Duke and Cinder sat down next to each other watching the beautiful black dragon that played them....
"Is she crying?" asked Duke
Cinder looked closer "yeah...i think, but if she is, u know what? shes going to need a shoulder to cry on" he said brushing dirt of his shoulder
Duke snickered, "Yeah, my shoulder," he said happily, although he felt sympathetic toward the black female, as he turned and pointed out Saw's lifeless body to Cinder although it was several miles away...
"Oh man," said Cinder upset. The two brothers looked at each other..."Poor l*censored*.." they said together.
They then listened to the conversation between the black dragon and Aroki. "She seems mad..."said Cinder.
"you think?" asked Cinder sarcastically... They climbed down their perch and went over to the black dragon...
"Are you ok?" asked Duke symathetically.
"It looks like you need a friend." Cinder chimed in.