10:39am Aug 24 2010 (last edited on 10:40am Aug 24 2010)
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((-lurks- Ataaaa. D; So hard to keep from trying to correct your grammar right now.))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
11:12am Aug 24 2010
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(( Bahahaaa, Inna, you always know how to make me chuckle <3 ))
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4:08pm Aug 24 2010 (last edited on 4:55pm Aug 24 2010)
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she put her arms around his neck kissing him.Tears ran down her face as she did so.She didnt want to change him but she had no other choice she used telepathy to talk to senshi.i guess you know yea he responded in his mind you have to do it too like hell i will Senshi! Tamashi! you have to.....you love her.... dont you? Yes down to my soul then you have to ,she wants to be with you and you want to be with her so whats stopping you? maybe you dont have a problem being this way, but i do well your this way so be brave, suck it up and make her happy how do you know she will be happy with this? because she loves you there was a long pause change her senshi or youll regret it He growled and huffed.
6:11pm Aug 24 2010
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(( Is Andrew still in pain?)) Andrew didn't let go. And didn't plan too any time soon. He would have kept his arms around her waist, but instead put one around her waist,tight; the other wiping her cheek from tears. Not stopping their kiss. ~ Paradise frowned at him, and let go. "Senshi...? Are you sure your okay?" She frowned. What if he didn't REALLY like her? What if this was all some joke? She shook her head, and started getting off of him, "Nice joke Senshi. really.." Rolling her eyes, she got off the bed.
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2:46pm Aug 25 2010 (last edited on 3:53pm Aug 25 2010)
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(9thats up to you)) Senshi looked at her and pulled her back to him"Im fine i just found out that Tamashi changed Andrew thats all"He looked in her eyes"And what joke their is no joke"He gave a little frown. Tamashi held on tighter to him eyes closed and kising him deeply.She wanted it to last forever he was hers and she was his.
4:37pm Aug 25 2010
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Paradise smirked. "I..Never mind..." She said, laying back ontop of him, feeling a bit better. Kissing him again. But had something else pop up in her head, she let go, but stayed close to his face. Very close. "You mean...Andrew's now ... Like you.?" She asked, as she tried to stay serious. It was hard to not smile, when she could feel his breath against her lips. ~ ((Ohhhh Okay. He'll just be done with the pain then, 8D )) Andrew smiled into their kiss, and let go. Wiping more tears away from her cheeks,. "You okay now, Tamashi?" He asked, softly. Kissing her nose. "Please, don't cry anymore. It's all going to be okay." He said. Quiet, and soft again. He unbottened his shirt, all the way down. Looking down at the mark. "It looks cool..." He said to himself with a laugh.
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4:43pm Aug 25 2010 (last edited on 4:55pm Aug 25 2010)
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He smiled"Yes this only happens when a were and a human fall in love or attacked but thats not the case for the two its a painful process but the pain doesnt last long"He looked in her eyes.He hit himself mentally for telling her that.What if she wanted him to changer her. Her eyes widened at the look of his body.She gulped seeing it shine and shivered a little"Yeah..im..f-fine"
5:22pm Aug 25 2010
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5:41pm Aug 25 2010
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Andrew cocked his head at her, and asked, "Whats wrong?" Paradise told him how Paradise always acted wierd when she saw Senshi's chest. Maybe that was what was going on with Tamashi? He looked at her, confused. Having a slight smile across his face, at the thought of how she is reacting. ~ Paradise frowned at him, playing with his hair. Not being able to look in his eyes, "Do you love me Senshi?" She asked. Gulping quietly, and clenching her teeth. Hoping she would hear a 'Yes'.
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7:15am Aug 26 2010
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your freakin gorgeous! She reverted her eyes from his chest to his face.She had forgotten that a mated pair could read each others thoughts"Nothing nothing at all"She smile. Senshi knew she would ask this question his eyes glowed violet as he said"Of course i do dwn to my soul"He cupped her right cheek in his hand"But i wont change you"
8:05am Aug 26 2010
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Paradise smiled, at his reponse. But that smile faded when he finished. "Why not?" She asked, while holding him tighter. "I love you too...So you should change me.." ~ Andrew smiled back at her, and buttoned up his shirt again. For some reason, excited about this. No matter how much pain he had in the beginning. He held her close again, and kissed her. Then whispering in a her ear, "Your gorgeous to.."
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4:05pm Aug 26 2010 (last edited on 4:59pm Aug 26 2010)
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Senshi sighed and his ears went back a little seeing her smile fade."As true at that is im not going to i dont even like what i am and im not gonna bring this curse on you" She trembled at hearing him say what she had thought.She blushed hard forgetting he could now hear her thoughts good thing he didnt know her previous thoughts."Im sorry"She looked down and looked back up at him"Thank you"
8:26pm Aug 26 2010
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Paradise frowned, "What's so bad about it?" She asked. ~ Andrew smiled at her, and said, "Why sorry?" He cupped a hand around her cheek, for some reason, thinking it was cute that she was blushing. Even though he had heard from Paradise, that it is actually embarressing for girls to blush. He smirked, and purposly said, "Your very...cute when you blush."
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7:08am Aug 27 2010
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Senshi looked at her"Because of the pain we feel we cant go back to normal and the pain we cause others.Changing you would be a painful process one i couldnt forgive myself for.I will not cause you any harm paradise ever"He looked away from her and took her hand to his chest where the scar is"Being this isnt what you think it is thats why tamashi hesitated to change Andrew" Her eyes shot up to his eyes"r-really"She blushed harder.He always knew exactly what to say.you smooth talker why do you do this to me change all my feelings around..i love it.She gigled at her thoughts.
9:26am Aug 27 2010
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Andrew smirked at her. He didn't know how he was doing this, but he could read her thoughts. Can you read mine too...? He thought. Testing to see if she heard. "I'm a smooth talker?" He chuckled, and looked it over. Maybe he was, and he didn't even realize it...Then shrugged, and said, "Yes...Really." ~ Paradise frowned at her, and had her hand run over the mark, while she looked down at it. "But Tamashi did it anyways..." She said, quietly. "And is Andrew happy now? He probably is..." She frowned, and looked back up at him.
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4:33pm Aug 27 2010
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She smiled yes i can read your thoughts"Yes you are a smooth talker"She giggled again.Maybe changing someone wasnt so bad afterall exspecially if you had andrew. He sighed ears staying layed on his head"I guess he is"He mumbled he looked down at her"Tell me if i did change you..would that make you happy?"
4:39pm Aug 27 2010
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Paradise smirked, and looked back up at him. "Yes it would..." She said, holding his kneck tighter. I'd be the most happiest women in the world... At that moment, she didn't care about the pain. She'd do anything to be with Senshi forever. ~ (Hrm...Brain dead for Andrew's part DX )) Andrew sighed and held her close. It was pretty cool to know that he'll be with Tamashi...Forever. At least he thought so. "So eh...How old are you?" He asked.
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4:47pm Aug 27 2010 (last edited on 4:53pm Aug 27 2010)
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Senshi sighed and closed his eyes"Where do you want your mark"He opened them again they were a crystal violet.He didnt really want to o this.To have her go through the pain he did. She smiled"Im 18 silly im not like a vampire who has lived for thousands of years"She barried her face in his chest with her arms around her neck.
5:11pm Aug 27 2010
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Andrew rolled his eyes, in slight shock. "Really? Your saying vampire's are real tooo?" He asked with a laugh, as he put his arms around her back. ~ Paradise shrugged, already quite scared. But she ignored it. Anything to be with Senshi. "Where do people usually put it? Does everyone have it on their chest?"
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7:22pm Aug 27 2010
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She shivered under his touch"well..yeah but they havent been seen around here"She kissed his cheek and smiled Senshi looked at her not really for this"Well.."is clawas came out and moved it to her chest and to the middle of it"No.. but i would say they mostly get it on there back..but i like it right here"