-Wolf 1x1 w/ Em :D-

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10:56am May 8 2011

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Posts: 5,998
Yey x3
So plot? o_o
And I personally prefer regular wolves o: 


11:03am May 8 2011

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Posts: 4,258
((Hmm, ok so.... Regular wolves. Makes plot finding harder for me. XD Cause I fail on an epic level. Maybe we should do what no roleplayer has done before. Roleplay wolves in a zoo! >XD))


11:14am May 8 2011

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Posts: 5,998

Shoor o: Would they be puzzled by the humans, or like 'meh'? o-o



11:21am May 8 2011

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Posts: 4,258
((They should be spiteful towards them. XD Angry devils of madness!!!))


11:28am May 8 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Could one of my wolves be new? And be all eager to escape and stuff xD ]]


11:31am May 8 2011

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Posts: 4,258
((Ya, reinspire the wolves(and maybe bother animals) to escape the zoo. XD That sounds like a lot of fun actually. ))


11:33am May 8 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Sorry, Em, I gotta go TT__TT ]]


11:35am May 8 2011

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Posts: 4,258
((Aaaw, nuuuu. Well, have fun on your trip thing and I guess we can start this when you return?))


9:43pm May 8 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Haha, definitely, Em :3 I'll just post my bios. ]]
Name: Ketu
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Rank: Alpha Male [well, acts like the leader o:]
Credits to SterlingRuinsFall337 @ Deviantart 
Personality: Ketu is a loyal and trustworthy wolf, extremely noble and dedicated to his Pack. Perhaps too dedicated? Ketu has a snooty personality, and even though he adores his pack, he can't exactly show it well. He's confident and thinks whatever he does will better the pack, so he doesn't like it when a wolf objects. He has little respect for other Packs, and will always work to prove that his is the best.
 Crush: None
Other: Chain + Pendant not included
Name: Bari
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Pup-Watcher (c: ?)
Credits to KayFedewa @ Deviantart  
Bari is an easygoing she-wolf. She doesn't have much of an ambition, and is quite docile. She follows the leader's orders without question, unless they're ridiculous. Bari's fun to be around, and is quite a pushover. She does tend to wander, and has a short attention span. 
 Crush: None
Name: Skoll
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Credits to KayFedewa @ Deviantart  
Skoll has always aspired to become the Beta or Alpha of the pack. He strives to prove his dominance, and is quite strong. He despises the humans and wants to be out as soon as possible. He's deathly calm and always observes, being a rather level-headed and cool wolf. Skoll does get snappy on occassions, though, and can't always maintain the same level of concentration. He often has moodswings and 'happy days'. 
 Crush: None
Other: ...
Name: Leto
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Wolf...
Credits to KayFedewa @ Deviantart 
Leto has a tongue as sharp as her claws. She's got a quick wit and somewhat of a quirky attitude, but she's always aiming to become the best. She's competitive and easily distracted, but is always true to her pack. Leto's also incredibly dense, and likes to follow her own version of justice. She's fiery and protective of her loved ones and own choices, and won't be afraid to snap at the Alpha if he made a decision she didn't like. 
 Crush: None
Other: she's the new wolf ono  


9:53pm May 8 2011

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Posts: 4,258

((Lols, you caught me just as I was leaving. Sorry to have to make you wait but I only have time for one question before I MUST leave for the night. Do insta-mates annoy you? They sometimes annoy me, but not always. I wanted a character to be like the alpha but you have that so for one of my characters can she crush on Ketu. Again, sorry for having to bail on you tonight. DX))


10:01pm May 8 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ It's okay, Em. And yeah. I am a firm non-believer of insta-mates x3 Hence the big 'I don't like insta-mates' in caps ]]


6:44am May 13 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ I'm back .w. ]]


10:15pm May 13 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ bump :c ]]


6:32pm May 14 2011 (last edited on 11:51am May 15 2011)

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Posts: 4,258

((My computer's cord blew up on me. *XV Not much I could do about getting on with a dead computer... Give me a sec.))

Name: Jade
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Wolf

Personality: She is a proud sould, always walking with her head and tail head high. She wears a perfect mask, hiding everything from everyone. But that is also her downfall, for she won't complain about even the most life-threatening things. Her protectiveness over others will one day betray her as well. She wants to protect everyone, making it her job to protect them without regard to her own life.
Crush: She has a crush on Ketu knowing that he would never chose her though.
Other: None


Name: Jake
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Rank: Wolf
Anime wolf

Personality: He is loud and always sticking his muzzle where it doesn't belong. His intentions are in the right place but his actions... not so much. Always full of energy, he can't help but to bring a smile to even the darkest soul's face. He complains about everything though, and often getting into trouble.
Crush: Open
Other: None.


Name: Sakura
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Wolf
She is shy but intelligent. She is excellent at solving problems but is too easily hurt by other's words and so usually keeps to herself in a corner. Easily scared by what could hide in the shadows, she has taken on a paranoid quality and is constantly looking over her shoulder.
Crush: Open
Other: ^^ Minus the wings of course.


Name: Soran
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Rank: (Is there a beta like figure?)

He is strong hearted but has a habit of acting lazy at times. He is slow in doing any hard work and tries to eat more than his share. He will start a project or activity but drop it half way through, getting bored of almost everything quickly.
Crush: Open
Other: None

((None of the art is mine... Credit to their artists.


11:49pm May 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ I don't think Jake is really necessary ^^' Since there are barely any roles. Bari's role was from another RP I copied from. ]]


9:46am May 15 2011

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Posts: 4,258
((Aaaw, man. I have been dying to use him. XD))


10:19am May 15 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Well it's kind of not fair D: Since I'll be RPing two males and two females, and one of them won't have a crush since you'll be RPing a pup. ]]


10:35am May 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,258
((Hm, good point. I'll change it and add two other characters. Hang on a moment.))


11:52am May 15 2011

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Posts: 4,258
((Ok finished... That took longer than expected. *Sllaps computer* Would have been less if this here thing wasn't so slow.))


11:59am May 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Yey ^^ Unfortunately, I have to sleep :c Yeah, Soran can be the beta-like wolf :3 ]]

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