10:54pm Aug 27 2010
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Paradise nodded her head. "Oh..Okay." She said, as she layed on her back, next to him. Not really knowing what to do. "So..What do you do?" She said, hesitating, on pushing her shirt down just a bit. Not knowing how big he'll make it. ~ Andrew rolled his eyes. "That's all you give me?" He smirked at her, and leaned for her lips.
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2:29pm Aug 28 2010
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Tamashi put a finger to his lips and turned her head revealing her neck"Bite me"She told him"Use your fangs to mark me as well"She smiled He hesitated as his claw glew a bright light he sat up and turned to her moving to sit on the other side of her"Relax"He said softly toching the claw to the middle of her chest.
8:02pm Aug 28 2010
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Paradise tried her best to do as he said. Relax. But it seemed hard too, knowing that there was pain coming soon to her. She sighed, and closed her eyes. Imagining life with Senshi. The way he lived it. ~ Andrew frowned at her, and said, "Why..?" It confused him to why she was smiling. Why would she want him to hurt her? That was the last thing he wanted to do.
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12:49pm Aug 29 2010
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He didnt wnt to do this he looked at her gorgeous face and sighed.as the light started to dim"I cant do this"He mumbled and pulled back a little from her. Tamashi looked in his eyes"Do you not trust me?"She answered his question with a question.She always managed to turn people around to do what she wanted by doing this.
5:51pm Aug 29 2010
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Andrew smirked at her, and said, "Of course I do..." in more of a whisper to her. He pulled her closer and bit her kneck. Then, as he was told, made a mark as well. (Sorry ^^ NOt a genius on this, So I just put that he did it LOL) ~ Paradise opened her eyes, and frowend at him. "Why not?" She asked, slightly upset. She pulled him back to her, and kissed his nose. "Why won't you do this?" She asked, frowning.
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7:07am Aug 30 2010
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(lol its cool you can say what his mark his) Tamashi let out a whimper as his teeth sunk into her neck.A tear ran down her face and she squeezed her eye shot.She felt the pain subside and made a sigh. His eyes widened as she suddelny pulled him back to her.He sighed seeing her frown and his ears went back"Because you deserve better than this"
8:43am Aug 30 2010
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Paradise shook her head. "Better? I have you, don't I?" She sighed. "I don't even deserve that." She wrapped her arms around his kneck, for a tight hug. "Please..." ~ (( Wait..So they get the same mark? )) Andrew let go, and looked back at her. "Are you okay?" He asked, as he wiped the tear off. "Why did I do that anyways?"
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4:28pm Aug 30 2010
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((its up to you i have no idea XD)) Tamashi smiled and hugged him close to her arms around his neck"To seal the bond silly"Then she kissed him deeply. He sighed and closed his eyes"No you have it backwards i dont deserve someone as lovely and beautiful as you.but if this is what you wish"The claw got brighter and he hugged her squeezing his eyes.Then pulled away from the hug and put his claw on her chest making the mark and opening his eyes.
5:11pm Aug 30 2010
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(( ALRIGHT...Sorry...ONE LAST QUESTION...I kind of get it now. Making the same mark 'to seal the deal' type thing. So now ANdrew and Tamashi have 2 marks? One on his chest (Her's on leg) And then both of it on their kneck? As in showing 'they have a 'mate' type thing'? I promise ^^ LAST QUESTION. LOL )) Andrew smiled at her, and as she hugged him, he put his arms around her waist. Kissing her back. He couldn't help but smile. He was quite excited. Who knew this one vacation, ended up to be something like this? ~ Paradise tried her best to relax the way Senshi said to before. But it just hurt so bad that she didn't know if relaxing was even possible. She groaned, but tried her best to stay still. Eyes closed.
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7:06am Aug 31 2010
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(exactly*claps and cheers*) Tamashi continued to kiss him and feeling like all the breathe was escaping from her.She smiled into the kiss holding him tighter. He withdrew his claw having tthe mark of a running wolf on her chest.He made it quick so it wouldnt be as painful but he could still sense she was in pain.He looked away from her ashamed she sweet talked him into this.
9:00am Aug 31 2010
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(( OMG YAY! Should something dangerous come, while Andrew and Tamashi are kissing? And their all distracted and stuff by eachother's lips that they don't notice? :O )) ANdrew kept kissing Tamashi, holding her waist tighter. ((Sorry...Short post ^^ Hehe, their kissing. Can't write much DX)) ~ Paradise opened her eyes, and looked back at Senshi. The pain subsided and she looked down to see now a running wolf mark right on her chest. HER chest. As in, she got what SHE wanted. Even if Senshi didn't want too. Paradise smiled and wrapped her arms around him, seeing how he was quite upset at the moment. "It's going to be okay, Senshi..." She said, softly and quietly. Right in his ear.
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4:15pm Aug 31 2010
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((lol yeah that was my thought)) He sighed"Thats not the half of it"His fangs came out.He nuzzled his lips on the side of her neck"Stay still"He said softly in her ear.
4:16pm Aug 31 2010
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Tamashi smiled as he held her tighter.Then a ruffling sound came from the bush and her ears went up.
4:16pm Aug 31 2010
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Paradise did as she was told, suddenly nervous by his fangs. "Okay." She said quietly. Waiting for what ever it was.
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4:20pm Aug 31 2010
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He opened his mouth wide so his long fangs could penetrate her skin.He let them prick her a little not drawing blood"After i have done this..you have to do the same to me"He said softly.
4:25pm Aug 31 2010
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Paradise frowned, and her eyebrows lowered in confusion. "Why..?" ~ As Tamashi and Andrew kissed he heard foot steps not too far off in the distance. He let go of her lips, puting his hands on her arms, forcing them to hold his kneck tighter, and asked, "What was that?" As he held her waist tighter, and looking around.
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4:25pm Aug 31 2010
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Paradise frowned, and her eyebrows lowered in confusion. "Why..?" ~ As Tamashi and Andrew kissed he heard foot steps not too far off in the distance. He let go of her lips, puting his hands on her arms, forcing them to hold his kneck tighter, and asked, "What was that?" As he held her waist tighter, and looking around.
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4:28pm Aug 31 2010
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"Do you want to be with me paradise"He asked putting his head on her shoulder alowing some of his hair to fall on her. "I dont know"She sniffed a little"the scent isnt familiar to me"She held him scared.Senshi was the one who did most of the fighting.
4:31pm Aug 31 2010
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Paradise ran a hand through his hair, and said, "Of course I do...I'll do anything..." She sighed. A couple hours ago, she would have not been expecting this. But she shook the thought off. Happy that it was happening. ~ Andrew frowned, and looked around. If he was more skilled with this 'werewolf' stuff, he'd be in less doubt of protecting Tamashi. He wished he could help. But he new he couldn't. "Tamashi...Maybe we should go back...?" He jumped at the sound of the foot steps closer. As if it was right behind him. (It is)He wouldn't be able to help Tamashi! He wasn't 'trained' or anything! His breathing got heavier, as he panicked.
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4:43pm Aug 31 2010
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"Then.."He bit her neck slowly allowing his teeth to sink into her and making his mark which was a black diamond on her neck.He held her to him. Tamshi kissed his cheek"Wait here love"She loosend his grip on her and turned into a large white wolf next to him.She rose her head and sniffed taking a step closer.