Andrew nodded his head, and cleared his throat again. "Is this Henry?...YOur son's Danny?"
The other line said, "Yes it is, and yes he is. What can I do for you?"
Andrew blinked, and kept going. "Oh..Well, Henry, there is something you should know about your son, and I don't think it should be said in person..." There was a silence on the other line.
"Sir?" Andrew said.
"Oh...Um sure. You want to talk about my son? What's going on?" Andrew frowned and said, "Like I said, it's not really knew's we can tell you on the phone..." More silence.
"Sir?" He asked again.
"Right. Um...Where would you like to meet?" Andrew smiled, glad this was finally going somewhere.
"Well, from what I see, your close by. There is a 4th avenue...Meet me around that corner?" More silence. Then finally he said,
"What's wrong with my son?" Andrew sighed and said,
"Like I said, sir, We can't really tell you on the phone. Too harsh..." A long, drawn out silence. And this time, Andrew didn't say a word. Wanting it all to sink in for the man.
"You said 'We'."
"Yes. 'We'. I will be bringing my girlfrie- Friend with me." Andrew said. Henry replyed
"Alright then. See you tonight then at the corner of 4th avenue street? I'm busy now, so see you then." And with that, Henry hung up. Andrew looked back at Aradia. "Seemed a about how we can't tell him on the phone." He shrugged.