to me? I did say I'm a traveller and mean no harm. Even though I come from Reiflem, so what? I want no involvement in the war," Her eyes stiffened as she listen to Kiba lecture Hichigo. Not a wise thing to do. "Bonehead huh? There's more in it than you will ever have, Do I look like I care about your life story? huh? And I don't have a tongue," The ebilia opened his mouth to show the hollow shell and the yellow glow inside it. He watched with amused eyes as the dog came into his face and growled then turned- his tail almost touched his mouth and if it did touch, the dog was going to sleep tailless, "You think I'm scared of a mutt? Bring it on paws. I'm sure you aren't a coward like that zenerix over there," Before Hichigo could get them their death sentence, Rane whacked the ebilia with the blunt side of her sword. The ebilia cursed underneath his breath. "Hichigo, say one more thing stupid and the head's coming off," Rane looked at Hichigo with one of her eyes crimson instead of sliver but quickly faded into the lighter colour. The ebilia flinched as he backed away. She dug in her rucksack for a certain ob ject she got incase something like this happened. Pulling out a large bone that somehow fitted in here and held it on her hand as the ebilia went after the Akamaru, "How about a apology present Akamaru? Don't worry, it's not poisonous. I brought it in the butchery shop in Reclore market," Rane didn't need a fight with one or two strangers. Not on such a day. --- ((Hmm.. I wonder you can dissemble an ebila since they are just bones XD))

5:35pm Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Lol.)) Norane shook her head. "Oh, no. I'm not stereotypical. Raeth is a bit, but he's also overly protective. He'd say the same about a Scrian or an Atquatian. It isn't just the war, its just some kind of person he's never met before. He doesn't know how they'll act." She glanced at Raeth, who was still looking away stubbornly. "Apologize Raeth." The Gondra glancede at Norane, then at Rane, then back to Norane. Finally, he spoke again. "Fine. I'm sorry. Happy now?" He shifted uneasily as Norane extended a hand towards Rane. "M'name's Norane, and this grumpy bunck of scales in Raeth."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:44pm Mar 2 2010 (last edited on 6:16pm Mar 2 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
~(posting here, if i am accepted o' course :3)~ Ah... Pleasant. The weather was almost as violent as coming war. Alana sighed, using a free hand to pull the thick white material covering her shoulders over herself alittle more. The wind was the sort to cut through most materials and run through the body like knives, and Alana's attempt to cut out that chill was failing in all sense of the word. Ah well... She kept her eyes on the sky, not really paying much interest to what she was seeing. It was only a storm, afterall, and her mind was elsewhere anyway. A short amount of time pas.sed before Alana spotted that flurry of white flying toward her from the corner of her eye. She sensed before she saw, and she had torn her eyes away from the calming skies to watch as her guardian approached on silent wings, coming to a stop in midair, the movement of the muscles in the gondra's wings visible as he kept himself airbourne. "You should move inside. It will not do well should you get ill." Glacerien was Alana's closest companion, as is natural when it comes to guardians and masters. The albino gondra flared his wings and landed lightly beside her, his brilliant, clean colour mimicking the material she wore. She smiled at him as he continued. "Also, there is something you should see... A stranger has entered the breeding centre, and I sense high tensions there..." Alana blinked and nodded, slowly. "Kiba's centre... Who is the stranger?" Glacerien shook his head slightly at this, his red eyes glowing brightly as a sign of his current health. "I do not know..." He answered truthfully as Alana returned her eyes to the sky, watching the clouds roll along the horizon. A stranger, hmm... Travellers were not uncommon, but in times like these... she looked down at Glacerien. "Come... let's go and see what is taking place..." The albino nodded his head and flared his wings once again, allowing the winds to lift him off the floor as he swerved to follow behind Alana. It did not take them long to reach the breeding centre, and as Alana approached she understood her guardians feelings perfectly. Tension, although it seemed to be dying down at this point. Very much like the storm that was pas.sing.
6:04pm Mar 2 2010 (last edited on 6:05pm Mar 2 2010)
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Posts: 481
((If you want to; I don't call the shots. ;3 I just make sure everyone has fun. It's up to you. And if you wanna add a male Warrior-...that would be nice. Neji and Shika are sort of alone.)) The fur on Akamaru's neck stood up and he dropped into a low crouch, baring his long fangs as he growled low in his throat. He began to sidestep away from Rane, his eyes uncertain but resolute as Kiba nudged him in the ribs with his heels. The Inuzuka, however, shrugged the insult and apology off and put two fingers to his lips, letting out a shrill whistle. Mouken came running from the incubation room, scrambling between Hichigo's legs and leaping easily up onto Akamaru's back, where he crouched in fear. Kiba faltered, ashamed of his Guardian in the face of Ranes; but he drew himself up on Akamaru's back and urged his dog to turn, which the beast did begrudgingly. "Come on." Kiba said flatly over his shoulder as Akamaru padded heavily down the hall. Mouken clambered up onto Kiba's shoulder using the Inuzuka's many pockets and buttons, peering at Hichigo with frightened eyes. Before the armored door of the Breeding Center was visible, Kiba leaned forward and sniffed. His powerful nose would determine if the storm was past or not. "Hrmn, the rain has slowed, and the thunder has pas.sed. It's safe to go out and, for us, to go home." the Inuzuka muttered down to Akamaru, who knowingly twitched his ears; his tail began to wag in spite of his concern for the two behind him. Mouken panted happily, licking Kiba's cheek enthusiastically as the boy turned to shoot a glance over his shoulder. "The storm has moved about five miles to the northeast. It's only rained about a half an inch, and the ground's absorbing most of it, so it will be a good day for traveling come sunrise in about nine hours. It's safe to go out in the storm, but I have to lock up first." The front door and any link to the outside was still far from sight as Kiba spoke to the pair to the rear. Inwardly, Kiba smiled - his nose had told him everything.

7:02pm Mar 2 2010 (last edited on 12:09pm Mar 3 2010)
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Alana stopped just outside the door of the breeding centre, glancing up at her flying guardian before entering the building. Glacieren followed swiftly, taking his place beside Alana on the floor. "It does not seem to be as bad as earlier..." he mumbled. "The tension?" Alana allowed the door to close behind her as she made her way through the building. She wanted to meet the visitors Glacieren had sensed earlier, afterall, they had caused the gondra to feel a string of uncertainty, such was not particularly a good thing to feel during times such as these. "No... I suppose whatever issue had been present earlier has been resolved. You needn't worry." "I was not worried..." Alana laughed slightly at the gondra's words. Glacieren shared her views and feelings on this war. It was hard, and it made everyone seem like an enemy at times, whether it be a stranger or even a comrade you were not familiar with, they were not pleasant moments. She continued down the corridor, her guardian sniffing the air as they advanced. "There are two scents I do not recognise..." Alana nodded. The strangers. After a short while, she finally entered another room, the first thing she spotted being the two people Glacieren had not recognised, shortly behind Kiba and Akamaru. "Ah... so there are our visitors." She smiled slightly and looked over at the Breeder. "I'm sorry to intrude on you, Kiba... Only Glacieren seemed to sense a bit of an atmosphere in here earlier. It seems that everything is fine however..." At this, Glacerien bowed his neck slightly, and Alana allowed a hand to touch the albino gondra's head as she looked over at the faces she had not seen before.
4:18pm Mar 3 2010
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Posts: 680
((Added Ero :P do genders have to be straight?)) ---- Rane looked at the girl who who had just named herself and her guardian who still seemed uneasy with the two. Her eyes widened slightly as she offered her hand as a greeting. Rane eyed her warily, Why is this citizen acting so nicely to me? Rane thought as she genitally shook it showing her usual business smile. "That is alright, we're used to it. Nice to meet you too Norane-san and Raeth-kun," Trying to be as polite as she could when you were surrounded by enemies and 80% of them want to rip her and her guardian to shreds. Hichigo nodded his skull and returned to stare at Akamaru, "You two are breeders yes?". Rane's face turned when the brown haired boy let out a whistle and the ginger zenerix rushed out and scrambled between her guardian's leg which made him almost laugh at the coward but didn't due to his head. Mouken leaped on the dog's back then which entered the boy's multiple pockets. They moved once more as Rane still held the bone she had offered to Akamaru. Before they reached the entrance, Kiba seemed to Rane's eyes to be sniffing the air. She listened to him explain about the storm moving north-east. "Interesting, can you tell that from just smelling the atmosphere?" She asks right after the male had spoken, slightly intrigued. This man had dog like instincts, "North-east huh? hmm.. we were thinking about going there, I guess not. Sunrise? I guess I really do need to go to that imaginary near by inn of yours. I'm quiet sure none of you would spare a room for a freeloader," Rane chuckled as gave a look like 'just joking,' "Are you going to leave the hatchlings in here alone for the night? It's not my problem and all but don't they get scared during storms?" Rane asked as he yanked Hichigo's unbroken horn when the male was about to growl, "Take as long as you need, I need sometime to think what i should do," Her eyes opened slightly when in the corner of her eyes, she swore he smiled. "Great more company," Hichigo sighed as the group heard footsteps coming towards them. A blonde girl and her guardian, Albino gondra. She hasn't seen many albino's in her travels. The two listen to the blonde lady as her eyes scanned their faces. "I'm a traveller just stopping by to get directions for an inn. My name is Rane and this is my guardian Hichigo," She said for the 3rd time in the same hour. Rane's eyes seemed to glance every new face sh ehad met today. ---- Ero opened his eyes as he heard a cry of help quite a bit away from where he took his nap. His small guardian stirred slightly on the pink haired warrior's lap. The scent of a girl and a Iluvu in distressed made him stumble onto his feet and sprint towards the source but stopped as he smelt the scent of a kioka and someone who was a strategist. A shrill cry reached the warrior's ears followed by another scream of help. He remained hidden from view as he watched the Kioka and his guardian search for the damsel in distress. He didn't dare to show himself. It was like running head first into a knife. He knew the man was from Relcore since he heard that there was an army stationed nearby. Kin, his guardian nuzzled his muzzle on Ero's baggy jeans. ((Hmm.. I forgot what I was going to say, wait oh yeah XD I go by GMT time and I go to school so my replies will be later than everyone else's, I also got a crushed index finger on my right hand if anyone wants to see it tell me XD))

8:02am Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 481
((Of course not. ;3)) "Yeah, we're Breeders. Only intermediate, though - we were pushed back in our exams 'cuz we were drafted right outta the Academy. I've seen my fair share of this war - I told you I had friends on the front lines, friends who trained me in battle. They're still there, too...some of them have seen over five years of service." Kiba explained, digging his heels into Akamaru's ribs to urge him to stop. "And yeah, I've got a sensitive sniffer." The Inuzuka pointed to his nose as he patted Akamaru's head absentmindedly. He startled a bit when Alana entered with her Guardian. "Oh, everything's just fine now, Alana. And don't worry - it's perfectly fine to intrude on me. Say, would you mind watching the door until I get back? I've gotta take this newcomer to the Inn just up the street, and I don't wanna leave the babies unguarded until then." --- Kage's ears strained to hear the scream over the howl of the storm, but he pinpointed the vague location of the cries and ventured towards it, hopping over the rocks of the cliff face as he slowly climbed higher and higher. Shikamaru moved easily on his Kioka's back, working in symbiosis with his Guardian to keep footing on the rocks. Finally, the silhouette of a struggling human dangling from a root came into view. "Hey, you up there!" Shikamaru called over the moaning of the wind, "Stay put, and don't squirm; I'm comin' to help you." He maneuvered Kage directly beneath the figure's position, swearing mentally as he did. He couldn't get any higher without endangering them all. He grit his teeth, then called up to the human, "Okay, let go! You have to let go; I can't climb any higher! I'll catch you!"

9:14am Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 1,789
"Alana smiled as the stranger introduced herself and her guardian. She nodded, first at Rane, and then Hichigo. "And I am Alana. This here is Glacerien, my guardian." She smiled, her hand still resting on the albino gondra's head as he moved his own eyes over the foreign visitors. He seemed calm enough around them, and for him that usually meant they're intentions were not dangerous, at least. "It is nice to meet you." The Gondra flared his wings slightly, bowing his head, as Alana laughed lightly. "As polite as always." The albino looked at her with a questioning eye. "It is only right... Is it not?... Times like these often lead people to read situations negatively. It is not really a good idea to have people doubt your own intentions." Glacerien laid himself on the floor, allowing his wings to unfold slightly, his eyes watching Rane and Hichigo with curiosity. He was feeling alittle drained, not surprising really, seeing as he had been flying through that storm earlier. Alana smiled and shook her head. "I understand" She replied, allowing her hand to fall to her side as Kiba spoke. She turned her violet eyes from the newcomers to the breeder. "I'd be happy to keep the door for you Kiba." She said, smiling at Akamaru, as Glacieren pushed himself back into a sitting position, bringing his wings back to his body and also looking over at the breeder.
3:56pm Mar 4 2010
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((Yay XD Edits Ero's profile)) --- Rane listened to the brown haired man as he explained his and his friends situations. She felt sorry for those people and guardians who seemed to have to go to war, wether they like it or not. Hichigo curled his bony tail around his partner protectively at the still angry dog. "Is that so? My family was too poor to send me into Academy. But my parents found that I was a pretty good Strategist . I have too. A close friends of mine also fight in the war, and I know he hates it but he doesn't have a choice. I haven't spoken to him for a few months. I wouldn't be surprised that he isn't a rouge like me already," Rane looked out a window into the darkening sky. Her sliver eyes blinked and her head turned with an amused look as he pointed at his nose, "Hehe, I can't do anything about that. I wished I could," Hichigo grunted as he eyed the albino gondra and then everyone else. Rane still continue to hold the bone supposed to be for Akamaru or Mouken. After realizing she should stop trying to offer it to something that seemed either wanted to kill her or is scared of her guardian. She placed the bone into her rucksack and dug for some treats for the gondras and everyone else. She took out a small packet of Gondra snacks and took one out and pointed it to Glacerien and and then to Raeth. The girl had too many presents from every town she went, she decided to give out treats to everyone she met and talked to. "Nice to meet you Alana and Glacerien, nice to meet you two," She smiled and the ebilia nodded then turned away. Rane smiled as the Albino greeted himself and settle on the floor, seemingly tired. She took out a bowl and a bottle of water - yes she did fit that in the rucksack, and filled the bowl with the liquid, Hichigo stopped and allowed Rane to offer the gondra some water, "Here, you're tired aren't you? Have a few treats too," Rane placed the snacks next to the bowl and returned to sit on her guardian. No matter how Rane freaked out on how nice she was to people who were just snarling and growling at her a moment ago, she didn't want to make a problem. "Che, can we get going now, the dog is looking at me like he's wants to rip me to shreds," Hichigo murmured annoyingly, "I like you blondie and brunette, you two are the only ones that haven't acted hostile to us yet," The black ebilia's skull curved as if you squinted a smile could be seen. ---- -Ero now :3- Ero and Kin stared curiously at the black kioka and the pony tailed man as they edged closer to the girl and a natural Iluvu. He could see both groups from where he was hiding. He wondered if he should help or not. He could, but knowing that those two were probably from the army from Relcore, they would take him prisoner or try to kill him and Kin. "Ero,Ero," Kin said as he saw his partner's face, "Is everything alright? Should be help, help?" Ero's crimson eyes met Kin's ones as he turned and nodded. The two, using their power of speed, maneuvered directly a few feet from the two just incase the Kioka were to somehow fall. If they acted hostile to him, he would flee. "Kin, get up there and somehow help them, alright?" He whispered to his guardian and the Iluvu gleefully nodded and sped up the rocks. His light weight made sure he didn't put anyone in danger. He skipped up the rocks right above where the girl and her Iluvu was. "Yep, yep. Let go and the pony tailed man will catch you, you!" Kin squeaked, the Iluvu looked at the kioka's eyes, "Don't think, Me and Ero were near by when you called, called," He briefly explained as he continued to try and comfort the girl and Iluvu. --- ((Bleh too much writing XD))

4:19pm Mar 4 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,469
Raeth glanced at the treat, then at Norane, then took it into his jaws, carefully, and lifted his head so it would fall into his mouth. As he chewed it, Norane smiled. "Seems like you found the one way to Raeth. Through his stomach. He's a sucker for treats and the like." In response to Hichigo, Norane was about to answer when Raeth, licking his chops, interrupted. "In times like these it is better to trust and be cautious, and possibly have an ally, than it is to be hostile and secure an enemy." He jumped from Norane's shoulder, floating down to sit beside Glacerien. ((Eh. I'm kinda tired right now. And my foot hurts. And I am waiting for the perfect time for KoKo and Klarissa to come in...))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:05pm Mar 4 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,789
Alana blinked at Rane as the girl retrieved a number of things from her rucksack. Wow... she got quite a bit in there... Glacieren was also watching with a slight curiosity which quickly evaporated when he realized she'd pulled out a bowl of water and treats for him. He blinked a few times as Rane left the stuff before him, lifting his head to look at her before looking back at the bowl, his face confused. Alana couldn't help but laugh lightly... Glacerien was not one for being treated like a pet, and she knew this too well. It was not in his nature however to point that out and reject any gift, and Alana was simply laughing at the look on his face. "Thankyou... I think..." He said, his eyes still on the sparkiling water in front of him. "Now now... It was nice of her to be so generous." She looked at Rane with a smile, as Glacieren let slip a small sigh, nodding as he reached for the bowl. Yes, he supposed it was. He allowed himself to drink the cooling liquid as Alana spoke again before the foreigners headed off to the Inn with Kiba. "Farewell for now" She said warmly, nodding at Kiba, before moving away from the door and giving them all room to p*censored*.