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9:13am Nov 16 2011

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Amor stood up and backed off very quickly, his hackles raised. He wasn't used to the company of other wolves, and certainly not that close, friendly or not. A snarl came from inside his chest, but his teeth weren't bared. He didn't want to seem too fearsome, he was just scared.
Giva saw the wolf start to become aggressive, but instead of stepping back, she took a step forward, in case the wolf tried to hurt Raven, or Zack.

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6:10pm Nov 16 2011

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Zacks smile faded and he got more still. His ears lay flat against his head as he crouches low to the snow covered ground and started to back away closer to Raven and Giva. He looked up at Raven, "I didn't mean to..." He started as he looked up at her with large round amber eyes.


6:09pm Nov 17 2011

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Amor saw that the wolves most likely wouldn't attack, and he made his body less tense and lowered kis hackles. He studdered, "I'm sorry... I'm just..." He sighed, "not used to the company of other wolves." He knew he sounded foolish, and, if these wolves were from a pack, he would expect punishment for being like that toward them. "I'm Amor."
Giva looked awkwardly at the wolf, and she felt the same way. Even though she hadn't seen wolves in a while before Zack and Raven, she was pretty nervous when Zack went right up to her. She looked over to Raven, and then Zack, and back at the wolf.

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6:18pm Nov 17 2011

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"It's fine my brother needs to learn some boundries anyway." Raven said looking down at Zack who by now was standing up again his tail wagging and tail lolling out of the side of his mouth a smile on his face as he looked at Amor.

"I'm Zack, this is Giva, and this is my sister Raven." Zack said and gave a nod of finality as he looked over at his sister.


6:28pm Nov 17 2011

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Amor nodded, and looked at all the wolves as Zack said their names. "Nice to meet you... Zack, Giva, Raven." He said, wagging his tail slightly as he said the names. He padded over to the wolves, and his icy blue eyes started to glow as it grew very dark. "Well... I should go now. It's really dark out, and... cold."
Giva nodded, and looked over to Zack, expecting him to offer to Amor if he wanted to stay with them.

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6:38pm Nov 17 2011

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"Well you could stay with us I think the caves big enough for the four of us." Raven said. She didn't know why she offered the worlf, Amor, a place to sleep for the night but she guesed she was just in a slightly forgiving mood. She strated walking with the group to the cave again not waiting to hear if Amor would be coming with them. If he wants to come then he can follow and if he doesn't then he can go find some other place to stay.


6:41pm Nov 17 2011

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Giva watched Raven start to leave, and looked at Zack, surprisingly. She then shrugged, and turned to follow Raven.
Amor nodded, knowing that a cave would be much better than laying under a tree. He followed, feeling grateful he didn't have to sleep in the coldness another night.

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6:50pm Nov 17 2011

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They made it the cave not to long after they stopped and Raven stopped, "Well here it is. It's not much but it'll do for a couple days." she said. Zack smiled and rushed into the cave to get out of the snow and shook out the white flaks out of his fur and layed down licking his numb paws.


6:56pm Nov 17 2011

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Giva hurried past Raven, letting out a quick, "Thanks." And shuffling into the cave. It was pretty roomy, and would do for now. She padded next to Zack and laid down, cleaning her pelt off. As she started to think of it, the pain on her side came back, and she did the best to ignore it. She examined her side carefully, and saw small amounts of blood slowly dripping out of a cut. She began to lick her wound.
Amor crawled into the den, and laid down on the opposite side Giva and Amor were already on, still wary of the wolves. He laid his head on his paws, keeping his eyes open.

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7:01pm Nov 17 2011

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Raven crawled into the den after the rest were already settled down. She layed down next to Amor but kept a distance away from him as she licked her cold paws and tail. Zack frowned when he saw Giva licking some blood from her side and licked it a bit too, "Sorry about that again." he said quietly.


7:06pm Nov 17 2011

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Giva smiled and said, "It's fine. Just a little cut. No biggie." She continued to lick her cut along with Zack. She watched Raven lay don, and saw as Amor lifted hiss head to look up at her, then put his head back down.
Amor laid his head back down, and closed his eyes. It was much more warmer in here, although he was still cold after being outside for days. He felt foolish, not being able to find a den as big as this one. He sighed quietly, and rolled over to his side, watching Giva and Amor clean what looks like a small wound on the female's body.

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7:17pm Nov 17 2011

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Raven let out a quiet yawn as she layed her head down on her paws and closed her eyes letting out a soft deep breath.

"I still feel kind of bad though." Zack said as he stopped licking Giva's small cut.


2:40pm Nov 18 2011

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Giva stopped licking her cut, and looked over to Zack. "Why would you? I was just trying to... impress you, and I went too far." She started to lick and nibble her numb paws.
Amor lifted his head and settled down closer to the wall of the cave, and then he laid his head back down, closing his eyes. He quickly started to drift to sleep, and his stomach moved up and down in a rhythmic breathing.

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6:03pm Nov 18 2011

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Zack shrugged, "I don't know I always feel bad when someone gets hurt." He said. He hadn't realized what Giva ment when she said she was trying to impress him. He thought they were playing around.


6:33pm Nov 18 2011

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Giva smiled. "Well, the cut's better now." She said, laying her head on her paws and closing her eyes. "Night."
Amor slept.

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6:39pm Nov 18 2011

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"Good." Zack said a small smile on his muzzle as she set his head down on his paws and closing his eyes and falling straight asleep.

((...time skippeh))

Raven woke up early the next morning and silently got up and walked out of the den. She took in a deep breath and shook out her fur as she stepped into the snow. She looked around before walking out of the small clearing to go look for food.


7:03pm Nov 18 2011

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Amor's eyes fluttered open and his jaws stretched into a large yawn. He stood up and stretched his legs, and looked to see that Raven was gone. He peered out of the den and saw her outside. He could tell she was gonna look for food. He got up and crawled out of the cave, and padded up behind her. "Need any help?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.
Giva's eyes opened suddenly, jumping up quickly and nearly bumping her head off the top of the cave. Her breathing was heavy, and she then looked around, realizing it was just a dream. She sighed in relief. She had a dream that her parents had tracked her down, although they were dead, and had beat her for leaving them, like they used to. Her heavy breathing softened, and she laid back down, hoping she didn't wake Zack.

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7:12pm Nov 18 2011

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Raven turned around to see Amor, "sure." she said looking forward again. She scented the air sifting out their scents and searching that of any suitable prey, "I don't you think you could be any worse a hunter than Zack so this ought to be easy." Raven said.

Zack stirred a bit when Giva woke up with a start but not fully. He yawned before falling back asleep.


10:08am Nov 19 2011

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Amor shrugged, and smiled. "Who knows? I hope I'm good, though. I haven't hunted in a while... only a small rabbit a day or two ago." He followed closely behind Raven.
Giva sighed in relief when Zack fell back asleep, and she laid her head back onto her paws. She knew that Amor and Raven left, and she kept her eyes open for their return.

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10:35am Nov 20 2011

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(( Bump :) ))

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