8:10am Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 11:31am Mar 12 2010)
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~(Uhkay, got permission from Fang to take this chara~ So new bio and post :3 If Rocca returns then I'll pull this one out)~  NAME Niele and Ila AGE 17/Adult GENDER: Female/Female CREATU SPECIES/COLOR: Silver Jaaku HOME PLANET: Relcore STATUS Warrior HUMAN PERSONALITY: Niele is usually quiet, mostly keeping to herself and preferring to be alone, although she has no problems being around others. She is perfectly sociable, despite her preferences, and when it comes to fellow warriors she can be rather protective. She's very blunt and forward, and she has trust issues with people from other planets, finding it hard to get to know them and taking a while when learning to trust them. She has no problem with killing, seeing as she is able to retain an emotional detachment which allows her to carry out her duty as a warrior. Generally, however, she is friendly with those she knows, and cold shouldered to those she doesn't. CREATU PERSONALITY: Ila is exactly like Niele in personality, only far more violent when it comes to fighting. She is incredibly protective of Niele, and tends to take things the wrong way constantly when it comes to her master. VOCAL/NONVOCAL Vocal ACCESSORIES: None~ SPECIAL SKILLS: Niele can manipulate air, damaging enemies through use of extreme invisible pressure. Using this pressure also allows her to move with speed, and even allows flight for a very short period of time. She can use this ability both offensively and defensively, obviously, offensive being this use of pressure; whereas defensively she can create a small vortex of wind that will cover for a period of time. OTHER: None~
8:23am Mar 12 2010
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It was hard, keeping track of what was going on here. The pain was unbearable, and it was taking all of Niele's will to simply keep her eyes open. Taking a deep breath, she spoke, barely audible over the wind. "My name... is Niele..." She glanced up at the person carrying her, it wasn't the same one who had held her earlier. Ila followed behind the pink haired male. If he so much as caused Niele any more pain, she's know. She was finding it as hard as Niele, following behind with that constant ache that came with her master's injuries. Ila couldn't even remember what happened, but she felt guilty. Wasn't she supposed to protect her master?... Her uncertainty reached Niele quite clearly, and the young white haired female smiled slightly thnrough the pain. My... Ila seemed to be suffering more than her at the moment, and she was thankful for that worry. ~(crappy short post but meh <3)~
4:03pm Mar 12 2010
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((Where is Fang and Fox XD)) --- Ero glanced at the girl he recently just learnt the name of, Niele. Ero eyes glanced back at the seemingly worried or overprotective sliver jaaku. The crimson eyes scanned her injured body. it looked pretty bad. Cuts and bruises all over her body. The bleeding stomach didn't help either. The pink haired warrior felt himself panic. Why did I offer to take her? I'm not even a healer! Ero mentally sighed as he smiled to the white haired girl. "Nice to meet you Niele, the name is Ero and that squeaky IIluvu back there is Kin," He smiled as his feet crushed a stray twig on the forest floor. The warrior carefully held the girl so there was the least pain as possible to her already damaged body. The four continued to travel through the maze-like forest as they reached a small clear gr*censored* opening with a wooden cabin situated right in the middle of the space. The building was small, no bigger than one or two rooms," Well, we're here, let me patch you up so you won't bleed more that you already have and I will send you back to the base camp okay?" Ero promptly kicked the door open and hurried in, and carefully placed Niele on the bed. He told her to breath in and out, relaxing her probably painful muscles. The thought never really occurred to him that the girl was probably a Relcorian but it didn't matter to him. The girl was hurt. That all that mattered. "Don't worry, worry," Kin spoke to the sliver jaaku, "Ero will take care of your guardian, guardian," He wagged his tail as he entered the house. His crimson eyes stared directly into the slivery-blue ones of the jaaku. Ero slammed the door of the opposite room as he rushed next to the bed where the girl was. He held a first aid kit. Kin wondered when and where they got that from. "Okay, Niele, This will hurt a lot but it will hopefully stop the bleeding," Ero said as he unwrapped his bloody ribbon from her stomach. Carefully he unscrewed a small bottle open and dripped abit on the wound. The liquid began to sizzle as the wound seemed to come back alive due to the fabric having been removed. Ero waited for the girl to either scream in pain or give him an uppercut into his face from pouring some pink liquid into her wound which by now stopped fizzling. Getting stray tissue he wiped any stray blood and medicine left then the pink warrior softly wrapped the stomach with some cotton that he sprayed with disinfectant, "Sorry if it hurt, I brought it from Scria during my travels, they say that it's very good at healing wounds, I better clean the cuts and bruises up kay?" He smiled as he was trying to comfort the girl and re*censored*ure her guardian that he wasn't killing her. --- ((Sorry if I went too fast XD))

4:16pm Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 4:24pm Mar 12 2010)
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((Foxeh was a bit addicted to her Final Fantasy, and therefore lost herself. So I'll read this all later. DX)) KoKo glanced at rane. "Oh. We were about to, but...I'm sure that Klarissa can wait before eating. So, what is it you would like to buy? Or are you here to stay the night? It isn't well known, but we do run a small hotel in the upper part of the store, where I live. Since shops don't get much business lately, unless they're weapon shops...I'm so sorry. Of course you aren't here to stay in a hotel. No one ever is." She glanced back as Klarissa brought a Roditore egg to her. It was the smallest in stock, and she had been meaning to take it to the Breeding Center, for free, so they could hatch it and find it a good master. But she had never gotten the chance. "Not now, Klarissa. I'm busy." The Orchid Roditore glanced at Rane with knowing red eyes, then nodded, taking the egg and hurrying into the back room. KoKo watched her curiously. "How odd...she usually never pays any attention to the customer...."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:23pm Mar 12 2010
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~(no worries Fox xD and I think Fang was waiting on Rocca, but I've done that xD)~
4:25pm Mar 12 2010
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((Yeah. Foxeh got FFXIII Tuesday. i haven't been on much since. XD It be addicting. And Serah*points to siggy* Is one of meh favorite charries. Therefore, Skunkers has labeled me 'nerd'. XD))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
7:43am Mar 13 2010
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~(Bump xD)~
9:37am Mar 13 2010 (last edited on 4:18pm Mar 13 2010)
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Posts: 481
((Fang was gone all day yesterday. And Fang is busy with granting wishes. But Fang will try to post. :x)) The breath snagged in Shikamaru's throat as Kage carried him fluidly over the ocean. The nervous Kioka kept looking back at his master, who was gagging silently as he struggled to breathe. The broken rib was perforating his lung and had already penetrated his muscle wall; the young Strategist was finding it harder and harder to stay awake with the oxygen cut from his brain. He forced himself to keep his eyes open and fought for breath, but the pain jabbing him was an overwhelming power. "Kage-..." The human choked out before blacking out. He slumped forward and began to fall from the Kioka's back. Suddenly, a pair of arms encircled him and, much to Kage's chagrin and irritation, his master was carried away from him into the sky, leaving the Kioka alone on the wind-tossed sea. Black feathers littered the water. ((NEW CHARACTER. 8D   NAME: Fang and his Easero, Karasu (real name is Wishkeeper, but I prefer "raven" or "crow" in Japanese). AGE: 16 human years/Adult creatu stage. GENDER: Both male. CREATU SPECIES/COLOR: Black Easero. HOME PLANET: Scria. STATUS: Intermediate Strategist for the Scrian Army. HUMAN PERSONALITY: Cold, quiet, untrusting Fang puts no stock in anything other than himself. He doesn't have many friends, and his calculating black eyes make even the most seasoned Warrior squirm on the battlefield. Despite his chilly, lone-wolf nature, Fang is an honest, giving soul - he believes in fighting for the righteous, and despises mankind with a fiery pas.sion. CREATU PERSONALITY: Karasu is much like Fang, but harbors more evil than his dark counterpart. Much like a vulture, Raven, or another scavenger bird, he is startlingly intelligent and rather malicious (like he's constantly hungering to feast on rotting flesh). Fang is quick to correct this for the living, but knows that finding a meal may make the difference between life and death - he and Karasu eat their dead comrades when food is scarce. VOCAL/NONVOCAL: Karasu can speak, but prefers to caw or croak like a raven, or click his beak to speak to Fang, who can understand him. ACCESSORIES: See pictures. SPECIAL SKILLS: Fang is 98% human, 2% raven. He's a genetic experiment, a mutation of sorts with heightened Avian senses, hollow bones, an enlarged heart, and the power of flight (his wingspan is an impressive 16 feet). However, this expenditure of energy makes him a ravenous eater, and he must constantly eat and sleep to replenish the calories lost simply by being awake and breathing (he needs over 8000 calories a day). Karasu eats like a glutton, just like his master, but only to replenish his lost muscle mas.s; his muscles actually break up when he moves in battle because he moves so fast. OTHER: N/A.))

11:11am Mar 13 2010
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Niele bit back a scream as the liquid ran over her seriously injured stomach. Like the pain hadn't been bad enough before, the liquid burned on contact, and seemed to intensify every second. She closed her eyes, biting her lip as Ila shifted nervously. She could feel the ache in her gut get worse as her master was tended to. That damn pink liquid. Once the sensation had died down alittle, Niele allowed herself to breathe, opening her eyes and staring at the ceiling for a moment before replying to the pink haired being. "Thankyou..." It wasn't often she thanked anyone for anything, though it came easily enough to her lips. She allowed her eyes to close again as Ila calmed. The pain was subsiding slightly, even though there were a slight ache left behind. --- Alana was against the wall of the breeding centre, eyes focused on some point up the street. "He's taking his time..." She said quietly as Glacieren nodded in agreement. "He is on his way though" The great albino gondra was facing the same direction as Alana, his nose picking up the scent of the breeder and his dog, trying to decipher how long it would take for them to return. Alana pulled her eyes away from the street to look at the sky as her guardian kept his eyes to the earth. Now that the storm had p*censored*ed, the gray clouds left behind were also beginning to fade, and the sky was becoming ever so slightly clearer. She sighed slightly, her thoughts once again returning to those on the front lines. ~(It's okay Fang :3)~
5:22pm Mar 13 2010 (last edited on 5:33pm Mar 13 2010)
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 NAME: Angel and her Iluvu,Star AGE 15 and Star is a teen GENDER:both Female CREATU SPECIES/COLOR:Black iluvu HOME PLANET:Arokialo STATUS (see the list): Breeder HUMAN PERSONALITY:Smart, kind, sweet, and funny CREATU PERSONALITY:Kind, caring, loveable, sweet. VOCAL/NONVOCAL (can your creatu speak or not?):Yes ACCESSORIES:Angel wears a braclet that she got from a liyure SPECIAL SKILLS:Angel can read others minds. Star can shoot beams of love from her paws. OTHER:not much.
5:25pm Mar 13 2010 (last edited on 5:42pm Mar 13 2010)
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Posts: 481
((Umm, read my bio skeleton in on the first page? :x)) Akamaru slid to a halt outside the Breeding facility, sending up a shower of mud as he did. He barked happily, the noise shaking windows and certainly waking up the small creatu in their cribs. Kiba bopped his noisy dog on the head, then slid from his back and approached Alana. "Hey, I'm headed home. I need a shower. Could you put those babies my noisy mutt woke up back to bed for me? I'll be sure to put in a good word for you with the Boss, ne?" He winked and smiled as Mouken began to pant and sniff the gently-falling raindrops. --- Fang's wings beat the rain-laden air heavily as he struggled to gain altitude, groaning slightly under the weight of the body in his arms. He grumbled softly to himself - he would have to head to the Relcorian's base camp and deliver him to a superior. But to do so in this storm, without any means of immediate escape (the storm clouds were making it very difficult for him to fly already; to saunter into the camp of a sleeping enemy army would mean death for him in this rain) would be his end. Above him, Karasu flew with wide wings, eyeing Shikamaru hungrily. Fang decided to fly for the mainland, and did so without wasting any more than an hour. By then, the storm had abated slightly, but his wet feathers would make it hard for him to takeoff. He would have to wait for things to stop completely before taking his pas.senger to his base camp. As he landed heavily on a small spit of land just beside the gates of Adagu, he crept into a nearby cave and began a small amount of field work on the injured teen's abdomen. He twisted the broken rib back into place and wrapped it heavily, making Shikamaru's body immobile from the waist up and neck down. Then he waited. A few hours pas.sed. The storm continued, slowly moving away and drizzling less and less rain. Fang waited patiently for his charge to awaken, focusing on wringing out his feathers as he did. Karasu preened neatly beside his master, always focusing intently on the Nara's sleeping form. Suddenly, Shikamaru stirred and whirled around from his sleeping position, aiming a punch at Fang's face. The dark-haired boy caught the fist easily, swatting it away but making no move to fight the boy, who struggled into the corner of the cave. "Where am I?" "You're safe." "Who are you?" "My name is Fang. I'm an intermediate Strategist in the Scrian Guild." "I should kill you for saying that on Relcorian soil." "You're in no shape to be killing anybody. Come on, let's fly - the storm has stopped." The rain had stopped outside, and the clouds parted to reveal a glorious sunrise. Fang stepped outside and leaped smoothly into the air, his wings making the most of the nearby air currents blowing off the sea. Shikamaru moved more slowly, still wary of his captor, but allowed himself to be picked up bridal style and carried over the gently-lapping waves. The island of the Relcorian army came into sight; on the rocks, the army was stirring. Neji hadn't slept a wink all night, but it didn't show on his pale face as he stretched the tightness from his muscles and got to his feet, eyeing the sky tentatively. Someone was coming. Beside him, Howaido nudged Kage awake; the nervous Kioka's head shot up dramatically and he snorted loudly, getting to his hooves and staring at the sky alongside the Hyuuga. ((So, Angel-...do you intend to fight everyone? This is a civil war between the Four Planets of Rescreatu, and if you're from your own planet, everyone will fight you. :x))

8:32pm Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 481
((Remember, everyone, tomorrow is a no-post day for me. :x))
11:30am Mar 14 2010
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Posts: 680
((Haha the pink liquid is the medicine I have to put on my cuts and bruises. It hurts, alot XD)) -- Rane blinked slightly, her eyes widened. Was she just offered a place for the night? She never thought that would happen. The girl seemed nicer than the other guy that seemed to want to enter her room at night and stab her a couple of times or put poison in her food. Hichigo took a look around the store and the two people who were working there. The shopkeeper was blonde with bright blue eyes. Her guardian- Or Hichigo thought was her guardian, was an Orchid roditore. Dyed creatu were something he didn't see too often. "Ah, I'm sorry for delaying you then, I'm looking for a bowl that can carry water and some bits and bobs," She smiled as he continued, "Well, I am looking for a place to stay at night, are the costs expensive? If not, I would like to," Rane sighed at how she could trust these people so easily. "Just as long as you don't kill us in the middle of the night," The black ebilia growled. He wasn't sure of staying in some back corner of a shop in the outskirts of the city. His mouth was quickly closed by Rane. "Could you show us the way into a room? The name is Rane Morte and this is Hichigo," The sliver eyes girl remained calm and smiling. Her guardian grunted and tilted his head to get the water out of his skull. I wonder how Kiba, Mouken and Akumaru are doing, Maybe I should go and say good bye to them tomorrow Rane thought as she waited for the shop or inn keeper to show her the way. ---Ero---- Ero grimaced as the Niele's ex pression was filled with pain. As soon as the pain seem to subside, "Ahh sorry, but now it should only ache and no more blood will come out. Would you like to rest or would you like me to send you to the camps?" He said as he wrapped her stomach again with a cleaner fabric. He looked out the window as the rain pelted down on the frail cabin. Kin whimpered as he heard the thunder crash down. Ero glanced at the jaaku as he stood up and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around the jaaku's, "Here, to keep you warm, What's your name?" Ero blinked slightly as he sniffled the air. Shikamaru seems to be in unconscious but what worried him was there wasn't a Kioka's scent nearby. I should go visit him to check how he's doing tomorrow.

12:36pm Mar 14 2010
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Alana blinked and rolled her eyes at Kiba. Typical. She laughed inwardly and shook her head. "Fine Kiba. I'll put the little ones back to sleep, and I'll lock the place up. You don't need to worry. I'll also say goodbye to you here for awhile. We're going to the front lines tomorrow morning." Glacieren looked up sharply at Alana, a question in his eyes. "You no longer wish to wait for word from camp?" Alana looked at him and shook her head. "It could take awhile for word to get here... besides, I feel it's time we moved over there." The great albino nodded his head. Understandable, as healers both he and his master had a peculiar ability to sense when and where they might be needed. It was not always accurate, but he knew Alana worried as it was anyway. She didn't mind the fighting, although she would have prefered it otherwise, but she didn't like the idea of people suffering, and she dedicated her time to helping these people. Glacieren had always been rather proud of her choice, her strength to face the issue and her determination to carry out her duty. Alana walked back into the building as Glacieren nodded once at Kiba and Akamaru, following shortly behind the blonde haired healer. It did not take them long to settle the baby creatu who had been awoken, and they both stood outside the locked up centre in a very short space of time. Glacieren looked up at Alana, who nodded. "Let's go~" --- Niele simply nodded at Ero before slipping into sleep. Her silver guardian keeping watch with a worried eye. "My name is Ila" she replied quietly to Ero's question. She was not one to talk too much, if anyone asked a question she would answer it in a very simple way, straight to the point. She nodded her thanks to the pink haired stranger before following her master's lead and allowing herself to sleep. Today had been hectic, and having her master suffer so much had taken it out of her. With any luck, they now had a chance to rest for awhile.
7:12am Mar 16 2010
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~(Bump >3)~
12:09pm Mar 16 2010
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KoKo glanced down at Hichigo's remark, but otherwise ignored it. She as.sumed that they were out of town, and probably from another planet, judging by his response. Klarissa came back from the back room and watched the two carefully, her eyes bright and wary. KoKo put a hand on the Roditore's head. "We do have bowls, yes. And we actually charge very little, though since it is so rainy, why don't you stay for free? I doubt you want to go out in the rain again." Klarissa stiffened at this remark. Suddenly grumpy, she turned around and padded toward the back, flicking her tail for Hichigo and Rane to follow. She dropped to her four feet, climbing up onto the shelves to grab a pet bowl before jumping down and starting for a staricase in the back, pausing to wait for the two. KoKo put the last of the things from the counter into drawers and locked them. "Go ahead with Klarissa. I have to finish packing up."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
7:29am Mar 17 2010
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Posts: 481
"Ah, so you are, too?" Kiba said glumly, rubbing Akamaru's head slowly. "Neji must be calling for reinforcements. Poor guy...I hear his troops got sick on the way to base camp. Killed a few soldiers, some guardians...he must want fresh bodies. But don't worry - Neji's my friend. He'll take good care of us." Akamaru whined softly. He hated unnecessary fighting, and Kiba sympathized with him. But at least they'd be under the watchful eyes of Neji... --- Dawn came early for the Inuzuka and his canines. His bed was warm, but full of tossing and turning from horrible nightmares of being on the front lines. Reiflemians were vicious, but there were Scrians coming, as well...if this were a premonition, bad things awaited the three dogs in war. Kiba sighed as he pulled on his jacket and stuffed his sleeping roll into his backpack. The road to the port was not long, but it felt like it would take forever. Inside his shirt, Mouken whimpered sadly; Akamaru approached his master and put his wet nose in the palm of his hand. The two were nervous, and Kiba felt for them. The trio bid goodbye to their tiny apartment as the sun rose. Kiba pulled himself up onto Akamaru's back and urged the large dog down the stairs and out into the streets of Adagu. Kiba groaned inwardly - the streets were already busy...he didn't need to be held up this morning. ((Figured no one would care if Kiba joined the army; we have tons of Breeders anyhow. Not like he'll be missed in that occupation. :x))

7:04am Mar 19 2010
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8:08am Mar 20 2010
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~(Bump~ Kittz D8 Where are you?~ xD)~
5:14pm Mar 20 2010
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"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."