5:47pm Aug 17 2010
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Paradise smiled. "Hey Senshi.. Tamashi has to do something, and she said I have to stay here for a while. " She sat down on a chair next to him, and shrugged. "HOw you feeling?" ~ Andrew frowned, "oh..."
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3:03pm Aug 18 2010
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She looked away still blushing a little"Well..i..umm"She didnt know what to say Senshi smirked"I feel fine thanks for asking and what about you"
3:05pm Aug 18 2010
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Paradise smiled, and could feel herself blushing. Just because he even cared about how she felt. "Um...I feel fine." She said quietly, with a smile. ~ Andrew smirked, at he stuttering, and leaned against his door. "What's wrong?" He asked.
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3:09pm Aug 18 2010
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Her eyes became dark purple as she looked back up at him"No..i..umm"She looked into his gorgious eyes and gulped. He looked at her cheeks and chuckled"How cute"
3:13pm Aug 18 2010
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Paradise frowned, of embarressed, and tried to casually cover her cheeks. "What..?" Cute? She tried to hide her smile, when he said that. Andrew got closer to her, staring at her eyes. "Whoa..I've never seen eyes like that." He smiled at her. It wasn't him, 'flirting' with her. He was just amazed by the color. He's never seen dark purple eyes before. He smiled and stared back at them. (( I gotta go :/ I'll be on later today. Bai's!!! ))
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3:17pm Aug 18 2010
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((Ok bye :()) He looked at her"You heard me" She eeped and tried to keep it low"I uuu..i"
3:19pm Aug 18 2010
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(( Never mind! :/ )) Paradise kept blushing, and said, "No...I don't think it's cute at all." Frowning, she closed her eyes, and tried to stop. ~ Andrew frowned. "Are you sure you are okay, Tamashi? YOu need some water?" He asked, as he absentmindedly took her hand, and led her to where water bottles were in his room.
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3:27pm Aug 18 2010
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((Yay!)) He raised an eyebrow"Why"He asked softly. She tried to keep from eeping again.She looke at him take her hand"I..uuhhh.oooh"
3:34pm Aug 18 2010
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Paradise shook her head. "Me being some big red faced girl? Not cute at all." As she got up, to take her mind off of how cute HE was at that moment. ~ Andrew grabbed a water bottle, and found himself not letting go of her hand. Smirking from the awkwardness, he let go, and gave her a water bottle. "Here. You probably need it.." He put a hand on her forehead. "YOu feel fine..No fever...Are you sure your alright though?" He asked, looking back at her eyes. He smirked. "Or did I just embarress you about bringing up your gorgeous eyes?"
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3:39pm Aug 18 2010
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He sighed sadly"Im sorry i just thought.."He looked away out the window. She couldnt take it anymore this was just too much"I..i..i.."
3:40pm Aug 18 2010
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(( I have to go..LOL agian:P Bai's!)) Paradise looked back at him. "You thought what?" Thinking something was wrong, she sat down on the bed next to him. ~ Andrew frowned. And opened the bottle for her, and gently put it too her mouth. "Seriously Tamashi, speak! What's wrong?"
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3:43pm Aug 18 2010 (last edited on 4:13pm Aug 18 2010)
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He looked at her"Well that you were cute when you blushed"His eyes went a darker purple as he smiled at her. Tamashis eyes glimmered looking at him"what..you..i..umm"She blushed.Her cheeks were now a dark crimson.
4:49pm Aug 18 2010
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Andrew smirked when he started to realize what was wrong. "Why are you blushing." He asked, while moving some hair away from her face. He didn't mean to do it, but something inside him was forcing him too. ~ Paradise rolled her eyes, and sighed as she stayed where she was. Looking back at him. She couldn't help but smile back at his gorgeous smile. "Thanks." She blushed again.
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5:01pm Aug 18 2010
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She eeped shivering under his touch.She liked it but was very shy"I ...umm..sorry" She nodded still smiling"See its adorable"he said moving her hair from her cheek.
10:18pm Aug 18 2010
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Paradise couldn't help, but blush even more. "Would you stop?" She teased. Everything he said, was making her embarress herself. She watched as his hand went across her face. Biting her lip, she asked, "What are you doing?" ~ Andrew grinned. "Would Senshi know what's wrong?" He asked, softly. Not wanting to hurt her feelings, but he knew something was up.
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7:07am Aug 20 2010
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He smirked"Moving your hair so i can see your eyes"His eyes flashed a darker purple She eeped"No"She answered quickly.she blushed then looked at her hands.
9:59am Aug 20 2010
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Andrew smiled at her, "Than tell me whats wrong..." He was getting worried. Why was she acting this way? "You may just need some air. Lets go outside." He said, as he took her hand absentmindedly and walked her to the woods. "Lets just take a walk." He said, guiding her through. He went through the woods so no one could see them. Maybe Tamashi didn't like that attention, and just needed to be away from people for a bit. ~ Paradise smiled at him. "Wow...I've...I've never seen that eye color before.." She said,as she got closer to get a closer look. "Is that because...your a werewolf..?" She asked, softly, as her eyes lingered with his. "Their beautiful." She said with a laugh. Not really realizing what she was saying.
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4:07pm Aug 20 2010
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Tamashi didnt think she could get any redder.She eeped feeling him grab her hand and head to the forest.She tried to calm herself down bu couldnt.Her heart was eating hard against her chest. He blushed a little."Umm...well...sort of"He looked into her eyes feeling his heart beat fast.
4:10pm Aug 20 2010
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Paradise cocked her head, smiling at him. Still staring back at his eyes, "Sort of? What do you mean by that?" She asked. ~ Andrew let go of her hand, feeling that was what making her feel uncomfortable. He frowned. "wait...Is it me? Are you acting this way because of something I did? Look I'm sorry if I offended you when I found out what you were, but I didn't mean to be mean."
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4:13pm Aug 20 2010
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He moved his eyes back to the wall behind him"Its nothing" she looked at him waving her hands around blushing"Nonono your fine your fine"She gulped hearing the words your fine come out her mouth"Its just..me"she sighed.