1:18pm Aug 6 2010
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1:24pm Aug 6 2010 (last edited on 1:36pm Aug 6 2010)
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NAME~Senshi/Tasamai AGE~18 GENDER~m/f LOOKS~ 
PERSONALITY~rp it out HISTORY~rp it out OTHER?~there eyes change color with emotions
1:31pm Aug 6 2010
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(( AAWW! I REMEMBER SENSHI!! LOL anyways... I'll make my bio now :P ))
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1:33pm Aug 6 2010
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NAME~ Paradise/ Andrew AGE~17/19 GENDER~Female/Male LOOKS~COMING/COMING PERSONALITY~Rp this for both :P HISTORY~Nothing important/COMING OTHER?~HUMAN. /HUMAN
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1:34pm Aug 6 2010
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(lol ikr hes just a werewolf now XD)
1:35pm Aug 6 2010
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ANDREW --  HISTORY FOR ANDREW - He moved out when he was 17, and now lives by himself in a small apartment. His parents don't take the time to call him, because they aren't very fond of him. He says he doesn't care, but only he knows, somewhere inside him, it hurts. PARADISE -- http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20girls/Oceanharp/other%2520anime/anime-girls-69.jpg
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1:36pm Aug 6 2010
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(( I remember, That RP, was my first vampire/human romance. And i fell in love with it..so yeah :P ANYWAYS. -Do you like starting? -If you want me too...Summer? Vacation? Camp? School? ETC ))
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1:37pm Aug 6 2010
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(hmm i guess vacation in the snowy mountains with a gorgeous resort lol)
1:49pm Aug 6 2010
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(you like the idea)
1:50pm Aug 6 2010
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(( WOW hahahahahaahahha mmkay. ANd i forgot to say, that Paradise and Andrew are like best friends. And, there only talkitive to eachother. Paradise is more shy, and he's just plain grumpy all the time..Because he hates people...OKAY ANYWAYS I'll do the intro now...)) Paradise zipped her coat all the way up to her chin, and looked back to see if Andrew was still there, and not buried in the snow. SHe smirked to see him, frowning, as usual. He only came on this trip, because she kept bugging him to do so. Since, he always was by himself, and didn't have his parents anymore, he always seemed lonley. So instead of inviting one of her girl friends, she chose to invite him instead. SHe could trust him, because they have been friends through EVERYTHING. Even when he accidently punched her in the face, and noone believed it was an accident.Her parents almost sued him for that. She smiled and said, "CMON Andrew! Be a man!" He rolled his eyes, and caught up with her. "Shut up Paradise..." Paradise usually was sensitive, but she knew when ANdrew was kidding. She rolled her eyes, back. "You know you love it.." He grunted a bit, and walked infront of her. Paradise pointed at the building, that Andrew and her were walking towards. A mile or 2 away. "That's it right there." Andrew smirked and said. "No really? I thought it was that branch over there, covered in snow..." SHe nudged him a little and didn't respond. They already had their bags there. The bags were shipped, because Paradise and Andrew wouldn't be able to carry them, while walking through the thick snow. Andrew went to the front desk, and got 2 rooms. Making sure the rooms were next to eachother. (Or 1 place, with 2 bedrooms combined. You think that would be alittle wierd? #__#)) He gave a key to Paradise, and kept one for himself. Then they walked together to find the room numbers, after they got off the elevator.
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1:51pm Aug 6 2010
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(( Yes, I like the idea :) ))
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2:01pm Aug 6 2010 (last edited on 2:11pm Aug 6 2010)
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(9lol cool it just happened to come across my mind ima have them be like the size of the twilight wolves is that ok) The trees blew softly having snow falloff from them.Senshi was in his werewolf form and panting.He looked to his left then his right looking for something.He eased his breathing keeping perfectly still and quiet.He was an all white with a a long thick strand of what looked like white hair down his forehead.He saw a shadow and crawled lowly forward then went into a sprint then a full run.The shadow looked towards him then darted off.His tail was fluttering in the wind as he ran and his toungue was hanging out.He dipped in the snow then back up.He had snow white fur so it was hard to tell the difference unless you saw his light blue eyes.The shadow darted off jumping over logs on jumping off of trees trying to get away.But Senshi was too fast and tackled the shadow and they both fell into the deep snow. Tasamai got up from the snow she wa the same color as him but had black socks on her paws"Senshi!"She growled playfully and tackled him.Senshi playfully nipped her tail"You started it by running i told you im faster that you little sis".She huffed and growled putting her tail high in the air and turning from him trotting off.Senshi chuckled and got up he shook off the snow and sighed.He looked at the hotel and called after his sister"We should be getting back we dont want a rumor going around that wolves are here"He said.She jumped on him out of nowhere"Wolves are here dumb nuts have you looked in the mirror lately"He nudged her off"Look whos talking".

2:13pm Aug 6 2010
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(( Its k. I don't care. I actually like twilight...But when i suggested 'werewolf and human romance' i put the twilight part down, for people who don't like it. :PP Would it be wierd to make the resort/hotel room, like 2 bedrooms combined? With a door, to go to the other bedroom? So its like 2 rooms...? I don't wanna, if its kinda wierd if ya know what i mean...)) "230....231...232..." Paradise counted, trying to find their right room numbers. "OH! I found it! 234, and 235." Andrew sighed, and didn't respond. He knew how sensitive she could be, and he needed to close his mouth sometimes, even though he probably wanted to say something sarcastic. He played with the card/key and finally got the door open. "Got yours open?" He asked, Paradise. She nodded and smiled. "I'm gunna unpack..." She walked in, and then before Andrew could do the same, she said, "Don't be lazy...unpack..." He rolled his eyes, and didn't respond. THen closed the door behind him. And, only so that he didn't get nagging from Paradise later, he started unpacking.
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2:14pm Aug 6 2010
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(ive been in that situation before XD)
2:19pm Aug 6 2010
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Senshi and his sister walked still in wolf form then changed once they came out of the wood.He dusted the snow off his shoulders and put his wolf hear(what they look like above) in and his sister did the same her silver hair fluttering in the wind.Senshi put his hands in his pants pockets"Lets go back to the rooms"He looked down at her.She nodded"Yeah im tired after you tackled me like for years".She giggled.He growled"Im not the one whos weak"He retorted chuckling.She pouted and gave him a hard smack on the back but he grabbed her hand before she could him"And your slow"He smirked.She pulled her hand back and rolled her eyes"Show off"
2:33pm Aug 6 2010
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2:34pm Aug 6 2010
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After Paradise was done unpacking, she smiled. It looked organized, and perfect to her. She sighed, and finally felt like she was done, and ready for vacation mode to kick in. She walked out of her room, and into the hallway. Lightly tapping on Andrews door. "Andrew...? You done yet...?" ---------------------------------- Andrew sat on his bed, and searched through t.v. shows and movies, and sighed when he heard Paradise light knock. He didn't respond, but walked to the door, and opened it. "Yeah, I just finished. One sec." He closed the door, and quickly putting his clothes away, like he said he already did. Stuffing pants and jackets in the same drawer, and shirts and boxers in another drawer. Making Paradise wait outside, in the hallway for atleast five minutes. --------------------- Paradise started getting impatient, and her legs got sick of standing there for so long. SHe sighed, and sat down on the ground, and waited.
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2:34pm Aug 6 2010
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(( LOL sorry, i take atleast 10 minutes, because i type paragraphs at first..But i soon become faster. :)))
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2:38pm Aug 6 2010
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Senshi and Tamasai got off the elevator and stumbled apon a girl sitting on the ground.Tamasai raise dna eyebrow and shrugged she walked up to the girl politly"Hiya"She said her silver hair falling off her shoulders and her magenta eyes looking at her with a smile.Hert hands behind her back waiting for a response. Senshi walked up beside his sister hands in his pockets giving a smile to the girl eyes lowere a little that were blue but looked like whenthe light hit the water.
2:39pm Aug 6 2010
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(ooh its ok lol just making sure in case You were still there the rp didnt fall too low)